title | date |
Writing in the <br>age of the web |
2015-07-25 14:32:24 |
This is not a book. But it is:
… an old-fashioned hypertext about writing for digital.
… full of notes on digital as an artistic medium.
… not a text that considers digital to be a remediation or dilution of other media.
… a throwback to the days of the early web.
… written by a couple of over-educated opinion-givers. The 'I' in this text could refer to either one of us.
… over 40 000 words of observations you can easily ignore.
… woefully incomplete and still in progress.
You can either read the entire thing as a single page or you can browse the individual sections below:
Introduction. The blindness of mandated prophecy.
The form of the thing. Devaluing and fetishisation go hand in hand.
What does the writer want?. And digital myths.
What do books do?. Discover the boundaries of all things not-book.
Choose your structural grammar. Digital as a cornucopia of structural choices.
This is not a disruption. Laying the odds on our many futures.