diff --git a/sdk/ml/azure-ai-ml/CHANGELOG.md b/sdk/ml/azure-ai-ml/CHANGELOG.md index 548b092ee5d0..0b450a9d5432 100644 --- a/sdk/ml/azure-ai-ml/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/sdk/ml/azure-ai-ml/CHANGELOG.md @@ -10,27 +10,16 @@ - Enable updating the CMK encryption key (workspace.encryption.keyVaultProperties.keyIdentifier) for a workspace. - Mark JobService class and services param to command() as experimental. - Added a replication_count value to the schema of SystemCreatedStorageAccount in Registry. -- Support expression in if-else in Pipelines. -- Support command schedule in Pipelines. -- Support Output & port type Input in @group in Pipelines. -- Support parallel-for pipeline with subgraph as body in Pipelines. -- Additional includes support azure devops artifacts for Component. - Added support for Fairfax and MoonCake cloud for the registry discovery baseurl. -- Added support for schedule in spark job. -- Added support for foreach node in SDK. - Added support for variable args as pipeline input in DSL Pipeline. -- Added support for dsl condition with one branch in Pipeline. - Added OS Patching Parameters to Compute Instance. ### Bugs Fixed - Update the upper bound dependencies version for tqdm, strictyaml, colorama and opencensus-ext-azure. - Added missing "properties" to batch deployment. - Retain the cases for the names of system job services (Tracking and Studio). -- Fixed Sweep node not excluding optional input with value `None` in REST object. - Update registry begin_delete method return type. - Fixed sweep job optional input cannot be empty. -- Added private preview flag for on_init and on_finalize in pipeline settings schema to hide them in YAML spec. -- Convert mldesigner primitive annotation to Input type in Pipeline. - Fixed bool test for output in download operation. - Fixed Compute Instance schedule not being created - Removed erroneous experimental warning from Compute Schedules