API requests tool
Make new file .json
Get request results from api
/character-window/get-stash-items - repeat for every tab you wish
curl -X GET "https://www.pathofexile.com/character-window/get-stash-items?league=LEAGUE_NAME&realm=pc&accountName=ACCOUNTNAME&tabs=1&tabIndex=TAB_INDEX" -H "accept: */*" -H "Cookie: POESESSID=YOUR_POESSID"
Create key in your json called "UnknownAccount!-LEAGUE_NAME-TAB_INDEX-stis" and insert into file, with result from previous step as its value. Like that:
"items": [
"numTabs": NUMBER_OF_TABS,
You only need to make request with tabs=1 once, to get "tabs" array of stash tabs objects which you will add below, as key "UnknownAccount!-LEAGUE_NAME-stis"
"tabs": [
/character-window/get-items - repeat for every character you wish
curl -X GET "https://www.pathofexile.com/character-window/get-items?accountName=ACCOUNTNAME&character=YOUR_CHARACTER" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Cookie: POESESSID=YOUR_POESSID"
Create key in your json called "UnknownAccount!-YOUR_CHARACTER-inventory" and insert into file, with result from previous step as its value. Like that:
"character": {
"items": [
Lastly we will add list of our characters from
curl -X GET "https://www.pathofexile.com/character-window/get-characters?accountName=ACCOUNTNAME" -H "accept: */*"
So ... Create key in your json called "UnknownAccount!-characters" and insert into file, with result from previous step as its value. Like that or ... sort of :)
"UnknownAccount!-characters": [
"name": "MightyPants",
"league": "Standard",
"classId": 4,
"ascendancyClass": 1,
"class": "Slayer",
"level": 92,
"experience": 2271226958
That's it! Your file is ready! Happy testing. :)
P.S. If you would like to change contents of file while testing, don't forget to run fastOptJS/fullOptJS for new values to appear.