Simple tool for visualizing observations
(C) Benjamin Hugo, South African Radio Astronomy Observatory under GNU GPLv3
In a new virtual environment run to install from PyPI
pip3 install obzplan
Remember to add -e and obzplan/ if you have cloned the repo locally
Note: you probably need to install tkinter for python3 if you haven't done so yet:
apt-get install python3-tk
positional arguments:
src Sources to plot
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--lat LAT Observer Latitude
--long LONG Observer Longitude
--elev ELEV Observer Elevation
-s START, --start START
Observation start time local
-e END, --end END Observation end time local
--elev-cutoff ELEV_CUTOFF
Elevation cutoff
--add-to-catalog ADD_TO_CATALOG [ADD_TO_CATALOG ...]
Add source to catalog (format e.g.
--solar-separation SOLAR_SEPARATION
Minimum solar separation
--lunar-separation LUNAR_SEPARATION
Minimum lunar separation
--plot-styles PLOT_STYLES [PLOT_STYLES ...]
Plot style
--marker-size MARKER_SIZE
Marker size
--satelite-separation SATELITE_SEPARATION
Minimum satelite separation