👍🎉 First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! 🎉👍
mclip responds to a very simple need, having a very simple clipboard manager which does not require any "big" dependency (X11, Wayland, etc.).
It adheres to the Unix philosophy, it does one thing well and no more.
Maintainers should keep in mind that the tool must stay as simple as possible. If it is it will be easy to maintain it and make it compatible with several operating systems and architectures.
mclip must stay a very simple tool to use and maintain, we do not wish to add a lot of new features in it.
As maintainers our goals should be to make it widely used, simple, secure and rock solid.
Here are what you can do to help us improve it.
- Report bugs ;
- Create packages for new Linux distributions ;
- Read the source code to find security problems, provide guidance and solutions to fix them ;
- Write MD files to explain how to use it with other tools (Neovim, Emacs, etc.).
- Autotools
- Linux distributions packaging