Livecoding framework for text parsing and OSC messaging.
This was made, thinking of different ways of creating languages, parsing and looping, thinking of different ways of programming and an atempt of replicating this.
For installation it's necesary to have installed node js
git clone
npm install
For running the server in
npm run start
Regular Expresions
Regular expresion are patterns to filter data with certain structure, for example, an email usually looks like this: [email protected]
, the mail strictly has an @
, has a hosting and an alias, there should not be spaces or weird characters, we could describe the regex for filtering emails as [a-zA-Z0-9-_]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+\.com
where a-z
means any
there are two editor, a text editor where it's possible to write fluid text and the parsing editor, where the parsing rules are written.
Parsing editor
: Executes all the lines.Ctrl-Enter
: Executes the current line / current selection.Tab
: Focus the text editor.
Text editor
: Executes the regex rules in all the text.Ctrl-Enter
: Executes the regex rules in the current line / current selectionTab
: Focus the parsing editor.- onchange : Executes the regex rules if these are registered with
onchange: true
For parsing rules and loop implementation:
I'd be glad if you found an issue, you can always put an issue in github or send me a email to [email protected].