Releases: bassmaster187/TeslaLogger
Releases · bassmaster187/TeslaLogger
Version 1.56.0
Version 1.56.0
- Support new Tesla API
- Attention: MapQuest isn't free anymore! Either you remove the key in your settings, if you used it or you have to provide a credit card to MapQuest.
- Dayli backup in docker
- Support for V4 Supercharger in statistics
Version 1.54.19
- New Tesla API -> older Teslalogger versions won't work anymore!
Version 1.54.26
- Vehicle state icons in admin panel. e.g. open window, unlocked car, open doors, open frunk / trunk
- Destination route will be displayed in admin panel with ETA and SOC at destination.
Version 1.54.24
- Update Grafana to 10.0.1 Note: Grafana 10.0.1 is not compatible with old Raspberry PI3 OS. You have to update it manually
Version 1.54.20
- reduce Tesla API calls to minimum
Version 1.54.16
- Update to Grafana 8.5.22 security fix
- New CO2 Dashboard
- Dashboard Visited multiple vehicles can be shown at the same time
Version 1.54.15
- 3rd party apps for Tesla tokens are not longer needed.
- Simplify docker install
Version 1.54.12
- CO2 and cost column in journeys.
- Links to Grafana dashboards in journeys
- Support for Shelly EM Docs
- Support more countries for CO2 calculations
- Dashboard Charging Statistics contains CO2
Version 1.54.11
- Calculation of CO2 for each charging. Docs
- Dashboard Charging History with CO2
Version 1.54.8
- Wheeltype will be stored in trips and chargings.