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ImSwitch configurations for UC2

This repository will help you setting up the JSON-files for the UC2-specific devices, namely:

  • Allied Vision Alvium Camera / Vimba
  • Daheng Imaging Machine Vision
  • UC2 electronics (ESP32-based)
    • XYZ Stage
    • Laser
    • LED
    • LED Matrix
  • Raspberry Pi camera (experimental)
  • ESP32 camera

More information can be found in the original documentation of ImSwitch can be found in the READTHEDOCS of IMSWITCH

Setting up the current ImSwitch Config

Available Modules

The file under $USER$/Documents/ImSwitchConfig/config/modules.json (Windows) and /User/$username$/ImSwitchConfig/config/modules.json (Mac/Linux) may look like this:

    "enabled": [

These are the available modules that will be loaded on startup of imswitch. ImControl is the general control GUI, ImScripting is the python interpreter to control the system, ImNotebook launches a jupyter server that can be used to control ImSwitch inside imswitch using Jupyter.

Setup Configuration

The file under $USER$/Documents/ImSwitchConfig/config/imcontrol_options.json (Windows) and /User/$username$/ImSwitchConfig/config/imcontrol_options.json (Mac/Linux) may look like this:

    "setupFileName": "example_virtual_microscope.json",
    "recording": {
        "outputFolder": "./ImSwitch/ImSwitch/recordings",
        "includeDateInOutputFolder": true
    "watcher": {
        "outputFolder": "/Users/bene/ImSwitchConfig/scripts"

The entry "setupFileName": "example_virtual_microscope.json", determines the current active configuration file that defines the hardware configuration (E.g. camera, positioner.. see below). This file is stored under ..imcontrol_setups.

Setting up this repository

ImSwitch will create a folder that stores all settings in:

  • Windows $USER$/Documents/ImSwitchConfig
  • MAC /User/$username$/ImSwitchConfig

There you will find several subfolders:


You can download this repo and replace all files in this folder. Alternatively, you can clone it and keep it up to date with upcoming configurations.

UC2 configurations

A recent sample configuration is for example the imcontrol_setups/example_uc2_multicolour.json. It controls an ESP32-driven XYZ stage, hosts 2 lasers and has a Daheng Vision camera:

"rs232devices": {
    "ESP32": {
      "managerName": "ESP32Manager",
      "managerProperties": {
        "host_": "",
        "serialport_windows": "COM3",
        "serialport": "/dev/cu./dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART"
  "positioners": {
    "ESP32Stage": {
        "managerName": "ESP32StageManager",
        "managerProperties": {
            "rs232device": "ESP32"
        "axes": ["X", "Y", "Z"],
        "forScanning": true,
        "forPositioning": true
"lasers": {
  "488 Laser": {
    "analogChannel": null,
    "digitalLine": null,
    "managerName": "ESP32LEDLaserManager",
    "managerProperties": {
        "rs232device": "ESP32",
        "channel_index": "B",
        "filter_change": true
    "wavelength": 488,
    "valueRangeMin": 0,
    "valueRangeMax": 32768
"635 Laser": {
  "analogChannel": null,
  "digitalLine": null,
  "managerName": "ESP32LEDLaserManager",
  "managerProperties": {
      "rs232device": "ESP32",
      "channel_index": "R",
      "filter_change": true
  "wavelength": 635,
  "valueRangeMin": 0,
  "valueRangeMax": 32768
"LED": {
  "analogChannel": null,
  "digitalLine": null,
  "managerName": "ESP32LEDLaserManager",
  "managerProperties": {
      "rs232device": "ESP32",
      "channel_index": "W",
      "filter_change": false
  "wavelength": 635,
  "valueRangeMin": 0,
  "valueRangeMax": 32768
"detectors": {
  "WidefieldCamera": {
    "analogChannel": null,
    "digitalLine": null,
    "managerName": "GXPIPYManager",
    "managerProperties": {
      "cameraListIndex": 1,
      "gxipycam": {
        "exposure": 0,
        "gain": 0,
        "blacklevel": 100,
        "image_width": 1000,
        "image_height": 1000
    "forAcquisition": true,
    "forFocusLock": true
"rois": {
  "Full chip": {
    "x": 600,
    "y": 600,
    "w": 1200,
    "h": 1200
  "availableWidgets": [
  "autofocus": {
    "camera": "WidefieldCamera",
    "positioner": "ESP32Stage",
    "updateFreq": 10,
    "frameCropx": 780,
    "frameCropy": 400,
    "frameCropw": 500,
    "frameCroph": 100


RS232 Manager

Since multiple devices (stage, laser, filterswitcher) are connected to a single USB/Serial device (ESP32), we have to write a wrapper that connects to all individual devices. This is called rs232devices :

"rs232devices": {
    "ESP32": {
      "managerName": "ESP32Manager",
      "managerProperties": {
        "host_": "",
        "serialport_windows": "COM3",
        "serialport": "/dev/cu./dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART"

The serialport specifies the correct physical address of the device and has to be adapted. Alternatively, one can specify the host if you want to connect over Wifi. Theoretically, if everything goes right, ImSwitch is smart enough to detect the ESP32 on its own. Thhe name for this device (i.e. internal reference) is ESP32 and will be reused by all external components.

The firmware can be found here.


All devices refer to the rs232device defined earlier:

  "positioners": {
    "ESP32Stage": {
        "managerName": "ESP32StageManager",
        "managerProperties": {
            "rs232device": "ESP32"
        "axes": ["X", "Y", "Z"],
        "forScanning": true,
        "forPositioning": true

This defines the x-y-z axis and will control the ESP32 device. forScanning - states that the stage is used for a potential Multiwellplate scanner and `forPositioning - states that it can be used as a normal positining device.


The name 635 Laser is chosen for the red laser. filter_change is an option to rotate the motor that moves the filter. The channel_index (e.g. R, G, B) state the different colours / channels. (TODO: perhaps this is now 1,2,3).

"635 Laser": {
  "analogChannel": null,
  "digitalLine": null,
  "managerName": "ESP32LEDLaserManager",
  "managerProperties": {
      "rs232device": "ESP32",
      "channel_index": "R",
      "filter_change": true
  "wavelength": 635,
  "valueRangeMin": 0,
  "valueRangeMax": 32768


Example for the Daheng Imaging camera:

"detectors": {
  "WidefieldCamera": {
    "analogChannel": null,
    "digitalLine": null,
    "managerName": "GXPIPYManager",
    "managerProperties": {
      "cameraListIndex": 1,
      "gxipycam": {
        "exposure": 0,
        "gain": 0,
        "blacklevel": 100,
        "image_width": 1000,
        "image_height": 1000
    "forAcquisition": true,
    "forFocusLock": true

More information coming soon!

If you have any questions, please file an issue :-)


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