A basic file streaming application written with the Spring Boot 2 framework. You can build and test it locally as a typical Spring Boot 2 application.
The application can be deployed in an AWS account using the Serverless Application Model. The template.yaml
file in the root folder contains the application definition.
To run the application we are using the run.sh script located in the resources folder:
exec java -cp "./:lib/*" "com.amazonaws.demo.stream.Application"
In the configuration we have to specify the AWS Lambda adapter as a layer and configure the script as handler:
MemorySize: 512
Handler: run.sh
CodeUri: app/
Runtime: java11
AutoPublishAlias: live
ApplyOn: PublishedVersions
RUST_LOG: info
AWS_LWA_INVOKE_MODE: response_stream
- !Sub arn:aws:lambda:${AWS::Region}:753240598075:layer:LambdaAdapterLayerX86:24
In this template, we enable SnapStart for this function. SnapStart drastically reduces cold start time for Java functions using Firecracker MicroVM snapshotting technology. Read more about SnapStart here.
The file stream application is deployed under /v1/{proxy+}. But the application does not know that. So in the SAM template file, we configured environment variable REMOVE_BASE_PATH=/v1
This configuration tells the Adapter to remove /v1
from http request path, so that the pet store application works without changing code.
The following tools should be installed and configured.
Navigate to the sample's folder and use the SAM CLI to build the application:
$ sam build
This command compiles the application and prepares a deployment package in the .aws-sam
To deploy the application in your AWS account, you can use the SAM CLI's guided deployment process and follow the instructions on the screen
$ sam deploy --guided
Once the deployment is completed, the SAM CLI will print out the stack's outputs, including the new application URL. You can use curl
or a web browser to make a call to the URL
Key StreamFilesFunctionUrl
Description Function URL for StreamFiles function to stream a dummy 15mb file
Value https://abcdxxxxxxxxxxxx.lambda-url.us-west-2.on.aws/stream-dummy?size=15
Key StreamFilesFunction
Description StreamFilesFunction Lambda Function ARN
Value arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:111111111111:function:spring-wa-StreamFilesFunction-abcdxxxxxxxxxxxx
$ curl https://abcdxxxxxxxxxxxx.lambda-url.us-west-2.on.aws/stream-dummy?size=15
To stream a preexisting mp4 file
$ curl https://abcdxxxxxxxxxxxx.lambda-url.us-west-2.on.aws/stream
This example use provisioned concurrency to reduce cold start time. It incurs additional cost. You can remove the whole example with the following command.
sam delete