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Conrad Boyd Elliott Gustafson edited this page May 3, 2022 · 22 revisions

Problem Statement

The Natural Resource Sector (NRS) has relied extensively on WebADE for digital authentication and authorization for decades. The existing applications that are candidates for modernization under the Forest Service Applications Modernization Project (FSA) are almost all tightly coupled with the WebADE system. There is a complex operational data set, managed by a front-end application called ADAM, that is used to define authorization permissions, groups, and memberships. The modern applications being created under the FSA project will not be compatible with WebADE and will not be able to use ADAM for authorization management.

It is possible to define groups, roles, and user memberships using Keycloak, but there are a number of challenges with this approach.

  1. The Keycloak UX for managing authorization information is not very business-friendly. The people who currently have the responsibility to manage access for applications (using ADAM) would have difficulty with the Keycloak admin console.
  2. The Keycloak admin console does not have fine-grained security. Users that can log in for the purposes of authorization management can also make manual changes to anything in the Keycloak realm to which they have privileges.
  3. The authorizations data model in Keycloak does not support all the requirements.
  4. Keycloak is not necessarily an appropriate location for operational business data. It makes reporting difficult and it tightly couples authorization business logic to a product that might not be best-of-breed in the future.


The Forests Authorization Management product (FAM) will meet the needs of the sector to allow business users to define and assign groups and roles. FAM will integrate with an OIDC service so that authorization context will be securely and transparently included in the context of any authentication process.

  1. Digital products & services developed as part of the FSA project will use the Open ID Connect (OIDC) standard for security whenever possible. As part of the OIDC workflow, any authorization information necessary for the client application should be transmitted as part of the Javascript Web Token (JWT) that is digitally signed and provided by the OIDC server that is used for security context. By adhering to this standards-based approach, we avoid making the same mistake that was made with WebADE (tightly integrating everything into a custom solution that must be maintained).
  2. It must be possible to manage the authorization data for all the modernized digital products & services in an intuitive and business-friendly manner that is highly secure. The ADAM application currently fulfills this requirement for legacy applications, but it is tightly coupled with WebADE and needs to be replaced by something that integrates with OIDC. Additionally, the ADAM application itself is a candidate for re-development and significant UX and functional improvement.
  3. Authorization data will also be manageable using application programming interfaces (API) to support digital product teams that want to enable automation scenarios instead of relying on manual processes.


Security Requirements

Include Appropriate Authorization Context as part of Authentication

As a digital product development team, I want to consume the authorization context (lists of groups, roles) for an authenticated IDIR or BCeID user directly from the JWT provided by the OIDC service.

  • Roles should be scoped appropriately. I don't need all the roles for this user across the entire org, nor do I want role assignments for my product exposed to other products (and potentially reused/misused).
  • By validating the JWT, I will know that these roles come from the OIDC service and have not been maliciously injected by a user or another actor.

Access Management Requirements

Manage application roles and groups

As an application administrator, I want to be able to create, update, and delete roles and groups for the application. I want to be able to manage which roles belong to which groups.

Assign or remove a role or group membership

As an authorization grantor, I want to be able to assign an application role or application group to an end user so that the end user can make use of the application functionality afforded by membership of the applied role or group.

Disable or enable a role or group membership

As an authorization grantor, I want to be able to disable a role or group membership so that I can remove access from a user temporarily without having to delete their authorization configuration and then set it up again later. I want to re-enable the role or group membership at a later time to restore their access afforded by that membership.

Disable or enable a user

As a FAM administrator, I want to be able to disable all authorization for a user so that I can remove all privileges from a user temporarily without having to delete their authorization configuration and then set it up again later. I want to re-enable the user's authorizations at a later time to restore their access afforded by their existing role and group memberships.

Add user

As a FAM administrator, I want to be able to add a user to FAM without having to ask them to log into something first. I want to be able to look them up by IDIR or BCeID identifier, confirm that they are not already in the system, and have them added to the system so that they can be assigned roles and groups by authorization grantors. If I do not know their system identifier within IDIR or BCeID, I may also want to look them up in that system by name.

Remove user

As a FAM administrator, I want to be able to delete a user from FAM.

Delegation of Authority Requirements

Manage the individuals that can define roles and groups for a digital service

As a FAM administrator, I want to be able to grant or revoke the ability for a logged-on user to create, update, or delete roles and groups for an application, so that I can ensure that each application has its own application administrator(s) who assume responsibility for maintaining the roles and groups. Individuals without this privilege for a particular application should not be able to use FAM to make changes to the roles or groups for the application.

Manage the individuals that can grant all the roles and groups for a digital service

As an application administrator, I want to be able to grant or revoke the ability for a logged-on user to grant or revoke application roles and application groups to users, so that I can ensure that the application has its own authorization grantor(s) who assume responsibility for maintaining user membership in application roles and application groups. Individuals without this privilege for a particular application should not be able to use FAM to add or remove users to roles or groups for the application.

Manage the individuals that can grant a specific role or group for a digital service

As an application administrator, I want to be able to grant or revoke the ability for a logged-on user to grant or revoke a specific application role or application group to users, so that I can enable an authorization grantor to give out some privileges to users but not others. For example, an authorization grantor may have the privilege to grant the role "submitter" but not the role "admin".

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