- Clone the repo
- Install PostgreSQL (either homebrew or Postgres.app)
cd packages/backend && bundle install && rake db:create
# Rails
yarn workspace @coexist/backend dev
# Hapi proxy
yarn workspace @coexist/hapi-proxy dev
# Cloudflare worker
yarn workspace @coexist/cloudflare-worker dev
# Frontend Storybook
yarn workspace @coexist/frontend storybook
(Rails) and hapi-proxy
(Hapi) packages are manually deployed to Heroku as per this guide (free Dynos, please don't DoS me 🙂)
First install Heroku CLI, login, and configure git remotes:
heroku git:remote --remote heroku-remote-rails -a coexist-example-backend-rails
heroku git:remote --remote heroku-remote-hapi -a coexist-example-proxy-hapi
Then to deploy:
# Rails
git subtree push --prefix packages/backend heroku-remote-rails main
# Hapi proxy
git push heroku-remote-hapi main
is manually deployed to Cloudflare using Wrangler.
yarn workspace @coexist/cloudflare-worker deploy