The purpose of the JSON Import Tool is to load JSON formatted data from a single file into DocumentDB or MongoDB in parallel. Input file must contain one JSON document per line.
- Python 3
- Modules: pymongo
pip3 install pymongo
- Clone the repository and go to the tool folder:
git clone
cd amazon-documentdb-tools/migration/json-import/
- Run the tool, which accepts the following arguments:
python3 --help
usage: [-h] --uri URI --file-name FILE_NAME --operations-per-batch OPERATIONS_PER_BATCH --workers WORKERS --database DATABASE --collection COLLECTION --log-file-name LOG_FILE_NAME
[--skip-python-version-check] [--lines-per-chunk LINES_PER_CHUNK] [--debug-level DEBUG_LEVEL] --mode {insert,replace,update} [--drop-collection]
Bulk/Concurrent JSON file import utility.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--uri URI URI
--file-name FILE_NAME
Name of JSON file to load
--operations-per-batch OPERATIONS_PER_BATCH
Number of operations per batch
--workers WORKERS Number of parallel workers
--database DATABASE Database name
--collection COLLECTION
Collection name
--log-file-name LOG_FILE_NAME
Log file name
Permit execution on Python 3.6 and prior
--lines-per-chunk LINES_PER_CHUNK
Number of lines each worker reserves before jumping ahead in the file to the next chunk
--debug-level DEBUG_LEVEL
Debug output level.
--mode {insert,replace,update}
Mode - insert, replace, or update
--drop-collection Drop the collection prior to loading data
Load data (as inserts) from JSON formatted file load-me.json
python3 \
--uri "mongodb://user:[email protected]:27017/?tls=true&tlsCAFile=rds-combined-ca-bundle.pem&replicaSet=rs0&readPreference=secondaryPreferred&retryWrites=false" \
--file-name load-me.json
--operations-per-batch 100
--workers 4
--database jsonimport
--collection coll1
--log-file-name json-import-log-file.log
--lines-per-chunk 1000
--mode insert
For more information on the connection string format, refer to the documentation.