Only xlsx files are excepted for now. Library requirements -
- openpyxl
- mysql.connector
- tkinter
- Delete an existing database.
- Create a new database.
- Export the database to a excel file.
- Edit the database using excel sheet.
- Deleting existing tables.
- Creating new tables with primary key and foreign key constraints (other constraints are not handled). Foreign key has on delete cascade.
- Add new column or delete a column. (Primary key columns must not be added or deleted, to do so delete the table and then again create it.)
- Foreign key constraints can be added or removed.
- Remove rows from database.
- Add rows into database.
- Modify rows in database.
- *Do Not change the datatype of an attribute after defining for first time (to do this drop attribute and then again add it with changed data type).
- Each sheet represents a new table in the database (name of sheet is the name of table).
- First row is for the attribute names.
- Second row specifies datatype of the attribute (int(11), varchar(120) etc., please write these exact as mysql stores them).
- Thrid line is for specifying primary keys. All those attributes who are in primary key write 'PRI' under them.
- Fourth line is for specifying foreign key constraints. Under the attribute write 'REFERENCES @tablename(@attributename)'.
- From fifth line you can start entering data.
- Please do not leave any blank row or column in the middle.
authcode | pubcode |
int(11) | int(11) |
PRI | |
REFERENCES author(authcode) | REFERENCES publisher(pubcode) |
1 | 1 |
2 | 2 |
4 | 2 |
9 | 2 |
7 | 3 |
- Run main.ipynb
- A new window will appear. Enter the username and password of your mysql and click login.
- Then choose if you want to modify an existing database or create a new one or delete an existing database.
- Enter name of database.
- Enter 'y' to confirm you want to delete.
- Enter the name of the database you want to modify.
- There are 2 options - To export the database to a spreadsheet type 1, to manipulate data using spreadsheet type 2
- Enter the name of file along with it's extension (eg. test.xlsx).
- Enter the name of database.