This sample application shows how you can create a database and table, populate the table with ~126K rows of sample data, and run sample queries to jumpstart your evaluation and/or proof-of-concept applications with Amazon Timestream.
- Install Node.js if not already installed.
- Install necessary node dependencies.
npm install
- Run the sample application
node main.js
- UpdateDatabase will be skipped unless --kmsKeyId flag is given
node main.js --kmsKeyId=updatedKmsKeyId
- Run the sample application with sample data by adding --csvFilePath flag
node main.js --csvFilePath=../data/sample.csv
- Run sample application to remove table and database created
node main.js --type cleanup
- Run sample application to execute Unload queries
node main.js --type unload --csvFilePath=../data/sample_unload.csv
- Run sample application with composite partition key
node main.js --type compositePartitionKey