Note: These instructions are for a Debian based Linux distribution, adapt as required
Ensure python3, git, and supporting packages are installed
sudo apt update sudo apt install python3 python3-pip git sudo pip3 install --upgrade virtualenv
Download the latest release copy of the software source.
cd $HOME git clone
Make changes to the mqtt server address (defaults to localhost) and serial port (defaults to /dev/tty-tstat0) as required. These settings are currently found in the setup() function of the mqttStat/mqttStat/cmd_line/ file.
Create a user and group to run the daemon. Ensure the user has permissions for the serial port. Serial permissions are typically assigned to the dialout group on Debian based systems.
sudo adduser --system mqttstat sudo addgroup mqttstat sudo adduser mqttstat dialout
Create a directory where the package will be installed and set the ownership and permissions for the user. Switch to the new user to finish the installation.
sudo mkdir /opt/mqttStat sudo chown mqttstat:mqttstat /opt/mqttStat sudo su -s /bin/bash mqttstat
Sandbox the software and it's dependencies in a Python virtual environment and activate it so the software will be installed in this location.
cd /opt/mqttStat python3 -m venv /opt/mqttStat source bin/activate
Install the software from the git cloned (or downloaded) directory.
cd $HOME/mqttStat pip3 install .
Try running the daemon to ensure it will start and successfully communicate with the thermostat. Once it's running and reporting status back to your screen from the thermostat, stop the process (CTRL-C), deactivate the Python virtual environment, and exit the mqttstat user back to your regular user.
mqttStat [CTRL-C] deactivate exit
Edit the init/mqttStat.service file with the installation path (e.g. /opt/mqttStat) and copy it to the system directory. If your system is using something other than systemd, you'll need to use a different file (and commands) than what is provided.
cd $HOME/mqttStat nano init/mqttStat.service [update paths if needed] sudo cp init/mqttStat.service /etc/systemd/system/
Reload the systemd service database and attempt to start the mqttStat service. Use the status command to verify the service has started.
sudo systemctl --system daemon-reload sudo systemctl start mqttStat sudo systemctl status mqttStat
If everything looks OK, enable the service to automatically start at system boot time.
sudo systemctl enable mqttStat
Note: These instructions are for a Debian based Linux distribution, adapt as required
Ensure python3, git, and supporting packages are installed
sudo apt update sudo apt install python3 python3-pip git sudo pip3 install --upgrade virtualenv
Download the latest release copy of the software source.
cd $HOME git clone
Make changes to the mqtt server address (defaults to localhost) and serial port (defaults to /dev/tty-tstat0) as required. These settings are currently found in the setup() function of the mqttStat/mqttStat/cmd_line/ file.
Create a user and group to run the daemon. Ensure the user has permissions for the serial port. Serial permissions are typically assigned to the dialout group on Debian based systems.
sudo adduser --system mqttstat sudo addgroup mqttstat sudo adduser mqttstat dialout
Change the group owner of the directory holding the git repository to the daemon user. Ensure that user has execute permissions for files as required (scripts/mqttStat comes to mind).
sudo chgrp -R mqttstat $HOME/mqttStat sudo chmod g+x $HOME/mqttStat/scripts/mqttStat
Sandbox the software and it's dependencies in a Python virtual environment and activate it.
cd $HOME/mqttStat python3 -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate
Install the software from the git cloned (or downloaded) directory.
cd $HOME/mqttStat pip3 install -e .
Try running the daemon as the mqttstat user to ensure it will start and successfully communicate with the thermostat. Once it's running and reporting status back to your screen from the thermostat, stop the process (CTRL-C), deactivate the Python virtual environment, and exit the mqttstat user back to your regular user.
sudo su -s /bin/bash mqttstat mqttStat [CTRL-C] deactivate exit
Edit the init/mqttStat.service file with the installation path (e.g. working directory of home/youruser/mqttStat and ExecStart of /home/youruser/mqttStat/venv/bin/mqttStat) and copy it to the system directory. If your system is using something other than systemd, you'll need to use a different file (and commands) than what is provided.
cd $HOME/mqttStat nano init/mqttStat.service [update paths if needed] sudo cp init/mqttStat.service /etc/systemd/system/
Reload the systemd service database and attempt to start the mqttStat service. Use the status command to verify the service has started.
sudo systemctl --system daemon-reload sudo systemctl start mqttStat sudo systemctl status mqttStat
If everything looks OK, enable the service to automatically start at system boot time.
sudo systemctl enable mqttStat