Grammar for type definitions currently supported for semantic type checking.
Unlike the grammar in the Ballerina language spec, this make precedence explicit.
Undefined symbols as defined in the currently implemented subset.
type-defn := "type" identifier type-desc ";"
type-desc := function-td
function-td :=
| "function" identifier signature
signature := "(" opt-td-list ")" ["returns" function-td]
union-td :=
| union-td "|" intersection-td
intersection-td :=
| intersection-td "&" postfix-td
postfix-td :=
| postfix-td array-dimension+
| postfix-td "?"
array-dimension := "[" [simple-const-expr] "]"
primary-td :=
| int-td
| map-td
| object-td
| record-td
| tuple-td
| table-td
| xml-td
| error-td
| function-td
| nil-td
| singleton-td
| td-ref
| "(" type-desc ")"
nil-td := "(" ")"
int-td := "int" [ ":" identifier ]
map-td := "map" type-param
error-td := "error" [type-param]
// XXX handle "..." in tuple-td and record-td
tuple-td := "[" opt-td-list "]"
opt-td-list := [ td-list ]
td-list :=
| td-list "," type-desc
record-td := "record" "{|" field-desc* "|}"
field-desc := type-desc identifier ["?"] ";"
object-td := "object" "{" member-desc* "}"
member-desc := object-field-desc | method-decl
object-field-desc := "public" type-desc identifier ";"
method-decl := "public" "function" method-name signature
method-name := identifier | "map" | "join" | "start"
table-td := "table" type-param
xml-rd := "xml" [type-param]
type-param := "<" type-desc ">"
td-ref := qualified-identifier | identifier // can also refer to const definition
qualified-identifier = module-prefix ":" identifier
module-prefix = identifier | predeclared-prefix
predeclared-prefix = "string" | "int" | "xml"
predefined-td :=
| "decimal"
| "float"
| "string"
| "typedesc"
| "handle"
| "any"
| "never"
| "json"
| "byte"
| "readonly"
| "true"
| "false"
singleton-td = simple-const-expr