In this laboratory work, the aim is to acquaint participants with the laboratory setup and demonstrate the use of IC gates utilizing the NI SC-2075 breadboard interface and Labview software.
- NI SC-2075
- ICs: 74HC00, 74HC02, 74HC04, 74HC86
- Wires, pliers
- Usage of the NI SC-2075 breadboard
- Implementation of a simple digital circuit
- Usage of a Labview vi script to send values to and read from the implemented circuit
- Investigation of the logic behavior of various IC gates, namely:
- 74HC00 or 74HCT00 Quadruple 2 input NAND gates
- 74HC02 or 74HCT02 Quadruple 2 input NOR gates
- 74HC04 Hex inverters
- 74HC86 Quadruple 2 input XOR gates
- Obtain the datasheets of each IC from the web or a databook.
- Draw the wiring connections for each IC as required.
- Prepare the theoretical truth tables.
- Prepare the wiring connection diagram.
- Prepare a wiring connection diagram.
- Construct the theoretical truth table for part.
- Use one gate from each IC and obtain the truth table of the gate. Compare the results with the theoretical results.
- Using a single 7400 IC, connect a circuit that produces an inverter, a 2-input AND, a 2-input OR, and a 2-input XOR. Verify the truth table.
- Using a single 7400 IC, connect a circuit that implements the Boolean function F=AB + CD. Draw the circuit diagram, obtain the truth table for F, and verify the truth table.