Alpha version released April 21, 2015 Ask to be a collaborator. (Use the ☰ menu for API sections)
Install via bower: bower install ionic-material
Ionic demo app "Thronester" is found within './demo' - You can also run 'index.html' locally to view in a webkit browser on a computer.
Full UI Kit w/ dozens of templates for rapid application development. Inspired by amazing kits like:
Increase animation performance. We're really stretching the limits of hybrid app animations - if you have ideas on performance adjustments, we're all ears and would love the insight.
Port animate.js with bezier curve adjustments to match "authentic motion" spec of Material Design.
Bug fixes
I devote as much time as I can, but my full-time position will always rank first. This means community help is needed to guarantee the maturation of this project. You guys are awesome, and I am grateful for all the help/support.
Ionic material is aimed at being an extension library for the Ionic Framework, meaning you won't change the way you develop your Ionic hybrid apps to have them materialized. Ionic Material aims to integrate the best representations of Material Design into a single add-on library for Ionic Developers. With the Polymer Project, ngMaterial, and other open source projects arising, we aim to be actively engaged and aligned with these, and other, related projects.
As a 100% free open-source project, developer participation is encouraged, as much or little as possible.