- Add testing for server code
- Add more testing in general
- Remove some luvit and lit libraries depenencies (httpCodec, coro-net, maybe secure socket.)
- Etags, either only with static or as utility middleware (or both).
- View engine that is integrated with built in templates, but can eventually use others like etlua. Partials support.
- Better documentation, preferably LuaDoc like (source generated) or on the wiki. Add docs as we go.
- Contributing guide
- Convert HTTP parser over to http_parser, a C library.
- Add more general pattern support in routing.
- Websockets - easy to integrate and of course coro-style
- Get a logo!
- Compatibility with all modern Lua versions (5.1, 5.2, 5.3, LuaJIT). LuaJIT is currently the primary target.
- Pretty homepage.
- Full Windows compatibiliy
- Make moonmint run both as a Luarocks package, and as a luvit/lit module (backport to lit). Ensure that tests run on both platforms.
- Refactor dependent packages for easier building on platforms (remove CMake dependency?)
- CLI tool for project templates, packaging, and deploying.
- Tutorials and example projects.
- Useful addons and libraries like body parsing, database connectors, authentication, etc.