The automl_infrastructure library's main goal is supplying wide and easy-to-use infrastructure for classifiers modeling and evaluation, including inner cross-validated hyper-param optimization.
- Inner cross-validation process using repeated k-fold.
- Optional hyper-params optimization process.
- Complex modeling creation (e.g. blending several weak classifiers).
- Experiment definition with final report that contains:
- Experiment's information (start time, end time and ect')
- For each model:
- Observations (metrics) summary for every class.
- Visualizations (e.g ConfusionMatrix).
Note that every Visualization/Observation/Metric may be implemented by the user.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from automl_infrastructure.classifiers.adapters import SklearnClassifierAdapter
from automl_infrastructure.classifiers import EnsembleClassifier
from automl_infrastructure.experiment import Experiment
from automl_infrastructure.experiment.observations import Avg, Std
from automl_infrastructure.experiment.params import RangedParameter, ListParameter
from automl_infrastructure.visualization import ConfusionMatrix
cords_df = pd.DataFrame([[5,0,'Low'], [9,3,'Low'], [8,5,'Low'], [12,8,'Low'], [3,0,'Low'],
[1,6,'High'], [5,9,'High'], [0,4,'High'], [9,15,'High'], [7,11,'High']],
# create models we want to examine
lr_model = SklearnClassifierAdapter(name='lr', sklearn_model=LogisticRegression())
rf_model = SklearnClassifierAdapter(name='rf', sklearn_model=RandomForestClassifier())
# declare hyper-params we want to optimize
hyper_parameters = {
'rf': [ListParameter('max_depth', options=[2, 4, 6]),
ListParameter('n_estimators', options=[20, 50, 100])]
experiment = Experiment('experiment2', cords_df[['X','Y']], cords_df['LABEL'],
models=[lr_model, rf_model],
'avg_precision': Avg(metric='precision'),
'std_precision': Std(metric='precision'),
'avg_recall': Avg(metric='recall'),
'std_recall': Std(metric='recall')
'confusion_matrix': ConfusionMatrix(figsize=(5,5))
), n_jobs=1)