What's Changed
Starting this release, rules_go no longer ship with @go_googleapis
repo. Together with Gazelle v0.32.0, it means that all Go code importing generated code from Google APIs will depend on @org_golang_google_genproto
, which is resolved by Go modules. For proto files importing Google APIs proto and generating Go code, users need to:
- Add an
rule to download Google APIs, e.g.,
name = "googleapis",
sha256 = "9d1a930e767c93c825398b8f8692eca3fe353b9aaadedfbcf1fca2282c85df88",
strip_prefix = "googleapis-64926d52febbf298cb82a8f472ade4a3969ba922",
urls = [
load("@googleapis//:repository_rules.bzl", "switched_rules_by_language")
name = "com_google_googleapis_imports",
Note that the version of Google APIs archive needs to be compatible with the pre-generated code in @org_golang_google_genproto
- Resolve the proto manually. If Gazelle is being used, directives like the following need to be added to a parent directory of the proto files:
# gazelle:resolve proto proto google/rpc/status.proto @googleapis//google/rpc:status_proto
# gazelle:resolve proto go google/rpc/status.proto @org_golang_google_genproto//googleapis/rpc/status
# gazelle:resolve proto google/longrunning/operations.proto @googleapis//google/longrunning:operations_proto
# gazelle:resolve proto go google/longrunning/operations.proto @org_golang_google_genproto//googleapis/longrunning
Other changes included in this release
- detect_sdk_version: Support 1.21's new VERSION file format by @evanj in #3600
- stdlib: Do not pass -static to cgo by @zecke in #3593
- Expand stdlib packages when queried by @JamyDev in #3606
- Fix stdlib file outputs pointing to processwrapper by @JamyDev in #3608
- Fix
extension failure for unnamed root module by @fmeum in #3612 - Adding Uber's hermetic cc toolchain for tests by @linzhp in #3609
- Implement functionality to skip tests via TESTBRIDGE_TEST_ONLY env by @yushan26 in #3618
Full Changelog: v0.40.1...v0.41.0
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
name = "io_bazel_rules_go",
sha256 = "278b7ff5a826f3dc10f04feaf0b70d48b68748ccd512d7f98bf442077f043fe3",
urls = [
load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:deps.bzl", "go_register_toolchains", "go_rules_dependencies")
go_register_toolchains(version = "1.20.5")