- Author: Xuanwo [email protected]
- Start Date: 2020-03-18
- Tracking Issue: N/A
- Updated By:
- GSP-118: Updates the proposal spec and process
storage's development is proposal driven. We need to explain why and how we make changes to storage so that we can understand why we are at here.
So I propose following process procedure:
Simple changes
- Send PR directly.
- Create an issue
- Send a related PR to resolve it
Big changes
- Create an issue
- Send a PR with proposal
- Implement proposal
All steps do not need to be done by the same person. For example, issue could be created by user A, and proposal written by user B, and implemented by user C.
Changes level could be increased while needed. For example, user A sends an one line simple change, but it found out that we need a whole refactor on this package. At this time, we will need to follow the Big changes procedure.
Proposal's spec will be presented in spec 2-proposal.
No code related changes.