Plugin for aliases and completions for pnpm
package manager.
git clone $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/pnpm
plugins=(... pnpm)
zinit light empresslabs/pnpm.plugin.zsh
zi light empresslabs/pnpm.plugin.zsh
zgenom load empresslabs/pnpm.plugin.zsh
zplug empresslabs/pnpm.plugin.zsh
zstyle ":empresslabs:pnpm:completion" legacy-completion yes
Add this line to your ~/.zshrc
file to use the plugin-defined completions. If you prefer to use pnpm's built-in completions, remove this line.
Alias | Command | Description |
pn | pnpm |
The pnpm command |
pnx | pnpm dlx |
Fetch a package, load it and run command |
pna | pnpm add |
Install a package in dependencies (package.json ) |
pnad | pnpm add --save-dev |
Install a package in devDependencies (package.json ) |
pnap | pnpm add --save-peer |
Install a package in peerDependencies (package.json ) |
pnb | pnpm run build |
Run the build script defined in package.json |
pnd | pnpm run dev |
Run the dev script defined in package.json |
pnga | pnpm add --global |
Install packages globally on your operating system |
pngls | pnpm list --global |
Lists global installed packages |
pngrm | pnpm remove --global |
Remove global installed packages from your OS |
pngu | pnpm update --global |
Upgrade packages installed globally to their latest version |
pnh | pnpm help |
Show help for a pnpm command |
pnau | pnpm audit |
Checks for known security issues with the installed packages |
pnwhy | pnpm why |
Shows the packages that depend on given package |
pni | pnpm init |
Interactively creates or updates a package.json file |
pnin | pnpm install |
Install dependencies defined in package.json |
pnun | pnpm uninstall |
Uninstall dependencies defined in package.json |
pnln | pnpm run lint |
Run the lint script defined in package.json |
pndoc | pnpm run doc |
Run the doc script defined in package.json |
pnls | pnpm list |
List installed packages |
pnout | pnpm outdated |
Check for outdated package dependencies |
pnrm | pnpm remove |
Remove installed packages |
pnrun | pnpm run |
Run a defined package script |
pns | pnpm run serve |
Start the dev server |
pnst | pnpm start |
Run the start script defined in package.json |
pnt | pnpm test |
Run the test script defined in package.json |
pntc | pnpm test --coverage |
Run the test script defined in package.json with coverage |
pnui | pnpm update --interactive |
Prompt for which outdated packages to upgrade |
pnuil | pnpm update --interactive --latest |
Prompt for which outdated packages to upgrade to the latest available version |
pnup | pnpm update |
Upgrade packages to their latest version |
pnsv | pnpm server |
Manage a pnpm store server |
pnpub | pnpm publish |
Publishes a package to the registry |
pnset | pnpm setup |
Sets up pnpm |
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.