- Tags
- Static tags
- Component tags
- Dynamic tags ()
- Template tags
- Attributes and props
- Static attributes
- Boolean attributes
- Bound attributes
- Single attributes (v-bind: / :)
- Bound dicts/objects (v-bind)
- Dynamic attribute name (v-bind:[attrName])
- Text expressions
- Directives
- v-if
- v-else-if
- v-else
- v-for
- non-keyed
- keyed
- v-on / @ (events)
- Event modifiers
- Dynamic event name (v-on:[eventName])
- Slots
- Default slot
- Named slots
- Fallback content
- Dynamic content (v-if/v-for)
- Dynamic slot name (v-slot:[slotName])
- Scoped slots (slot props)
- Component life cycle
- mounted
- updated
- before_unmount
- Component events / emit
- Provide / inject (setContext, getContext)
- refs
- Compile to file
- Auto-update when
file changed
- Auto-update when
- Directly run