- We use nmap to scan using
nmap -p- -A -T4 -Pn
- We found an Apache server running:
- Using dirbuster found this:indicates poor hygiene
- Upon inspect element found we found a hidden comment:
- Leads to a nibbleblog website where we find the following using dirbuster:
- Just attempting username:admin password:nibbles gets us logged in
- We find that the version used is 4.0.3: Which can be exploited to get remote code execution.
- using metasploit we can use the exploit
to get access to the machine: - Note: The
command lets us view the previous commands executed by the user. sudo -l
lets us know the allowed commands for a user: We notice that monitor.sh can be run as sudo so we create a monitor.sh as following: This creates a bash interactive shell with root privileges like so:- We have successfully pwned the machine!