- Fix css issue from 'calc' method
- Update dist files
- Improved library reliability by fixing local development warnings
- The color of the link text on the hover has been changed to a darker color to be more visible.
- The color pallet has changed and the variables with "rb" acronym have the same values with the others.
- The brand logo has a different blue
- The icons and illustrations have been updated with the new colors as well.
- New logo for serenity
- Primary secondary and tertiary button colors have been changed with some new colors defined with the acronym "rb", example: "rb-primary-blue". These changes were made only for the default theme, on "dark" and "masquerade" the buttons are the same.
- The brand logo has changed into another svg.
- The "icons" folder contains the icons that are used in the components of Serenity, but these have been updated with the new colors as well.
- New color variables were added for the Rebranding design, all of them starting with "rb", example "rb-primary-blue".
- New icons and illustrations have been added under the following structure:
- The "artworks" folder contains illustrations.
- The "icons-default" folder contains icons that are not colored (they are black/white) as they will be used with CSS classes or copied into JavaScript where they will be used with fill="currentColor" to take on the color of the text (or the respective context).
- The "icons-colored" folder contains colored icons based on the new design colors.
- The
HTML/CSS component has been replaced by a.toggle
HTML/CSS component to match more use cases (bac5aee). - The fonts stack has been improved, but you now have to declare the fonts by yourself (cf55585).
- Wrong project license declaration in package.json (ec181b1).
- Reduce the number of files include in the package (c8aa228).
- Fix typo in buttons documentation (367e1c7).
- The documentation website is now automatically deployed on release tag using a GitHub action (3ec3bde, 27b8460).
- Form: Input select, fix error js undefined when using $refs
- Buttons: Masquerade theme
- Input Select: Fix issue with read-only state
- Input Select: Add disabled and read-only state to input-select
- Form: Force field error in block for input--radio--inline
- Form: Fix readonly on input-text (only apply on input or textarea)
- Form: Add readonly and disabled to textarea
- Form: Add readonly and disabled to input-text
- Form: Change checkbox checked focus state (lighter background)
- Form: Broader focus style for input
- Form: Input select, fix alignment on small breakpoint for Firefox
- Buttons: Remove margin on icon if the icon is the only-child.
- Form: Fix regression of input Select (increase line-height of selected label)
- Buttons: Disabled state
- Buttons: Manage small size for text button
- Typography: Bold style
- Split mixins files in separated files
- Form: Fix regression of input Select (add ellipsis in label if width is too small)
- Form: Input select error style
- Form: Input select label alignment for Safari
- Form: Field row styles
- Form: Input text styles
- Form: Input select styles
- Form: Input radios styles
- Form: Input switch styles
- Form: Textarea switch styles
- Form: Input group styles
- Buttons: Border style
- Colors: Primary-blue-l
- Form: Field annotation text
- Form: Input select
- Form: Input select small
- Typography: Dark style
- Buttons: Disabled state
- Titles: Dark variations (title--X--dark)
- Layout: container--no-gutter
- Colors: Blue, Green, bright, fresh, blue-firefly
- Colors: Secondary dark shade
- Colors: Bright and fresh shade
- Colors: Bright and fresh shade
- Colors: All deprecated colors ($storm-grey, $grey-94, $grey-91, $grey-61, $grey-50)
- Colors: functional-success, error and warning
- Colors: color body
- Colors: primary by primary-blue,
- Colors: secondary by primary-green,
- Colors: primary shade by primary-blue shade
- Colors: primary shade by primary-blue shade
- Colors: Secondary light shade by primary-green shade
- Messages: Warning, infos and success styles
- Form: Input text styles
- Form: Input checkbox and radios styles
- Form: Input errors styles
- Form: Input switch styles
- Form: Textarea switch styles
- Input-select: Input styles
- Buttons: Styles
- Typography: Title, text and link typography style
- Top-navigation: Update style
- Icons: Update icon-arrow-down.svg and icon-placeholder.svg
- Rename variable XxxBorderRadius to xxx-border-radius
- Fix typo in doc
- Colors: $inputBorderRadius to $input-border-radius
- Colors: $buttonBorderRadius to $button-border-radius
- Colors: $inputGroupSelectLargeBorderRadius to $input-group-select-large-border-radius
- Input-group-stepper Javascript component
- Form: Input modal theme for input text
- Typography: link--external
- Colors: Add orange-flag
- Input-select: Add an optional required prop
- Input-select: Adapt documentation for missing props
- Input-select: Input Select: Fix issue with computed flat array option (now contain id for each options)
- Convert some fixed size (PX) to relative one (REM) (Form element, mediaqueries)
- Buttons: Refactor button-disable style and behavior
- Forms: Adapt documentation for error-field
- README: Update with instruction to test serenity locally in your project
- Alerts: Change font weight body to font weight title and decrease padding to display smaller height
- Alerts : Remove border radius
- Input-select: Put the list dropdown higher than top-navigation
- Input-select: Close the list on scroll outside
- Role back vue-press version (was causing some issue on documentation generation)
- Fix issue with vuepress/plugins-container
- Input-select: Add a min width and align the list width the middle of the toggle
- Input Select: Remove vue click away (due to issue with double Vue import) and fix the custom directive
- Various: Update some JS package
- Top Navigation: Remove unused padding on desktop
- Input Checkbox: Rollback input--checkbox fix (fix issue apply by commit e8d6dcc)
- Input Select: Do not focus back on input toggle if click outside the element
- Input-Select: Remove input-select in group
- Fix input checkbox position bug when used in group
- Input Select: Update the colors of the input
- Breakpoints: Add below-desktop breakpoint
- Form: Force uppercase on the first letter of the field-label
- Button: Decrease the font-size of button--text on mobile
- Input Checkbox: Add indeterminate state
- Fix typo in doc for grid
- Input Select: Add option-group support (like optgroup)
- Input Select: Add disabled option support
- Input Select: Select an option on space keydown (if it's the first key hit)
- Input Select: Text transform issue with input-group--select
- Change doc logo
- Display inline error fields
- Input Select: Update active hover color
- Input Select: Close all previous opened select when click
- Change default link state (now underline, darker color on hover)
- Update docs (Add favicons, logos, refactor menu)
- Buttons: Fix margin left issue with button__icon--left
- Forms: Increase input-group stepper button font-size (now 24px was 12px)
- Update color scheme (change some grey), and deprecated others
- Forms: Change input-select button type to "button" to prevent form submit on click
- Forms: Add field__label--extra
- Add deploy-manual doc
- Update color scheme (change primary-ll, primary-lll, add primary-lll)
- Input Select: Increase max-height of input--select__list tp 325px
- Forms: Force field-label alignment to left
- Input Select: Cancel page jump when space is pressed
- Forms: Input Switch
- Buttons: Remove hover/focus blur effect on primary and secondary button
- Forms: Refactor input-select (better aria implementation)
- Forms: Change text-counter color to color-body for valid AA color contrast
- Forms: Change focus color of input-search
- Forms: Refactor input-select responsive behavior whit matchMedia vanilla api (remove enquire)
- Fix min-height issue of input-search__input on Firefox
- Forms: Input-select components
- Buttons: Update buttons styles
- Grid: Grid__item--centered class
- Initial Release.