All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Changed AWS Elemental MediaLive to use single pipeline channel so only one video input is needed now.
- Reduced cost by switching to single-pipeline Medialive channel.
- Added Amazon Transcribe vocabulary filtering to remove unwanted words
- Improved AWS Elemental MediaLive native feature support
- SNS Topic used to trigger AWS Lambda that utilizes AWS Translate to generate output languages.
- Migrated to Lambda@Edge in Cloudfront to insert WebVTT caption data
- Reduced video latency by using Amazon Lambda at Edge for subtitle insertion
- DynamoDB used to store Amazon Transcribe Streaming output
- Improved Amazon Transcribe streaming implementation by using Amazon Elastic Container Service
- Removed NodeJS version of Custom Resources.
- Updated NodeJS 8.x to 12.x
- Updated python 3.6 to 3.8
- Updated MediaLiveRole and MediaLivePolicy
- Added MediaConnect support
- Added additional supported Amazon Translate langagues
- Initial release