This is implementation of rcon shell for darkplaces engine. View this demo if you want to get more info.
- Simple and easy CLI interface
- Supports both ipv4 and ipv6 protocols
- Bookmarks and default options
- Saves command history to file
- Internal commands and smart autocomplete for them
- Suspend support with Ctrl+z
The most easy way to install this tool is to download binary from GitHub releases page. Also you may build latest release by performing this command:
$ cabal install darkplaces-rcon-util
Note, you should have cabal in your system to install in that way. Also you can build it from git sources, for detailed instructions follow this guide.
Usage: drcon ([-4] | [-6]) [-p|--password PASSWORD] [-m|--mode MODE]
[-d|--time-diff TIMEDIFF] [-t|--timeout TIMEOUT]
[-e|--encoding ENCODING] [--color COLOR_MODE] SERVER [COMMAND]
Darkplaces rcon client utility
Available options:
-h,--help Show this help text
-4 Forces to use IPv4 addresses only
-6 Forces to use IPv6 addresses only
-p,--password PASSWORD Server's password
-m,--mode MODE Use secure rcon, same as `rcon_secure' cvar, 1 is
-d,--time-diff TIMEDIFF Integer difference between client and server time,
can be negative
-t,--timeout TIMEOUT How many time wait for response after send or previous
-e,--encoding ENCODING Server encoding. Major options is `utf8' and `nexuiz'
--color COLOR_MODE Possible values are: `auto', `always' and `never'
SERVER Server to connect or config section
COMMAND Command that will be sent to server
By default config file is located in ~/.drcon/drcon.ini
Here's an example of config file
# prompt can be set only in default section
# it is optional and by default "%P %N> "
prompt="%{[0;32m%}%P %{[1;34m%}%N> %{[0m%}"
# optional, by default 1.5
# mode can be 0, 1 or 2, 1 is default value.
# it has the same meaning as rcon_secure cvar in darkplaces
# 0 means non secure rcon protocol
# 1 means srcon protocol with timestramp
# 2 means srcon protocol with challenge
# you can set default password for all servers
# it can be overridden in server section
# password=defaultpassword
# encoding can be utf8 or nexuiz, utf8 is default
# encoding=utf8
# addrfamily can be any, inet or inet6,
# values have the same meaning as in ssh_config
# any means booths ipv4 and ipv6
# inet means force only ipv4
# inet6 means force only ipv6
Input behavior can be changed via ~/.haskeline
config file. For more info
read this and this.
Prompt value is uses syntax of Haskell's string literal, however you also can use special substitutions:
Sequence | Printed |
%N | Server Name |
%h | Server Host |
%p | Server port |
%T | System time (HH:MM) |
%* | System time (HH:MM:SS) |
%D | System date (YY-MM-DD) |
%m | Connect mode: 0, 1 or 2 |
%P | Program name (drcon) |
%v | Program version |
%% | Symbol '%' |
%{ | Same as \ESC |
%} | End of escape sequence |
It is possible to embed escape sequences in prompt value, this will allow you to use colored prompt.
Here's one tip for those who are familiar with bash prompt settings:
- %{ — same as [\e in bash
- %} — same as ] in bash
— path to.drcon
— path where history will be stored
is empty then ~/.drcon/
will be used as default value.
Some people prefer store configs in "~/.config/" folder, for this you can
change this var like this
$ export DRCON_HOME="~/.config/drcon/"
Default value for DRCON_HISTFILE
is $DRCON_HOME/drcon_history