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AWS Tools for PowerShell

You can build Lambda layers containing all or select modules from the AWS Tools for PowerShell.

You add one or more layers to your functions, along with the PowerShell custom runtime.

The process is a two stage process, first build the layer(s) and then deploy the layers to your AWS account.

Windows does not natively support Makefiles. When using Windows, you can use either Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), Docker Desktop or native PowerShell.


Build stage

Clone the repository and change into the modules directory.

git clone
cd aws-lambda-powershell-runtime
cd powershell-modules/AWSToolsforPowerShell

Change into the specific module collection directory that matches the modules you wish to install.

To install all modules, use AWS.Tools.All

To install only the AWS.Tools.Common modules, use AWS.Tools.Common

To install select AWS.Tools modules, you can amend the modules imported.

The following example shows importing the modules for S3 and EventBridge

cd AWS.Tools.S3EventBridge

You can amend the makefile or build-AWSToolsLayer.ps1 files to selectively include or exclude any of the AWS Tools for PowerShell modules.

Use one of the "Build" options, A,B,C, depending on your operating system and tools.

A) Build using Linux or WSL with AWS SAM

Build the Lambda layer using native Linux or WSL.

Note: The make package is required for sam build to work. When building in Linux environments, including WSL, you may need to install make before this command will work.

sam build

sam build

B) Build using Docker with AWS SAM

You can build the Lambda layer using Docker. This uses a Linux-based Lambda-like Docker container to build the packages. Use this option for Windows without WSL or as an isolated Mac/Linux build environment.

sam build --use-container

C) Build using PowerShell for Windows

You can use native PowerShell for Windows to download and extract the Lambda layer files. This performs the same file copy functionality as the Makefile. It adds the files to the buildlayer folder rather than a temporary build location for subsequent deployment with AWS SAM or the AWS CLI. Use this option for Windows without WSL or Docker.



Deploy stage

Use one of the "Deploy" options, A,B, to deploy the layer depending on your tools.

A) Deploy using AWS SAM

Use AWS SAM to deploy the resources to your AWS account. You can use AWS SAM even if you didn't use the tool in the build phase. Deploy either of the build A), B), or C) options. Run a guided deployment to set the default parameters for the first deploy.

sam deploy -g

For subsequent deployments you can use sam deploy.

Enter a Stack Name such as AWSToolsCommon and accept the remaining initial defaults.

sam deploy layer -g

AWS SAM deploys the infrastructure and outputs the details of the layer. Note the ARN value to add to your functions.

AWS SAM resources


To delete the layer created, run the following and confirm that you want to delete the resources that were created by this template.

sam delete

B) Deploy using AWS CLI

If you built the layer using PowerShell for Windows, you can deploy to AWS without requiring AWS SAM.

Zip up the layer files.

cd buildlayer
zip -FSr ../ .
cd ..

Use the AWS CLI to create the layer. Replace the --layer-name, and --description values.

aws lambda publish-layer-version --layer-name "AWSToolsS3EventBridge"  --zip-file "fileb://" --description "Layer containing AWSTools.S3EventBridge" --compatible-runtimes provided.al2

Note the LayerVersionArn value to add to your functions.



Use the AWS CLI to delete the layer version created. If you need to delete all versions, repeat the command for all published versions. Replace the --layer-name, and --version-number values.

aws lambda delete-layer-version --layer-name "AWSToolsS3EventBridge" --version-number 1