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Releases: beyondeye/Reduks

New release for kotlin 1.2

05 Dec 09:34
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updated dependencies:
kotlin: 1.2
kotlin coroutines: 0.20
android gradle plugin: 3.0.1
android support lib: 27.0.2

first beta for new reduks 3.x

14 Jun 06:59
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first beta for new reduks 3.x

ReduksBus API overhaul

11 Jan 09:51
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New features
Reduks bus api vastly improved: see the sources and updated Readme
Breaking changes
in ReduksBus api:

  • unsubscribeAllBusDataHandlers renamed to removeAllBusDataHandlers

in Reduks interface

  • removed storeSubscriber and storeSubscription fields
  • added instead maps storeSubscriptionsByTag and busStoreSubscriptionsByTag that can be accessed by tag
  • added 'reduks' interface extensions methods for more easily managing store subscriptions: subscribe that automatically
    store subscription with tag, and unsubscribe that retrieve a subscription by tag and unsubscribe it

Dependencies updated

  • kotlin : 1.0.6
  • android support lib: 25.1.0

Reduks modules overhaul and more

10 Nov 09:18
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Better actions / better ActionWithContext support:

  • added standard INIT action, that is dispatched when replaceReducer() is called and is used as default StartAction in ReduksModule definition and SingleModuleReduksActivity
  • Create actions with context with .. operator: ctx1..SomeAction() create an ActionWithContext with ctx1 as ReduksContext and SomeAction() as wrapped action. If the ctx1 is actually empty, then the '..' operator returns the unwrapped action instead.
  • added action matchers matchA and isA for ActionWithContext in a when expression. see ActionWithContextTest for examples:

Reduks modules ovehaul:

  • Performance of Reduks modules greatly improved and code greatly simplified: method count for core reduced by almost 20%
  • Reduks interface new extension functions subStore, subState, subDispatcher for making it easier to interact with substores in multimodule stores
  • added support for default ReduksContext equal to the substate class simpleName for making it easier to define multimodule stores
  • defining a StoreSubscriberBuilder and an initial action is now optional when defining Reduks modules (the default INIT start action will be used)

Integration of Reduks Bus with modules:

  • for a multimodule store, the reduks bus of the first substate that make a bus available will be used as the bus for the multimodule store

Various other improvements:

  • dispatch() and state are now extension functions for Reduks interface
  • added StoreSubscriberFn with second argument that is an automatically defined SelectorBuilder object that you can use for creating your selectors to use in the StoreSubscriber.
  • removed StoreCreator argument in initReduks for ReduksActivity and defined instead a separate
    method in ReduksActivity interface for providing the storeCreator (for better integration with Reduks modules)

Bug fix:

  • Removed StartKovenant/StopKovenant from KovenantReduksActivity

Dependencies updated:

  • kotlin : 1.0.5
  • kovenant : 3.3.0
  • android support lib: 24.2.1
  • gson :2.8.0

simplified StoreCreator interface and better integration of StoreCreator with middlewares

19 Oct 14:31
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New features:

  • new extension functions for StoreCreator, for adding middlewares (withMiddlewares()) or store enhancers (enhancedWith()), also allow better integration of middlewares and store enhancers in Reduks modules.
  • StoreCreator interface has been greatly simplified, and now better match the original Reduxjs implementation while mantaining all Reduks features

Breaking changes:

  • ofType() and storeStandardMiddlewares property removed from StoreCreator interface

Reduks bus and Immutable/Persistent Collections

06 Oct 14:22
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New features:

  • Reduks Bus Store Enhancer and integration with persistent collections. See README for documentation

Breaking changes:

  • builder functions name changed with 'Fn' suffix added
    • Middleware ->MiddlewareFn
    • Reducer -> ReducerFn
    • StoreEnhancer ->StoreEnhancerFn
    • StoreSubscriber -> StoreSubscriberFn
    • StoreSubscriberBuilder -> StoreSubscriberBuilderFn
    • Thunk -> ThunkFn
  • 'I' prefix removed from interface names
    • IMiddleware -> Middleware
    • IReducer -> Reducer
    • IStoreEnhancer -> StoreEnhancer
    • IStoreSubscriber -> StoreSubscriber
    • IStoreSubscriberBuilder ->StoreSubscriberBuilder

bug fix: subscribe with lambda did not return subscription

26 Sep 12:51
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removed all remaining java code (interfaces) in core

25 Sep 08:59
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New features:

  • now Reduks core is pure Kotlin, with no Java code or dependency.

Breaking changes:

  • none unless you referenced explicitly the Java interfaces for

    • Middleware
    • Reducer
    • StoreEnhancer
    • StoreSubscriber
    • StoreSubscriberBuilder
    • StoreSubscription
    • NextDispatcher.

    With explicit reference I mean explicit reference to them as a type. But as long as you used them in code to define your objects, you should be fine, because new builder functions have been introduced that results in exactly the same API.

If you need to reference these interfaces directly, note that they have been renamed, and now have an 'I' at the beginning of their names. E.g. Middleware is now IMiddleware.
These has been done in order to preserve the current API, from the end user perspective.

NextDispatcher interface has been completely removed: define directly functions with signature (Any)->Any instead

change StoreSubscriber interface to match original redux

01 Sep 06:43
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Breaking change:

  • StoreSubscriber no more receive the new state as argument. need to fetch the new state directly from store.state
    (like in original redux). solves issue #8

support for StandardAction

30 Aug 15:41
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New features:

  • support for StandardAction (see updated readme) (solves issue #5)
  • new Store extension methodsdispatch_a and dispatch_sa for checking type of action at compile time
  • new Store extension method subscribe that takes as argument a lambda instead of a StoreSubscriber object