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冷酔閑吟 edited this page Mar 5, 2023 · 61 revisions

Universal settings

All commonly used setting entries have been implemented in settings.lua.


init.lua is the kernel config file. It requires configuration in lua directory.

  • lua directory contains 3 parts.

    • core directory contains base configuration of neovim.

    • keymap directory contains keybindings of plugins.

    • modules directory contains three main subfolders.

      • plugins/{scope}.lua contains plugins within the scope.

      • configs/{scope}/ folder contains plugin settings according to the scope.

      • utils/icons.lua contains icons used for plugin settings. See below for details.

      • utils/init.lua contains utility functions used by plugins. See below for details.

      • {scope} definition

        • completion contains plugins about code completion.

        • editor contains plugins which improve the default ability of vanilla Neovim.

        • lang contains plugins relates to certain programming language.

        • tool contains plugins using external tools and change the default layout which provides new ability to Neovim.

        • ui contains plugins render the interface without any actions after user fires Neovim.

  • The modules default file tree is as follows:

   └── lua/
       └── modules/
           ├── plugins/
           │   ├── completion.lua
           │   ├── editor.lua
           │   ├── lang.lua
           │   ├── tool.lua
           │   └── ui.lua
           ├── configs/
           │   ├── completion/
           │   ├── editor/
           │   ├── lang/
           │   ├── tool/
           │   └── ui/
           └── utils/
               ├── icons.lua
               └── init.lua

How to customize

Note: lua/modules/configs is in the search path of require. So instead of requiring modules.configs.completion.lsp you should use completion.lsp instead.

Add a new plugin

  1. make a sub-directory called custom under configs/ and a file called custom.lua under plugins/. custom.lua should contain the following initial content:
local custom = {}

return custom
  1. add this new plugin following the format that other plugins are configured in plugins/ and configs/. Specifically:

    • Add a new entry in plugins/custom.lua (See below for an example)

    • Create a new .lua file with plugin name as the filename under configs/custom/ (can be slightly different, as long as it can be understood by you).

Here is an example:

  • lua/modules/plugins/custom.lua
local custom = {}

custom["folke/todo-comments.nvim"] = {
	lazy = true,
	event = "BufRead",
	config = require("custom.todo-comments"), -- Require that config

return custom
  • lua/modules/configs/custom/todo-comments.lua
return function() -- This file MUST return a function accepting no parameter and has no return value

(If you need help, feel free to open an issue.)

Remove a plugin

  1. Determine this plugin belongs to what scope ([custom], completion, editor, lang, tools, ui).

  2. Remove its config located in corresponding plugins/<scope>.lua and configs/<scope>/<plugin-name>.lua.

  3. Remove corresponding keymap if exists.

  4. Press <leader>px to clean.

Modify keymap

  • For vanilla nvim's keymap

    modify lua/core/mapping.lua

  • For specific plugin's keymap

    modify lua/keymap/init.lua

  • Command breakdown

        ┌─ sep     ┌── map_type
     ["n|gb"] = map_cr("BufferLinePick"):with_noremap():with_silent(),
       │  └── map_key          │              └── special     │
       └──── map_mode          └── map_content                └── special (can be chained)

Modify event defined by autocmd

  • modify lua/core/event.lua

Modify vanilla nvim's options

  • modify lua/core/options.lua

Switch color scheme

  • modify lua/core/settings.lua this line

  • lualine's color scheme:

    1. check the scheme whether support lualine or not.
    2. modify configs/ui/lualine.lua: this line

All of modified config will have effect after you restart nvim.

Global assets


This configuration provides a global unified palette. You may use require("modules.utils").get_palette({ <color_name> = <hex_value> }?) to get the global color palette. Specific colors may be overwritten in settings.lua or passing in as a function parameter. You will be prompted when using this function.

The order of priority for modifying the palette is:

preset colors < global colors defined in `settings.lua` < incoming function parameters

All available colors can be found here. You can also explore implementation details in this file.


This configuration also provides a dedicated icon set. It can be accessed via require("modules.utils.icons").get(category, add_space?). You will get parameter completion when typing.

You can find the list of icons here.

Operation manual

  • Find word

hop to find word

  • Region operation

region operation

Guide on how to use the catppuccin colorscheme

What is Catppuccin? [1]

Catppuccin is a community-driven soothing pastel theme that aims to be the middle ground between low and high-contrast themes, providing a warm color palette with 26 eye-candy colors that are bright enough to be visible during the day, yet pale enough to be easy on your eyes throughout the night.

Basic Usage

Modify these lines. (Note: This link might be slightly different from HEAD, but it can be used as a reference.) See detailed explanation of each option below.


These settings are unrelated to any group and are globally independent.

  • flavour: (Can be any one of: latte, frappe, macchiato, or mocha) this is mandatory. You must set this value in order to make catppuccin work correctly. Note that latte is a light colorscheme, and the rest are dark schemes; The mocha palette is the only one that has been modified to make catppuccin look like the v0.1 one. Check out this PR for details.
  • transparent_background: (Boolean) if true, disables setting the background color.
  • term_colors: (Boolean) if true, sets terminal colors (a.k.a., g:terminal_color_0).

Dim inactive

This setting manages the ability to dim inactive splits/windows/buffers.

  • enabled: (Boolean) if true, dims the background color of inactive window or buffer or split.
  • shade: (string) sets the shade to apply to the inactive split or window or buffer.
  • percentage: (number from 0 to 1) percentage of the shade to apply to the inactive window, split or buffer.


Handles the style of general highlight groups (see :h highlight-args for detailed explanation):

  • comments: (Table) changes the style of comments.
  • functions: (Table) changes the style of functions (e.g., button in config).
  • keywords: (Table) changes the style of keywords (e.g., local).
  • strings: (Table) changes the style of strings.
  • variables: (Table) changes the style of variables.
  • properties: (Table) changes the style of a phantom field with only getter and/or setter (e.g., field access tbl.field).
  • operators: (Table) changes the style of operators.
  • conditionals: (Table) changes the style of conditional check keywords (e.g., if).
  • loops: (Table) changes the style of loop keywords (e.g., for).
  • booleans: (Table) changes the style of booleans.
  • numbers: (Table) changes the style of numbers.
  • types: (Table) changes the style of types (e.g., int).


These integrations allow catppuccin to set the theme of various plugins. To enable an integration you need to set it to true.

Using the auto-compile feature

Catppuccin is a highly customizable and configurable colorscheme. This does however come at the cost of complexity and execution time.

Catppuccin can pre-compute the results of configuration and store the results in a compiled lua file. These pre-cached values are later used to set highlights. The cached file is stored at vim.fn.stdpath("cache") .. "/catppuccin" by default (use :lua print(vim.fn.stdpath("cache") .. "/catppuccin") to see where it locates on your computer). You may change this behavior by modifying this line.

Note: As of 7/10/2022, catppuccin should be able to automatically recompile when the setup table changed. You cannot disable this feature.

Advanced Feature

Customizing the palette

Not satisfied with the current appearance? You may modify the palette yourself, like mocha!

Get catppuccin colors

local latte = require("catppuccin.palettes").get_palette "latte"
local frappe = require("catppuccin.palettes").get_palette "frappe"
local macchiato = require("catppuccin.palettes").get_palette "frappe"
local mocha = require("catppuccin.palettes").get_palette "mocha"

local colors = require("catppuccin.palettes").get_palette() -- current flavour's palette

These lines would all return a table respectively, where the key is the name of the color and the value is its hex value.

Overwriting highlight groups

Global highlight groups can be overwritten like so:

custom_highlights = function(cp)
	return {
		<hl_group> = { <fields> }

Here is an example:

	custom_highlights = function(cp)
		return {
			Comment = { fg = cp.flamingo },
			["@constant.builtin"] = { fg = cp.peach, style = {} },
			["@comment"] = { fg = cp.surface2, style = { "italic" } },

Per flavour highlight groups can be overwritten starting from this line like so:

highlight_overrides = {
	all = function(cp) -- Global highlight, will be replaced with custom_highlights if exists
		return {
			<hl_group> = { <fields> }
	end, -- Same for each flavour
	latte = function(latte) end,
	frappe = function(frappe) end,
	macchiato = function(macchiato) end,
	mocha = function(mocha) end,

Here is an example:

local ucolors = require("catppuccin.utils.colors")
	highlight_overrides = {
		all = function(colors)
			return {
				NvimTreeNormal = { fg = colors.none },
				CmpBorder = { fg = "#3E4145" },
		latte = function(latte)
			return {
				Normal = { fg = ucolors.darken(latte.base, 0.7, latte.mantle) },
		frappe = function(frappe)
			return {
				["@comment"] = { fg = frappe.surface2, style = { "italic" } },
		macchiato = function(macchiato)
			return {
				LineNr = { fg = macchiato.overlay1 },
		mocha = function(mocha)
			return {
				Comment = { fg = mocha.flamingo },

Additionally, if you want to load other custom highlights later, you may use this function:


For example:

local colors = require("catppuccin.palettes").get_palette() -- fetch colors from palette
	Comment = { fg = colors.surface0 }

Note: Custom highlights loaded using the require("catppuccin.lib.highlighter").syntax() function won't be pre-compiled.

Unlike the :highlight command which can update a highlight group, this function completely replaces the definition. (:h nvim_set_hl)

Overwriting colors

Colors can be overwritten using color_overrides starting from this line, like so:

require("catppuccin").setup {
	color_overrides = {
		all = {
			text = "#FFFFFF",
		latte = {
			base = "#FF0000",
			mantle = "#242424",
			crust = "#474747",
		frappe = {},
		macchiato = {},
		mocha = {},

Customizing auto-compile Hook

Available Compile Commands
:CatppuccinCompile " Create/update the compile file

Catppuccin also provides the following function to work with the catppuccin compiler:

require('catppuccin').compile() -- Create/update the compile files
Post-install/update hooks
  • You may add :CatppuccinCompile to post-install/update hooks here, like so:
ui["catppuccin/nvim"] = {
	lazy = false,
	name = "catppuccin",
	config = require("ui.catppuccin"),
	build = ":CatppuccinCompile"

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