- Programming language based on Go and supports Vietnamese language syntax
- Example:
; this is a single line comment
; 'if' is an expression so it can stand alone or be assigned
; example of conditional statement
let a = if 10 != 10 {
} else {
; the last statement is always returned as a value
let b = 0
; 'while' is also an expression so it can stand alone or be assigned
; 'c' will be 10, 'b' will be 10
; example of looping statement
let c = while b != 10 {
b = b + 1
; example of normal function declaration
fn minus(num1, num2, num3) {
num1 - num2 - num3
; example of functions as a variable
let sum = fn (num1, num2, num3) {
num1 + num2 + num3
let d = sum(a,b,c)
print("Hello world")
print(d) ; final result is 32
d ; returned result for testing
- Vietnamese example calculating the Fibonacci number:
hàm fiboViệt(trỏ) {
nếu trỏ == 0 {
} hay nếu trỏ = 1 {
} hay {
fiboViệt(trỏ-2) + fiboViệt(trỏ-1)
; vị trí 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
; giá trị 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13
; 8 + 13
in(fiboEnglish(6) + fiboViệt(7)) ; kết quả là 21
- More examples in sample folder
Construct | Syntax |
Variable declaration | let a = 10 |
Conditional statement | if 1 == 1 { print("ok") } else { print("what?") } |
Looping statement | while 1 == 1 { print("forever") } |
Function declaration | fn add(arg1,arg2) { arg1 + arg2} |
Printing | print("ok") |
Reading user input | let a = input() |
Return statement | fn inc(a) { while a<100 {if a == 50 {a return}} } last value before 'return' is always returned |
Break statement | while 1 == 1 { if a=3 {break} } last value before 'break' is returned |
Array declaration | let arr = [1,2,3] |
Array usage | arr[2] = 3, arr = arr + [4] |
Array element count | count(arr) |
Comment | from ';' to end of line e.g ; this is a comment |
Object | let body = { head: { eyes: 2, nose: 1}, torso: 1} |
Important note is that all construct returns the last statement's value so these syntax are allowed
let value1 = if 1+1 == 2 {
} else {
; value1 is now 1
let start = 0
let sum = while start < 3 {
start = start + 1
; result will be sum = start = 3
let multiply2 = fn (a) {
; no need explicit return statement in function
- Requirements: Go >= 1.18
- Checkout this repository then run:
go build
blulang ./sample/hello.blu