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File metadata and controls

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A ContainerPilot job is a user-defined process and rules for when to execute it, how to health check it, and how to advertise it to Consul. The rules are intended to allow for flexibility to cover nearly any type of process one might want to run. Some possible job configurations include:

  • A long running application like a web server, which needs to be restarted if it crashes.
  • A one-time setup task that runs at the start of a container's lifetime but never again afterwards.
  • A periodic process that runs every few minutes or hours, such as a backup.
  • A task that runs when some other event occurs, such as running only when another job has become healthy.

Lifecycle Events

Every job will emit events associated with the lifecycle of its process. Any job can react to the events emitted by any other job (or even its own events) via the when configuration.

  • healthy: emitted when the job's health check succeeds.
  • unhealthy: emitted when the job's health check fails.
  • exitSuccess: emitted when the process associated with the job exits with an exit code 0.
  • exitFailed: emitted when the process associated with the job exits with a non-0 exit code.
  • stopping: emitted when the job is asked to stop but before it does so. Useful when the job has a stop timeout.
  • stopped: emitted when the job is stopped. Note that this is not the same as the process exiting because a job might have many executions of its process.

Note that although stopping and stopped events are emitted for each running job when ContainerPilot is shutting down, the receiving job will have a limited window in which to execute. This window is 5 seconds, in order to provide enough time for ContainerPilot to halt all jobs, gracefully shut down its own listeners, and exit within the default Docker shutdown timeout of 10 seconds. After this point all processes receive a SIGKILL and are forced to exit immediately.

Additionally, jobs may react to these events:

  • startup: published to all jobs when ContainerPilot is ready to start.
  • shutdown: published to all jobs when ContainerPilot is shutting down.
  • changed: published when a watch sees a change in a dependency.
  • enterMaintenance: published when the control plane is told to enter maintenance mode for the container. All jobs will be automatically deregistered from Consul when this happens, so you only want to react to this event if there is some other task to perform.
  • exitMaintenance: published when the control plane is told to exit maintenance mode for the container.


Job configurations include the following fields:

jobs: [
    name: "app",
    exec: "/bin/app",

    // 'when' defines the events that cause the job to run
    when: {
      source: "setup",
      once: "exitSuccess",
      timeout: "60s"
      // interval: "10s",     // can't be set at the same time as 'source'/'once'
      // each: "exitSuccess", // can't be set at the same time as 'once'

    // these fields interact with 'when' behaviors (see below)
    timeout: "300s",
    stopTimeout: "10s",
    restarts: "unlimited",

    // 'health' defines how the job is health checked
    health: {
      exec: "/usr/bin/curl --fail -s -o /dev/null http://localhost/app",
      interval: 5,
      tll: 10,
      timeout: "5s",

    // 'port', 'tags', 'interfaces', and 'consul' define options for
    // service discovery with Consul
    port: 80,
    tags: [
    interfaces: [
      "static:", // a trailing comma isn't an error!
    consul: {
      enableTagOverride: true,
      deregisterCriticalServiceAfter: "10m"

The name field is the name of the job as it will appear in logs and events. It will also be the name of the service as it will appear in Consul (if the job is registered to Consul). Each instance of the service in Consul will have a unique ID made up from the name+hostname of the container. Names must match requirements for Consul; they start with a lower-case letter and contain upper- or lower-case letters, numerals, or - but no other characters. (Or in other words they must match the regex ^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9\-]+$)


The exec field is the executable (and its arguments) that is called when the job runs. This field can contain a string or an array of strings (see below for details on the format). The command to be run will have a process group set and this entire process group will be reaped by ContainerPilot when the process exits. The process will be run concurrently to all other work, so the process won't block the processing of other ContainerPilot events.

Running and timing fields

The following fields define when a job starts, stops, restarts, and times out.


The when field defines a hook for an event that starts the job's exec. By default, a job's exec process starts as soon as ContainerPilot has finished startup. Many jobs will want to have a configuration that determines some specific event to wait for, using the when field.

  • source is the source of the event that triggers the job.
  • once names an event that triggers the start of the job one time only.
  • each names an event that triggers the start of the job every time it happens.
  • interval is the time between executions of the job. Supports milliseconds, seconds, minutes. The frequency must be a positive non-zero duration with a time unit suffix. (Example: 60s. See the golang ParseDuration docs for this format.) Valid time units are ns, us (or µs), ms, s, m, h. The minimum interval is 1ms but in practice it takes 20-50ms for a process to be forked and executed so the interval should be considerably longer.
  • timeout under when is optional and is the amount of time to wait for the when event to be received before giving up. The format for this field is the same as that of interval.

If the interval field is set it is the only field permitted under when. Otherwise, the once and each fields are mutually exclusive -- you can set one or the other but not both.


The timeout field is optional and is the amount of time to wait after the job starts before it is killed. Processes killed this way are terminated immediately (SIGKILL) without an opportunity to clean up their state and a heartbeat will not be sent.

For long-running jobs like servers, you will generally want to omit this field. If this field is omitted and the job does not have a when.frequency field, then the job will never timeout. If the field is omitted and the job does have a when.frequency field, then the timeout will default to the frequency.

If set and not left as the default, the minimum timeout is 1ms (see the golang ParseDuration docs for this format) but in practice it takes 20-50ms for a process to be forked and executed so the timeout should be considerably longer.


Some jobs need to have a task performed when they start shutting down but before they've done so. For example, a Consul agent might need to be removed from the list of available nodes via consul leave, which requires that the agent is still running to execute.

In this case, the job will need to leave time between the stopping and stopped events. The stopTimeout field is the time that the job will wait before exiting and killing its process. In the example below the consul-agent job waits 5 seconds after being asked to stop to allow for the leave-consul job to run.

jobs: [
    name: "consul-agent",
    exec: "consul agent...",
    stopTimeout: "5s"
    name: "leave-consul",
    exec: "consul leave",
    when: {
      source: "consul-agent",
      once: "stopping"

The restarts field is the number of times the process will be restarted if it exits. This field supports any non-negative numeric value (ex. 0 or 1) or the strings "unlimited" or "never". This value is optional and usually defaults to "never" (see the note below about the interval field for the exception).

It's important to understand how this field compares to the when field. A restart is run only when the job receives its own exitSuccess or exitFailure event. The when field is for triggering on other events. In the example below the app job is first started when the db job is healthy, but it will restart whenever it exits. Using restarts with the each option of when is not recommended because each time the each event triggers, it will spawn an exec that can restart after exit. In the case of unlimited restarts this would eventually use up all the resources in your container, so trying to use restarts: "unlimited" and each will return an error.

jobs: [
    name: "app",
    restarts: "unlimited",
    when: {
      source: "db",
      once: "healthy"

The behavior of restarts is somewhat different if the when field is using the interval option. In this case, the restarts field indicates how many times the exec will be run on that interval. In the example configuration below, the app job will be run every 5 seconds for a maximum of 4 times (3 restarts). When the interval is set, the restarts field defaults to "unlimited", which means the job will run every interval period without stopping.

jobs: [
    name: "app",
    restarts: 3,
    when: {
      interval: "5s"

Health checks

The health field defines how ContainerPilot determines if a job is healthy. This field is optional. Jobs without a health field set will not emit healthy and changed events.

  • exec field is the executable (and its arguments) to run to health check the job.
  • interval is the time in seconds between health checks.
  • ttl is the time-to-live in seconds of a successful health check. This should be longer than the interval polling rate so that the check and the TTL aren't racing; otherwise the job will be marked unhealthy in Consul.
  • timeout is a value to wait before forcibly killing the health check exec. Health checks killed this way are terminated immediately (SIGKILL) without an opportunity to clean up their state and a heartbeat will not be sent. The minimum timeout is 1ms (see the golang ParseDuration docs for this format) but in practice it takes 20-50ms for a process to be forked and executed so the timeout should be considerably longer.

Service discovery

The following fields define how a job is registered with Consul.


The port field is the port the service will advertise to Consul. Note that this assumes the job is listening on that port but does not change anything in the process. If you want to dynamically assign this port you might use an environment variable and template rendering for both the exec and port fields. For example:

jobs: [
    name: "myjob",
    exec: "node /bin/server.js --port {{ .PORT }}",
    port: {{ .PORT }}

The tags field is an optional array of tags to be used when the job is registered as a service in Consul. Other containers can use these tags in watches to filter a service by tag.


The interfaces field is an optional single or array of interface specifications. If given, the IP of the service will be obtained from the first interface specification that matches. (Default value is ["eth0:inet"]). The value that ContainerPilot uses for the IP address of the interface will be set as an environment variable with the name CONTAINERPILOT_{JOB}_IP. See the environment variables section.


The consul field is an optional block of job-specific Consul configuration.

  • enableTagOverride if set to true, then external agents can update this service in the catalog and modify the tags.
  • deregisterCriticalServiceAfter is a timeout in Go time format. If a check is in the critical state for more than this configured value, then its associated service (and all of its associated checks) will automatically be deregistered.

Exec arguments

All exec fields that configure a child process (jobs/exec and jobs/health/exec) accept both a string or an array. If a string is given, the command and its arguments are separated by spaces; otherwise, the first element of the array is the command path, and the rest are its arguments. This is sometimes useful for breaking up long command lines.

String command

health: {
  exec: "/usr/bin/curl --fail -s http://localhost/app"

Array command

health: {
  exec: [