diff --git a/clients/client-quicksight/README.md b/clients/client-quicksight/README.md
index abb805f4e260..e72e191609ea 100644
--- a/clients/client-quicksight/README.md
+++ b/clients/client-quicksight/README.md
@@ -327,6 +327,14 @@ CreateRefreshSchedule
[Command API Reference](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/v3/latest/clients/client-quicksight/classes/createrefreshschedulecommand.html) / [Input](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/v3/latest/clients/client-quicksight/interfaces/createrefreshschedulecommandinput.html) / [Output](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/v3/latest/clients/client-quicksight/interfaces/createrefreshschedulecommandoutput.html)
+ Use You don't have access to this item. The provided credentials couldn't be
+ * validated. You might not be authorized to carry out the request. Make sure that your
+ * account is authorized to use the Amazon QuickSight service, that your policies have the
+ * correct permissions, and that you are using the correct credentials. An internal failure occurred. One or more parameters has a value that isn't valid. One or more preconditions aren't met. One or more resources can't be found. This resource is currently unavailable. Access is throttled. Base exception class for all service exceptions from QuickSight service. Removes custom permissions from the role. You don't have access to this item. The provided credentials couldn't be
+ * validated. You might not be authorized to carry out the request. Make sure that your
+ * account is authorized to use the Amazon QuickSight service, that your policies have the
+ * correct permissions, and that you are using the correct credentials. An internal failure occurred. One or more parameters has a value that isn't valid. One or more preconditions aren't met. One or more resources can't be found. This resource is currently unavailable. Access is throttled. Base exception class for all service exceptions from QuickSight service. Removes a group from a role. You don't have access to this item. The provided credentials couldn't be
+ * validated. You might not be authorized to carry out the request. Make sure that your
+ * account is authorized to use the Amazon QuickSight service, that your policies have the
+ * correct permissions, and that you are using the correct credentials. An internal failure occurred. One or more parameters has a value that isn't valid. One or more preconditions aren't met. One or more resources can't be found. This resource is currently unavailable. Access is throttled. Base exception class for all service exceptions from QuickSight service. Describes all custom permissions that are mapped to a role. You don't have access to this item. The provided credentials couldn't be
+ * validated. You might not be authorized to carry out the request. Make sure that your
+ * account is authorized to use the Amazon QuickSight service, that your policies have the
+ * correct permissions, and that you are using the correct credentials. An internal failure occurred. One or more parameters has a value that isn't valid. One or more preconditions aren't met. One or more resources can't be found. This resource is currently unavailable. Access is throttled. Base exception class for all service exceptions from QuickSight service. Lists all groups that are associated with a role. You don't have access to this item. The provided credentials couldn't be
+ * validated. You might not be authorized to carry out the request. Make sure that your
+ * account is authorized to use the Amazon QuickSight service, that your policies have the
+ * correct permissions, and that you are using the correct credentials. An internal failure occurred. The One or more parameters has a value that isn't valid. A limit is exceeded. One or more preconditions aren't met. One or more resources can't be found. This resource is currently unavailable. Access is throttled. Base exception class for all service exceptions from QuickSight service. Updates the custom permissions that are associated with a role. You don't have access to this item. The provided credentials couldn't be
+ * validated. You might not be authorized to carry out the request. Make sure that your
+ * account is authorized to use the Amazon QuickSight service, that your policies have the
+ * correct permissions, and that you are using the correct credentials. An internal failure occurred. One or more parameters has a value that isn't valid. One or more preconditions aren't met. One or more resources can't be found. This resource is currently unavailable. Access is throttled. Base exception class for all service exceptions from QuickSight service. An array of analysis level configurations. Determines the timezone for the analysis. Determines the week start day for an analysis. A sheet, which is an object that contains a set of visuals that
@@ -745,12 +708,6 @@ export interface Analysis {
* A list of the associated sheets with the unique identifier and name of each sheet. An array of analysis level configurations. An array of analysis level configurations. Determines the timezone for the analysis. Determines the week start day for an analysis. Defines different defaults to the users or groups based on mapping. The ARN of the specific The ARN of the specific The ARN of the specific The ARN of the specific The ARN of the specific The ARN of the specific The ARN of the specific The format for the export job. The flag that determines the inclusion of permissions associated with each resource ARN. The flag that determines the inclusion of tags associated with each resource ARN. The option to relax the validation that is required to export each asset. When A Boolean value that indicates whether to export resources under strict or lenient mode. Describes a warning that occurred during an Asset Bundle export job. The ARN of the resource whose processing caused a warning. A description of the warning. A structure that contains the permissions for the resource that you want to override in an asset bundle import job. A list of principals to grant permissions on. A list of IAM actions to grant permissions on. An object that contains a list of permissions to be applied to a list of analysis IDs. A list of analysis IDs that you want to apply overrides to. You can use A list of permissions for the analyses that you want to apply overrides to. The key or keys of the key-value pairs for the resource tag or tags assigned to the
+ * resource. Tag key. Tag value. An object that contains a list of tags to be assigned to a list of analysis IDs. A list of analysis IDs that you want to apply overrides to. You can use A list of tags for the analyses that you want to apply overrides to. The override parameters for a single dashboard that is being imported. A structure that contains the configuration of a shared link to an Amazon QuickSight dashboard. A list of link sharing permissions for the dashboards that you want to apply overrides to. An object that contains a list of permissions to be applied to a list of dashboard IDs. A list of dashboard IDs that you want to apply overrides to. You can use A list of permissions for the dashboards that you want to apply overrides to. A structure that contains the link sharing configurations that you want to apply overrides to. An object that contains a list of tags to be assigned to a list of dashboard IDs. A list of dashboard IDs that you want to apply overrides to. You can use A list of tags for the dashboards that you want to apply overrides to. The override parameters for a single dataset that is being imported. An object that contains a list of permissions to be applied to a list of dataset IDs. A list of dataset IDs that you want to apply overrides to. You can use A list of permissions for the datasets that you want to apply overrides to. An object that contains a list of tags to be assigned to a list of dataset IDs. A list of dataset IDs that you want to apply overrides to. You can use A list of tags for the datasets that you want to apply overrides to. A username and password credential pair to use to import a data source resource. The parameters that are required to connect to a Google BigQuery data source. The Google Cloud Platform project ID where your datasource was created. The storage location where you create a Google BigQuery data source. The parameters that are required to connect to a Databricks data source. The parameters that are required to connect to a Google BigQuery data source. An object that contains a list of permissions to be applied to a list of data source IDs. A list of data source IDs that you want to apply overrides to. You can use A list of permissions for the data source that you want to apply overrides to. An object that contains a list of tags to be assigned to a list of data source IDs. A list of data source IDs that you want to apply overrides to. You can use A list of tags for the data source that you want to apply overrides to. Describes an error that occurred within an Asset Bundle import execution. An object that contains a list of permissions to be applied to a list of theme IDs. A list of theme IDs that you want to apply overrides to. You can use A list of permissions for the themes that you want to apply overrides to. A summary of the import job that includes details of the requested job's configuration and its current status. A structure that contains the override permission configurations that modify the permissions for specified resources before the resource is imported. The current status of the import job. A list of permissions overrides for any The ARN of the import job. A list of permissions overrides for any The time that the import job was created. A list of permissions overrides for any A list of permissions overrides for any A list of permissions overrides for any An object that contains a list of tags to be assigned to a list of theme IDs. A list of theme IDs that you want to apply overrides to. You can use A list of tags for the themes that you want to apply overrides to. An object that contains a list of tags to be assigned to a list of VPC connection IDs. A list of VPC connection IDs that you want to apply overrides to. You can use A list of tags for the VPC connections that you want to apply overrides to. A structure that contains the override tag configuration that modify the tags that are assigned to specified resources before the resource is imported. A list of tag overrides for any A list of tag overrides for any A list of tag overrides for any A list of tag overrides for any A list of tag overrides for any A list of tag overrides for any An optional parameter that overrides the validation strategy for all analyses and dashboards before the resource is imported. A Boolean value that indicates whether to import all analyses and dashboards under strict or lenient mode. A summary of the import job that includes details of the requested job's configuration and its current status. The current status of the import job. The ARN of the import job. The time that the import job was created. The key or keys of the key-value pairs for the resource tag or tags assigned to the
- * resource. Tag key. Tag value. The method that you want to use to authenticate your Amazon QuickSight account. Currently, the valid values for this parameter are The method that you want to use to authenticate your Amazon QuickSight account. If you choose If you choose The admin group associated with your Active Directory. This field is required if The admin group associated with your Active Directory or IAM Identity Center account. This field is required if For more information about using IAM Identity Center in Amazon QuickSight, see Using IAM Identity Center with Amazon QuickSight Enterprise Edition in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide. For more information about using Active Directory in Amazon QuickSight, see Using Active Directory with Amazon QuickSight Enterprise Edition in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide. The author group associated with your Active Directory. For more information about using
- * Active Directory in Amazon QuickSight, see Using Active Directory with
- * Amazon QuickSight Enterprise Edition in the Amazon QuickSight
- * User Guide. The author group associated with your Active Directory or IAM Identity Center account. For more information about using IAM Identity Center in Amazon QuickSight, see Using IAM Identity Center with Amazon QuickSight Enterprise Edition in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide. For more information about using Active Directory in Amazon QuickSight, see Using Active Directory with Amazon QuickSight Enterprise Edition in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide. The reader group associated with your Active Direcrtory. For more information about
- * using Active Directory in Amazon QuickSight, see Using Active Directory with
- * Amazon QuickSight Enterprise Edition in the Amazon QuickSight
- * User Guide. The reader group associated with your Active Directory or IAM Identity Center account. For more information about using IAM Identity Center in Amazon QuickSight, see Using IAM Identity Center with Amazon QuickSight Enterprise Edition in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide. For more information about using Active Directory in Amazon QuickSight, see Using Active Directory with Amazon QuickSight Enterprise Edition in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide. The mode of validation for the asset to be creaed or updated. When you set this value to The mode of validation for the asset to be created or updated. When you set this value to A structure that contains the configuration of a shareable link to the dashboard. A structure that contains the permissions of a shareable link. Dashboard source template. When you create the dashboard, Amazon QuickSight adds the dashboard to these folders. A structure that contains the permissions of a shareable link to the dashboard. The name of the group that you want to add to the role. The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that you want to create a group in. The Amazon Web Services account ID that you provide must be the same Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account. The namespace that the role belongs to. The role that you want to add a group to. The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation. The HTTP status of the request. Dataset schema. A structure that represents a singular filter constant, used in filters to specify a single value to match against. The type of the singular filter constant. Valid values for this structure are The value of the singular filter constant. A filter that filters topics based on the value of a numeric field. The filter includes only topics whose numeric field value matches the specified value. The constant used in a numeric equality filter. An aggregation function that specifies how to calculate the value of a numeric field for
- * a topic. Valid values for this structure are A filter that filters topics based on the value of a numeric field. The filter includes only topics whose numeric field value falls within the specified range. A Boolean value that indicates whether the endpoints of the numeric range are included in the filter.
- * If set to true, topics whose numeric field value is equal to the endpoint values will be
- * included in the filter. If set to false, topics whose numeric field value is equal to the
- * endpoint values will be excluded from the filter. The constant used in a
- * numeric range filter. An aggregation function that specifies how to calculate the value of a numeric field for
- * a topic, Valid values for this structure are A structure that represents a relative date filter. The level of time precision that is used to aggregate The function to be used in a relative date filter to determine the range of dates to include in the results. Valid values for this structure are The constant used in a
- * relative date filter. A structure that represents a filter used to select items for a topic. A description of the filter used to select items for a topic. The class of the filter. Valid values for this structure are
- * The name of the filter. The other names or aliases for the filter. The name of the field that the filter operates on. The type of the filter. Valid values for this structure are
- * The category filter that is associated with this filter. The numeric equality filter. The numeric range filter. The date range filter. The relative date filter. A structure that represents a metric. The aggregation of a named entity. Valid values for this structure are The additional parameters for an aggregation function. A structure that represents a named entity. The name of the entity. The property name to be used for the named entity. The property role. Valid values for this structure are The property usage. Valid values for this structure are The definition of a metric. A structure that represents a semantic entity type. The semantic entity type name. The semantic entity sub type name. The semantic entity type parameters. A structure that represents a named entity. The name of the named entity. The description of the named entity. The other
- * names or aliases for the named entity. The type of named entity that a topic represents. The definition of a named entity. A structure that represents a dataset. The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dataset. The name of the dataset. The description of the dataset. The definition of a data aggregation. The list of filter definitions. The list of column definitions. The list of calculated field definitions. The list of named entities definitions. A structure that describes the details of a topic, such as its name, description, and associated data sets. The name of the topic. The description of the topic. The data sets that the topic is associated with. The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that you want to create a topic in. The ID for the topic that you want to create. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account. The definition of a topic to create. Contains a map of the key-value pairs for the resource tag or tags that are assigned to
- * the dataset. The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the topic. The ID for the topic that you want to create. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region
- * for each Amazon Web Services account. The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the topic refresh. The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation. The HTTP status of the request. A structure that represents a topic refresh schedule. A Boolean value that controls whether to schedule is enabled. A Boolean value that controls whether to schedule runs at the same schedule that is specified in
- * SPICE dataset. The starting date and time for the refresh schedule. The timezone that you want the refresh schedule to use. The time of day when the refresh should run, for
- * example, Monday-Sunday. The type of refresh schedule. Valid values for this structure are The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the topic
- * you're creating a refresh schedule for. The ID of the topic that you want to modify. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account. The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dataset. The name of the dataset. The definition of a refresh schedule. The ID of the topic that you want to modify. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account. The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the topic. The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dataset. The HTTP status of the request. The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation. The Amazon Web Services account ID of the account where you want to create a new VPC
- * connection. The ID of the VPC connection that
- * you're creating. This ID is a unique identifier for each Amazon Web Services Region in an
- * Amazon Web Services account. The display name for the VPC connection. A list of subnet IDs for the VPC connection. A list of security group IDs for the VPC connection. A list of IP addresses of DNS resolver endpoints for the VPC connection. The IAM role to associate with the VPC connection. A map of the key-value pairs for the resource tag or tags assigned to the VPC
- * connection. A structure that represents a singular filter constant, used in filters to specify a single value to match against. The type of the singular filter constant. Valid values for this structure are The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the VPC connection. The value of the singular filter constant. A filter that filters topics based on the value of a numeric field. The filter includes only topics whose numeric field value matches the specified value. The ID for the VPC connection that
- * you're creating. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services
- * account. The constant used in a numeric equality filter. The status of the creation of the VPC connection. An aggregation function that specifies how to calculate the value of a numeric field for
+ * a topic. Valid values for this structure are A filter that filters topics based on the value of a numeric field. The filter includes only topics whose numeric field value falls within the specified range. The availability status of the VPC connection. A Boolean value that indicates whether the endpoints of the numeric range are included in the filter.
+ * If set to true, topics whose numeric field value is equal to the endpoint values will be
+ * included in the filter. If set to false, topics whose numeric field value is equal to the
+ * endpoint values will be excluded from the filter. The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation. The constant used in a
+ * numeric range filter. The HTTP status of the request. An aggregation function that specifies how to calculate the value of a numeric field for
+ * a topic, Valid values for this structure are Dashboard error. A structure that represents a relative date filter. Type. The level of time precision that is used to aggregate Message. The function to be used in a relative date filter to determine the range of dates to include in the results. Valid values for this structure are Lists the violated entities that caused the dashboard error. The constant used in a
+ * relative date filter. Dashboard version. A structure that represents a filter used to select items for a topic. The time that this dashboard version was created. A description of the filter used to select items for a topic. Errors associated with this dashboard version. The class of the filter. Valid values for this structure are
+ * Version number for this version of the dashboard. The name of the filter. The HTTP status of the request. The other names or aliases for the filter. The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource. The name of the field that the filter operates on. Source entity ARN. The type of the filter. Valid values for this structure are
+ * The Amazon Resource Numbers (ARNs) for the datasets that are associated with this
- * version of the dashboard. The category filter that is associated with this filter. Description. The numeric equality filter. The ARN of the theme associated with a version of the dashboard. The numeric range filter. A list of the associated sheets with the unique identifier and name of each sheet. The date range filter. An array of analysis level configurations. The relative date filter. Dashboard. A structure that represents a metric. Dashboard ID. The aggregation of a named entity. Valid values for this structure are The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource. The additional parameters for an aggregation function. A structure that represents a named entity. A display name for the dashboard. The name of the entity. Version. The property name to be used for the named entity. The time that this dashboard was created. The property role. Valid values for this structure are The last time that this dashboard was published. The property usage. Valid values for this structure are The last time that this dashboard was updated. The definition of a metric. A filter that you apply when searching for dashboards. A structure that represents a semantic entity type. The comparison operator that you want to use as a filter, for example If you set the operator value to If you set the value to The semantic entity type name. The name of the value that you want to use as a filter, for example, Valid values are defined as follows:
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- * The semantic entity sub type name. The value of the named item, in this case The semantic entity type parameters. Dashboard summary. A structure that represents a named entity. The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource. The name of the named entity. Dashboard ID. The description of the named entity. A display name for the dashboard. The other
+ * names or aliases for the named entity. The time that this dashboard was created. The type of named entity that a topic represents. The last time that this dashboard was updated. The definition of a named entity. A structure that represents a dataset. Published version number. The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dataset. The last time that this dashboard was published. The name of the dataset. Dashboard version summary. The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource. The description of the dataset. The time that this dashboard version was created. The definition of a data aggregation. Version number. The list of filter definitions. The HTTP status of the request. The list of column definitions. Source entity ARN. The list of calculated field definitions. Description. The list of named entities definitions. Output column. A structure that describes the details of a topic, such as its name, description, and associated data sets. The display name of the column.. The name of the topic. A description for a column. The description of the topic. The data type of the column. The data sets that the topic is associated with. The sub data type of the column. Dataset. The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource. The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that you want to create a topic in. The ID of the dataset. The ID for the topic that you want to create. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account. A display name for the dataset. The definition of a topic to create. The time that this dataset was created. Contains a map of the key-value pairs for the resource tag or tags that are assigned to
+ * the dataset. The last time that this dataset was updated. The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the topic. Declares the physical tables that are available in the underlying data sources. The ID for the topic that you want to create. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region
+ * for each Amazon Web Services account. Configures the combination and transformation of the data from the physical
- * tables. The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the topic refresh. The list of columns after all transforms. These columns are available in templates,
- * analyses, and dashboards. The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation. A value that indicates whether you want to import the data into SPICE. The HTTP status of the request. The amount of SPICE capacity used by this dataset. This is 0 if the dataset isn't
- * imported into SPICE. Groupings of columns that work together in certain Amazon QuickSight features.
- * Currently, only geospatial hierarchy is supported. A structure that represents a topic refresh schedule. The folder that contains fields and nested subfolders for your dataset. A Boolean value that controls whether to schedule is enabled. The row-level security configuration for the dataset. A Boolean value that controls whether to schedule runs at the same schedule that is specified in
+ * SPICE dataset. The element you can use to define tags for row-level security. The starting date and time for the refresh schedule. A set of one or more definitions of a The timezone that you want the refresh schedule to use. The usage configuration to apply to child datasets that reference this dataset as a source. The time of day when the refresh should run, for
+ * example, Monday-Sunday. The parameters that are declared in a dataset. The type of refresh schedule. Valid values for this structure are The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the topic
+ * you're creating a refresh schedule for. The lookback window setup of an incremental refresh configuration. The name of the lookback window column. The ID of the topic that you want to modify. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account. The lookback window column size. The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dataset. The size unit that is used for the lookback window column. Valid values for this structure are The name of the dataset. The incremental refresh configuration for a dataset. The lookback window setup for an incremental refresh configuration. The definition of a refresh schedule. The refresh configuration of a dataset. The incremental refresh for the dataset. The ID of the topic that you want to modify. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account. The refresh properties of a dataset. The refresh configuration for a dataset. The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the topic. A filter that you apply when searching for datasets. The comparison operator that you want to use as a filter, for example If you set the operator value to If you set the value to The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dataset. The name of the value that you want to use as a filter, for example, Valid values are defined as follows:
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- * The HTTP status of the request. The value of the named item, in this case The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation. Dataset summary. The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dataset. The ID of the dataset. The Amazon Web Services account ID of the account where you want to create a new VPC
+ * connection. A display name for the dataset. The ID of the VPC connection that
+ * you're creating. This ID is a unique identifier for each Amazon Web Services Region in an
+ * Amazon Web Services account. The time that this dataset was created. The display name for the VPC connection. The last time that this dataset was updated. A list of subnet IDs for the VPC connection. A value that indicates whether you want to import the data into SPICE. A list of security group IDs for the VPC connection. The row-level security configuration for the dataset. A list of IP addresses of DNS resolver endpoints for the VPC connection. Whether or not the row level permission tags are applied. The IAM role to associate with the VPC connection. A value that indicates if the dataset has column level permission configured. A map of the key-value pairs for the resource tag or tags assigned to the VPC
+ * connection. Error information for the data source creation or update. Error type. The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the VPC connection. Error message. The ID for the VPC connection that
+ * you're creating. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services
+ * account. The status of the creation of the VPC connection. The availability status of the VPC connection. The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation. The HTTP status of the request. The structure of a data source. Dashboard error. The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the data source. Type. The ID of the data source. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each
- * Amazon Web Services account. Message. A display name for the data source. Lists the violated entities that caused the dashboard error. Dashboard version. The type of the data source. This type indicates which database engine the data source
- * connects to. The time that this dashboard version was created. Errors associated with this dashboard version. Version number for this version of the dashboard. The time that this data source was created. The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource. The last time that this data source was updated. Source entity ARN. The parameters that Amazon QuickSight uses to connect to your underlying source. This
- * is a variant type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes
- * can be non-null. The Amazon Resource Numbers (ARNs) for the datasets that are associated with this
+ * version of the dashboard. A set of alternate data source parameters that you want to share for the credentials
- * stored with this data source. The credentials are applied in tandem with the data source
- * parameters when you copy a data source by using a create or update request. The API
- * operation compares the Description. The VPC connection information. You need to use this parameter only when you want
- * Amazon QuickSight to use a VPC connection when connecting to your underlying source. The ARN of the theme associated with a version of the dashboard. Secure Socket Layer (SSL) properties that apply when Amazon QuickSight connects to your
- * underlying source. A list of the associated sheets with the unique identifier and name of each sheet. Dashboard. Error information from the last update or the creation of the data source. Dashboard ID. The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the secret associated with the data source in Amazon Secrets Manager. The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource. A display name for the dashboard. Version. The time that this dashboard was created. The last time that this dashboard was published. The last time that this dashboard was updated. A filter that you apply when searching for data sources. A filter that you apply when searching for dashboards. The comparison operator that you want to use as a filter, for example If you set the operator value to If you set the value to The comparison operator that you want to use as a filter, for example If you set the operator value to If you set the value to The name of the value that you want to use as a filter, for example,
+[Command API Reference](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/v3/latest/clients/client-quicksight/classes/createrolemembershipcommand.html) / [Input](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/v3/latest/clients/client-quicksight/interfaces/createrolemembershipcommandinput.html) / [Output](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/v3/latest/clients/client-quicksight/interfaces/createrolemembershipcommandoutput.html)
@@ -495,6 +503,22 @@ DeleteRefreshSchedule
[Command API Reference](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/v3/latest/clients/client-quicksight/classes/deleterefreshschedulecommand.html) / [Input](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/v3/latest/clients/client-quicksight/interfaces/deleterefreshschedulecommandinput.html) / [Output](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/v3/latest/clients/client-quicksight/interfaces/deleterefreshschedulecommandoutput.html)
+[Command API Reference](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/v3/latest/clients/client-quicksight/classes/deleterolecustompermissioncommand.html) / [Input](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/v3/latest/clients/client-quicksight/interfaces/deleterolecustompermissioncommandinput.html) / [Output](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/v3/latest/clients/client-quicksight/interfaces/deleterolecustompermissioncommandoutput.html)
+[Command API Reference](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/v3/latest/clients/client-quicksight/classes/deleterolemembershipcommand.html) / [Input](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/v3/latest/clients/client-quicksight/interfaces/deleterolemembershipcommandinput.html) / [Output](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/v3/latest/clients/client-quicksight/interfaces/deleterolemembershipcommandoutput.html)
@@ -791,6 +815,14 @@ DescribeRefreshSchedule
[Command API Reference](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/v3/latest/clients/client-quicksight/classes/describerefreshschedulecommand.html) / [Input](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/v3/latest/clients/client-quicksight/interfaces/describerefreshschedulecommandinput.html) / [Output](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/v3/latest/clients/client-quicksight/interfaces/describerefreshschedulecommandoutput.html)
+[Command API Reference](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/v3/latest/clients/client-quicksight/classes/describerolecustompermissioncommand.html) / [Input](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/v3/latest/clients/client-quicksight/interfaces/describerolecustompermissioncommandinput.html) / [Output](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/v3/latest/clients/client-quicksight/interfaces/describerolecustompermissioncommandoutput.html)
@@ -1055,6 +1087,14 @@ ListRefreshSchedules
[Command API Reference](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/v3/latest/clients/client-quicksight/classes/listrefreshschedulescommand.html) / [Input](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/v3/latest/clients/client-quicksight/interfaces/listrefreshschedulescommandinput.html) / [Output](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/v3/latest/clients/client-quicksight/interfaces/listrefreshschedulescommandoutput.html)
+[Command API Reference](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/v3/latest/clients/client-quicksight/classes/listrolemembershipscommand.html) / [Input](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/v3/latest/clients/client-quicksight/interfaces/listrolemembershipscommandinput.html) / [Output](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/v3/latest/clients/client-quicksight/interfaces/listrolemembershipscommandoutput.html)
@@ -1407,6 +1447,14 @@ UpdateRefreshSchedule
[Command API Reference](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/v3/latest/clients/client-quicksight/classes/updaterefreshschedulecommand.html) / [Input](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/v3/latest/clients/client-quicksight/interfaces/updaterefreshschedulecommandinput.html) / [Output](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/v3/latest/clients/client-quicksight/interfaces/updaterefreshschedulecommandoutput.html)
+[Command API Reference](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/v3/latest/clients/client-quicksight/classes/updaterolecustompermissioncommand.html) / [Input](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/v3/latest/clients/client-quicksight/interfaces/updaterolecustompermissioncommandinput.html) / [Output](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/v3/latest/clients/client-quicksight/interfaces/updaterolecustompermissioncommandoutput.html)
diff --git a/clients/client-quicksight/src/QuickSight.ts b/clients/client-quicksight/src/QuickSight.ts
index edf60374af96..2393f14c2475 100644
--- a/clients/client-quicksight/src/QuickSight.ts
+++ b/clients/client-quicksight/src/QuickSight.ts
@@ -73,6 +73,11 @@ import {
} from "./commands/CreateRefreshScheduleCommand";
+import {
+ CreateRoleMembershipCommand,
+ CreateRoleMembershipCommandInput,
+ CreateRoleMembershipCommandOutput,
+} from "./commands/CreateRoleMembershipCommand";
import {
@@ -166,6 +171,16 @@ import {
} from "./commands/DeleteRefreshScheduleCommand";
+import {
+ DeleteRoleCustomPermissionCommand,
+ DeleteRoleCustomPermissionCommandInput,
+ DeleteRoleCustomPermissionCommandOutput,
+} from "./commands/DeleteRoleCustomPermissionCommand";
+import {
+ DeleteRoleMembershipCommand,
+ DeleteRoleMembershipCommandInput,
+ DeleteRoleMembershipCommandOutput,
+} from "./commands/DeleteRoleMembershipCommand";
import {
@@ -339,6 +354,11 @@ import {
} from "./commands/DescribeRefreshScheduleCommand";
+import {
+ DescribeRoleCustomPermissionCommand,
+ DescribeRoleCustomPermissionCommandInput,
+ DescribeRoleCustomPermissionCommandOutput,
+} from "./commands/DescribeRoleCustomPermissionCommand";
import {
@@ -496,6 +516,11 @@ import {
} from "./commands/ListRefreshSchedulesCommand";
+import {
+ ListRoleMembershipsCommand,
+ ListRoleMembershipsCommandInput,
+ ListRoleMembershipsCommandOutput,
+} from "./commands/ListRoleMembershipsCommand";
import {
@@ -696,6 +721,11 @@ import {
} from "./commands/UpdateRefreshScheduleCommand";
+import {
+ UpdateRoleCustomPermissionCommand,
+ UpdateRoleCustomPermissionCommandInput,
+ UpdateRoleCustomPermissionCommandOutput,
+} from "./commands/UpdateRoleCustomPermissionCommand";
import {
@@ -757,6 +787,7 @@ const commands = {
+ CreateRoleMembershipCommand,
@@ -778,6 +809,8 @@ const commands = {
+ DeleteRoleCustomPermissionCommand,
+ DeleteRoleMembershipCommand,
@@ -815,6 +848,7 @@ const commands = {
+ DescribeRoleCustomPermissionCommand,
@@ -848,6 +882,7 @@ const commands = {
+ ListRoleMembershipsCommand,
@@ -892,6 +927,7 @@ const commands = {
+ UpdateRoleCustomPermissionCommand,
@@ -1128,6 +1164,23 @@ export interface QuickSight {
cb: (err: any, data?: CreateRefreshScheduleCommandOutput) => void
): void;
+ /**
+ * @see {@link CreateRoleMembershipCommand}
+ */
+ createRoleMembership(
+ args: CreateRoleMembershipCommandInput,
+ options?: __HttpHandlerOptions
+ ): Promise
to add an existing Amazon QuickSight group to an existing role.NextToken
value isn't valid.Analysis
resource whose override properties are configured in this structure.Dashboard
resource whose override properties are configured in this structure.DataSet
resource whose override properties are configured in this structure.DataSource
resource whose override properties are configured in this structure.RefreshSchedule
resource whose override properties are configured in this structure.Theme
resource whose override properties are configured in this structure.VPCConnection
resource whose override properties are configured in this structure.StrictModeForAllResource
is set to true, validation is skipped for specific UI errors.*
to override all analyses in this asset bundle.*
to override all analyses in this asset bundle.*
to override all dashboards in this asset bundle.*
to override all dashboards in this asset bundle.*
to override all datasets in this asset bundle.*
to override all datasets in this asset bundle.*
to override all data sources in this asset bundle.*
to override all data sources in this asset bundle.*
to override all themes in this asset bundle.DataSource
resources that are present in the asset bundle that is imported.DataSet
resources that are present in the asset bundle that is imported.Theme
resources that are present in the asset bundle that is imported.Analysis
resources that are present in the asset bundle that is imported.Dashboard
resources that are present in the asset bundle that is imported.*
to override all themes in this asset bundle.*
to override all VPC connections in this asset bundle.VPCConnection
resources that are present in the asset bundle that is imported.DataSource
resources that are present in the asset bundle that is imported.DataSet
resources that are present in the asset bundle that is imported.Theme
resources that are present in the asset bundle that is imported.Analysis
resources that are present in the asset bundle that is imported.Dashboard
resources that are present in the asset bundle that is imported.IAM_AND_QUICKSIGHT
, provide an ActiveDirectoryName
* and an AdminGroup
associated with your Active Directory.IAM_IDENTITY_CENTER
, provide an AdminGroup
associated with your IAM Identity Center account.ACTIVE_DIRECTORY
is the selected authentication method of the new Amazon QuickSight account. For more information about using
- * Active Directory in Amazon QuickSight, see Using Active Directory with
- * Amazon QuickSight Enterprise Edition in the Amazon QuickSight
is the selected authentication method of the new Amazon QuickSight account.STRICT
, strict validation for every error is enforced. When you set this value to LENIENT
, validation is skipped for specific UI errors.STRICT
, strict validation for every error is enforced. When you set this value to LENIENT
, validation is skipped for specific UI errors.SINGULAR
- * VAR
- * and VARP
- * VAR
- * and VARP
- * MIN
- * VARP
- * and CUSTOM
and ID
- * and MEASURE
- * and MONTHLY
+ * VAR
+ * and VARP
+ * VAR
+ * and VARP
+ * MIN
+ * VARP
+ * and CUSTOM
and ID
+ * and MEASURE
."Operator": "StringEquals"
. Valid values are "StringEquals"
and "StringLike"
, you need to provide an ownership related filter in the "NAME"
field and the arn of the user or group whose folders you want to search in the "Value"
field. For example, "Name":"DIRECT_QUICKSIGHT_OWNER", "Operator": "StringEquals", "Value": "arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:1:user/default/UserName1"
, you need to provide the name of the folders you are searching for. For example, "Name":"DASHBOARD_NAME", "Operator": "StringLike", "Value": "Test"
. The "StringLike"
operator only supports the NAME
- *
: Provide an ARN of a user or group, and any dashboards with that ARN listed as one of the dashboards's owners or viewers are returned. Implicit permissions from folders or groups are considered.QUICKSIGHT_OWNER
: Provide an ARN of a user or group, and any dashboards with that ARN listed as one of the owners of the dashboards are returned. Implicit permissions from folders or groups are considered.DIRECT_QUICKSIGHT_SOLE_OWNER
: Provide an ARN of a user or group, and any dashboards with that ARN listed as the only owner of the dashboard are returned. Implicit permissions from folders or groups are not considered.DIRECT_QUICKSIGHT_OWNER
: Provide an ARN of a user or group, and any dashboards with that ARN listed as one of the owners of the dashboards are returned. Implicit permissions from folders or groups are not considered.DIRECT_QUICKSIGHT_VIEWER_OR_OWNER
: Provide an ARN of a user or group, and any dashboards with that ARN listed as one of the owners or viewers of the dashboards are returned. Implicit permissions from folders or groups are not considered.DASHBOARD_NAME
: Any dashboards whose names have a substring match to this value will be returned.QUICKSIGHT_USER
, that you want
- * to use as a filter, for example, "Value":
- * "arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:1:user/default/UserName1"
- * ColumnLevelPermissionRule
- *
+ * and MONTHLY
, and WEEK
."Operator": "StringEquals"
. Valid values are "StringEquals"
and "StringLike"
, you need to provide an ownership related filter in the "NAME"
field and the arn of the user or group whose datasets you want to search in the "Value"
field. For example, "Name":"QUICKSIGHT_OWNER", "Operator": "StringEquals", "Value": "arn:aws:quicksight:us-east- 1:1:user/default/UserName1"
, you need to provide the name of the datasets you are searching for. For example, "Name":"DATASET_NAME", "Operator": "StringLike", "Value": "Test"
. The "StringLike"
operator only supports the NAME
- *
: Provide an ARN of a user or group, and any datasets with that ARN listed as one of the dataset owners or viewers are returned. Implicit permissions from folders or groups are considered.QUICKSIGHT_OWNER
: Provide an ARN of a user or group, and any datasets with that ARN listed as one of the owners of the dataset are returned. Implicit permissions from folders or groups are considered.DIRECT_QUICKSIGHT_SOLE_OWNER
: Provide an ARN of a user or group, and any datasets with that ARN listed as the only owner of the dataset are returned. Implicit permissions from folders or groups are not considered.DIRECT_QUICKSIGHT_OWNER
: Provide an ARN of a user or group, and any datasets with that ARN listed as one of the owners if the dataset are returned. Implicit permissions from folders or groups are not considered.DIRECT_QUICKSIGHT_VIEWER_OR_OWNER
: Provide an ARN of a user or group, and any datasets with that ARN listed as one of the owners or viewers of the dataset are returned. Implicit permissions from folders or groups are not considered.DATASET_NAME
: Any datasets whose names have a substring match to this value will be returned.QUICKSIGHT_OWNER
, that you want
- * to use as a filter, for example, "Value":
- * "arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:1:user/default/UserName1"
structure that's in the request
- * with the structures in the AlternateDataSourceParameters
allow list. If the
- * structures are an exact match, the request is allowed to use the credentials from this
- * existing data source. If the AlternateDataSourceParameters
list is null,
- * the Credentials
originally used with this DataSourceParameters
- * are automatically allowed."Operator": "StringEquals"
. Valid values are "StringEquals"
and "StringLike"
, you need to provide an ownership related filter in the "NAME"
field and the arn of the user or group whose data sources you want to search in the "Value"
field. For example, "Name":"DIRECT_QUICKSIGHT_OWNER", "Operator": "StringEquals", "Value": "arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:1:user/default/UserName1"
, you need to provide the name of the data sources you are searching for. For example, "Name":"DATASOURCE_NAME", "Operator": "StringLike", "Value": "Test"
. The "StringLike"
operator only supports the NAME
."Operator": "StringEquals"
. Valid values are "StringEquals"
and "StringLike"
, you need to provide an ownership related filter in the "NAME"
field and the arn of the user or group whose folders you want to search in the "Value"
field. For example, "Name":"DIRECT_QUICKSIGHT_OWNER", "Operator": "StringEquals", "Value": "arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:1:user/default/UserName1"
, you need to provide the name of the folders you are searching for. For example, "Name":"DASHBOARD_NAME", "Operator": "StringLike", "Value": "Test"
. The "StringLike"
operator only supports the NAME
Valid values are defined as follows:
: Provide an ARN of a user or group, and any data sources with that ARN listed as one of the owners or viewers of the data sources are returned. Implicit permissions from folders or groups are not considered.
: Provide an ARN of a user or group, and any dashboards with that ARN listed as one of the dashboards's owners or viewers are returned. Implicit permissions from folders or groups are considered.
: Provide an ARN of a user or group, and any data sources with that ARN listed as one of the owners if the data source are returned. Implicit permissions from folders or groups are not considered.
: Provide an ARN of a user or group, and any dashboards with that ARN listed as one of the owners of the dashboards are returned. Implicit permissions from folders or groups are considered.
: Provide an ARN of a user or group, and any data sources with that ARN listed as the only owner of the data source are returned. Implicit permissions from folders or groups are not considered.
: Provide an ARN of a user or group, and any dashboards with that ARN listed as the only owner of the dashboard are returned. Implicit permissions from folders or groups are not considered.
: Any data sources whose names have a substring match to the provided value are returned.
: Provide an ARN of a user or group, and any dashboards with that ARN listed as one of the owners of the dashboards are returned. Implicit permissions from folders or groups are not considered.
+ *
: Provide an ARN of a user or group, and any dashboards with that ARN listed as one of the owners or viewers of the dashboards are returned. Implicit permissions from folders or groups are not considered.
: Any dashboards whose names have a substring match to this value will be returned.
The value of the named item, for example DIRECT_QUICKSIGHT_OWNER
, that you want
+ *
The value of the named item, in this case QUICKSIGHT_USER
, that you want
* to use as a filter, for example, "Value":
- * "arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:1:user/default/UserName1"
A DataSourceSummary
object that returns a summary of a data source.
Dashboard summary.
*/ -export interface DataSourceSummary { +export interface DashboardSummary { /** * @public - *The arn of the datasource.
+ *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.
*/ Arn?: string; /** * @public - *The unique ID of the data source.
+ *Dashboard ID.
*/ - DataSourceId?: string; + DashboardId?: string; /** * @public - *The name of the data source.
+ *A display name for the dashboard.
*/ Name?: string; /** * @public - *The type of the data source.
- */ - Type?: DataSourceType; - - /** - * @public - *The date and time that the data source was created. This value is expressed in MM-DD-YYYY HH:MM:SS format.
+ *The time that this dashboard was created.
*/ CreatedTime?: Date; /** * @public - *The date and time the data source was last updated. This value is expressed in MM-DD-YYYY HH:MM:SS format.
+ *The last time that this dashboard was updated.
*/ LastUpdatedTime?: Date; -} -/** - * @public - */ -export interface DeleteAccountCustomizationRequest { /** * @public - *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that you want to delete Amazon QuickSight customizations from in - * this Amazon Web Services Region.
+ *Published version number.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + PublishedVersionNumber?: number; /** * @public - *The Amazon QuickSight namespace that you're deleting the customizations from.
+ *The last time that this dashboard was published.
*/ - Namespace?: string; + LastPublishedTime?: Date; } /** * @public + *Dashboard version summary.
*/ -export interface DeleteAccountCustomizationResponse { +export interface DashboardVersionSummary { /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + Arn?: string; /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *The time that this dashboard version was created.
*/ - Status?: number; -} + CreatedTime?: Date; -/** - * @public - */ -export interface DeleteAccountSubscriptionRequest { /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services account ID of the account that you want to delete.
+ *Version number.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; -} + VersionNumber?: number; -/** - * @public - */ -export interface DeleteAccountSubscriptionResponse { /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + Status?: ResourceStatus; /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *Source entity ARN.
*/ - Status?: number; + SourceEntityArn?: string; + + /** + * @public + *Description.
+ */ + Description?: string; } /** * @public + *Output column.
*/ -export interface DeleteAnalysisRequest { +export interface OutputColumn { /** * @public - *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account where you want to delete an analysis.
+ *The display name of the column..
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + Name?: string; /** * @public - *The ID of the analysis that you're deleting.
+ *A description for a column.
*/ - AnalysisId: string | undefined; + Description?: string; /** * @public - *A value that specifies the number of days that Amazon QuickSight waits before it deletes the
- * analysis. You can't use this parameter with the ForceDeleteWithoutRecovery
- * option in the same API call. The default value is 30.
The data type of the column.
*/ - RecoveryWindowInDays?: number; + Type?: ColumnDataType; /** * @public - *This option defaults to the value NoForceDeleteWithoutRecovery
. To
- * immediately delete the analysis, add the ForceDeleteWithoutRecovery
- * You can't restore an analysis after it's deleted.
The sub data type of the column.
*/ - ForceDeleteWithoutRecovery?: boolean; + SubType?: ColumnDataSubType; } /** * @public + *Dataset.
*/ -export interface DeleteAnalysisResponse { - /** - * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
- */ - Status?: number; - +export interface DataSet { /** * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the deleted analysis.
+ *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.
*/ Arn?: string; /** * @public - *The ID of the deleted analysis.
+ *The ID of the dataset.
*/ - AnalysisId?: string; + DataSetId?: string; /** * @public - *The date and time that the analysis is scheduled to be deleted.
+ *A display name for the dataset.
*/ - DeletionTime?: Date; + Name?: string; /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The time that this dataset was created.
*/ - RequestId?: string; -} + CreatedTime?: Date; -/** - * @public - */ -export interface DeleteDashboardRequest { /** * @public - *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the dashboard that you're - * deleting.
+ *The last time that this dataset was updated.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + LastUpdatedTime?: Date; /** * @public - *The ID for the dashboard.
+ *Declares the physical tables that are available in the underlying data sources.
*/ - DashboardId: string | undefined; + PhysicalTableMap?: RecordThe version number of the dashboard. If the version number property is provided, only - * the specified version of the dashboard is deleted.
+ *Configures the combination and transformation of the data from the physical + * tables.
*/ - VersionNumber?: number; -} + LogicalTableMap?: RecordThe HTTP status of the request.
+ *The list of columns after all transforms. These columns are available in templates, + * analyses, and dashboards.
*/ - Status?: number; + OutputColumns?: OutputColumn[]; /** * @public - *The Secure Socket Layer (SSL) properties that apply for the resource.
+ *A value that indicates whether you want to import the data into SPICE.
*/ - Arn?: string; + ImportMode?: DataSetImportMode; /** * @public - *The ID of the dashboard.
+ *The amount of SPICE capacity used by this dataset. This is 0 if the dataset isn't + * imported into SPICE.
*/ - DashboardId?: string; + ConsumedSpiceCapacityInBytes?: number; /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *Groupings of columns that work together in certain Amazon QuickSight features. + * Currently, only geospatial hierarchy is supported.
*/ - RequestId?: string; -} + ColumnGroups?: ColumnGroup[]; -/** - * @public - */ -export interface DeleteDataSetRequest { /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services account ID.
+ *The folder that contains fields and nested subfolders for your dataset.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + FieldFolders?: RecordThe ID for the dataset that you want to create. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
+ *The row-level security configuration for the dataset.
*/ - DataSetId: string | undefined; -} + RowLevelPermissionDataSet?: RowLevelPermissionDataSet; -/** - * @public - */ -export interface DeleteDataSetResponse { /** * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dataset.
+ *The element you can use to define tags for row-level security.
*/ - Arn?: string; + RowLevelPermissionTagConfiguration?: RowLevelPermissionTagConfiguration; /** * @public - *The ID for the dataset that you want to create. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
+ *A set of one or more definitions of a
+ * ColumnLevelPermissionRule
+ *
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The usage configuration to apply to child datasets that reference this dataset as a source.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + DataSetUsageConfiguration?: DataSetUsageConfiguration; /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *The parameters that are declared in a dataset.
*/ - Status?: number; + DatasetParameters?: DatasetParameter[]; } /** * @public + * @enum */ -export interface DeleteDataSetRefreshPropertiesRequest { - /** - * @public - *The Amazon Web Services account ID.
- */ - DataSetId: string | undefined; -} +/** + * @public + */ +export type DataSetFilterAttribute = (typeof DataSetFilterAttribute)[keyof typeof DataSetFilterAttribute]; /** * @public + * @enum */ -export interface DeleteDataSetRefreshPropertiesResponse { +export const LookbackWindowSizeUnit = { + DAY: "DAY", + HOUR: "HOUR", + WEEK: "WEEK", +} as const; + +/** + * @public + */ +export type LookbackWindowSizeUnit = (typeof LookbackWindowSizeUnit)[keyof typeof LookbackWindowSizeUnit]; + +/** + * @public + *The lookback window setup of an incremental refresh configuration.
+ */ +export interface LookbackWindow { /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The name of the lookback window column.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + ColumnName: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *The lookback window column size.
*/ - Status?: number; + Size: number | undefined; + + /** + * @public + *The size unit that is used for the lookback window column. Valid values for this structure are HOUR
, and WEEK
The incremental refresh configuration for a dataset.
*/ -export interface DeleteDataSourceRequest { +export interface IncrementalRefresh { /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services account ID.
+ *The lookback window setup for an incremental refresh configuration.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + LookbackWindow: LookbackWindow | undefined; +} +/** + * @public + *The refresh configuration of a dataset.
+ */ +export interface RefreshConfiguration { /** * @public - *The ID of the data source. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
+ *The incremental refresh for the dataset.
*/ - DataSourceId: string | undefined; + IncrementalRefresh: IncrementalRefresh | undefined; } /** * @public + *The refresh properties of a dataset.
*/ -export interface DeleteDataSourceResponse { +export interface DataSetRefreshProperties { /** * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the data source that you deleted.
+ *The refresh configuration for a dataset.
*/ - Arn?: string; + RefreshConfiguration: RefreshConfiguration | undefined; +} +/** + * @public + *A filter that you apply when searching for datasets.
+ */ +export interface DataSetSearchFilter { /** * @public - *The ID of the data source. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
+ *The comparison operator that you want to use as a filter, for example "Operator": "StringEquals"
. Valid values are "StringEquals"
and "StringLike"
If you set the operator value to "StringEquals"
, you need to provide an ownership related filter in the "NAME"
field and the arn of the user or group whose datasets you want to search in the "Value"
field. For example, "Name":"QUICKSIGHT_OWNER", "Operator": "StringEquals", "Value": "arn:aws:quicksight:us-east- 1:1:user/default/UserName1"
If you set the value to "StringLike"
, you need to provide the name of the datasets you are searching for. For example, "Name":"DATASET_NAME", "Operator": "StringLike", "Value": "Test"
. The "StringLike"
operator only supports the NAME
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The name of the value that you want to use as a filter, for example, "Name":
Valid values are defined as follows:
+ *
: Provide an ARN of a user or group, and any datasets with that ARN listed as one of the dataset owners or viewers are returned. Implicit permissions from folders or groups are considered.
: Provide an ARN of a user or group, and any datasets with that ARN listed as one of the owners of the dataset are returned. Implicit permissions from folders or groups are considered.
: Provide an ARN of a user or group, and any datasets with that ARN listed as the only owner of the dataset are returned. Implicit permissions from folders or groups are not considered.
: Provide an ARN of a user or group, and any datasets with that ARN listed as one of the owners if the dataset are returned. Implicit permissions from folders or groups are not considered.
: Provide an ARN of a user or group, and any datasets with that ARN listed as one of the owners or viewers of the dataset are returned. Implicit permissions from folders or groups are not considered.
: Any datasets whose names have a substring match to this value will be returned.
The HTTP status of the request.
+ *The value of the named item, in this case QUICKSIGHT_OWNER
, that you want
+ * to use as a filter, for example, "Value":
+ * "arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:1:user/default/UserName1"
Dataset summary.
*/ -export interface DeleteFolderRequest { - /** - * @public - *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the folder.
- */ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; - +export interface DataSetSummary { /** * @public - *The ID of the folder.
+ *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dataset.
*/ - FolderId: string | undefined; -} + Arn?: string; -/** - * @public - */ -export interface DeleteFolderResponse { /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *The ID of the dataset.
*/ - Status?: number; + DataSetId?: string; /** * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name of the deleted folder.
+ *A display name for the dataset.
*/ - Arn?: string; + Name?: string; /** * @public - *The ID of the folder.
+ *The time that this dataset was created.
*/ - FolderId?: string; + CreatedTime?: Date; /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The last time that this dataset was updated.
*/ - RequestId?: string; -} + LastUpdatedTime?: Date; -/** - * @public - */ -export interface DeleteFolderMembershipRequest { /** * @public - *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the folder.
+ *A value that indicates whether you want to import the data into SPICE.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + ImportMode?: DataSetImportMode; /** * @public - *The Folder ID.
+ *The row-level security configuration for the dataset.
*/ - FolderId: string | undefined; + RowLevelPermissionDataSet?: RowLevelPermissionDataSet; /** * @public - *The ID of the asset that you want to delete.
+ *Whether or not the row level permission tags are applied.
*/ - MemberId: string | undefined; + RowLevelPermissionTagConfigurationApplied?: boolean; /** * @public - *The member type of the asset that you want to delete from a folder.
+ *A value that indicates if the dataset has column level permission configured.
*/ - MemberType: MemberType | undefined; + ColumnLevelPermissionRulesApplied?: boolean; } /** * @public + * @enum */ -export interface DeleteFolderMembershipResponse { +export const DataSourceErrorInfoType = { + ACCESS_DENIED: "ACCESS_DENIED", + CONFLICT: "CONFLICT", + COPY_SOURCE_NOT_FOUND: "COPY_SOURCE_NOT_FOUND", + ENGINE_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED: "ENGINE_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED", + GENERIC_SQL_FAILURE: "GENERIC_SQL_FAILURE", + TIMEOUT: "TIMEOUT", + UNKNOWN: "UNKNOWN", + UNKNOWN_HOST: "UNKNOWN_HOST", +} as const; + +/** + * @public + */ +export type DataSourceErrorInfoType = (typeof DataSourceErrorInfoType)[keyof typeof DataSourceErrorInfoType]; + +/** + * @public + *Error information for the data source creation or update.
+ */ +export interface DataSourceErrorInfo { /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *Error type.
*/ - Status?: number; + Type?: DataSourceErrorInfoType; /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *Error message.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + Message?: string; } /** * @public + *The structure of a data source.
*/ -export interface DeleteGroupRequest { +export interface DataSource { /** * @public - *The name of the group that you want to delete.
+ *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the data source.
*/ - GroupName: string | undefined; + Arn?: string; /** * @public - *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that the group is in. Currently, you use the ID for the - * Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
+ *The ID of the data source. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each + * Amazon Web Services account.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + DataSourceId?: string; /** * @public - *The namespace of the group that you want to delete.
+ *A display name for the data source.
*/ - Namespace: string | undefined; -} + Name?: string; -/** - * @public - */ -export interface DeleteGroupResponse { /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The type of the data source. This type indicates which database engine the data source + * connects to.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + Type?: DataSourceType; /** * @public *The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - Status?: number; -} - -/** - * @public - */ -export interface DeleteGroupMembershipRequest { - /** - * @public - *The name of the user that you want to delete from the group membership.
- */ - MemberName: string | undefined; + Status?: ResourceStatus; /** * @public - *The name of the group that you want to delete the user from.
+ *The time that this data source was created.
*/ - GroupName: string | undefined; + CreatedTime?: Date; /** * @public - *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that the group is in. Currently, you use the ID for the - * Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
+ *The last time that this data source was updated.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + LastUpdatedTime?: Date; /** * @public - *The namespace of the group that you want to remove a user from.
+ *The parameters that Amazon QuickSight uses to connect to your underlying source. This + * is a variant type structure. For this structure to be valid, only one of the attributes + * can be non-null.
*/ - Namespace: string | undefined; -} + DataSourceParameters?: DataSourceParameters; -/** - * @public - */ -export interface DeleteGroupMembershipResponse { /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *A set of alternate data source parameters that you want to share for the credentials
+ * stored with this data source. The credentials are applied in tandem with the data source
+ * parameters when you copy a data source by using a create or update request. The API
+ * operation compares the DataSourceParameters
structure that's in the request
+ * with the structures in the AlternateDataSourceParameters
allow list. If the
+ * structures are an exact match, the request is allowed to use the credentials from this
+ * existing data source. If the AlternateDataSourceParameters
list is null,
+ * the Credentials
originally used with this DataSourceParameters
+ * are automatically allowed.
The HTTP status of the request.
+ *The VPC connection information. You need to use this parameter only when you want + * Amazon QuickSight to use a VPC connection when connecting to your underlying source.
*/ - Status?: number; -} + VpcConnectionProperties?: VpcConnectionProperties; -/** - * @public - */ -export interface DeleteIAMPolicyAssignmentRequest { /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services account ID where you want to delete the IAM - * policy assignment.
+ *Secure Socket Layer (SSL) properties that apply when Amazon QuickSight connects to your + * underlying source.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + SslProperties?: SslProperties; /** * @public - *The name of the assignment.
+ *Error information from the last update or the creation of the data source.
*/ - AssignmentName: string | undefined; + ErrorInfo?: DataSourceErrorInfo; /** * @public - *The namespace that contains the assignment.
+ *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the secret associated with the data source in Amazon Secrets Manager.
*/ - Namespace: string | undefined; + SecretArn?: string; } /** * @public + * @enum */ -export interface DeleteIAMPolicyAssignmentResponse { - /** - * @public - *The name of the assignment.
- */ - AssignmentName?: string; +export const DataSourceFilterAttribute = { + DATASOURCE_NAME: "DATASOURCE_NAME", + DIRECT_QUICKSIGHT_OWNER: "DIRECT_QUICKSIGHT_OWNER", + DIRECT_QUICKSIGHT_SOLE_OWNER: "DIRECT_QUICKSIGHT_SOLE_OWNER", + DIRECT_QUICKSIGHT_VIEWER_OR_OWNER: "DIRECT_QUICKSIGHT_VIEWER_OR_OWNER", +} as const; - /** - * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
- */ - RequestId?: string; +/** + * @public + */ +export type DataSourceFilterAttribute = (typeof DataSourceFilterAttribute)[keyof typeof DataSourceFilterAttribute]; +/** + * @public + *A filter that you apply when searching for data sources.
+ */ +export interface DataSourceSearchFilter { /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *The comparison operator that you want to use as a filter, for example "Operator": "StringEquals"
. Valid values are "StringEquals"
and "StringLike"
If you set the operator value to "StringEquals"
, you need to provide an ownership related filter in the "NAME"
field and the arn of the user or group whose data sources you want to search in the "Value"
field. For example, "Name":"DIRECT_QUICKSIGHT_OWNER", "Operator": "StringEquals", "Value": "arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:1:user/default/UserName1"
If you set the value to "StringLike"
, you need to provide the name of the data sources you are searching for. For example, "Name":"DATASOURCE_NAME", "Operator": "StringLike", "Value": "Test"
. The "StringLike"
operator only supports the NAME
The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that you want to delete the Amazon QuickSight namespace from.
+ *The name of the value that you want to use as a filter, for example, "Name":
Valid values are defined as follows:
+ *
: Provide an ARN of a user or group, and any data sources with that ARN listed as one of the owners or viewers of the data sources are returned. Implicit permissions from folders or groups are not considered.
: Provide an ARN of a user or group, and any data sources with that ARN listed as one of the owners if the data source are returned. Implicit permissions from folders or groups are not considered.
: Provide an ARN of a user or group, and any data sources with that ARN listed as the only owner of the data source are returned. Implicit permissions from folders or groups are not considered.
: Any data sources whose names have a substring match to the provided value are returned.
The namespace that you want to delete.
+ *The value of the named item, for example DIRECT_QUICKSIGHT_OWNER
, that you want
+ * to use as a filter, for example, "Value":
+ * "arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:1:user/default/UserName1"
A DataSourceSummary
object that returns a summary of a data source.
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The arn of the datasource.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + Arn?: string; /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *The unique ID of the data source.
*/ - Status?: number; -} + DataSourceId?: string; -/** - * @public - */ -export interface DeleteRefreshScheduleRequest { /** * @public - *The ID of the dataset.
+ *The name of the data source.
*/ - DataSetId: string | undefined; + Name?: string; /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services account ID.
+ *The type of the data source.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + Type?: DataSourceType; /** * @public - *The ID of the refresh schedule.
+ *The date and time that the data source was created. This value is expressed in MM-DD-YYYY HH:MM:SS format.
*/ - ScheduleId: string | undefined; + CreatedTime?: Date; + + /** + * @public + *The date and time the data source was last updated. This value is expressed in MM-DD-YYYY HH:MM:SS format.
+ */ + LastUpdatedTime?: Date; } /** * @public */ -export interface DeleteRefreshScheduleResponse { +export interface DeleteAccountCustomizationRequest { /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that you want to delete Amazon QuickSight customizations from in + * this Amazon Web Services Region.
*/ - Status?: number; + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The Amazon QuickSight namespace that you're deleting the customizations from.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + Namespace?: string; +} +/** + * @public + */ +export interface DeleteAccountCustomizationResponse { /** * @public - *The ID of the refresh schedule.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - ScheduleId?: string; + RequestId?: string; /** * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the refresh schedule.
+ *The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - Arn?: string; + Status?: number; } /** * @public */ -export interface DeleteTemplateRequest { +export interface DeleteAccountSubscriptionRequest { /** * @public - *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the template that you're deleting.
+ *The Amazon Web Services account ID of the account that you want to delete.
*/ AwsAccountId: string | undefined; - - /** - * @public - *An ID for the template you want to delete.
- */ - TemplateId: string | undefined; - - /** - * @public - *Specifies the version of the template that you want to delete.
- * If you don't provide a version number, DeleteTemplate
deletes all versions of the template.
- *
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ RequestId?: string; - /** - * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.
- */ - Arn?: string; - - /** - * @public - *An ID for the template.
- */ - TemplateId?: string; - /** * @public *The HTTP status of the request.
@@ -1770,33 +1898,40 @@ export interface DeleteTemplateResponse { /** * @public */ -export interface DeleteTemplateAliasRequest { +export interface DeleteAnalysisRequest { /** * @public - *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the item to delete.
+ *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account where you want to delete an analysis.
*/ AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The ID for the template that the specified alias is for.
+ *The ID of the analysis that you're deleting.
*/ - TemplateId: string | undefined; + AnalysisId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The name for the template alias. To delete a specific alias, you delete the version that the
- * alias points to. You can specify the alias name, or specify the latest version of the
- * template by providing the keyword $LATEST
in the AliasName
- * parameter.
A value that specifies the number of days that Amazon QuickSight waits before it deletes the
+ * analysis. You can't use this parameter with the ForceDeleteWithoutRecovery
+ * option in the same API call. The default value is 30.
This option defaults to the value NoForceDeleteWithoutRecovery
. To
+ * immediately delete the analysis, add the ForceDeleteWithoutRecovery
+ * You can't restore an analysis after it's deleted.
The HTTP status of the request.
@@ -1805,21 +1940,21 @@ export interface DeleteTemplateAliasResponse { /** * @public - *An ID for the template associated with the deletion.
+ *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the deleted analysis.
*/ - TemplateId?: string; + Arn?: string; /** * @public - *The name for the template alias.
+ *The ID of the deleted analysis.
*/ - AliasName?: string; + AnalysisId?: string; /** * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the template you want to delete.
+ *The date and time that the analysis is scheduled to be deleted.
*/ - Arn?: string; + DeletionTime?: Date; /** * @public @@ -1831,25 +1966,24 @@ export interface DeleteTemplateAliasResponse { /** * @public */ -export interface DeleteThemeRequest { +export interface DeleteDashboardRequest { /** * @public - *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the theme that you're deleting.
+ *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the dashboard that you're + * deleting.
*/ AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *An ID for the theme that you want to delete.
+ *The ID for the dashboard.
*/ - ThemeId: string | undefined; + DashboardId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The version of the theme that you want to delete.
- *
- * Note: If you don't provide a version number, you're
- * using this call to DeleteTheme
to delete all versions of the theme.
The version number of the dashboard. If the version number property is provided, only + * the specified version of the dashboard is deleted.
*/ VersionNumber?: number; } @@ -1857,70 +1991,64 @@ export interface DeleteThemeRequest { /** * @public */ -export interface DeleteThemeResponse { +export interface DeleteDashboardResponse { /** * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.
+ *The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - Arn?: string; + Status?: number; /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The Secure Socket Layer (SSL) properties that apply for the resource.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + Arn?: string; /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *The ID of the dashboard.
*/ - Status?: number; + DashboardId?: string; /** * @public - *An ID for the theme.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - ThemeId?: string; + RequestId?: string; } /** * @public */ -export interface DeleteThemeAliasRequest { +export interface DeleteDataSetRequest { /** * @public - *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the theme alias to delete.
+ *The Amazon Web Services account ID.
*/ AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The ID for the theme that the specified alias is for.
- */ - ThemeId: string | undefined; - - /** - * @public - *The unique name for the theme alias to delete.
+ *The ID for the dataset that you want to create. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
*/ - AliasName: string | undefined; + DataSetId: string | undefined; } /** * @public */ -export interface DeleteThemeAliasResponse { +export interface DeleteDataSetResponse { /** * @public - *The name for the theme alias.
+ *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dataset.
*/ - AliasName?: string; + Arn?: string; /** * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the theme resource using the deleted alias.
+ *The ID for the dataset that you want to create. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
*/ - Arn?: string; + DataSetId?: string; /** * @public @@ -1933,47 +2061,74 @@ export interface DeleteThemeAliasResponse { *The HTTP status of the request.
*/ Status?: number; - - /** - * @public - *An ID for the theme associated with the deletion.
- */ - ThemeId?: string; } /** * @public */ -export interface DeleteTopicRequest { +export interface DeleteDataSetRefreshPropertiesRequest { /** * @public - *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the topic that you want to - * delete.
+ *The Amazon Web Services account ID.
*/ AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The ID of the topic that you want to delete. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
+ *The ID of the dataset.
*/ - TopicId: string | undefined; + DataSetId: string | undefined; } /** * @public */ -export interface DeleteTopicResponse { +export interface DeleteDataSetRefreshPropertiesResponse { /** * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the topic.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ */ + RequestId?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The HTTP status of the request.
+ */ + Status?: number; +} + +/** + * @public + */ +export interface DeleteDataSourceRequest { + /** + * @public + *The Amazon Web Services account ID.
+ */ + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + + /** + * @public + *The ID of the data source. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
+ */ + DataSourceId: string | undefined; +} + +/** + * @public + */ +export interface DeleteDataSourceResponse { + /** + * @public + *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the data source that you deleted.
*/ Arn?: string; /** * @public - *The ID of the topic that you want to delete. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
+ *The ID of the data source. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
*/ - TopicId?: string; + DataSourceId?: string; /** * @public @@ -1991,48 +2146,82 @@ export interface DeleteTopicResponse { /** * @public */ -export interface DeleteTopicRefreshScheduleRequest { +export interface DeleteFolderRequest { /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services account ID.
+ *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the folder.
*/ AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The ID of the topic that you want to modify. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
+ *The ID of the folder.
*/ - TopicId: string | undefined; + FolderId: string | undefined; +} + +/** + * @public + */ +export interface DeleteFolderResponse { + /** + * @public + *The HTTP status of the request.
+ */ + Status?: number; /** * @public - *The ID of the dataset.
+ *The Amazon Resource Name of the deleted folder.
*/ - DatasetId: string | undefined; + Arn?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The ID of the folder.
+ */ + FolderId?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ */ + RequestId?: string; } /** * @public */ -export interface DeleteTopicRefreshScheduleResponse { +export interface DeleteFolderMembershipRequest { /** * @public - *The ID of the topic that you want to modify. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
+ *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the folder.
*/ - TopicId?: string; + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the topic.
+ *The Folder ID.
*/ - TopicArn?: string; + FolderId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dataset.
+ *The ID of the asset that you want to delete.
*/ - DatasetArn?: string; + MemberId: string | undefined; + + /** + * @public + *The member type of the asset that you want to delete from a folder.
+ */ + MemberType: MemberType | undefined; +} +/** + * @public + */ +export interface DeleteFolderMembershipResponse { /** * @public *The HTTP status of the request.
@@ -2049,23 +2238,23 @@ export interface DeleteTopicRefreshScheduleResponse { /** * @public */ -export interface DeleteUserRequest { +export interface DeleteGroupRequest { /** * @public - *The name of the user that you want to delete.
+ *The name of the group that you want to delete.
*/ - UserName: string | undefined; + GroupName: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that the user is in. Currently, you use the ID for the + *
The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that the group is in. Currently, you use the ID for the * Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
*/ AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The namespace. Currently, you should set this to default
The namespace of the group that you want to delete.
*/ Namespace: string | undefined; } @@ -2073,7 +2262,7 @@ export interface DeleteUserRequest { /** * @public */ -export interface DeleteUserResponse { +export interface DeleteGroupResponse { /** * @public *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
@@ -2089,25 +2278,30 @@ export interface DeleteUserResponse { /** * @public - * */ -export interface DeleteUserByPrincipalIdRequest { +export interface DeleteGroupMembershipRequest { /** * @public - *The principal ID of the user.
+ *The name of the user that you want to delete from the group membership.
*/ - PrincipalId: string | undefined; + MemberName: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that the user is in. Currently, you use the ID for the + *
The name of the group that you want to delete the user from.
+ */ + GroupName: string | undefined; + + /** + * @public + *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that the group is in. Currently, you use the ID for the * Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
*/ AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The namespace. Currently, you should set this to default
The namespace of the group that you want to remove a user from.
*/ Namespace: string | undefined; } @@ -2115,7 +2309,7 @@ export interface DeleteUserByPrincipalIdRequest { /** * @public */ -export interface DeleteUserByPrincipalIdResponse { +export interface DeleteGroupMembershipResponse { /** * @public *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
@@ -2132,52 +2326,71 @@ export interface DeleteUserByPrincipalIdResponse { /** * @public */ -export interface DeleteVPCConnectionRequest { +export interface DeleteIAMPolicyAssignmentRequest { /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services account ID of the account where you want to delete a VPC - * connection.
+ *The Amazon Web Services account ID where you want to delete the IAM + * policy assignment.
*/ AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The ID of the VPC connection that you're creating. This ID is a unique identifier for each Amazon Web Services Region in an - * Amazon Web Services account.
+ *The name of the assignment.
*/ - VPCConnectionId: string | undefined; + AssignmentName: string | undefined; + + /** + * @public + *The namespace that contains the assignment.
+ */ + Namespace: string | undefined; } /** * @public */ -export interface DeleteVPCConnectionResponse { +export interface DeleteIAMPolicyAssignmentResponse { /** * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the deleted VPC connection.
+ *The name of the assignment.
*/ - Arn?: string; + AssignmentName?: string; /** * @public - *The ID of the VPC connection that - * you're creating. This ID is a unique identifier for each Amazon Web Services Region in an - * Amazon Web Services account.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - VPCConnectionId?: string; + RequestId?: string; /** * @public - *The deletion status of the VPC connection.
+ *The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - DeletionStatus?: VPCConnectionResourceStatus; + Status?: number; +} +/** + * @public + */ +export interface DeleteNamespaceRequest { /** * @public - *The availability status of the VPC connection.
+ *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that you want to delete the Amazon QuickSight namespace from.
*/ - AvailabilityStatus?: VPCConnectionAvailabilityStatus; + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + /** + * @public + *The namespace that you want to delete.
+ */ + Namespace: string | undefined; +} + +/** + * @public + */ +export interface DeleteNamespaceResponse { /** * @public *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
@@ -2194,60 +2407,83 @@ export interface DeleteVPCConnectionResponse { /** * @public */ -export interface DescribeAccountCustomizationRequest { +export interface DeleteRefreshScheduleRequest { /** * @public - *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that you want to describe Amazon QuickSight customizations - * for.
+ *The ID of the dataset.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + DataSetId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The Amazon QuickSight namespace that you want to describe Amazon QuickSight customizations - * for.
+ *The Amazon Web Services account ID.
*/ - Namespace?: string; + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The Resolved
flag works with the other parameters to determine which view
- * of Amazon QuickSight customizations is returned. You can add this flag to your command to use
- * the same view that Amazon QuickSight uses to identify which customizations to apply to the
- * console. Omit this flag, or set it to no-resolved
, to reveal customizations
- * that are configured at different levels.
The ID of the refresh schedule.
*/ - Resolved?: boolean; + ScheduleId: string | undefined; } /** * @public */ -export interface DescribeAccountCustomizationResponse { +export interface DeleteRefreshScheduleResponse { /** * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the customization that's associated with this Amazon Web Services account.
+ *The HTTP status of the request.
+ */ + Status?: number; + + /** + * @public + *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ */ + RequestId?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The ID of the refresh schedule.
+ */ + ScheduleId?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the refresh schedule.
*/ Arn?: string; +} +/** + * @public + */ +export interface DeleteRoleCustomPermissionRequest { /** * @public - *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that you're describing.
+ *The role that you want to remove permissions from.
*/ - AwsAccountId?: string; + Role: Role | undefined; /** * @public - *The Amazon QuickSight namespace that you're describing.
+ *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that the group is in. Currently, you use the ID for the + * Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
*/ - Namespace?: string; + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The Amazon QuickSight customizations that exist in the current Amazon Web Services Region.
+ *The namespace that includes the role.
*/ - AccountCustomization?: AccountCustomization; + Namespace: string | undefined; +} +/** + * @public + */ +export interface DeleteRoleCustomPermissionResponse { /** * @public *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
@@ -2264,30 +2500,36 @@ export interface DescribeAccountCustomizationResponse { /** * @public */ -export interface DescribeAccountSettingsRequest { +export interface DeleteRoleMembershipRequest { /** * @public - *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the settings that you want to list.
+ *The name of the group.
+ */ + MemberName: string | undefined; + + /** + * @public + *The role that you want to remove permissions from.
+ */ + Role: Role | undefined; + + /** + * @public + *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that you want to create a group in. The Amazon Web Services account ID that you provide must be the same Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
*/ AwsAccountId: string | undefined; -} -/** - * @public - */ -export interface DescribeAccountSettingsResponse { /** * @public - *The Amazon QuickSight settings for this Amazon Web Services account. This information - * includes the edition of Amazon Amazon QuickSight that you subscribed to (Standard or - * Enterprise) and the notification email for the Amazon QuickSight subscription.
- *In the QuickSight console, the Amazon QuickSight subscription is sometimes referred to - * as a QuickSight "account" even though it's technically not an account by - * itself. Instead, it's a subscription to the Amazon QuickSight service for your - * Amazon Web Services account. The edition that you subscribe to applies to Amazon QuickSight in every Amazon Web Services Region where you use it.
+ *The namespace that contains the role.
*/ - AccountSettings?: AccountSettings; + Namespace: string | undefined; +} +/** + * @public + */ +export interface DeleteRoleMembershipResponse { /** * @public *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
@@ -2304,195 +2546,159 @@ export interface DescribeAccountSettingsResponse { /** * @public */ -export interface DescribeAccountSubscriptionRequest { +export interface DeleteTemplateRequest { /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services account ID associated with your Amazon QuickSight account.
+ *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the template that you're deleting.
*/ AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + + /** + * @public + *An ID for the template you want to delete.
+ */ + TemplateId: string | undefined; + + /** + * @public + *Specifies the version of the template that you want to delete.
+ * If you don't provide a version number, DeleteTemplate
deletes all versions of the template.
+ *
A structure that contains the following elements:
- *Your Amazon QuickSight account name.
- *The edition of Amazon QuickSight that your account is using.
- *The notification email address that is associated with the Amazon QuickSight - * account. - *
- *The authentication type of the Amazon QuickSight account.
- *The status of the Amazon QuickSight account's subscription.
- *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - AccountInfo?: AccountInfo; + RequestId?: string; /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.
*/ - Status?: number; + Arn?: string; /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *An ID for the template.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + TemplateId?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The HTTP status of the request.
+ */ + Status?: number; } /** * @public */ -export interface DescribeAnalysisRequest { +export interface DeleteTemplateAliasRequest { /** * @public - *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the analysis. You must be using the - * Amazon Web Services account that the analysis is in.
+ *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the item to delete.
*/ AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The ID of the analysis that you're describing. The ID is part of the URL of the - * analysis.
+ *The ID for the template that the specified alias is for.
*/ - AnalysisId: string | undefined; + TemplateId: string | undefined; + + /** + * @public + *The name for the template alias. To delete a specific alias, you delete the version that the
+ * alias points to. You can specify the alias name, or specify the latest version of the
+ * template by providing the keyword $LATEST
in the AliasName
+ * parameter.
A metadata structure that contains summary information for the analysis that you're - * describing.
+ *The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - Analysis?: Analysis; + Status?: number; /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *An ID for the template associated with the deletion.
*/ - Status?: number; + TemplateId?: string; /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The name for the template alias.
*/ - RequestId?: string; -} + AliasName?: string; -/** - * @public - */ -export interface DescribeAnalysisDefinitionRequest { /** * @public - *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the analysis. You must be using the - * Amazon Web Services account that the analysis is in.
+ *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the template you want to delete.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + Arn?: string; /** * @public - *The ID of the analysis that you're describing. The ID is part of the URL of the - * analysis.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - AnalysisId: string | undefined; + RequestId?: string; } /** * @public */ -export interface DescribeAnalysisDefinitionResponse { - /** - * @public - *The ID of the analysis described.
- */ - AnalysisId?: string; - +export interface DeleteThemeRequest { /** * @public - *The descriptive name of the analysis.
+ *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the theme that you're deleting.
*/ - Name?: string; + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *Errors associated with the analysis.
+ *An ID for the theme that you want to delete.
*/ - Errors?: AnalysisError[]; + ThemeId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *Status associated with the analysis.
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
The version of the theme that you want to delete.
+ *
+ * Note: If you don't provide a version number, you're
+ * using this call to DeleteTheme
to delete all versions of the theme.
The ARN of the theme of the analysis.
+ *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.
*/ - ThemeArn?: string; + Arn?: string; /** * @public - *The definition of an analysis.
- *A definition is the data model of all features in a Dashboard, Template, or Analysis.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - Definition?: AnalysisDefinition; + RequestId?: string; /** * @public @@ -2502,53 +2708,55 @@ export interface DescribeAnalysisDefinitionResponse { /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *An ID for the theme.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + ThemeId?: string; } /** * @public */ -export interface DescribeAnalysisPermissionsRequest { +export interface DeleteThemeAliasRequest { /** * @public - *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the analysis whose permissions you're - * describing. You must be using the Amazon Web Services account that the analysis is in.
+ *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the theme alias to delete.
*/ AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The ID of the analysis whose permissions you're describing. The ID is part of the - * analysis URL.
+ *The ID for the theme that the specified alias is for.
*/ - AnalysisId: string | undefined; + ThemeId: string | undefined; + + /** + * @public + *The unique name for the theme alias to delete.
+ */ + AliasName: string | undefined; } /** * @public */ -export interface DescribeAnalysisPermissionsResponse { +export interface DeleteThemeAliasResponse { /** * @public - *The ID of the analysis whose permissions you're describing.
+ *The name for the theme alias.
*/ - AnalysisId?: string; + AliasName?: string; /** * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the analysis whose permissions you're - * describing.
+ *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the theme resource using the deleted alias.
*/ - AnalysisArn?: string; + Arn?: string; /** * @public - *A structure that describes the principals and the resource-level permissions on an - * analysis.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - Permissions?: ResourcePermission[]; + RequestId?: string; /** * @public @@ -2558,221 +2766,247 @@ export interface DescribeAnalysisPermissionsResponse { /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *An ID for the theme associated with the deletion.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + ThemeId?: string; } /** * @public */ -export interface DescribeAssetBundleExportJobRequest { +export interface DeleteTopicRequest { /** * @public - *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account the export job is executed in.
+ *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the topic that you want to + * delete.
*/ AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The ID of the job that you want described. The job ID is set when you start a new job with a StartAssetBundleExportJob
API call.
The ID of the topic that you want to delete. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
*/ - AssetBundleExportJobId: string | undefined; + TopicId: string | undefined; } /** * @public */ -export interface DescribeAssetBundleExportJobResponse { +export interface DeleteTopicResponse { /** * @public - *Indicates the status of a job through its queuing and execution.
- *Poll this DescribeAssetBundleExportApi
until JobStatus
is either SUCCESSFUL
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the topic.
*/ - JobStatus?: AssetBundleExportJobStatus; + Arn?: string; /** * @public - *The URL to download the exported asset bundle data from.
- *This URL is available only after the job has succeeded. This URL is valid for 5 minutes after issuance. Call DescribeAssetBundleExportJob
again for a fresh URL if needed.
The downloaded asset bundle is a zip file named assetbundle-\{jobId\}.qs
. The file has a .qs
This URL can't be used in a StartAssetBundleImportJob
API call and should only be used for download purposes.
The ID of the topic that you want to delete. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
*/ - DownloadUrl?: string; + TopicId?: string; /** * @public - *An array of error records that describes any failures that occurred during the export job processing.
- *Error records accumulate while the job runs. The complete set of error records is available after the job has completed and failed.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - Errors?: AssetBundleExportJobError[]; + RequestId?: string; /** * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the export job.
+ *The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - Arn?: string; + Status?: number; +} +/** + * @public + */ +export interface DeleteTopicRefreshScheduleRequest { /** * @public - *The time that the export job was created.
+ *The Amazon Web Services account ID.
*/ - CreatedTime?: Date; + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The ID of the job. The job ID is set when you start a new job with a StartAssetBundleExportJob
API call.
The ID of the topic that you want to modify. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
*/ - AssetBundleExportJobId?: string; + TopicId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that the export job was executed in.
+ *The ID of the dataset.
*/ - AwsAccountId?: string; + DatasetId: string | undefined; +} +/** + * @public + */ +export interface DeleteTopicRefreshScheduleResponse { /** * @public - *A list of resource ARNs that exported with the job.
+ *The ID of the topic that you want to modify. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
*/ - ResourceArns?: string[]; + TopicId?: string; /** * @public - *The include dependencies flag.
+ *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the topic.
*/ - IncludeAllDependencies?: boolean; + TopicArn?: string; /** * @public - *The format of the exported asset bundle. A QUICKSIGHT_JSON
formatted file can be used to make a StartAssetBundleImportJob
formatted file can be used in the CloudFormation console and with the CloudFormation APIs.
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dataset.
*/ - ExportFormat?: AssetBundleExportFormat; + DatasetArn?: string; /** * @public - *The CloudFormation override property configuration for the export job.
+ *The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - CloudFormationOverridePropertyConfiguration?: AssetBundleCloudFormationOverridePropertyConfiguration; + Status?: number; /** * @public *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ RequestId?: string; +} + +/** + * @public + */ +export interface DeleteUserRequest { + /** + * @public + *The name of the user that you want to delete.
+ */ + UserName: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the response.
+ *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that the user is in. Currently, you use the ID for the + * Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
*/ - Status?: number; + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + + /** + * @public + *The namespace. Currently, you should set this to default
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account the import job was executed in.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + RequestId?: string; /** * @public - *The ID of the job. The job ID is set when you start a new job with a StartAssetBundleImportJob
API call.
The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - AssetBundleImportJobId: string | undefined; + Status?: number; } /** * @public + * */ -export interface DescribeAssetBundleImportJobResponse { +export interface DeleteUserByPrincipalIdRequest { /** * @public - *Indicates the status of a job through its queuing and execution.
- *Poll the DescribeAssetBundleImport
API until JobStatus
returns one of the following values:
- *
- *
- *
- *
The principal ID of the user.
*/ - JobStatus?: AssetBundleImportJobStatus; + PrincipalId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *An array of error records that describes any failures that occurred during the export job processing.
- *Error records accumulate while the job is still running. The complete set of error records is available after the job has completed and failed.
+ *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that the user is in. Currently, you use the ID for the + * Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
*/ - Errors?: AssetBundleImportJobError[]; + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *An array of error records that describes any failures that occurred while an import job was attempting a rollback.
- *Error records accumulate while the job is still running. The complete set of error records is available after the job has completed and failed.
+ *The namespace. Currently, you should set this to default
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the import job.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - Arn?: string; + RequestId?: string; /** * @public - *The time that the import job was created.
+ *The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - CreatedTime?: Date; + Status?: number; +} +/** + * @public + */ +export interface DeleteVPCConnectionRequest { /** * @public - *The ID of the job. The job ID is set when you start a new job with a StartAssetBundleImportJob
API call.
The Amazon Web Services account ID of the account where you want to delete a VPC + * connection.
*/ - AssetBundleImportJobId?: string; + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account the import job was executed in.
+ *The ID of the VPC connection that you're creating. This ID is a unique identifier for each Amazon Web Services Region in an + * Amazon Web Services account.
*/ - AwsAccountId?: string; + VPCConnectionId: string | undefined; +} +/** + * @public + */ +export interface DeleteVPCConnectionResponse { /** * @public - *The source of the asset bundle zip file that contains the data that is imported by the job.
+ *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the deleted VPC connection.
*/ - AssetBundleImportSource?: AssetBundleImportSourceDescription; + Arn?: string; /** * @public - *Optional overrides to be applied to the resource configuration before import.
+ *The ID of the VPC connection that + * you're creating. This ID is a unique identifier for each Amazon Web Services Region in an + * Amazon Web Services account.
*/ - OverrideParameters?: AssetBundleImportJobOverrideParameters; + VPCConnectionId?: string; /** * @public - *The failure action for the import job.
+ *The deletion status of the VPC connection.
*/ - FailureAction?: AssetBundleImportFailureAction; + DeletionStatus?: VPCConnectionResourceStatus; + + /** + * @public + *The availability status of the VPC connection.
+ */ + AvailabilityStatus?: VPCConnectionAvailabilityStatus; /** * @public @@ -2782,7 +3016,7 @@ export interface DescribeAssetBundleImportJobResponse { /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the response.
+ *The HTTP status of the request.
*/ Status?: number; } @@ -2790,113 +3024,253 @@ export interface DescribeAssetBundleImportJobResponse { /** * @public */ -export interface DescribeDashboardRequest { +export interface DescribeAccountCustomizationRequest { /** * @public - *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the dashboard that you're - * describing.
+ *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that you want to describe Amazon QuickSight customizations + * for.
*/ AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The ID for the dashboard.
- */ - DashboardId: string | undefined; - - /** - * @public - *The version number for the dashboard. If a version number isn't passed, the - * latest published dashboard version is described.
+ *The Amazon QuickSight namespace that you want to describe Amazon QuickSight customizations + * for.
*/ - VersionNumber?: number; + Namespace?: string; /** * @public - *The alias name.
+ *The Resolved
flag works with the other parameters to determine which view
+ * of Amazon QuickSight customizations is returned. You can add this flag to your command to use
+ * the same view that Amazon QuickSight uses to identify which customizations to apply to the
+ * console. Omit this flag, or set it to no-resolved
, to reveal customizations
+ * that are configured at different levels.
Information about the dashboard.
- */ - Dashboard?: Dashboard; - +export interface DescribeAccountCustomizationResponse { /** * @public - *The HTTP status of this request.
+ *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the customization that's associated with this Amazon Web Services account.
*/ - Status?: number; + Arn?: string; /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that you're describing.
*/ - RequestId?: string; -} + AwsAccountId?: string; -/** - * @public - */ -export interface DescribeDashboardDefinitionRequest { /** * @public - *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the dashboard that you're - * describing.
+ *The Amazon QuickSight namespace that you're describing.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + Namespace?: string; /** * @public - *The ID for the dashboard.
+ *The Amazon QuickSight customizations that exist in the current Amazon Web Services Region.
*/ - DashboardId: string | undefined; + AccountCustomization?: AccountCustomization; /** * @public - *The version number for the dashboard. If a version number isn't passed, the - * latest published dashboard version is described.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - VersionNumber?: number; + RequestId?: string; /** * @public - *The alias name.
+ *The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - AliasName?: string; + Status?: number; } /** * @public */ -export interface DescribeDashboardDefinitionResponse { +export interface DescribeAccountSettingsRequest { /** * @public - *The ID of the dashboard described.
+ *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the settings that you want to list.
*/ - DashboardId?: string; + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; +} +/** + * @public + */ +export interface DescribeAccountSettingsResponse { /** * @public - *Errors associated with this dashboard version.
+ *The Amazon QuickSight settings for this Amazon Web Services account. This information + * includes the edition of Amazon Amazon QuickSight that you subscribed to (Standard or + * Enterprise) and the notification email for the Amazon QuickSight subscription.
+ *In the QuickSight console, the Amazon QuickSight subscription is sometimes referred to + * as a QuickSight "account" even though it's technically not an account by + * itself. Instead, it's a subscription to the Amazon QuickSight service for your + * Amazon Web Services account. The edition that you subscribe to applies to Amazon QuickSight in every Amazon Web Services Region where you use it.
*/ - Errors?: DashboardError[]; + AccountSettings?: AccountSettings; /** * @public - *The display name of the dashboard.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ */ + RequestId?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The HTTP status of the request.
+ */ + Status?: number; +} + +/** + * @public + */ +export interface DescribeAccountSubscriptionRequest { + /** + * @public + *The Amazon Web Services account ID associated with your Amazon QuickSight account.
+ */ + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; +} + +/** + * @public + */ +export interface DescribeAccountSubscriptionResponse { + /** + * @public + *A structure that contains the following elements:
+ *Your Amazon QuickSight account name.
+ *The edition of Amazon QuickSight that your account is using.
+ *The notification email address that is associated with the Amazon QuickSight + * account. + *
+ *The authentication type of the Amazon QuickSight account.
+ *The status of the Amazon QuickSight account's subscription.
+ *The HTTP status of the request.
+ */ + Status?: number; + + /** + * @public + *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ */ + RequestId?: string; +} + +/** + * @public + */ +export interface DescribeAnalysisRequest { + /** + * @public + *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the analysis. You must be using the + * Amazon Web Services account that the analysis is in.
+ */ + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + + /** + * @public + *The ID of the analysis that you're describing. The ID is part of the URL of the + * analysis.
+ */ + AnalysisId: string | undefined; +} + +/** + * @public + */ +export interface DescribeAnalysisResponse { + /** + * @public + *A metadata structure that contains summary information for the analysis that you're + * describing.
+ */ + Analysis?: Analysis; + + /** + * @public + *The HTTP status of the request.
+ */ + Status?: number; + + /** + * @public + *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ */ + RequestId?: string; +} + +/** + * @public + */ +export interface DescribeAnalysisDefinitionRequest { + /** + * @public + *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the analysis. You must be using the + * Amazon Web Services account that the analysis is in.
+ */ + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + + /** + * @public + *The ID of the analysis that you're describing. The ID is part of the URL of the + * analysis.
+ */ + AnalysisId: string | undefined; +} + +/** + * @public + */ +export interface DescribeAnalysisDefinitionResponse { + /** + * @public + *The ID of the analysis described.
+ */ + AnalysisId?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The descriptive name of the analysis.
*/ Name?: string; /** * @public - *Status associated with the dashboard version.
+ *Errors associated with the analysis.
+ */ + Errors?: AnalysisError[]; + + /** + * @public + *Status associated with the analysis.
*@@ -2939,16 +3313,16 @@ export interface DescribeDashboardDefinitionResponse { /** * @public - *
The ARN of the theme of the dashboard.
+ *The ARN of the theme of the analysis.
*/ ThemeArn?: string; /** * @public - *The definition of a dashboard.
+ *The definition of an analysis.
*A definition is the data model of all features in a Dashboard, Template, or Analysis.
*/ - Definition?: DashboardVersionDefinition; + Definition?: AnalysisDefinition; /** * @public @@ -2961,86 +3335,48 @@ export interface DescribeDashboardDefinitionResponse { *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ RequestId?: string; - - /** - * @public - *Options for publishing the dashboard:
- *
- * AvailabilityStatus
for AdHocFilteringOption
- This
- * status can be either ENABLED
. When this is
- * set to DISABLED
, Amazon QuickSight disables the left filter pane on the
- * published dashboard, which can be used for ad hoc (one-time) filtering. This
- * option is ENABLED
by default.
- * AvailabilityStatus
for ExportToCSVOption
- This
- * status can be either ENABLED
. The visual
- * option to export data to .CSV format isn't enabled when this is set to
. This option is ENABLED
by default.
- * VisibilityState
for SheetControlsOption
- This
- * visibility state can be either COLLAPSED
- * This option is COLLAPSED
by default.
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the dashboard that you're describing - * permissions for.
+ *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the analysis whose permissions you're + * describing. You must be using the Amazon Web Services account that the analysis is in.
*/ AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The ID for the dashboard, also added to the IAM policy.
- */ - DashboardId: string | undefined; -} - -/** - * @public - *A structure that contains the configuration of a shareable link to the dashboard.
- */ -export interface LinkSharingConfiguration { - /** - * @public - *A structure that contains the permissions of a shareable link.
+ *The ID of the analysis whose permissions you're describing. The ID is part of the + * analysis URL.
*/ - Permissions?: ResourcePermission[]; + AnalysisId: string | undefined; } /** * @public */ -export interface DescribeDashboardPermissionsResponse { +export interface DescribeAnalysisPermissionsResponse { /** * @public - *The ID for the dashboard.
+ *The ID of the analysis whose permissions you're describing.
*/ - DashboardId?: string; + AnalysisId?: string; /** * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dashboard.
+ *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the analysis whose permissions you're + * describing.
*/ - DashboardArn?: string; + AnalysisArn?: string; /** * @public - *A structure that contains the permissions for the dashboard.
+ *A structure that describes the principals and the resource-level permissions on an + * analysis.
*/ Permissions?: ResourcePermission[]; @@ -3055,322 +3391,243 @@ export interface DescribeDashboardPermissionsResponse { *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ RequestId?: string; - - /** - * @public - *A structure that contains the configuration of a shareable link that grants access to - * the dashboard. Your users can use the link to view and interact with the dashboard, if - * the dashboard has been shared with them. For more information about sharing dashboards, - * see Sharing Dashboards.
- */ - LinkSharingConfiguration?: LinkSharingConfiguration; } /** * @public */ -export interface DescribeDashboardSnapshotJobRequest { +export interface DescribeAssetBundleExportJobRequest { /** * @public - *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that the dashboard snapshot job is executed in.
+ *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account the export job is executed in.
*/ AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The ID of the dashboard that you have started a snapshot job for.
+ *The ID of the job that you want described. The job ID is set when you start a new job with a StartAssetBundleExportJob
API call.
The ID of the job to be described. The job ID is set when you start a new job with a StartDashboardSnapshotJob
API call.
A structure that contains information on the Amazon S3 destinations of the generated snapshot.
- */ -export interface SnapshotDestinationConfiguration { - /** - * @public - *
- * A list of SnapshotS3DestinationConfiguration
objects that contain Amazon S3 destination configurations. This structure can hold a maximum of 1 S3DestinationConfiguration
- *
A structure that contains the information on the snapshot files.
*/ -export interface SnapshotFileGroup { +export interface DescribeAssetBundleExportJobResponse { /** * @public - *A list of SnapshotFile
objects that contain the information on the snapshot files that need to be generated. This structure can hold 1 configuration at a time.
Indicates the status of a job through its queuing and execution.
+ *Poll this DescribeAssetBundleExportApi
until JobStatus
is either SUCCESSFUL
Describes the configuration of the dashboard snapshot.
- */ -export interface SnapshotConfiguration { /** * @public - *A list of SnapshotJobResultFileGroup
objects that contain information about the snapshot that is generated. This list can hold a maximum of 6 FileGroup
The URL to download the exported asset bundle data from.
+ *This URL is available only after the job has succeeded. This URL is valid for 5 minutes after issuance. Call DescribeAssetBundleExportJob
again for a fresh URL if needed.
The downloaded asset bundle is a zip file named assetbundle-\{jobId\}.qs
. The file has a .qs
This URL can't be used in a StartAssetBundleImportJob
API call and should only be used for download purposes.
A structure that contains information on the Amazon S3 bucket that the generated snapshot is stored in.
+ *An array of error records that describes any failures that occurred during the export job processing.
+ *Error records accumulate while the job runs. The complete set of error records is available after the job has completed and failed.
*/ - DestinationConfiguration?: SnapshotDestinationConfiguration; + Errors?: AssetBundleExportJobError[]; /** * @public - *A list of Amazon QuickSight parameters and the list's override values.
+ *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the export job.
*/ - Parameters?: _Parameters; -} + Arn?: string; -/** - * @public - *Use this structure to redact sensitive information that you provide about an anonymous user from the snapshot.
- */ -export interface SnapshotAnonymousUserRedacted { /** * @public - *The tag keys for the RowLevelPermissionTags
The time that the export job was created.
*/ - RowLevelPermissionTagKeys?: string[]; -} + CreatedTime?: Date; -/** - * @public - *A structure that contains information about the users that the dashboard snapshot is generated for. Sensitive user information is excluded. - *
- */ -export interface SnapshotUserConfigurationRedacted { /** * @public - *- * An array of records that describe anonymous users that the dashboard snapshot is generated for. Sensitive user information is excluded. - *
+ *The ID of the job. The job ID is set when you start a new job with a StartAssetBundleExportJob
API call.
- * The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that the dashboard snapshot job is executed in. - *
+ *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that the export job was executed in.
*/ AwsAccountId?: string; /** * @public - *The ID of the dashboard that you have started a snapshot job for.
+ *A list of resource ARNs that exported with the job.
*/ - DashboardId?: string; + ResourceArns?: string[]; /** * @public - *The ID of the job to be described. The job ID is set when you start a new job with a StartDashboardSnapshotJob
API call.
The include dependencies flag.
*/ - SnapshotJobId?: string; + IncludeAllDependencies?: boolean; /** * @public - *The user configuration for the snapshot job. This information is provided when you make a StartDashboardSnapshotJob
API call.
The format of the exported asset bundle. A QUICKSIGHT_JSON
formatted file can be used to make a StartAssetBundleImportJob
formatted file can be used in the CloudFormation console and with the CloudFormation APIs.
The snapshot configuration of the job. This information is provided when you make a StartDashboardSnapshotJob
API call.
The CloudFormation override property configuration for the export job.
*/ - SnapshotConfiguration?: SnapshotConfiguration; + CloudFormationOverridePropertyConfiguration?: AssetBundleCloudFormationOverridePropertyConfiguration; /** * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the snapshot job. The job ARN is generated when you start a new job with a StartDashboardSnapshotJob
API call.
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - Arn?: string; + RequestId?: string; /** * @public - *Indicates the status of a job. The status updates as the job executes. This shows one of the following values.
- *
- The job was completed successfully.
- The job failed to execute.
- The job is queued and hasn't started yet.
- The job is still running.
The HTTP status of the response.
*/ - JobStatus?: SnapshotJobStatus; + Status?: number; /** * @public - *- * The time that the snapshot job was created. - *
+ *The include permissions flag.
*/ - CreatedTime?: Date; + IncludePermissions?: boolean; /** * @public - *- * The time that the snapshot job status was last updated. - *
+ *The include tags flag.
*/ - LastUpdatedTime?: Date; + IncludeTags?: boolean; /** * @public - *- * The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation. - *
+ *The validation strategy that is used to export the analysis or dashboard.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + ValidationStrategy?: AssetBundleExportJobValidationStrategy; /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request
+ *An array of warning records that describe the analysis or dashboard that is exported. This array includes UI errors that can be skipped during the validation process.
+ *This property only appears if StrictModeForAllResources
in ValidationStrategy
is set to FALSE
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that the dashboard snapshot job is executed in.
+ *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account the import job was executed in.
*/ AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The ID of the dashboard that you have started a snapshot job for.
- */ - DashboardId: string | undefined; - - /** - * @public - *The ID of the job to be described. The job ID is set when you start a new job with a StartDashboardSnapshotJob
API call.
The ID of the job. The job ID is set when you start a new job with a StartAssetBundleImportJob
API call.
An object that contains information on the error that caused the snapshot job to fail.
*/ -export interface SnapshotJobErrorInfo { +export interface DescribeAssetBundleImportJobResponse { /** * @public - *The error message.
+ *Indicates the status of a job through its queuing and execution.
+ *Poll the DescribeAssetBundleImport
API until JobStatus
returns one of the following values:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
The error type.
+ *An array of error records that describes any failures that occurred during the export job processing.
+ *Error records accumulate while the job is still running. The complete set of error records is available after the job has completed and failed.
*/ - ErrorType?: string; -} + Errors?: AssetBundleImportJobError[]; -/** - * @public - *An object that provides information on the result of a snapshot job. This object provides information about the job, the job status, and the location of the generated file.
- */ -export interface SnapshotJobResult { /** * @public - * A list of AnonymousUserSnapshotJobResult
objects that contain information on anonymous users and their user configurations. This data provided by you when you make a StartDashboardSnapshotJob
API call.
An array of error records that describes any failures that occurred while an import job was attempting a rollback.
+ *Error records accumulate while the job is still running. The complete set of error records is available after the job has completed and failed.
*/ - AnonymousUsers?: AnonymousUserSnapshotJobResult[]; -} + RollbackErrors?: AssetBundleImportJobError[]; -/** - * @public - */ -export interface DescribeDashboardSnapshotJobResultResponse { /** * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the snapshot job. The job ARN is generated when you start a new job with a StartDashboardSnapshotJob
API call.
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the import job.
*/ Arn?: string; /** * @public - *Indicates the status of a job after it has reached a terminal state. A finished snapshot job will retuen a COMPLETED
The time that the import job was created.
*/ - JobStatus?: SnapshotJobStatus; + CreatedTime?: Date; /** * @public - *The time that a snapshot job was created.
+ *The ID of the job. The job ID is set when you start a new job with a StartAssetBundleImportJob
API call.
The time that a snapshot job status was last updated.
+ *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account the import job was executed in.
*/ - LastUpdatedTime?: Date; + AwsAccountId?: string; /** * @public - *The result of the snapshot job. Jobs that have successfully completed will return the S3Uri where they are located. Jobs that have failedwill return information on the error that caused the job to fail.
+ *The source of the asset bundle zip file that contains the data that is imported by the job.
*/ - Result?: SnapshotJobResult; + AssetBundleImportSource?: AssetBundleImportSourceDescription; /** * @public - *Displays information for the error that caused a job to fail.
+ *Optional overrides that are applied to the resource configuration before import.
*/ - ErrorInfo?: SnapshotJobErrorInfo; + OverrideParameters?: AssetBundleImportJobOverrideParameters; + + /** + * @public + *The failure action for the import job.
+ */ + FailureAction?: AssetBundleImportFailureAction; /** * @public @@ -3380,169 +3637,197 @@ export interface DescribeDashboardSnapshotJobResultResponse { /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request
+ *The HTTP status of the response.
*/ Status?: number; -} -/** - * @public - */ -export interface DescribeDataSetRequest { /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services account ID.
+ *Optional permission overrides that are applied to the resource configuration before import.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + OverridePermissions?: AssetBundleImportJobOverridePermissions; /** * @public - *The ID for the dataset that you want to create. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
+ *Optional tag overrides that are applied to the resource configuration before import.
*/ - DataSetId: string | undefined; -} + OverrideTags?: AssetBundleImportJobOverrideTags; -/** - * @public - */ -export interface DescribeDataSetResponse { /** * @public - *Information on the dataset.
+ *An optional validation strategy override for all analyses and dashboards to be applied to the resource configuration before import.
*/ - DataSet?: DataSet; + OverrideValidationStrategy?: AssetBundleImportJobOverrideValidationStrategy; +} +/** + * @public + */ +export interface DescribeDashboardRequest { /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the dashboard that you're + * describing.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *The ID for the dashboard.
*/ - Status?: number; -} + DashboardId: string | undefined; -/** - * @public - */ -export interface DescribeDataSetPermissionsRequest { /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services account ID.
+ *The version number for the dashboard. If a version number isn't passed, the + * latest published dashboard version is described.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + VersionNumber?: number; /** * @public - *The ID for the dataset that you want to create. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
+ *The alias name.
*/ - DataSetId: string | undefined; + AliasName?: string; } /** * @public */ -export interface DescribeDataSetPermissionsResponse { +export interface DescribeDashboardResponse { /** * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dataset.
+ *Information about the dashboard.
*/ - DataSetArn?: string; + Dashboard?: Dashboard; /** * @public - *The ID for the dataset that you want to create. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
+ *The HTTP status of this request.
*/ - DataSetId?: string; + Status?: number; /** * @public - *A list of resource permissions on the dataset.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - Permissions?: ResourcePermission[]; + RequestId?: string; +} +/** + * @public + */ +export interface DescribeDashboardDefinitionRequest { /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the dashboard that you're + * describing.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *The ID for the dashboard.
*/ - Status?: number; -} + DashboardId: string | undefined; -/** - * @public - */ -export interface DescribeDataSetRefreshPropertiesRequest { /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services account ID.
+ *The version number for the dashboard. If a version number isn't passed, the + * latest published dashboard version is described.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + VersionNumber?: number; /** * @public - *The ID of the dataset.
+ *The alias name.
*/ - DataSetId: string | undefined; + AliasName?: string; } /** * @public */ -export interface DescribeDataSetRefreshPropertiesResponse { +export interface DescribeDashboardDefinitionResponse { /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The ID of the dashboard described.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + DashboardId?: string; /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *Errors associated with this dashboard version.
*/ - Status?: number; + Errors?: DashboardError[]; /** * @public - *The dataset refresh properties.
+ *The display name of the dashboard.
*/ - DataSetRefreshProperties?: DataSetRefreshProperties; -} + Name?: string; -/** - * @public - */ -export interface DescribeDataSourceRequest { /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services account ID.
+ *Status associated with the dashboard version.
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
The ID of the data source. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
+ *The ARN of the theme of the dashboard.
*/ - DataSourceId: string | undefined; -} + ThemeArn?: string; -/** - * @public - */ -export interface DescribeDataSourceResponse { /** * @public - *The information on the data source.
+ *The definition of a dashboard.
+ *A definition is the data model of all features in a Dashboard, Template, or Analysis.
*/ - DataSource?: DataSource; + Definition?: DashboardVersionDefinition; + + /** + * @public + *The HTTP status of the request.
+ */ + Status?: number; /** * @public @@ -3552,376 +3837,447 @@ export interface DescribeDataSourceResponse { /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *Options for publishing the dashboard:
+ *
+ * AvailabilityStatus
for AdHocFilteringOption
- This
+ * status can be either ENABLED
. When this is
+ * set to DISABLED
, Amazon QuickSight disables the left filter pane on the
+ * published dashboard, which can be used for ad hoc (one-time) filtering. This
+ * option is ENABLED
by default.
+ * AvailabilityStatus
for ExportToCSVOption
- This
+ * status can be either ENABLED
. The visual
+ * option to export data to .CSV format isn't enabled when this is set to
. This option is ENABLED
by default.
+ * VisibilityState
for SheetControlsOption
- This
+ * visibility state can be either COLLAPSED
+ * This option is COLLAPSED
by default.
The Amazon Web Services account ID.
+ *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the dashboard that you're describing + * permissions for.
*/ AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The ID of the data source. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
+ *The ID for the dashboard, also added to the IAM policy.
*/ - DataSourceId: string | undefined; + DashboardId: string | undefined; } /** * @public */ -export interface DescribeDataSourcePermissionsResponse { +export interface DescribeDashboardPermissionsResponse { /** * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the data source.
+ *The ID for the dashboard.
*/ - DataSourceArn?: string; + DashboardId?: string; /** * @public - *The ID of the data source. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
+ *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dashboard.
*/ - DataSourceId?: string; + DashboardArn?: string; /** * @public - *A list of resource permissions on the data source.
+ *A structure that contains the permissions for the dashboard.
*/ Permissions?: ResourcePermission[]; - /** - * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
- */ - RequestId?: string; - /** * @public *The HTTP status of the request.
*/ Status?: number; -} -/** - * @public - */ -export interface DescribeFolderRequest { /** * @public - *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the folder.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + RequestId?: string; /** * @public - *The ID of the folder.
+ *A structure that contains the configuration of a shareable link that grants access to + * the dashboard. Your users can use the link to view and interact with the dashboard, if + * the dashboard has been shared with them. For more information about sharing dashboards, + * see Sharing Dashboards.
*/ - FolderId: string | undefined; + LinkSharingConfiguration?: LinkSharingConfiguration; } /** * @public - *A folder in Amazon QuickSight.
*/ -export interface Folder { - /** - * @public - *The ID of the folder.
- */ - FolderId?: string; - - /** - * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the folder.
- */ - Arn?: string; - +export interface DescribeDashboardSnapshotJobRequest { /** * @public - *A display name for the folder.
+ *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that the dashboard snapshot job is executed in.
*/ - Name?: string; + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The type of folder it is.
+ *The ID of the dashboard that you have started a snapshot job for.
*/ - FolderType?: FolderType; + DashboardId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *An array of ancestor ARN strings for the folder.
+ *The ID of the job to be described. The job ID is set when you start a new job with a StartDashboardSnapshotJob
API call.
The time that the folder was created.
- */ - CreatedTime?: Date; +/** + * @public + * @enum + */ +export const SnapshotJobStatus = { + COMPLETED: "COMPLETED", + FAILED: "FAILED", + QUEUED: "QUEUED", + RUNNING: "RUNNING", +} as const; + +/** + * @public + */ +export type SnapshotJobStatus = (typeof SnapshotJobStatus)[keyof typeof SnapshotJobStatus]; +/** + * @public + *A structure that contains information on the Amazon S3 destinations of the generated snapshot.
+ */ +export interface SnapshotDestinationConfiguration { /** * @public - *The time that the folder was last updated.
+ *
+ * A list of SnapshotS3DestinationConfiguration
objects that contain Amazon S3 destination configurations. This structure can hold a maximum of 1 S3DestinationConfiguration
+ *
A structure that contains the information on the snapshot files.
+ */ +export interface SnapshotFileGroup { /** * @public - *The sharing scope of the folder.
+ *A list of SnapshotFile
objects that contain the information on the snapshot files that need to be generated. This structure can hold 1 configuration at a time.
Describes the configuration of the dashboard snapshot.
*/ -export interface DescribeFolderResponse { +export interface SnapshotConfiguration { /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *A list of SnapshotJobResultFileGroup
objects that contain information about the snapshot that is generated. This list can hold a maximum of 6 FileGroup
Information about the folder.
+ *A structure that contains information on the Amazon S3 bucket that the generated snapshot is stored in.
*/ - Folder?: Folder; + DestinationConfiguration?: SnapshotDestinationConfiguration; /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *A list of Amazon QuickSight parameters and the list's override values.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + Parameters?: _Parameters; } /** * @public + *Use this structure to redact sensitive information that you provide about an anonymous user from the snapshot.
*/ -export interface DescribeFolderPermissionsRequest { +export interface SnapshotAnonymousUserRedacted { /** * @public - *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the folder.
+ *The tag keys for the RowLevelPermissionTags
A structure that contains information about the users that the dashboard snapshot is generated for. Sensitive user information is excluded. + *
+ */ +export interface SnapshotUserConfigurationRedacted { /** * @public - *The ID of the folder.
+ *+ * An array of records that describe anonymous users that the dashboard snapshot is generated for. Sensitive user information is excluded. + *
*/ - FolderId: string | undefined; + AnonymousUsers?: SnapshotAnonymousUserRedacted[]; +} +/** + * @public + */ +export interface DescribeDashboardSnapshotJobResponse { /** * @public - *The namespace of the folder whose permissions you want described.
+ *+ * The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that the dashboard snapshot job is executed in. + *
*/ - Namespace?: string; + AwsAccountId?: string; /** * @public - *The maximum number of results to be returned per request.
+ *The ID of the dashboard that you have started a snapshot job for.
*/ - MaxResults?: number; + DashboardId?: string; /** * @public - *A pagination token for the next set of results.
+ *The ID of the job to be described. The job ID is set when you start a new job with a StartDashboardSnapshotJob
API call.
The HTTP status of the request.
+ *The user configuration for the snapshot job. This information is provided when you make a StartDashboardSnapshotJob
API call.
The ID of the folder.
+ *The snapshot configuration of the job. This information is provided when you make a StartDashboardSnapshotJob
API call.
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the folder.
+ *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the snapshot job. The job ARN is generated when you start a new job with a StartDashboardSnapshotJob
API call.
Information about the permissions on the folder.
+ *Indicates the status of a job. The status updates as the job executes. This shows one of the following values.
+ *
- The job was completed successfully.
- The job failed to execute.
- The job is queued and hasn't started yet.
- The job is still running.
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *+ * The time that the snapshot job was created. + *
*/ - RequestId?: string; + CreatedTime?: Date; /** * @public - *The pagination token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
+ *+ * The time that the snapshot job status was last updated. + *
*/ - NextToken?: string; -} + LastUpdatedTime?: Date; -/** - * @public - *The NextToken
value isn't valid.
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this request.
+ *+ * The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation. + *
*/ RequestId?: string; + /** - * @internal + * @public + *The HTTP status of the request
*/ - constructor(opts: __ExceptionOptionTypeThe ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the folder.
+ *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that the dashboard snapshot job is executed in.
*/ AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The ID of the folder.
+ *The ID of the dashboard that you have started a snapshot job for.
*/ - FolderId: string | undefined; + DashboardId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The namespace of the folder whose permissions you want described.
+ *The ID of the job to be described. The job ID is set when you start a new job with a StartDashboardSnapshotJob
API call.
An object that contains information on the error that caused the snapshot job to fail.
+ */ +export interface SnapshotJobErrorInfo { /** * @public - *The maximum number of results to be returned per request.
+ *The error message.
*/ - MaxResults?: number; + ErrorMessage?: string; /** * @public - *A pagination token for the next set of results.
+ *The error type.
*/ - NextToken?: string; + ErrorType?: string; } /** * @public + *An object that provides information on the result of a snapshot job. This object provides information about the job, the job status, and the location of the generated file.
*/ -export interface DescribeFolderResolvedPermissionsResponse { +export interface SnapshotJobResult { /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ * A list of AnonymousUserSnapshotJobResult
objects that contain information on anonymous users and their user configurations. This data provided by you when you make a StartDashboardSnapshotJob
API call.
The ID of the folder.
+ *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the snapshot job. The job ARN is generated when you start a new job with a StartDashboardSnapshotJob
API call.
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the folder.
+ *Indicates the status of a job after it has reached a terminal state. A finished snapshot job will retuen a COMPLETED
Information about the permissions for the folder.
+ *The time that a snapshot job was created.
*/ - Permissions?: ResourcePermission[]; + CreatedTime?: Date; /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The time that a snapshot job status was last updated.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + LastUpdatedTime?: Date; /** * @public - *A pagination token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
+ *The result of the snapshot job. Jobs that have successfully completed will return the S3Uri where they are located. Jobs that have failedwill return information on the error that caused the job to fail.
*/ - NextToken?: string; -} + Result?: SnapshotJobResult; -/** - * @public - */ -export interface DescribeGroupRequest { /** * @public - *The name of the group that you want to describe.
+ *Displays information for the error that caused a job to fail.
*/ - GroupName: string | undefined; + ErrorInfo?: SnapshotJobErrorInfo; /** * @public - *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that the group is in. Currently, you use the ID for the - * Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + RequestId?: string; /** * @public - *The namespace of the group that you want described.
+ *The HTTP status of the request
*/ - Namespace: string | undefined; + Status?: number; } /** * @public */ -export interface DescribeGroupResponse { +export interface DescribeDataSetRequest { /** * @public - *The name of the group.
+ *The Amazon Web Services account ID.
*/ - Group?: Group; + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The ID for the dataset that you want to create. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + DataSetId: string | undefined; +} + +/** + * @public + */ +export interface DescribeDataSetResponse { + /** + * @public + *Information on the dataset.
+ */ + DataSet?: DataSet; + + /** + * @public + *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ */ + RequestId?: string; /** * @public @@ -3933,43 +4289,41 @@ export interface DescribeGroupResponse { /** * @public */ -export interface DescribeGroupMembershipRequest { +export interface DescribeDataSetPermissionsRequest { /** * @public - *The user name of the user that you want to search for.
+ *The Amazon Web Services account ID.
*/ - MemberName: string | undefined; + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The name of the group that you want to search.
+ *The ID for the dataset that you want to create. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
*/ - GroupName: string | undefined; + DataSetId: string | undefined; +} +/** + * @public + */ +export interface DescribeDataSetPermissionsResponse { /** * @public - *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that the group is in. Currently, you use the ID for the - * Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
+ *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dataset.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + DataSetArn?: string; /** * @public - *The namespace that includes the group you are searching within.
+ *The ID for the dataset that you want to create. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
*/ - Namespace: string | undefined; -} + DataSetId?: string; -/** - * @public - */ -export interface DescribeGroupMembershipResponse { /** * @public - *A member of an Amazon QuickSight group. Currently, group members must be users. Groups - * can't be members of another group. .
+ *A list of resource permissions on the dataset.
*/ - GroupMember?: GroupMember; + Permissions?: ResourcePermission[]; /** * @public @@ -3987,78 +4341,69 @@ export interface DescribeGroupMembershipResponse { /** * @public */ -export interface DescribeIAMPolicyAssignmentRequest { +export interface DescribeDataSetRefreshPropertiesRequest { /** * @public - *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the assignment that you want to - * describe.
+ *The Amazon Web Services account ID.
*/ AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The name of the assignment, also called a rule.
- */ - AssignmentName: string | undefined; - - /** - * @public - *The namespace that contains the assignment.
+ *The ID of the dataset.
*/ - Namespace: string | undefined; + DataSetId: string | undefined; } /** * @public - *An Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy assignment.
*/ -export interface IAMPolicyAssignment { - /** - * @public - *The Amazon Web Services account ID.
- */ - AwsAccountId?: string; - +export interface DescribeDataSetRefreshPropertiesResponse { /** * @public - *Assignment ID.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - AssignmentId?: string; + RequestId?: string; /** * @public - *Assignment name.
+ *The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - AssignmentName?: string; + Status?: number; /** * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the IAM policy.
+ *The dataset refresh properties.
*/ - PolicyArn?: string; + DataSetRefreshProperties?: DataSetRefreshProperties; +} +/** + * @public + */ +export interface DescribeDataSourceRequest { /** * @public - *Identities.
+ *The Amazon Web Services account ID.
*/ - Identities?: RecordAssignment status.
+ *The ID of the data source. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
*/ - AssignmentStatus?: AssignmentStatus; + DataSourceId: string | undefined; } /** * @public */ -export interface DescribeIAMPolicyAssignmentResponse { +export interface DescribeDataSourceResponse { /** * @public - *Information describing the IAM policy assignment.
+ *The information on the data source.
*/ - IAMPolicyAssignment?: IAMPolicyAssignment; + DataSource?: DataSource; /** * @public @@ -4076,7 +4421,7 @@ export interface DescribeIAMPolicyAssignmentResponse { /** * @public */ -export interface DescribeIngestionRequest { +export interface DescribeDataSourcePermissionsRequest { /** * @public *The Amazon Web Services account ID.
@@ -4085,292 +4430,202 @@ export interface DescribeIngestionRequest { /** * @public - *The ID of the dataset used in the ingestion.
- */ - DataSetId: string | undefined; - - /** - * @public - *An ID for the ingestion.
+ *The ID of the data source. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
+ */ + DataSourceArn?: string; -/** - * @public - *Error information for the SPICE ingestion of a dataset.
- */ -export interface ErrorInfo { /** * @public - *Error type.
+ *The ID of the data source. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
*/ - Type?: IngestionErrorType; + DataSourceId?: string; /** * @public - *Error message.
+ *A list of resource permissions on the data source.
*/ - Message?: string; -} + Permissions?: ResourcePermission[]; -/** - * @public - *Information about a queued dataset SPICE ingestion.
- */ -export interface QueueInfo { /** * @public - *The ID of the queued ingestion.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - WaitingOnIngestion: string | undefined; + RequestId?: string; /** * @public - *The ID of the ongoing ingestion. The queued ingestion is waiting for the ongoing - * ingestion to complete.
+ *The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - QueuedIngestion: string | undefined; + Status?: number; } /** * @public - * @enum - */ -export const IngestionRequestSource = { - MANUAL: "MANUAL", - SCHEDULED: "SCHEDULED", -} as const; - -/** - * @public - */ -export type IngestionRequestSource = (typeof IngestionRequestSource)[keyof typeof IngestionRequestSource]; - -/** - * @public - * @enum */ -export const IngestionRequestType = { - EDIT: "EDIT", - FULL_REFRESH: "FULL_REFRESH", - INCREMENTAL_REFRESH: "INCREMENTAL_REFRESH", - INITIAL_INGESTION: "INITIAL_INGESTION", -} as const; +export interface DescribeFolderRequest { + /** + * @public + *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the folder.
+ */ + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; -/** - * @public - */ -export type IngestionRequestType = (typeof IngestionRequestType)[keyof typeof IngestionRequestType]; + /** + * @public + *The ID of the folder.
+ */ + FolderId: string | undefined; +} /** * @public - *Information about rows for a data set SPICE ingestion.
+ *A folder in Amazon QuickSight.
*/ -export interface RowInfo { +export interface Folder { /** * @public - *The number of rows that were ingested.
+ *The ID of the folder.
*/ - RowsIngested?: number; + FolderId?: string; /** * @public - *The number of rows that were not ingested.
+ *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the folder.
*/ - RowsDropped?: number; + Arn?: string; /** * @public - *The total number of rows in the dataset.
- */ - TotalRowsInDataset?: number; -} - -/** - * @public - *Information about the SPICE ingestion for a dataset.
- */ -export interface Ingestion { - /** - * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.
+ *A display name for the folder.
*/ - Arn: string | undefined; + Name?: string; /** * @public - *Ingestion ID.
+ *The type of folder it is.
*/ - IngestionId?: string; + FolderType?: FolderType; /** * @public - *Ingestion status.
+ *An array of ancestor ARN strings for the folder.
*/ - IngestionStatus: IngestionStatus | undefined; + FolderPath?: string[]; /** * @public - *Error information for this ingestion.
+ *The time that the folder was created.
*/ - ErrorInfo?: ErrorInfo; + CreatedTime?: Date; /** * @public - *Information about rows for a data set SPICE ingestion.
+ *The time that the folder was last updated.
*/ - RowInfo?: RowInfo; + LastUpdatedTime?: Date; /** * @public - *Information about a queued dataset SPICE ingestion.
+ *The sharing scope of the folder.
*/ - QueueInfo?: QueueInfo; + SharingModel?: SharingModel; +} +/** + * @public + */ +export interface DescribeFolderResponse { /** * @public - *The time that this ingestion started.
+ *The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - CreatedTime: Date | undefined; + Status?: number; /** * @public - *The time that this ingestion took, measured in seconds.
+ *Information about the folder.
*/ - IngestionTimeInSeconds?: number; + Folder?: Folder; /** * @public - *The size of the data ingested, in bytes.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - IngestionSizeInBytes?: number; + RequestId?: string; +} +/** + * @public + */ +export interface DescribeFolderPermissionsRequest { /** * @public - *Event source for this ingestion.
+ *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the folder.
*/ - RequestSource?: IngestionRequestSource; + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *Type of this ingestion.
+ *The ID of the folder.
*/ - RequestType?: IngestionRequestType; -} + FolderId: string | undefined; -/** - * @public - */ -export interface DescribeIngestionResponse { /** * @public - *Information about the ingestion.
+ *The namespace of the folder whose permissions you want described.
*/ - Ingestion?: Ingestion; + Namespace?: string; /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The maximum number of results to be returned per request.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + MaxResults?: number; /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *A pagination token for the next set of results.
*/ - Status?: number; + NextToken?: string; } /** * @public */ -export interface DescribeIpRestrictionRequest { +export interface DescribeFolderPermissionsResponse { /** * @public - *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the IP rules.
+ *The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; -} + Status?: number; -/** - * @public - */ -export interface DescribeIpRestrictionResponse { /** * @public - *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the IP rules.
+ *The ID of the folder.
*/ - AwsAccountId?: string; + FolderId?: string; /** * @public - *A map that describes the IP rules with CIDR range and description.
+ *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the folder.
*/ - IpRestrictionRuleMap?: RecordA value that specifies whether IP rules are turned on.
+ *Information about the permissions on the folder.
*/ - Enabled?: boolean; + Permissions?: ResourcePermission[]; /** * @public @@ -4380,644 +4635,603 @@ export interface DescribeIpRestrictionResponse { /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request. - *
+ *The pagination token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
*/ - Status?: number; + NextToken?: string; } /** * @public + *The NextToken
value isn't valid.
The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the Amazon QuickSight namespace that you want to describe.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this request.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; - + RequestId?: string; /** - * @public - *The namespace that you want to describe.
+ * @internal */ - Namespace: string | undefined; + constructor(opts: __ExceptionOptionTypeThe ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the folder.
+ */ + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; -/** - * @public - */ -export type NamespaceErrorType = (typeof NamespaceErrorType)[keyof typeof NamespaceErrorType]; + /** + * @public + *The ID of the folder.
+ */ + FolderId: string | undefined; -/** - * @public - *Errors that occur during namespace creation.
- */ -export interface NamespaceError { /** * @public - *The error type.
+ *The namespace of the folder whose permissions you want described.
*/ - Type?: NamespaceErrorType; + Namespace?: string; /** * @public - *The message for the error.
+ *The maximum number of results to be returned per request.
*/ - Message?: string; + MaxResults?: number; + + /** + * @public + *A pagination token for the next set of results.
+ */ + NextToken?: string; } /** * @public - *The error type.
*/ -export interface NamespaceInfoV2 { +export interface DescribeFolderResolvedPermissionsResponse { /** * @public - *The name of the error.
+ *The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - Name?: string; + Status?: number; /** * @public - *The namespace ARN.
+ *The ID of the folder.
*/ - Arn?: string; + FolderId?: string; /** * @public - *The namespace Amazon Web Services Region.
+ *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the folder.
*/ - CapacityRegion?: string; + Arn?: string; /** * @public - *The creation status of a namespace that is not yet completely created.
+ *Information about the permissions for the folder.
*/ - CreationStatus?: NamespaceStatus; + Permissions?: ResourcePermission[]; /** * @public - *The identity store used for the namespace.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - IdentityStore?: IdentityStore; + RequestId?: string; /** * @public - *An error that occurred when the namespace was created.
+ *A pagination token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
*/ - NamespaceError?: NamespaceError; + NextToken?: string; } /** * @public */ -export interface DescribeNamespaceResponse { +export interface DescribeGroupRequest { /** * @public - *The information about the namespace that you're describing. The response includes
- * the namespace ARN, name, Amazon Web Services Region, creation status, and identity store. DescribeNamespace
- * works for namespaces that are in the process of being created. For incomplete namespaces,
- * this API operation lists the namespace error types and messages associated with the creation process.
The name of the group that you want to describe.
*/ - Namespace?: NamespaceInfoV2; + GroupName: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that the group is in. Currently, you use the ID for the + * Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *The namespace of the group that you want described.
*/ - Status?: number; + Namespace: string | undefined; } /** * @public */ -export interface DescribeRefreshScheduleRequest { +export interface DescribeGroupResponse { /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services account ID.
+ *The name of the group.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + Group?: Group; /** * @public - *The ID of the dataset.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - DataSetId: string | undefined; + RequestId?: string; /** * @public - *The ID of the refresh schedule.
+ *The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - ScheduleId: string | undefined; + Status?: number; } /** * @public */ -export interface DescribeRefreshScheduleResponse { +export interface DescribeGroupMembershipRequest { /** * @public - *The refresh schedule.
+ *The user name of the user that you want to search for.
*/ - RefreshSchedule?: RefreshSchedule; + MemberName: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *The name of the group that you want to search.
*/ - Status?: number; + GroupName: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that the group is in. Currently, you use the ID for the + * Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the refresh schedule.
+ *The namespace that includes the group you are searching within.
*/ - Arn?: string; + Namespace: string | undefined; } /** * @public */ -export interface DescribeTemplateRequest { +export interface DescribeGroupMembershipResponse { /** * @public - *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the template that you're describing.
- */ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; - - /** - * @public - *The ID for the template.
+ *A member of an Amazon QuickSight group. Currently, group members must be users. Groups + * can't be members of another group. .
*/ - TemplateId: string | undefined; + GroupMember?: GroupMember; /** * @public - *(Optional) The number for the version to describe. If a VersionNumber
- * value isn't provided, the latest version of the template is described.
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - VersionNumber?: number; + RequestId?: string; /** * @public - *The alias of the template that you want to describe. If you name a specific alias, you
- * describe the version that the alias points to. You can specify the latest version of the
- * template by providing the keyword $LATEST
in the AliasName
- * parameter. The keyword $PUBLISHED
doesn't apply to templates.
The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - AliasName?: string; + Status?: number; } -/** - * @public - * @enum - */ -export const TemplateErrorType = { - ACCESS_DENIED: "ACCESS_DENIED", - DATA_SET_NOT_FOUND: "DATA_SET_NOT_FOUND", - INTERNAL_FAILURE: "INTERNAL_FAILURE", - SOURCE_NOT_FOUND: "SOURCE_NOT_FOUND", -} as const; - /** * @public */ -export type TemplateErrorType = (typeof TemplateErrorType)[keyof typeof TemplateErrorType]; - -/** - * @public - *List of errors that occurred when the template version creation failed.
- */ -export interface TemplateError { +export interface DescribeIAMPolicyAssignmentRequest { /** * @public - *Type of error.
+ *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the assignment that you want to + * describe.
*/ - Type?: TemplateErrorType; + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *Description of the error type.
+ *The name of the assignment, also called a rule.
*/ - Message?: string; + AssignmentName: string | undefined; /** * @public - *An error path that shows which entities caused the template error.
+ *The namespace that contains the assignment.
*/ - ViolatedEntities?: Entity[]; + Namespace: string | undefined; } /** * @public - *A version of a template.
+ *An Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy assignment.
*/ -export interface TemplateVersion { - /** - * @public - *The time that this template version was created.
- */ - CreatedTime?: Date; - +export interface IAMPolicyAssignment { /** * @public - *Errors associated with this template version.
+ *The Amazon Web Services account ID.
*/ - Errors?: TemplateError[]; + AwsAccountId?: string; /** * @public - *The version number of the template version.
+ *Assignment ID.
*/ - VersionNumber?: number; + AssignmentId?: string; /** * @public - *The status that is associated with the template.
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
Assignment name.
*/ - Status?: ResourceStatus; + AssignmentName?: string; /** * @public - *Schema of the dataset identified by the placeholder. Any dashboard created from this - * template should be bound to new datasets matching the same schema described through this - * API operation.
+ *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the IAM policy.
*/ - DataSetConfigurations?: DataSetConfiguration[]; + PolicyArn?: string; /** * @public - *The description of the template.
+ *Identities.
*/ - Description?: string; + Identities?: RecordThe Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an analysis or template that was used to create this - * template.
+ *Assignment status.
*/ - SourceEntityArn?: string; + AssignmentStatus?: AssignmentStatus; +} +/** + * @public + */ +export interface DescribeIAMPolicyAssignmentResponse { /** * @public - *The ARN of the theme associated with this version of the template.
+ *Information describing the IAM policy assignment.
*/ - ThemeArn?: string; + IAMPolicyAssignment?: IAMPolicyAssignment; /** * @public - *A list of the associated sheets with the unique identifier and name of each sheet.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - Sheets?: Sheet[]; + RequestId?: string; /** * @public - *An array of analysis level configurations.
+ *The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - Options?: AssetOptions; + Status?: number; } /** * @public - *A template object. A template is an entity in Amazon QuickSight that - * encapsulates the metadata required to create an analysis and that you can use to create - * a dashboard. A template adds a layer of abstraction by using placeholders to replace the - * dataset associated with an analysis. You can use templates to create dashboards by - * replacing dataset placeholders with datasets that follow the same schema that was used - * to create the source analysis and template.
- *You can share templates across Amazon Web Services accounts by allowing users in other Amazon Web Services accounts to - * create a template or a dashboard from an existing template.
*/ -export interface Template { +export interface DescribeIngestionRequest { /** * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the template.
+ *The Amazon Web Services account ID.
*/ - Arn?: string; + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The display name of the template.
+ *The ID of the dataset used in the ingestion.
*/ - Name?: string; + DataSetId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *A structure describing the versions of the template.
+ *An ID for the ingestion.
*/ - Version?: TemplateVersion; + IngestionId: string | undefined; +} - /** - * @public - *The ID for the template. This is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
+ */ +export interface ErrorInfo { /** * @public - *Time when this was last updated.
+ *Error type.
*/ - LastUpdatedTime?: Date; + Type?: IngestionErrorType; /** * @public - *Time when this was created.
+ *Error message.
*/ - CreatedTime?: Date; + Message?: string; } /** * @public + *Information about a queued dataset SPICE ingestion.
*/ -export interface DescribeTemplateResponse { +export interface QueueInfo { /** * @public - *The template structure for the object you want to describe.
+ *The ID of the queued ingestion.
*/ - Template?: Template; + WaitingOnIngestion: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *The ID of the ongoing ingestion. The queued ingestion is waiting for the ongoing + * ingestion to complete.
*/ - Status?: number; + QueuedIngestion: string | undefined; +} - /** - * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
- */ - RequestId?: string; -} +/** + * @public + * @enum + */ +export const IngestionRequestSource = { + MANUAL: "MANUAL", + SCHEDULED: "SCHEDULED", +} as const; /** * @public */ -export interface DescribeTemplateAliasRequest { +export type IngestionRequestSource = (typeof IngestionRequestSource)[keyof typeof IngestionRequestSource]; + +/** + * @public + * @enum + */ +export const IngestionRequestType = { + EDIT: "EDIT", + FULL_REFRESH: "FULL_REFRESH", + INCREMENTAL_REFRESH: "INCREMENTAL_REFRESH", + INITIAL_INGESTION: "INITIAL_INGESTION", +} as const; + +/** + * @public + */ +export type IngestionRequestType = (typeof IngestionRequestType)[keyof typeof IngestionRequestType]; + +/** + * @public + *Information about rows for a data set SPICE ingestion.
+ */ +export interface RowInfo { /** * @public - *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the template alias that you're - * describing.
+ *The number of rows that were ingested.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + RowsIngested?: number; /** * @public - *The ID for the template.
+ *The number of rows that were not ingested.
*/ - TemplateId: string | undefined; + RowsDropped?: number; /** * @public - *The name of the template alias that you want to describe. If you name a specific alias, you
- * describe the version that the alias points to. You can specify the latest version of the
- * template by providing the keyword $LATEST
in the AliasName
- * parameter. The keyword $PUBLISHED
doesn't apply to templates.
The total number of rows in the dataset.
*/ - AliasName: string | undefined; + TotalRowsInDataset?: number; } /** * @public + *Information about the SPICE ingestion for a dataset.
*/ -export interface DescribeTemplateAliasResponse { +export interface Ingestion { /** * @public - *Information about the template alias.
+ *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.
*/ - TemplateAlias?: TemplateAlias; + Arn: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *Ingestion ID.
*/ - Status?: number; + IngestionId?: string; /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *Ingestion status.
*/ - RequestId?: string; -} + IngestionStatus: IngestionStatus | undefined; -/** - * @public - */ -export interface DescribeTemplateDefinitionRequest { /** * @public - *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the template. You must be using the - * Amazon Web Services account that the template is in.
+ *Error information for this ingestion.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + ErrorInfo?: ErrorInfo; /** * @public - *The ID of the template that you're describing.
+ *Information about rows for a data set SPICE ingestion.
*/ - TemplateId: string | undefined; + RowInfo?: RowInfo; /** * @public - *The version number of the template.
+ *Information about a queued dataset SPICE ingestion.
*/ - VersionNumber?: number; + QueueInfo?: QueueInfo; /** * @public - *The alias of the template that you want to describe. If you name a specific alias, you
- * describe the version that the alias points to. You can specify the latest version of the
- * template by providing the keyword $LATEST
in the AliasName
- * parameter. The keyword $PUBLISHED
doesn't apply to templates.
The time that this ingestion started.
*/ - AliasName?: string; -} + CreatedTime: Date | undefined; -/** - * @public - */ -export interface DescribeTemplateDefinitionResponse { /** * @public - *The descriptive name of the template.
+ *The time that this ingestion took, measured in seconds.
*/ - Name?: string; + IngestionTimeInSeconds?: number; /** * @public - *The ID of the template described.
+ *The size of the data ingested, in bytes.
*/ - TemplateId?: string; + IngestionSizeInBytes?: number; /** * @public - *Errors associated with the template version.
+ *Event source for this ingestion.
*/ - Errors?: TemplateError[]; + RequestSource?: IngestionRequestSource; /** * @public - *Status associated with the template.
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
- *
Type of this ingestion.
*/ - ResourceStatus?: ResourceStatus; + RequestType?: IngestionRequestType; +} +/** + * @public + */ +export interface DescribeIngestionResponse { /** * @public - *The ARN of the theme of the template.
+ *Information about the ingestion.
*/ - ThemeArn?: string; + Ingestion?: Ingestion; /** * @public - *The definition of the template.
- *A definition is the data model of all features in a Dashboard, Template, or Analysis.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - Definition?: TemplateVersionDefinition; + RequestId?: string; /** * @public *The HTTP status of the request.
*/ Status?: number; - - /** - * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
- */ - RequestId?: string; } /** * @public */ -export interface DescribeTemplatePermissionsRequest { +export interface DescribeIpRestrictionRequest { /** * @public - *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the template that you're describing.
+ *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the IP rules.
*/ AwsAccountId: string | undefined; - - /** - * @public - *The ID for the template.
- */ - TemplateId: string | undefined; } /** * @public */ -export interface DescribeTemplatePermissionsResponse { +export interface DescribeIpRestrictionResponse { /** * @public - *The ID for the template.
+ *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the IP rules.
*/ - TemplateId?: string; + AwsAccountId?: string; /** * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the template.
+ *A map that describes the IP rules with CIDR range and description.
*/ - TemplateArn?: string; + IpRestrictionRuleMap?: RecordA list of resource permissions to be set on the template.
+ *A value that specifies whether IP rules are turned on.
*/ - Permissions?: ResourcePermission[]; + Enabled?: boolean; /** * @public @@ -5027,7 +5241,8 @@ export interface DescribeTemplatePermissionsResponse { /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *The HTTP status of the request. + *
*/ Status?: number; } @@ -5035,195 +5250,152 @@ export interface DescribeTemplatePermissionsResponse { /** * @public */ -export interface DescribeThemeRequest { +export interface DescribeNamespaceRequest { /** * @public - *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the theme that you're describing.
+ *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the Amazon QuickSight namespace that you want to describe.
*/ AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The ID for the theme.
- */ - ThemeId: string | undefined; - - /** - * @public - *The version number for the version to describe. If a VersionNumber
- * value isn't provided, the latest version of the theme is described.
The alias of the theme that you want to describe. If you name a specific alias, you
- * describe the version that the alias points to. You can specify the latest version of the
- * theme by providing the keyword $LATEST
in the AliasName
- * parameter. The keyword $PUBLISHED
doesn't apply to themes.
The namespace that you want to describe.
*/ - AliasName?: string; + Namespace: string | undefined; } /** * @public * @enum */ -export const ThemeType = { - ALL: "ALL", - CUSTOM: "CUSTOM", - QUICKSIGHT: "QUICKSIGHT", -} as const; - -/** - * @public - */ -export type ThemeType = (typeof ThemeType)[keyof typeof ThemeType]; - -/** - * @public - * @enum - */ -export const ThemeErrorType = { - INTERNAL_FAILURE: "INTERNAL_FAILURE", +export const NamespaceErrorType = { + INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR: "INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR", + PERMISSION_DENIED: "PERMISSION_DENIED", } as const; /** * @public */ -export type ThemeErrorType = (typeof ThemeErrorType)[keyof typeof ThemeErrorType]; +export type NamespaceErrorType = (typeof NamespaceErrorType)[keyof typeof NamespaceErrorType]; /** * @public - *Theme error.
+ *Errors that occur during namespace creation.
*/ -export interface ThemeError { +export interface NamespaceError { /** * @public - *The type of error.
+ *The error type.
*/ - Type?: ThemeErrorType; + Type?: NamespaceErrorType; /** * @public - *The error message.
+ *The message for the error.
*/ Message?: string; } /** * @public - *A version of a theme.
+ *The error type.
*/ -export interface ThemeVersion { +export interface NamespaceInfoV2 { /** * @public - *The version number of the theme.
+ *The name of the error.
*/ - VersionNumber?: number; + Name?: string; /** * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.
+ *The namespace ARN.
*/ Arn?: string; /** * @public - *The description of the theme.
- */ - Description?: string; - - /** - * @public - *The Amazon QuickSight-defined ID of the theme that a custom theme inherits from. All - * themes initially inherit from a default Amazon QuickSight theme.
- */ - BaseThemeId?: string; - - /** - * @public - *The date and time that this theme version was created.
+ *The namespace Amazon Web Services Region.
*/ - CreatedTime?: Date; + CapacityRegion?: string; /** * @public - *The theme configuration, which contains all the theme display properties.
+ *The creation status of a namespace that is not yet completely created.
*/ - Configuration?: ThemeConfiguration; + CreationStatus?: NamespaceStatus; /** * @public - *Errors associated with the theme.
+ *The identity store used for the namespace.
*/ - Errors?: ThemeError[]; + IdentityStore?: IdentityStore; /** * @public - *The status of the theme version.
+ *An error that occurred when the namespace was created.
*/ - Status?: ResourceStatus; + NamespaceError?: NamespaceError; } /** * @public - *Summary information about a theme.
*/ -export interface Theme { - /** - * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the theme.
- */ - Arn?: string; - +export interface DescribeNamespaceResponse { /** * @public - *The name that the user gives to the theme.
+ *The information about the namespace that you're describing. The response includes
+ * the namespace ARN, name, Amazon Web Services Region, creation status, and identity store. DescribeNamespace
+ * works for namespaces that are in the process of being created. For incomplete namespaces,
+ * this API operation lists the namespace error types and messages associated with the creation process.
The identifier that the user gives to the theme.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - ThemeId?: string; + RequestId?: string; /** * @public - *A version of a theme.
+ *The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - Version?: ThemeVersion; + Status?: number; +} +/** + * @public + */ +export interface DescribeRefreshScheduleRequest { /** * @public - *The date and time that the theme was created.
+ *The Amazon Web Services account ID.
*/ - CreatedTime?: Date; + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The date and time that the theme was last updated.
+ *The ID of the dataset.
*/ - LastUpdatedTime?: Date; + DataSetId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The type of theme, based on how it was created. Valid values include:
The ID of the refresh schedule.
*/ - Type?: ThemeType; + ScheduleId: string | undefined; } /** * @public */ -export interface DescribeThemeResponse { +export interface DescribeRefreshScheduleResponse { /** * @public - *The information about the theme that you are describing.
+ *The refresh schedule.
*/ - Theme?: Theme; + RefreshSchedule?: RefreshSchedule; /** * @public @@ -5236,352 +5408,465 @@ export interface DescribeThemeResponse { *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ RequestId?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the refresh schedule.
+ */ + Arn?: string; } /** * @public */ -export interface DescribeThemeAliasRequest { +export interface DescribeRoleCustomPermissionRequest { /** * @public - *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the theme alias that you're - * describing.
+ *The name of the role whose permissions you want described.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + Role: Role | undefined; /** * @public - *The ID for the theme.
+ *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that you want to create a group in. The Amazon Web Services account ID that you provide must be the same Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
*/ - ThemeId: string | undefined; + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The name of the theme alias that you want to describe.
+ *The namespace that contains the role.
*/ - AliasName: string | undefined; + Namespace: string | undefined; } /** * @public */ -export interface DescribeThemeAliasResponse { +export interface DescribeRoleCustomPermissionResponse { /** * @public - *Information about the theme alias.
+ *The name of the custom permission that is described.
*/ - ThemeAlias?: ThemeAlias; + CustomPermissionsName?: string; /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - Status?: number; + RequestId?: string; /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + Status?: number; } /** * @public */ -export interface DescribeThemePermissionsRequest { +export interface DescribeTemplateRequest { /** * @public - *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the theme that you're describing.
+ *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the template that you're describing.
*/ AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The ID for the theme that you want to describe permissions for.
+ *The ID for the template.
*/ - ThemeId: string | undefined; -} + TemplateId: string | undefined; -/** - * @public - */ -export interface DescribeThemePermissionsResponse { /** * @public - *The ID for the theme.
+ *(Optional) The number for the version to describe. If a VersionNumber
+ * value isn't provided, the latest version of the template is described.
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the theme.
+ *The alias of the template that you want to describe. If you name a specific alias, you
+ * describe the version that the alias points to. You can specify the latest version of the
+ * template by providing the keyword $LATEST
in the AliasName
+ * parameter. The keyword $PUBLISHED
doesn't apply to templates.
List of errors that occurred when the template version creation failed.
+ */ +export interface TemplateError { /** * @public - *A list of resource permissions set on the theme.
+ *Type of error.
*/ - Permissions?: ResourcePermission[]; + Type?: TemplateErrorType; /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *Description of the error type.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + Message?: string; /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *An error path that shows which entities caused the template error.
*/ - Status?: number; + ViolatedEntities?: Entity[]; } /** * @public + *A version of a template.
*/ -export interface DescribeTopicRequest { +export interface TemplateVersion { /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services account ID.
+ *The time that this template version was created.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + CreatedTime?: Date; /** * @public - *The ID of the topic that you want to describe. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
+ *Errors associated with this template version.
*/ - TopicId: string | undefined; -} + Errors?: TemplateError[]; -/** - * @public - */ -export interface DescribeTopicResponse { /** * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the topic.
+ *The version number of the template version.
*/ - Arn?: string; + VersionNumber?: number; /** * @public - *The ID of the topic that you want to describe. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
+ *The status that is associated with the template.
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
The definition of a topic.
+ *Schema of the dataset identified by the placeholder. Any dashboard created from this + * template should be bound to new datasets matching the same schema described through this + * API operation.
*/ - Topic?: TopicDetails; + DataSetConfigurations?: DataSetConfiguration[]; /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The description of the template.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + Description?: string; /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an analysis or template that was used to create this + * template.
*/ - Status?: number; -} + SourceEntityArn?: string; -/** - * @public - */ -export interface DescribeTopicPermissionsRequest { /** * @public - *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the topic that you want - * described.
+ *The ARN of the theme associated with this version of the template.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + ThemeArn?: string; /** * @public - *The ID of the topic that you want to describe. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
+ *A list of the associated sheets with the unique identifier and name of each sheet.
*/ - TopicId: string | undefined; + Sheets?: Sheet[]; } /** * @public + *A template object. A template is an entity in Amazon QuickSight that + * encapsulates the metadata required to create an analysis and that you can use to create + * a dashboard. A template adds a layer of abstraction by using placeholders to replace the + * dataset associated with an analysis. You can use templates to create dashboards by + * replacing dataset placeholders with datasets that follow the same schema that was used + * to create the source analysis and template.
+ *You can share templates across Amazon Web Services accounts by allowing users in other Amazon Web Services accounts to + * create a template or a dashboard from an existing template.
*/ -export interface DescribeTopicPermissionsResponse { +export interface Template { /** * @public - *The ID of the topic that you want to describe. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
+ *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the template.
*/ - TopicId?: string; + Arn?: string; /** * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the topic.
+ *The display name of the template.
*/ - TopicArn?: string; + Name?: string; /** * @public - *A list of resource permissions that are configured to the topic.
+ *A structure describing the versions of the template.
*/ - Permissions?: ResourcePermission[]; + Version?: TemplateVersion; /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *The ID for the template. This is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
*/ - Status?: number; + TemplateId?: string; /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *Time when this was last updated.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + LastUpdatedTime?: Date; + + /** + * @public + *Time when this was created.
+ */ + CreatedTime?: Date; } /** * @public */ -export interface DescribeTopicRefreshRequest { +export interface DescribeTemplateResponse { /** * @public - *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the topic whose refresh you want - * to describe.
+ *The template structure for the object you want to describe.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + Template?: Template; /** * @public - *The ID of the topic that you want to describe. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
+ *The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - TopicId: string | undefined; + Status?: number; /** * @public - *The ID of the refresh, which is performed when the topic is created or updated.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - RefreshId: string | undefined; + RequestId?: string; } /** * @public - * @enum - */ -export const TopicRefreshStatus = { - CANCELLED: "CANCELLED", - COMPLETED: "COMPLETED", - FAILED: "FAILED", - INITIALIZED: "INITIALIZED", - RUNNING: "RUNNING", -} as const; - -/** - * @public - */ -export type TopicRefreshStatus = (typeof TopicRefreshStatus)[keyof typeof TopicRefreshStatus]; - -/** - * @public - *The details about the refresh of a topic.
*/ -export interface TopicRefreshDetails { +export interface DescribeTemplateAliasRequest { /** * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the topic refresh.
+ *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the template alias that you're + * describing.
*/ - RefreshArn?: string; + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The ID of the refresh, which occurs as a result of topic creation or topic update.
+ *The ID for the template.
*/ - RefreshId?: string; + TemplateId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The status of the refresh job that indicates whether the job is still running, completed successfully, or failed.
+ *The name of the template alias that you want to describe. If you name a specific alias, you
+ * describe the version that the alias points to. You can specify the latest version of the
+ * template by providing the keyword $LATEST
in the AliasName
+ * parameter. The keyword $PUBLISHED
doesn't apply to templates.
Details of the refresh, which is performed when the topic is created or updated.
+ *Information about the template alias.
*/ - RefreshDetails?: TopicRefreshDetails; + TemplateAlias?: TemplateAlias; /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + Status?: number; /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - Status?: number; + RequestId?: string; } /** * @public */ -export interface DescribeTopicRefreshScheduleRequest { +export interface DescribeTemplateDefinitionRequest { /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services account ID.
+ *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the template. You must be using the + * Amazon Web Services account that the template is in.
*/ AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The ID of the topic that contains the refresh schedule that you want to describe. This - * ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
+ *The ID of the template that you're describing.
*/ - TopicId: string | undefined; + TemplateId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The ID of the dataset.
+ *The version number of the template.
*/ - DatasetId: string | undefined; + VersionNumber?: number; + + /** + * @public + *The alias of the template that you want to describe. If you name a specific alias, you
+ * describe the version that the alias points to. You can specify the latest version of the
+ * template by providing the keyword $LATEST
in the AliasName
+ * parameter. The keyword $PUBLISHED
doesn't apply to templates.
The ID of the topic that contains the refresh schedule that you want to describe. This - * ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
+ *The descriptive name of the template.
*/ - TopicId?: string; + Name?: string; /** * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the topic.
+ *The ID of the template described.
*/ - TopicArn?: string; + TemplateId?: string; /** * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dataset.
+ *Errors associated with the template version.
*/ - DatasetArn?: string; + Errors?: TemplateError[]; /** * @public - *The definition of a refresh schedule.
+ *Status associated with the template.
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
The ARN of the theme of the template.
+ */ + ThemeArn?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The definition of the template.
+ *A definition is the data model of all features in a Dashboard, Template, or Analysis.
+ */ + Definition?: TemplateVersionDefinition; /** * @public @@ -5599,2260 +5884,1888 @@ export interface DescribeTopicRefreshScheduleResponse { /** * @public */ -export interface DescribeUserRequest { - /** - * @public - *The name of the user that you want to describe.
- */ - UserName: string | undefined; - +export interface DescribeTemplatePermissionsRequest { /** * @public - *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that the user is in. Currently, you use the ID for the - * Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
+ *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the template that you're describing.
*/ AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The namespace. Currently, you should set this to default
The ID for the template.
*/ - Namespace: string | undefined; + TemplateId: string | undefined; } /** * @public - * @enum - */ -export const IdentityType = { - IAM: "IAM", - IAM_IDENTITY_CENTER: "IAM_IDENTITY_CENTER", - QUICKSIGHT: "QUICKSIGHT", -} as const; - -/** - * @public - */ -export type IdentityType = (typeof IdentityType)[keyof typeof IdentityType]; - -/** - * @public - * @enum - */ -export const UserRole = { - ADMIN: "ADMIN", - AUTHOR: "AUTHOR", - READER: "READER", - RESTRICTED_AUTHOR: "RESTRICTED_AUTHOR", - RESTRICTED_READER: "RESTRICTED_READER", -} as const; - -/** - * @public - */ -export type UserRole = (typeof UserRole)[keyof typeof UserRole]; - -/** - * @public - *A registered user of Amazon QuickSight.
*/ -export interface User { +export interface DescribeTemplatePermissionsResponse { /** * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the user.
+ *The ID for the template.
*/ - Arn?: string; + TemplateId?: string; /** * @public - *The user's user name. This value is required if you are registering a user that will be managed in Amazon QuickSight. In the output, the value for UserName
- * N/A
when the value for IdentityType
is IAM
- * and the corresponding IAM user is deleted.
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the template.
*/ - UserName?: string; + TemplateArn?: string; /** * @public - *The user's email address.
- */ - Email?: string; - - /** - * @public - *The Amazon QuickSight role for the user. The user role can be one of the - * following:.
- *
: A user who has read-only access to dashboards.
: A user who can create data sources, datasets, analyses,
- * and dashboards.
: A user who is an author, who can also manage Amazon
- * Amazon QuickSight settings.
: This role isn't currently available for
- * use.
: This role isn't currently available for
- * use.
The type of identity authentication used by the user.
+ *A list of resource permissions to be set on the template.
*/ - IdentityType?: IdentityType; + Permissions?: ResourcePermission[]; /** * @public - *The active status of user. When you create an Amazon QuickSight user that's not an IAM user or an Active Directory user, that user is inactive until they sign in and provide a - * password.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - Active?: boolean; + RequestId?: string; /** * @public - *The principal ID of the user.
+ *The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - PrincipalId?: string; + Status?: number; +} +/** + * @public + */ +export interface DescribeThemeRequest { /** * @public - *The custom permissions profile associated with this user.
+ *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the theme that you're describing.
*/ - CustomPermissionsName?: string; + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The type of supported external login provider that provides identity to let the user - * federate into Amazon QuickSight with an associated IAM role. The type can be one of the following.
- *
: Amazon Cognito. The provider URL is cognito-identity.amazonaws.com.
: Custom OpenID Connect (OIDC) provider.
The ID for the theme.
*/ - ExternalLoginFederationProviderType?: string; + ThemeId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The URL of the external login provider.
+ *The version number for the version to describe. If a VersionNumber
+ * value isn't provided, the latest version of the theme is described.
The identity ID for the user in the external login provider.
+ *The alias of the theme that you want to describe. If you name a specific alias, you
+ * describe the version that the alias points to. You can specify the latest version of the
+ * theme by providing the keyword $LATEST
in the AliasName
+ * parameter. The keyword $PUBLISHED
doesn't apply to themes.
The user name.
- */ - User?: User; - - /** - * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
- */ - RequestId?: string; - - /** - * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
- */ - Status?: number; -} +export const ThemeType = { + ALL: "ALL", + CUSTOM: "CUSTOM", + QUICKSIGHT: "QUICKSIGHT", +} as const; /** * @public */ -export interface DescribeVPCConnectionRequest { - /** - * @public - *The Amazon Web Services account ID of the account that contains the VPC connection that - * you want described.
- */ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; - - /** - * @public - *The ID of the VPC connection that - * you're creating. This ID is a unique identifier for each Amazon Web Services Region in an Amazon Web Services account.
- */ - VPCConnectionId: string | undefined; -} +export type ThemeType = (typeof ThemeType)[keyof typeof ThemeType]; /** * @public * @enum */ -export const NetworkInterfaceStatus = { - ATTACHMENT_FAILED_ROLLBACK_FAILED: "ATTACHMENT_FAILED_ROLLBACK_FAILED", - AVAILABLE: "AVAILABLE", - CREATING: "CREATING", - CREATION_FAILED: "CREATION_FAILED", - DELETED: "DELETED", - DELETING: "DELETING", - DELETION_FAILED: "DELETION_FAILED", - DELETION_SCHEDULED: "DELETION_SCHEDULED", - UPDATE_FAILED: "UPDATE_FAILED", - UPDATING: "UPDATING", +export const ThemeErrorType = { + INTERNAL_FAILURE: "INTERNAL_FAILURE", } as const; /** * @public */ -export type NetworkInterfaceStatus = (typeof NetworkInterfaceStatus)[keyof typeof NetworkInterfaceStatus]; +export type ThemeErrorType = (typeof ThemeErrorType)[keyof typeof ThemeErrorType]; /** * @public - *The structure that contains information about a network interface.
+ *Theme error.
*/ -export interface NetworkInterface { +export interface ThemeError { /** * @public - *The subnet ID associated with the network interface.
+ *The type of error.
*/ - SubnetId?: string; + Type?: ThemeErrorType; /** * @public - *The availability zone that the network interface resides in.
+ *The error message.
*/ - AvailabilityZone?: string; + Message?: string; +} +/** + * @public + *A version of a theme.
+ */ +export interface ThemeVersion { /** * @public - *An error message.
+ *The version number of the theme.
*/ - ErrorMessage?: string; + VersionNumber?: number; /** * @public - *The status of the network interface.
+ *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.
*/ - Status?: NetworkInterfaceStatus; + Arn?: string; /** * @public - *The network interface ID.
+ *The description of the theme.
*/ - NetworkInterfaceId?: string; -} + Description?: string; -/** - * @public - *The structure of a VPC connection.
- */ -export interface VPCConnection { /** * @public - *The ID of the VPC connection that you're creating. This ID is a unique identifier for each Amazon Web Services Region in an - * Amazon Web Services account.
+ *The Amazon QuickSight-defined ID of the theme that a custom theme inherits from. All + * themes initially inherit from a default Amazon QuickSight theme.
*/ - VPCConnectionId?: string; + BaseThemeId?: string; /** * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the VPC connection.
+ *The date and time that this theme version was created.
*/ - Arn?: string; + CreatedTime?: Date; /** * @public - *The display name for the VPC connection.
+ *The theme configuration, which contains all the theme display properties.
*/ - Name?: string; + Configuration?: ThemeConfiguration; /** * @public - *The Amazon EC2 VPC ID associated with the VPC connection.
+ *Errors associated with the theme.
*/ - VPCId?: string; + Errors?: ThemeError[]; /** * @public - *The Amazon EC2 security group IDs associated with the VPC connection.
+ *The status of the theme version.
*/ - SecurityGroupIds?: string[]; + Status?: ResourceStatus; +} +/** + * @public + *Summary information about a theme.
+ */ +export interface Theme { /** * @public - *A list of IP addresses of DNS resolver endpoints for the VPC connection.
+ *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the theme.
*/ - DnsResolvers?: string[]; + Arn?: string; /** * @public - *The status of the VPC connection.
+ *The name that the user gives to the theme.
*/ - Status?: VPCConnectionResourceStatus; + Name?: string; /** * @public - *The availability status of the VPC connection.
+ *The identifier that the user gives to the theme.
*/ - AvailabilityStatus?: VPCConnectionAvailabilityStatus; + ThemeId?: string; /** * @public - *A list of network interfaces.
+ *A version of a theme.
*/ - NetworkInterfaces?: NetworkInterface[]; + Version?: ThemeVersion; /** * @public - *The ARN of the - * IAM role associated with the VPC - * connection.
+ *The date and time that the theme was created.
*/ - RoleArn?: string; + CreatedTime?: Date; /** * @public - *The time that the VPC connection was created.
+ *The date and time that the theme was last updated.
*/ - CreatedTime?: Date; + LastUpdatedTime?: Date; /** * @public - *The time that the VPC connection was last updated.
+ *The type of theme, based on how it was created. Valid values include:
A response object that provides information for the specified VPC connection.
+ *The information about the theme that you are describing.
*/ - VPCConnection?: VPCConnection; + Theme?: Theme; /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + Status?: number; /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - Status?: number; + RequestId?: string; } /** * @public - *The domain specified isn't on the allow list. All domains for embedded dashboards must be - * added to the approved list by an Amazon QuickSight admin.
*/ -export class DomainNotWhitelistedException extends __BaseException { - readonly name: "DomainNotWhitelistedException" = "DomainNotWhitelistedException"; - readonly $fault: "client" = "client"; - Message?: string; +export interface DescribeThemeAliasRequest { /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this request.
- */ - RequestId?: string; - /** - * @internal + *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the theme alias that you're + * describing.
*/ - constructor(opts: __ExceptionOptionTypeAn object that consists of a member Amazon Resource Name (ARN) and a member ID.
- */ -export interface MemberIdArnPair { /** * @public - *The ID of the member.
+ *The ID for the theme.
*/ - MemberId?: string; + ThemeId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the member.
+ *The name of the theme alias that you want to describe.
*/ - MemberArn?: string; + AliasName: string | undefined; } /** * @public - *A filter to use to search an Amazon QuickSight folder.
*/ -export interface FolderSearchFilter { +export interface DescribeThemeAliasResponse { /** * @public - *The comparison operator that you want to use as a filter, for example "Operator": "StringEquals"
. Valid values are "StringEquals"
and "StringLike"
If you set the operator value to "StringEquals"
, you need to provide an ownership related filter in the "NAME"
field and the arn of the user or group whose folders you want to search in the "Value"
field. For example, "Name":"DIRECT_QUICKSIGHT_OWNER", "Operator": "StringEquals", "Value": "arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:1:user/default/UserName1"
If you set the value to "StringLike"
, you need to provide the name of the folders you are searching for. For example, "Name":"FOLDER_NAME", "Operator": "StringLike", "Value": "Test"
. The "StringLike"
operator only supports the NAME
Information about the theme alias.
*/ - Operator?: FilterOperator; + ThemeAlias?: ThemeAlias; /** * @public - *The name of a value that you want to use in the filter. For example, "Name": "QUICKSIGHT_OWNER"
Valid values are defined as follows:
- *
: Provide an ARN of a user or group, and any folders with that ARN listed as one of the folder's owners or viewers are returned. Implicit permissions from folders or groups are considered.
: Provide an ARN of a user or group, and any folders with that ARN listed as one of the owners of the folders are returned. Implicit permissions from folders or groups are considered.
: Provide an ARN of a user or group, and any folders with that ARN listed as the only owner of the folder are returned. Implicit permissions from folders or groups are not considered.
: Provide an ARN of a user or group, and any folders with that ARN listed as one of the owners of the folders are returned. Implicit permissions from folders or groups are not considered.
: Provide an ARN of a user or group, and any folders with that ARN listed as one of the owners or viewers of the folders are returned. Implicit permissions from folders or groups are not considered.
: Any folders whose names have a substring match to this value will be returned.
: Provide an ARN of a folder, and any folders that are directly under that parent folder are returned. If you choose to use this option and leave the value blank, all root-level folders in the account are returned.
The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - Name?: FolderFilterAttribute; + Status?: number; /** * @public - *The value of the named item (in this example, PARENT_FOLDER_ARN
), that you want to use as a filter. For example, "Value": "arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:1:folder/folderId"
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - Value?: string; + RequestId?: string; } /** * @public - *A summary of information about an existing Amazon QuickSight folder.
*/ -export interface FolderSummary { +export interface DescribeThemePermissionsRequest { /** * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the folder.
+ *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the theme that you're describing.
*/ - Arn?: string; + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The ID of the folder.
+ *The ID for the theme that you want to describe permissions for.
*/ - FolderId?: string; + ThemeId: string | undefined; +} +/** + * @public + */ +export interface DescribeThemePermissionsResponse { /** * @public - *The display name of the folder.
+ *The ID for the theme.
*/ - Name?: string; + ThemeId?: string; /** * @public - *The type of folder.
+ *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the theme.
*/ - FolderType?: FolderType; + ThemeArn?: string; /** * @public - *The time that the folder was created.
+ *A list of resource permissions set on the theme.
*/ - CreatedTime?: Date; + Permissions?: ResourcePermission[]; /** * @public - *The time that the folder was last updated.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - LastUpdatedTime?: Date; + RequestId?: string; /** * @public - *The sharing scope of the folder.
+ *The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - SharingModel?: SharingModel; + Status?: number; } /** * @public - *The key-value pair used for the row-level security tags feature.
*/ -export interface SessionTag { +export interface DescribeTopicRequest { /** * @public - *The key for the tag.
+ *The Amazon Web Services account ID.
*/ - Key: string | undefined; + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The value that you want to assign the tag.
+ *The ID of the topic that you want to describe. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
*/ - Value: string | undefined; + TopicId: string | undefined; } /** * @public */ -export interface GenerateEmbedUrlForAnonymousUserRequest { +export interface DescribeTopicResponse { /** * @public - *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the dashboard that you're embedding.
+ *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the topic.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + Arn?: string; /** * @public - *How many minutes the session is valid. The session lifetime must be in [15-600] minutes range.
+ *The ID of the topic that you want to describe. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
*/ - SessionLifetimeInMinutes?: number; + TopicId?: string; /** * @public - *The Amazon QuickSight namespace that the anonymous user virtually belongs to. If you are not using an Amazon QuickSight custom namespace, set this to default
The definition of a topic.
*/ - Namespace: string | undefined; + Topic?: TopicDetails; /** * @public - *The session tags used for row-level security. Before you use this parameter, make sure that you have configured the relevant datasets using the DataSet$RowLevelPermissionTagConfiguration
parameter so that session tags can be used to provide row-level security.
These are not the tags used for the Amazon Web Services resource tagging feature. For more information, see Using Row-Level Security (RLS) with Tagsin the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - SessionTags?: SessionTag[]; + RequestId?: string; /** * @public - *The Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) for the Amazon QuickSight resources that the user
- * is authorized to access during the lifetime of the session. If you choose
- * Dashboard
embedding experience, pass the list of dashboard ARNs in the
- * account that you want the user to be able to view. Currently, you can pass up to 25
- * dashboard ARNs in each API call.
The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - AuthorizedResourceArns: string[] | undefined; + Status?: number; +} +/** + * @public + */ +export interface DescribeTopicPermissionsRequest { /** * @public - *The configuration of the experience that you are embedding.
+ *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the topic that you want + * described.
*/ - ExperienceConfiguration: AnonymousUserEmbeddingExperienceConfiguration | undefined; + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The domains that you want to add to the allow list for access to the generated URL that - * is then embedded. This optional parameter overrides the static domains that are - * configured in the Manage QuickSight menu in the Amazon QuickSight console. Instead, it - * allows only the domains that you include in this parameter. You can list up to three - * domains or subdomains in each API call.
- *To include all subdomains under a specific domain to the allow list, use *
- * For example, https://*.sapp.amazon.com
includes all subdomains under
- * https://sapp.amazon.com
The ID of the topic that you want to describe. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
*/ - AllowedDomains?: string[]; + TopicId: string | undefined; } /** * @public */ -export interface GenerateEmbedUrlForAnonymousUserResponse { +export interface DescribeTopicPermissionsResponse { /** * @public - *The embed URL for the dashboard.
+ *The ID of the topic that you want to describe. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
*/ - EmbedUrl: string | undefined; + TopicId?: string; /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the topic.
*/ - Status: number | undefined; + TopicArn?: string; /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *A list of resource permissions that are configured to the topic.
*/ - RequestId: string | undefined; + Permissions?: ResourcePermission[]; /** * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to use for the anonymous Amazon QuickSight user.
+ *The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - AnonymousUserArn: string | undefined; + Status?: number; + + /** + * @public + *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ */ + RequestId?: string; } /** * @public - *The number of minutes specified for the lifetime of a session isn't valid. The session - * lifetime must be 15-600 minutes.
*/ -export class SessionLifetimeInMinutesInvalidException extends __BaseException { - readonly name: "SessionLifetimeInMinutesInvalidException" = "SessionLifetimeInMinutesInvalidException"; - readonly $fault: "client" = "client"; - Message?: string; +export interface DescribeTopicRefreshRequest { /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this request.
+ *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the topic whose refresh you want + * to describe.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + /** - * @internal + * @public + *The ID of the topic that you want to describe. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
*/ - constructor(opts: __ExceptionOptionTypeThis error indicates that you are calling an embedding operation in Amazon QuickSight - * without the required pricing plan on your Amazon Web Services account. Before you can use embedding - * for anonymous users, a QuickSight administrator needs to add capacity pricing to Amazon QuickSight. You - * can do this on the Manage Amazon QuickSight page.
- *After capacity pricing is added, you can use the
- *
- * GetDashboardEmbedUrl
- *
API operation with the
- * --identity-type ANONYMOUS
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this request.
- */ - RequestId?: string; - /** - * @internal + *The ID of the refresh, which is performed when the topic is created or updated.
*/ - constructor(opts: __ExceptionOptionTypeThe state perssitence configuration of an embedded dashboard.
+ * @enum */ -export interface StatePersistenceConfigurations { - /** - * @public - *Determines if a Amazon QuickSight dashboard's state persistence settings are turned on or off.
- */ - Enabled: boolean | undefined; -} +export const TopicRefreshStatus = { + CANCELLED: "CANCELLED", + COMPLETED: "COMPLETED", + FAILED: "FAILED", + INITIALIZED: "INITIALIZED", + RUNNING: "RUNNING", +} as const; /** * @public - *The feature configuration for an embedded dashboard.
*/ -export interface RegisteredUserDashboardFeatureConfigurations { - /** - * @public - *The state persistence settings of an embedded dashboard.
- */ - StatePersistence?: StatePersistenceConfigurations; - - /** - * @public - *The bookmarks configuration for an embedded dashboard in Amazon QuickSight.
- */ - Bookmarks?: BookmarksConfigurations; -} +export type TopicRefreshStatus = (typeof TopicRefreshStatus)[keyof typeof TopicRefreshStatus]; /** * @public - *Information about the dashboard you want to embed.
+ *The details about the refresh of a topic.
*/ -export interface RegisteredUserDashboardEmbeddingConfiguration { - /** - * @public - *The dashboard ID for the dashboard that you want the user to see first. This ID is included in the output URL. When the URL in response is accessed, Amazon QuickSight renders this dashboard if the user has permissions to view it.
- *If the user does not have permission to view this dashboard, they see a permissions error message.
- */ - InitialDashboardId: string | undefined; - +export interface TopicRefreshDetails { /** * @public - *The feature configurations of an embbedded Amazon QuickSight dashboard.
+ *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the topic refresh.
*/ - FeatureConfigurations?: RegisteredUserDashboardFeatureConfigurations; -} + RefreshArn?: string; -/** - * @public - *The experience that you are embedding. You can use this object to generate a url that embeds a visual into your application.
- */ -export interface RegisteredUserDashboardVisualEmbeddingConfiguration { /** * @public - *The visual ID for the visual that you want the user to embed. This ID is included in the output URL. When the URL in response is accessed, Amazon QuickSight renders this visual.
- *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dashboard that the visual belongs to must be included in the AuthorizedResourceArns
parameter. Otherwise, the request will fail with InvalidParameterValueException
The ID of the refresh, which occurs as a result of topic creation or topic update.
*/ - InitialDashboardVisualId: DashboardVisualId | undefined; -} + RefreshId?: string; -/** - * @public - *Information about the Q search bar embedding experience.
- */ -export interface RegisteredUserQSearchBarEmbeddingConfiguration { /** * @public - *The ID of the Q topic that you want to make the starting topic in the Q search bar. - * You can find a topic ID by navigating to the Topics pane in the Amazon QuickSight application and opening - * a topic. The ID is in the URL for the topic that you open.
- *If you don't specify an initial topic, a list of all shared topics is shown in the Q bar - * for your readers. When you select an initial topic, you can specify whether or not readers - * are allowed to select other topics from the available ones in the list.
+ *The status of the refresh job that indicates whether the job is still running, completed successfully, or failed.
*/ - InitialTopicId?: string; + RefreshStatus?: TopicRefreshStatus; } /** * @public - *The feature configurations of an embedded Amazon QuickSight console.
*/ -export interface RegisteredUserConsoleFeatureConfigurations { +export interface DescribeTopicRefreshResponse { /** * @public - *The state persistence configurations of an embedded Amazon QuickSight console.
+ *Details of the refresh, which is performed when the topic is created or updated.
*/ - StatePersistence?: StatePersistenceConfigurations; -} + RefreshDetails?: TopicRefreshDetails; -/** - * @public - *Information about the Amazon QuickSight console that you want to embed.
- */ -export interface RegisteredUserQuickSightConsoleEmbeddingConfiguration { /** * @public - *The initial URL path for the Amazon QuickSight console. InitialPath
is required.
The entry point URL is constrained to the following paths:
- *
- * /start
- *
- * /start/analyses
- *
- * /start/dashboards
- *
- * /start/favorites
- *
- * /dashboards/DashboardId
. DashboardId is the actual ID key from the Amazon QuickSight console URL of the dashboard.
- * /analyses/AnalysisId
. AnalysisId is the actual ID key from the Amazon QuickSight console URL of the analysis.
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - InitialPath?: string; + RequestId?: string; /** * @public - *The embedding configuration of an embedded Amazon QuickSight console.
+ *The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - FeatureConfigurations?: RegisteredUserConsoleFeatureConfigurations; + Status?: number; } /** * @public - *The type of experience you want to embed. For registered users, you can embed Amazon QuickSight dashboards or the Amazon QuickSight console.
- *Exactly one of the experience configurations is required. You can choose
- * Dashboard
or QuickSightConsole
. You cannot choose more
- * than one experience configuration.
The configuration details for providing a dashboard embedding experience.
- */ - Dashboard?: RegisteredUserDashboardEmbeddingConfiguration; - +export interface DescribeTopicRefreshScheduleRequest { /** * @public - *The configuration details for providing each Amazon QuickSight console embedding experience. This can be used along with custom permissions to restrict access to certain features. For more information, see Customizing Access to the Amazon QuickSight Console in the Amazon QuickSight User - * Guide.
- *Use
- * GenerateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUser
- *
- * where
- * you want to provide an authoring portal that allows users to create data sources,
- * datasets, analyses, and dashboards. The users who accesses an embedded Amazon QuickSight console
- * needs to belong to the author or admin security cohort. If you want to restrict permissions
- * to some of these features, add a custom permissions profile to the user with the
- *
- * UpdateUser
- *
API operation. Use the
- * RegisterUser
- *
API operation to add a new user with a custom permission profile attached. For more
- * information, see the following sections in the Amazon QuickSight User
- * Guide:
- * Embedding the Full Functionality of the Amazon QuickSight Console for Authenticated Users - *
- *For more information about the high-level steps for embedding and for an interactive demo of the ways you can customize embedding, visit the Amazon QuickSight Developer Portal.
+ *The Amazon Web Services account ID.
*/ - QuickSightConsole?: RegisteredUserQuickSightConsoleEmbeddingConfiguration; + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The configuration details for embedding the Q search bar.
- *For more information about embedding the Q search bar, see Embedding Overview in - * the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.
+ *The ID of the topic that contains the refresh schedule that you want to describe. This + * ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
*/ - QSearchBar?: RegisteredUserQSearchBarEmbeddingConfiguration; + TopicId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The type of embedding experience. In this case, Amazon QuickSight visuals.
+ *The ID of the dataset.
*/ - DashboardVisual?: RegisteredUserDashboardVisualEmbeddingConfiguration; + DatasetId: string | undefined; } /** * @public */ -export interface GenerateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUserRequest { - /** - * @public - *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the dashboard that you're embedding.
- */ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; - - /** - * @public - *How many minutes the session is valid. The session lifetime must be in [15-600] minutes range.
- */ - SessionLifetimeInMinutes?: number; - - /** - * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name for the registered user.
- */ - UserArn: string | undefined; - - /** - * @public - *The experience you are embedding. For registered users, you can embed Amazon QuickSight dashboards, Amazon QuickSight visuals, the Amazon QuickSight Q search bar, or the entire Amazon QuickSight console.
- */ - ExperienceConfiguration: RegisteredUserEmbeddingExperienceConfiguration | undefined; - +export interface DescribeTopicRefreshScheduleResponse { /** - * @public - *The domains that you want to add to the allow list for access to the generated URL that - * is then embedded. This optional parameter overrides the static domains that are - * configured in the Manage QuickSight menu in the Amazon QuickSight console. Instead, it - * allows only the domains that you include in this parameter. You can list up to three - * domains or subdomains in each API call.
- *To include all subdomains under a specific domain to the allow list, use *
- * For example, https://*.sapp.amazon.com
includes all subdomains under
- * https://sapp.amazon.com
The embed URL for the Amazon QuickSight dashboard, visual, Q search bar, or console.
- */ - EmbedUrl: string | undefined; - - /** - * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
- */ - Status: number | undefined; - - /** - * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
- */ - RequestId: string | undefined; -} - -/** - * @public - *The user with the provided name isn't found. This error can happen in any operation
- * that requires finding a user based on a provided user name, such as
- * DeleteUser
, DescribeUser
, and so on.
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this request.
- */ - RequestId?: string; - /** - * @internal - */ - constructor(opts: __ExceptionOptionTypeThe ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the dashboard that you're embedding.
- */ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; - - /** - * @public - *The ID for the dashboard, also added to the Identity and Access Management (IAM) - * policy.
- */ - DashboardId: string | undefined; - - /** - * @public - *The authentication method that the user uses to sign in.
- */ - IdentityType: EmbeddingIdentityType | undefined; - - /** - * @public - *How many minutes the session is valid. The session lifetime must be 15-600 minutes.
- */ - SessionLifetimeInMinutes?: number; - - /** - * @public - *Remove the undo/redo button on the embedded dashboard. The default is FALSE, which enables - * the undo/redo button.
- */ - UndoRedoDisabled?: boolean; - - /** - * @public - *Remove the reset button on the embedded dashboard. The default is FALSE, which enables the - * reset button.
- */ - ResetDisabled?: boolean; - - /** - * @public - *Adds persistence of state for the user session in an embedded dashboard. Persistence
- * applies to the sheet and the parameter settings. These are control settings that the
- * dashboard subscriber (Amazon QuickSight reader) chooses while viewing the dashboard. If this is
- * set to TRUE
, the settings are the same when the subscriber reopens the same
- * dashboard URL. The state is stored in Amazon QuickSight, not in a browser cookie. If this is
- * set to FALSE, the state of the user session is not persisted. The default is
The Amazon QuickSight user's Amazon Resource Name (ARN), for use with QUICKSIGHT
identity type.
- * You can use this for any Amazon QuickSight users in your account (readers, authors, or
- * admins) authenticated as one of the following:
Active Directory (AD) users or group members
- *Invited nonfederated users
- *IAM users and IAM role-based sessions authenticated through Federated Single Sign-On using - * SAML, OpenID Connect, or IAM federation.
- *Omit this parameter for users in the third group – IAM users and IAM - * role-based sessions.
- */ - UserArn?: string; - - /** - * @public - *The Amazon QuickSight namespace that contains the dashboard IDs in this request.
- * If you're not using a custom namespace, set Namespace = default
A list of one or more dashboard IDs that you want anonymous users to have tempporary access to. Currently, the IdentityType
parameter must be set to ANONYMOUS
because other identity types authenticate as Amazon QuickSight or IAM users. For example, if you set "--dashboard-id dash_id1 --dashboard-id dash_id2 dash_id3 identity-type ANONYMOUS
", the session can access all three dashboards.
Output returned from the GetDashboardEmbedUrl
A single-use URL that you can put into your server-side webpage to embed your
- * dashboard. This URL is valid for 5 minutes. The API operation provides the URL with an
- * auth_code
value that enables one (and only one) sign-on to a user session
- * that is valid for 10 hours.
The HTTP status of the request.
- */ - Status?: number; - - /** - * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
- */ - RequestId?: string; -} - -/** - * @public - *The identity type specified isn't supported. Supported identity types include
- * IAM
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this request.
- */ - RequestId?: string; - /** - * @internal - */ - constructor(opts: __ExceptionOptionTypeThe ID for the Amazon Web Services account associated with your Amazon QuickSight subscription.
- */ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; - - /** - * @public - *The URL you use to access the embedded session. The entry point URL is constrained to - * the following paths:
- *
- * /start
- *
- * /start/analyses
- *
- * /start/dashboards
- *
- * /start/favorites
- *
- * /dashboards/DashboardId
- *
- where DashboardId
is the actual ID key from the Amazon QuickSight console URL of the dashboard
- * /analyses/AnalysisId
- *
- where AnalysisId
is the actual ID key from the Amazon QuickSight console URL of the analysis
How many minutes the session is valid. The session lifetime must be 15-600 minutes.
- */ - SessionLifetimeInMinutes?: number; - - /** - * @public - *The Amazon QuickSight user's Amazon Resource Name (ARN), for use with QUICKSIGHT
identity type.
- * You can use this for any type of Amazon QuickSight users in your account (readers, authors, or
- * admins). They need to be authenticated as one of the following:
Active Directory (AD) users or group members
- *Invited nonfederated users
- *IAM users and IAM role-based sessions authenticated - * through Federated Single Sign-On using SAML, OpenID Connect, or IAM - * federation
- *Omit this parameter for users in the third group, IAM users and IAM role-based - * sessions.
- */ - UserArn?: string; -} - -/** - * @public - */ -export interface GetSessionEmbedUrlResponse { - /** - * @public - *A single-use URL that you can put into your server-side web page to embed your
- * Amazon QuickSight session. This URL is valid for 5 minutes. The API operation provides the URL with an
- * auth_code
value that enables one (and only one) sign-on to a user session
- * that is valid for 10 hours.
The HTTP status of the request.
- */ - Status?: number; - - /** - * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
- */ - RequestId?: string; -} - -/** - * @public - * @enum - */ -export const GroupFilterAttribute = { - GROUP_NAME: "GROUP_NAME", -} as const; - -/** - * @public - */ -export type GroupFilterAttribute = (typeof GroupFilterAttribute)[keyof typeof GroupFilterAttribute]; - -/** - * @public - * @enum - */ -export const GroupFilterOperator = { - StartsWith: "StartsWith", -} as const; - -/** - * @public - */ -export type GroupFilterOperator = (typeof GroupFilterOperator)[keyof typeof GroupFilterOperator]; - -/** - * @public - *A GroupSearchFilter
object that you want to apply to your search.
The comparison operator that you want to use as a filter, for example "Operator":
- * "StartsWith"
. Currently, the only supported operator is
- * StartsWith
The ID of the topic that contains the refresh schedule that you want to describe. This + * ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
*/ - Operator: GroupFilterOperator | undefined; + TopicId?: string; /** * @public - *The name of the value that you want to use as a filter, for example "Name":
. Currently, the only supported name is
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the topic.
*/ - Name: GroupFilterAttribute | undefined; + TopicArn?: string; /** * @public - *The value of the named item, in this case GROUP_NAME
, that you want to use as a filter.
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dataset.
*/ - Value: string | undefined; -} + DatasetArn?: string; -/** - * @public - *IAM policy assignment summary.
- */ -export interface IAMPolicyAssignmentSummary { /** * @public - *Assignment name.
+ *The definition of a refresh schedule.
*/ - AssignmentName?: string; + RefreshSchedule?: TopicRefreshSchedule; /** * @public - *Assignment status.
+ *The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - AssignmentStatus?: AssignmentStatus; -} + Status?: number; -/** - * @public - *You don't have this feature activated for your account. To fix this issue, contact Amazon Web Services support.
- */ -export class InvalidRequestException extends __BaseException { - readonly name: "InvalidRequestException" = "InvalidRequestException"; - readonly $fault: "client" = "client"; - Message?: string; /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this request.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ RequestId?: string; - /** - * @internal - */ - constructor(opts: __ExceptionOptionTypeThe ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the analyses.
+ *The name of the user that you want to describe.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + UserName: string | undefined; /** * @public - *A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.
+ *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that the user is in. Currently, you use the ID for the + * Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
*/ - NextToken?: string; + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The maximum number of results to return.
+ *The namespace. Currently, you should set this to default
A registered user of Amazon QuickSight.
+ */ +export interface User { /** * @public - *Metadata describing each of the analyses that are listed.
+ *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the user.
*/ - AnalysisSummaryList?: AnalysisSummary[]; + Arn?: string; /** * @public - *A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.
+ *The user's user name. This value is required if you are registering a user that will be managed in Amazon QuickSight. In the output, the value for UserName
+ * N/A
when the value for IdentityType
is IAM
+ * and the corresponding IAM user is deleted.
The HTTP status of the request.
+ *The user's email address.
*/ - Status?: number; + Email?: string; /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The Amazon QuickSight role for the user. The user role can be one of the + * following:.
+ *
: A user who has read-only access to dashboards.
: A user who can create data sources, datasets, analyses,
+ * and dashboards.
: A user who is an author, who can also manage Amazon
+ * Amazon QuickSight settings.
: This role isn't currently available for
+ * use.
: This role isn't currently available for
+ * use.
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that the export jobs were executed in.
+ *The type of identity authentication used by the user.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + IdentityType?: IdentityType; /** * @public - *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
+ *The active status of user. When you create an Amazon QuickSight user that's not an IAM user or an Active Directory user, that user is inactive until they sign in and provide a + * password.
*/ - NextToken?: string; + Active?: boolean; /** * @public - *The maximum number of results to be returned per request.
+ *The principal ID of the user.
*/ - MaxResults?: number; -} + PrincipalId?: string; -/** - * @public - */ -export interface ListAssetBundleExportJobsResponse { /** * @public - *A list of export job summaries.
+ *The custom permissions profile associated with this user.
*/ - AssetBundleExportJobSummaryList?: AssetBundleExportJobSummary[]; + CustomPermissionsName?: string; /** * @public - *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
+ *The type of supported external login provider that provides identity to let the user + * federate into Amazon QuickSight with an associated IAM role. The type can be one of the following.
+ *
: Amazon Cognito. The provider URL is cognito-identity.amazonaws.com.
: Custom OpenID Connect (OIDC) provider.
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The URL of the external login provider.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + ExternalLoginFederationProviderUrl?: string; /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *The identity ID for the user in the external login provider.
*/ - Status?: number; + ExternalLoginId?: string; } /** * @public */ -export interface ListAssetBundleImportJobsRequest { +export interface DescribeUserResponse { /** * @public - *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that the import jobs were executed in.
+ *The user name.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + User?: User; /** * @public - *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - NextToken?: string; + RequestId?: string; /** * @public - *The maximum number of results to be returned per request.
+ *The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - MaxResults?: number; + Status?: number; } /** * @public */ -export interface ListAssetBundleImportJobsResponse { +export interface DescribeVPCConnectionRequest { /** * @public - *A list of import job summaries.
+ *The Amazon Web Services account ID of the account that contains the VPC connection that + * you want described.
*/ - AssetBundleImportJobSummaryList?: AssetBundleImportJobSummary[]; + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
+ *The ID of the VPC connection that + * you're creating. This ID is a unique identifier for each Amazon Web Services Region in an Amazon Web Services account.
*/ - NextToken?: string; + VPCConnectionId: string | undefined; +} + +/** + * @public + * @enum + */ +export const NetworkInterfaceStatus = { + ATTACHMENT_FAILED_ROLLBACK_FAILED: "ATTACHMENT_FAILED_ROLLBACK_FAILED", + AVAILABLE: "AVAILABLE", + CREATING: "CREATING", + CREATION_FAILED: "CREATION_FAILED", + DELETED: "DELETED", + DELETING: "DELETING", + DELETION_FAILED: "DELETION_FAILED", + DELETION_SCHEDULED: "DELETION_SCHEDULED", + UPDATE_FAILED: "UPDATE_FAILED", + UPDATING: "UPDATING", +} as const; + +/** + * @public + */ +export type NetworkInterfaceStatus = (typeof NetworkInterfaceStatus)[keyof typeof NetworkInterfaceStatus]; +/** + * @public + *The structure that contains information about a network interface.
+ */ +export interface NetworkInterface { /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The subnet ID associated with the network interface.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + SubnetId?: string; /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the response.
+ *The availability zone that the network interface resides in.
*/ - Status?: number; -} + AvailabilityZone?: string; -/** - * @public - */ -export interface ListDashboardsRequest { /** * @public - *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the dashboards that you're - * listing.
+ *An error message.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + ErrorMessage?: string; /** * @public - *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
+ *The status of the network interface.
*/ - NextToken?: string; + Status?: NetworkInterfaceStatus; /** * @public - *The maximum number of results to be returned per request.
+ *The network interface ID.
*/ - MaxResults?: number; + NetworkInterfaceId?: string; } /** * @public + *The structure of a VPC connection.
*/ -export interface ListDashboardsResponse { +export interface VPCConnection { /** * @public - *A structure that contains all of the dashboards in your Amazon Web Services account. This structure - * provides basic information about the dashboards.
+ *The ID of the VPC connection that you're creating. This ID is a unique identifier for each Amazon Web Services Region in an + * Amazon Web Services account.
*/ - DashboardSummaryList?: DashboardSummary[]; + VPCConnectionId?: string; /** * @public - *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
+ *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the VPC connection.
*/ - NextToken?: string; + Arn?: string; /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *The display name for the VPC connection.
*/ - Status?: number; + Name?: string; /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The Amazon EC2 VPC ID associated with the VPC connection.
*/ - RequestId?: string; -} + VPCId?: string; -/** - * @public - */ -export interface ListDashboardVersionsRequest { /** * @public - *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the dashboard that you're listing versions - * for.
+ *The Amazon EC2 security group IDs associated with the VPC connection.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + SecurityGroupIds?: string[]; /** * @public - *The ID for the dashboard.
+ *A list of IP addresses of DNS resolver endpoints for the VPC connection.
*/ - DashboardId: string | undefined; + DnsResolvers?: string[]; /** * @public - *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
+ *The status of the VPC connection.
*/ - NextToken?: string; + Status?: VPCConnectionResourceStatus; /** * @public - *The maximum number of results to be returned per request.
+ *The availability status of the VPC connection.
*/ - MaxResults?: number; -} + AvailabilityStatus?: VPCConnectionAvailabilityStatus; -/** - * @public - */ -export interface ListDashboardVersionsResponse { /** * @public - *A structure that contains information about each version of the dashboard.
+ *A list of network interfaces.
*/ - DashboardVersionSummaryList?: DashboardVersionSummary[]; + NetworkInterfaces?: NetworkInterface[]; /** * @public - *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
+ *The ARN of the + * IAM role associated with the VPC + * connection.
*/ - NextToken?: string; + RoleArn?: string; /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *The time that the VPC connection was created.
*/ - Status?: number; + CreatedTime?: Date; /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The time that the VPC connection was last updated.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + LastUpdatedTime?: Date; } /** * @public */ -export interface ListDataSetsRequest { +export interface DescribeVPCConnectionResponse { /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services account ID.
+ *A response object that provides information for the specified VPC connection.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + VPCConnection?: VPCConnection; /** * @public - *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - NextToken?: string; + RequestId?: string; /** * @public - *The maximum number of results to be returned per request.
+ *The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - MaxResults?: number; + Status?: number; } /** * @public + *The domain specified isn't on the allow list. All domains for embedded dashboards must be + * added to the approved list by an Amazon QuickSight admin.
*/ -export interface ListDataSetsResponse { +export class DomainNotWhitelistedException extends __BaseException { + readonly name: "DomainNotWhitelistedException" = "DomainNotWhitelistedException"; + readonly $fault: "client" = "client"; + Message?: string; /** * @public - *The list of dataset summaries.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this request.
*/ - DataSetSummaries?: DataSetSummary[]; - + RequestId?: string; /** - * @public - *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
+ * @internal */ - NextToken?: string; + constructor(opts: __ExceptionOptionTypeAn object that consists of a member Amazon Resource Name (ARN) and a member ID.
+ */ +export interface MemberIdArnPair { /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The ID of the member.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + MemberId?: string; /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the member.
*/ - Status?: number; + MemberArn?: string; } /** * @public + *A filter to use to search an Amazon QuickSight folder.
*/ -export interface ListDataSourcesRequest { +export interface FolderSearchFilter { /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services account ID.
+ *The comparison operator that you want to use as a filter, for example "Operator": "StringEquals"
. Valid values are "StringEquals"
and "StringLike"
If you set the operator value to "StringEquals"
, you need to provide an ownership related filter in the "NAME"
field and the arn of the user or group whose folders you want to search in the "Value"
field. For example, "Name":"DIRECT_QUICKSIGHT_OWNER", "Operator": "StringEquals", "Value": "arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:1:user/default/UserName1"
If you set the value to "StringLike"
, you need to provide the name of the folders you are searching for. For example, "Name":"FOLDER_NAME", "Operator": "StringLike", "Value": "Test"
. The "StringLike"
operator only supports the NAME
The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
+ *The name of a value that you want to use in the filter. For example, "Name": "QUICKSIGHT_OWNER"
Valid values are defined as follows:
+ *
: Provide an ARN of a user or group, and any folders with that ARN listed as one of the folder's owners or viewers are returned. Implicit permissions from folders or groups are considered.
: Provide an ARN of a user or group, and any folders with that ARN listed as one of the owners of the folders are returned. Implicit permissions from folders or groups are considered.
: Provide an ARN of a user or group, and any folders with that ARN listed as the only owner of the folder are returned. Implicit permissions from folders or groups are not considered.
: Provide an ARN of a user or group, and any folders with that ARN listed as one of the owners of the folders are returned. Implicit permissions from folders or groups are not considered.
: Provide an ARN of a user or group, and any folders with that ARN listed as one of the owners or viewers of the folders are returned. Implicit permissions from folders or groups are not considered.
: Any folders whose names have a substring match to this value will be returned.
: Provide an ARN of a folder, and any folders that are directly under that parent folder are returned. If you choose to use this option and leave the value blank, all root-level folders in the account are returned.
The maximum number of results to be returned per request.
+ *The value of the named item (in this example, PARENT_FOLDER_ARN
), that you want to use as a filter. For example, "Value": "arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:1:folder/folderId"
A summary of information about an existing Amazon QuickSight folder.
*/ -export interface ListDataSourcesResponse { +export interface FolderSummary { /** * @public - *A list of data sources.
+ *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the folder.
*/ - DataSources?: DataSource[]; + Arn?: string; /** * @public - *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
+ *The ID of the folder.
*/ - NextToken?: string; + FolderId?: string; /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The display name of the folder.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + Name?: string; /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *The type of folder.
*/ - Status?: number; -} + FolderType?: FolderType; -/** - * @public - */ -export interface ListFolderMembersRequest { /** * @public - *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the folder.
+ *The time that the folder was created.
+ */ + CreatedTime?: Date; + + /** + * @public + *The time that the folder was last updated.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + LastUpdatedTime?: Date; /** * @public - *The ID of the folder.
+ *The sharing scope of the folder.
*/ - FolderId: string | undefined; + SharingModel?: SharingModel; +} +/** + * @public + *The key-value pair used for the row-level security tags feature.
+ */ +export interface SessionTag { /** * @public - *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
+ *The key for the tag.
*/ - NextToken?: string; + Key: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The maximum number of results to be returned per request.
+ *The value that you want to assign the tag.
*/ - MaxResults?: number; + Value: string | undefined; } /** * @public */ -export interface ListFolderMembersResponse { +export interface GenerateEmbedUrlForAnonymousUserRequest { /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the dashboard that you're embedding.
*/ - Status?: number; + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *A structure that contains all of the folder members (dashboards, analyses, and datasets) in the folder.
+ *How many minutes the session is valid. The session lifetime must be in [15-600] minutes range.
*/ - FolderMemberList?: MemberIdArnPair[]; + SessionLifetimeInMinutes?: number; /** * @public - *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
+ *The Amazon QuickSight namespace that the anonymous user virtually belongs to. If you are not using an Amazon QuickSight custom namespace, set this to default
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The session tags used for row-level security. Before you use this parameter, make sure that you have configured the relevant datasets using the DataSet$RowLevelPermissionTagConfiguration
parameter so that session tags can be used to provide row-level security.
These are not the tags used for the Amazon Web Services resource tagging feature. For more information, see Using Row-Level Security (RLS) with Tagsin the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.
*/ - RequestId?: string; -} + SessionTags?: SessionTag[]; -/** - * @public - */ -export interface ListFoldersRequest { /** * @public - *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the folder.
+ *The Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) for the Amazon QuickSight resources that the user
+ * is authorized to access during the lifetime of the session. If you choose
+ * Dashboard
embedding experience, pass the list of dashboard ARNs in the
+ * account that you want the user to be able to view. Currently, you can pass up to 25
+ * dashboard ARNs in each API call.
The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
+ *The configuration of the experience that you are embedding.
*/ - NextToken?: string; + ExperienceConfiguration: AnonymousUserEmbeddingExperienceConfiguration | undefined; /** * @public - *The maximum number of results to be returned per request.
+ *The domains that you want to add to the allow list for access to the generated URL that + * is then embedded. This optional parameter overrides the static domains that are + * configured in the Manage QuickSight menu in the Amazon QuickSight console. Instead, it + * allows only the domains that you include in this parameter. You can list up to three + * domains or subdomains in each API call.
+ *To include all subdomains under a specific domain to the allow list, use *
+ * For example, https://*.sapp.amazon.com
includes all subdomains under
+ * https://sapp.amazon.com
The HTTP status of the request.
+ *The embed URL for the dashboard.
*/ - Status?: number; + EmbedUrl: string | undefined; /** * @public - *A structure that contains all of the folders in the Amazon Web Services account. This structure provides basic information about the folders.
+ *The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - FolderSummaryList?: FolderSummary[]; + Status: number | undefined; /** * @public - *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - NextToken?: string; + RequestId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to use for the anonymous Amazon QuickSight user.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + AnonymousUserArn: string | undefined; } /** * @public + *The number of minutes specified for the lifetime of a session isn't valid. The session + * lifetime must be 15-600 minutes.
*/ -export interface ListGroupMembershipsRequest { +export class SessionLifetimeInMinutesInvalidException extends __BaseException { + readonly name: "SessionLifetimeInMinutesInvalidException" = "SessionLifetimeInMinutesInvalidException"; + readonly $fault: "client" = "client"; + Message?: string; /** * @public - *The name of the group that you want to see a membership list of.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this request.
*/ - GroupName: string | undefined; - + RequestId?: string; /** - * @public - *A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.
+ * @internal */ - NextToken?: string; + constructor(opts: __ExceptionOptionTypeThis error indicates that you are calling an embedding operation in Amazon QuickSight + * without the required pricing plan on your Amazon Web Services account. Before you can use embedding + * for anonymous users, a QuickSight administrator needs to add capacity pricing to Amazon QuickSight. You + * can do this on the Manage Amazon QuickSight page.
+ *After capacity pricing is added, you can use the
+ *
+ * GetDashboardEmbedUrl
+ *
API operation with the
+ * --identity-type ANONYMOUS
The maximum number of results to return from this request.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this request.
*/ - MaxResults?: number; - + RequestId?: string; /** - * @public - *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that the group is in. Currently, you use the ID for the - * Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
+ * @internal */ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + constructor(opts: __ExceptionOptionTypeThe state perssitence configuration of an embedded dashboard.
+ */ +export interface StatePersistenceConfigurations { /** * @public - *The namespace of the group that you want a list of users from.
+ *Determines if a Amazon QuickSight dashboard's state persistence settings are turned on or off.
*/ - Namespace: string | undefined; + Enabled: boolean | undefined; } /** * @public + *The feature configuration for an embedded dashboard.
*/ -export interface ListGroupMembershipsResponse { +export interface RegisteredUserDashboardFeatureConfigurations { /** * @public - *The list of the members of the group.
+ *The state persistence settings of an embedded dashboard.
*/ - GroupMemberList?: GroupMember[]; + StatePersistence?: StatePersistenceConfigurations; /** * @public - *A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.
+ *The bookmarks configuration for an embedded dashboard in Amazon QuickSight.
*/ - NextToken?: string; + Bookmarks?: BookmarksConfigurations; +} +/** + * @public + *Information about the dashboard you want to embed.
+ */ +export interface RegisteredUserDashboardEmbeddingConfiguration { /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The dashboard ID for the dashboard that you want the user to see first. This ID is included in the output URL. When the URL in response is accessed, Amazon QuickSight renders this dashboard if the user has permissions to view it.
+ *If the user does not have permission to view this dashboard, they see a permissions error message.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + InitialDashboardId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *The feature configurations of an embbedded Amazon QuickSight dashboard.
*/ - Status?: number; + FeatureConfigurations?: RegisteredUserDashboardFeatureConfigurations; } /** * @public + *The experience that you are embedding. You can use this object to generate a url that embeds a visual into your application.
*/ -export interface ListGroupsRequest { +export interface RegisteredUserDashboardVisualEmbeddingConfiguration { /** * @public - *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that the group is in. Currently, you use the ID for the - * Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
+ *The visual ID for the visual that you want the user to embed. This ID is included in the output URL. When the URL in response is accessed, Amazon QuickSight renders this visual.
+ *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dashboard that the visual belongs to must be included in the AuthorizedResourceArns
parameter. Otherwise, the request will fail with InvalidParameterValueException
Information about the Q search bar embedding experience.
+ */ +export interface RegisteredUserQSearchBarEmbeddingConfiguration { /** * @public - *A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.
+ *The ID of the Q topic that you want to make the starting topic in the Q search bar. + * You can find a topic ID by navigating to the Topics pane in the Amazon QuickSight application and opening + * a topic. The ID is in the URL for the topic that you open.
+ *If you don't specify an initial topic, a list of all shared topics is shown in the Q bar + * for your readers. When you select an initial topic, you can specify whether or not readers + * are allowed to select other topics from the available ones in the list.
*/ - NextToken?: string; + InitialTopicId?: string; +} +/** + * @public + *The feature configurations of an embedded Amazon QuickSight console.
+ */ +export interface RegisteredUserConsoleFeatureConfigurations { /** * @public - *The maximum number of results to return.
+ *The state persistence configurations of an embedded Amazon QuickSight console.
+ */ + StatePersistence?: StatePersistenceConfigurations; +} + +/** + * @public + *Information about the Amazon QuickSight console that you want to embed.
+ */ +export interface RegisteredUserQuickSightConsoleEmbeddingConfiguration { + /** + * @public + *The initial URL path for the Amazon QuickSight console. InitialPath
is required.
The entry point URL is constrained to the following paths:
+ *
+ * /start
+ *
+ * /start/analyses
+ *
+ * /start/dashboards
+ *
+ * /start/favorites
+ *
+ * /dashboards/DashboardId
. DashboardId is the actual ID key from the Amazon QuickSight console URL of the dashboard.
+ * /analyses/AnalysisId
. AnalysisId is the actual ID key from the Amazon QuickSight console URL of the analysis.
The namespace that you want a list of groups from.
+ *The embedding configuration of an embedded Amazon QuickSight console.
*/ - Namespace: string | undefined; + FeatureConfigurations?: RegisteredUserConsoleFeatureConfigurations; } /** * @public + *The type of experience you want to embed. For registered users, you can embed Amazon QuickSight dashboards or the Amazon QuickSight console.
+ *Exactly one of the experience configurations is required. You can choose
+ * Dashboard
or QuickSightConsole
. You cannot choose more
+ * than one experience configuration.
The list of the groups.
+ *The configuration details for providing a dashboard embedding experience.
*/ - GroupList?: Group[]; + Dashboard?: RegisteredUserDashboardEmbeddingConfiguration; /** * @public - *A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.
+ *The configuration details for providing each Amazon QuickSight console embedding experience. This can be used along with custom permissions to restrict access to certain features. For more information, see Customizing Access to the Amazon QuickSight Console in the Amazon QuickSight User + * Guide.
+ *Use
+ * GenerateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUser
+ *
+ * where
+ * you want to provide an authoring portal that allows users to create data sources,
+ * datasets, analyses, and dashboards. The users who accesses an embedded Amazon QuickSight console
+ * needs to belong to the author or admin security cohort. If you want to restrict permissions
+ * to some of these features, add a custom permissions profile to the user with the
+ *
+ * UpdateUser
+ *
API operation. Use the
+ * RegisterUser
+ *
API operation to add a new user with a custom permission profile attached. For more
+ * information, see the following sections in the Amazon QuickSight User
+ * Guide:
+ * Embedding the Full Functionality of the Amazon QuickSight Console for Authenticated Users + *
+ *For more information about the high-level steps for embedding and for an interactive demo of the ways you can customize embedding, visit the Amazon QuickSight Developer Portal.
*/ - NextToken?: string; + QuickSightConsole?: RegisteredUserQuickSightConsoleEmbeddingConfiguration; /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The configuration details for embedding the Q search bar.
+ *For more information about embedding the Q search bar, see Embedding Overview in + * the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + QSearchBar?: RegisteredUserQSearchBarEmbeddingConfiguration; /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *The type of embedding experience. In this case, Amazon QuickSight visuals.
*/ - Status?: number; + DashboardVisual?: RegisteredUserDashboardVisualEmbeddingConfiguration; } /** * @public */ -export interface ListIAMPolicyAssignmentsRequest { +export interface GenerateEmbedUrlForRegisteredUserRequest { /** * @public - *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains these IAM policy - * assignments.
+ *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the dashboard that you're embedding.
*/ AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The status of the assignments.
+ *How many minutes the session is valid. The session lifetime must be in [15-600] minutes range.
*/ - AssignmentStatus?: AssignmentStatus; + SessionLifetimeInMinutes?: number; /** * @public - *The namespace for the assignments.
+ *The Amazon Resource Name for the registered user.
*/ - Namespace: string | undefined; + UserArn: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
+ *The experience you are embedding. For registered users, you can embed Amazon QuickSight dashboards, Amazon QuickSight visuals, the Amazon QuickSight Q search bar, or the entire Amazon QuickSight console.
*/ - NextToken?: string; + ExperienceConfiguration: RegisteredUserEmbeddingExperienceConfiguration | undefined; /** * @public - *The maximum number of results to be returned per request.
+ *The domains that you want to add to the allow list for access to the generated URL that + * is then embedded. This optional parameter overrides the static domains that are + * configured in the Manage QuickSight menu in the Amazon QuickSight console. Instead, it + * allows only the domains that you include in this parameter. You can list up to three + * domains or subdomains in each API call.
+ *To include all subdomains under a specific domain to the allow list, use *
+ * For example, https://*.sapp.amazon.com
includes all subdomains under
+ * https://sapp.amazon.com
Information describing the IAM policy assignments.
+ *The embed URL for the Amazon QuickSight dashboard, visual, Q search bar, or console.
*/ - IAMPolicyAssignments?: IAMPolicyAssignmentSummary[]; + EmbedUrl: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
+ *The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - NextToken?: string; + Status: number | undefined; /** * @public *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - RequestId?: string; - - /** - * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
- */ - Status?: number; + RequestId: string | undefined; } /** * @public + *The user with the provided name isn't found. This error can happen in any operation
+ * that requires finding a user based on a provided user name, such as
+ * DeleteUser
, DescribeUser
, and so on.
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the assignments.
- */ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; - - /** - * @public - *The name of the user.
- */ - UserName: string | undefined; - - /** - * @public - *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
- */ - NextToken?: string; - +export class QuickSightUserNotFoundException extends __BaseException { + readonly name: "QuickSightUserNotFoundException" = "QuickSightUserNotFoundException"; + readonly $fault: "client" = "client"; + Message?: string; /** * @public - *The maximum number of results to be returned per request.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this request.
*/ - MaxResults?: number; - + RequestId?: string; /** - * @public - *The namespace of the assignment.
+ * @internal */ - Namespace: string | undefined; + constructor(opts: __ExceptionOptionTypeThe active assignments for this user.
- */ - ActiveAssignments?: ActiveIAMPolicyAssignment[]; - - /** - * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
- */ - RequestId?: string; - +export interface GetDashboardEmbedUrlRequest { /** * @public - *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
+ *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the dashboard that you're embedding.
*/ - NextToken?: string; + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *The ID for the dashboard, also added to the Identity and Access Management (IAM) + * policy.
*/ - Status?: number; -} + DashboardId: string | undefined; -/** - * @public - */ -export interface ListIngestionsRequest { /** * @public - *The ID of the dataset used in the ingestion.
+ *The authentication method that the user uses to sign in.
*/ - DataSetId: string | undefined; + IdentityType: EmbeddingIdentityType | undefined; /** * @public - *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
+ *How many minutes the session is valid. The session lifetime must be 15-600 minutes.
*/ - NextToken?: string; + SessionLifetimeInMinutes?: number; /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services account ID.
+ *Remove the undo/redo button on the embedded dashboard. The default is FALSE, which enables + * the undo/redo button.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + UndoRedoDisabled?: boolean; /** * @public - *The maximum number of results to be returned per request.
+ *Remove the reset button on the embedded dashboard. The default is FALSE, which enables the + * reset button.
*/ - MaxResults?: number; -} + ResetDisabled?: boolean; -/** - * @public - */ -export interface ListIngestionsResponse { /** * @public - *A list of the ingestions.
+ *Adds persistence of state for the user session in an embedded dashboard. Persistence
+ * applies to the sheet and the parameter settings. These are control settings that the
+ * dashboard subscriber (Amazon QuickSight reader) chooses while viewing the dashboard. If this is
+ * set to TRUE
, the settings are the same when the subscriber reopens the same
+ * dashboard URL. The state is stored in Amazon QuickSight, not in a browser cookie. If this is
+ * set to FALSE, the state of the user session is not persisted. The default is
The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
+ *The Amazon QuickSight user's Amazon Resource Name (ARN), for use with QUICKSIGHT
identity type.
+ * You can use this for any Amazon QuickSight users in your account (readers, authors, or
+ * admins) authenticated as one of the following:
Active Directory (AD) users or group members
+ *Invited nonfederated users
+ *IAM users and IAM role-based sessions authenticated through Federated Single Sign-On using + * SAML, OpenID Connect, or IAM federation.
+ *Omit this parameter for users in the third group – IAM users and IAM + * role-based sessions.
*/ - NextToken?: string; + UserArn?: string; /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The Amazon QuickSight namespace that contains the dashboard IDs in this request.
+ * If you're not using a custom namespace, set Namespace = default
The HTTP status of the request.
+ *A list of one or more dashboard IDs that you want anonymous users to have tempporary access to. Currently, the IdentityType
parameter must be set to ANONYMOUS
because other identity types authenticate as Amazon QuickSight or IAM users. For example, if you set "--dashboard-id dash_id1 --dashboard-id dash_id2 dash_id3 identity-type ANONYMOUS
", the session can access all three dashboards.
Output returned from the GetDashboardEmbedUrl
The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the Amazon QuickSight namespaces that you want to list.
+ *A single-use URL that you can put into your server-side webpage to embed your
+ * dashboard. This URL is valid for 5 minutes. The API operation provides the URL with an
+ * auth_code
value that enables one (and only one) sign-on to a user session
+ * that is valid for 10 hours.
A unique pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request. You will receive a pagination token in the response body of a previous ListNameSpaces
API call if there is more data that can be returned. To receive the data, make another ListNamespaces
API call with the returned token to retrieve the next page of data. Each token is valid for 24 hours. If you try to make a ListNamespaces
API call with an expired token, you will receive a HTTP 400 InvalidNextTokenException
The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - NextToken?: string; + Status?: number; /** * @public - *The maximum number of results to return.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - MaxResults?: number; + RequestId?: string; } /** * @public + *The identity type specified isn't supported. Supported identity types include
+ * IAM
The information about the namespaces in this Amazon Web Services account. The response includes - * the namespace ARN, name, Amazon Web Services Region, notification email address, creation status, and - * identity store.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this request.
*/ - Namespaces?: NamespaceInfoV2[]; - + RequestId?: string; /** - * @public - *A unique pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request. Receiving NextToken
in your response inticates that there is more data that can be returned. To receive the data, make another ListNamespaces
API call with the returned token to retrieve the next page of data. Each token is valid for 24 hours. If you try to make a ListNamespaces
API call with an expired token, you will receive a HTTP 400 InvalidNextTokenException
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account associated with your Amazon QuickSight subscription.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *The URL you use to access the embedded session. The entry point URL is constrained to + * the following paths:
+ *
+ * /start
+ *
+ * /start/analyses
+ *
+ * /start/dashboards
+ *
+ * /start/favorites
+ *
+ * /dashboards/DashboardId
+ *
- where DashboardId
is the actual ID key from the Amazon QuickSight console URL of the dashboard
+ * /analyses/AnalysisId
+ *
- where AnalysisId
is the actual ID key from the Amazon QuickSight console URL of the analysis
The Amazon Web Services account ID.
+ *How many minutes the session is valid. The session lifetime must be 15-600 minutes.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + SessionLifetimeInMinutes?: number; /** * @public - *The ID of the dataset.
+ *The Amazon QuickSight user's Amazon Resource Name (ARN), for use with QUICKSIGHT
identity type.
+ * You can use this for any type of Amazon QuickSight users in your account (readers, authors, or
+ * admins). They need to be authenticated as one of the following:
Active Directory (AD) users or group members
+ *Invited nonfederated users
+ *IAM users and IAM role-based sessions authenticated + * through Federated Single Sign-On using SAML, OpenID Connect, or IAM + * federation
+ *Omit this parameter for users in the third group, IAM users and IAM role-based + * sessions.
*/ - DataSetId: string | undefined; + UserArn?: string; } /** * @public */ -export interface ListRefreshSchedulesResponse { +export interface GetSessionEmbedUrlResponse { /** * @public - *The list of refresh schedules for the dataset.
+ *A single-use URL that you can put into your server-side web page to embed your
+ * Amazon QuickSight session. This URL is valid for 5 minutes. The API operation provides the URL with an
+ * auth_code
value that enables one (and only one) sign-on to a user session
+ * that is valid for 10 hours.
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource that you want a list of tags for.
- */ - ResourceArn: string | undefined; -} +export const GroupFilterAttribute = { + GROUP_NAME: "GROUP_NAME", +} as const; /** * @public */ -export interface ListTagsForResourceResponse { - /** - * @public - *Contains a map of the key-value pairs for the resource tag or tags assigned to the - * resource.
- */ - Tags?: Tag[]; - - /** - * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
- */ - RequestId?: string; +export type GroupFilterAttribute = (typeof GroupFilterAttribute)[keyof typeof GroupFilterAttribute]; - /** - * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
- */ - Status?: number; -} +/** + * @public + * @enum + */ +export const GroupFilterOperator = { + StartsWith: "StartsWith", +} as const; /** * @public */ -export interface ListTemplateAliasesRequest { - /** - * @public - *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the template aliases that you're listing.
- */ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; +export type GroupFilterOperator = (typeof GroupFilterOperator)[keyof typeof GroupFilterOperator]; +/** + * @public + *A GroupSearchFilter
object that you want to apply to your search.
The ID for the template.
+ *The comparison operator that you want to use as a filter, for example "Operator":
+ * "StartsWith"
. Currently, the only supported operator is
+ * StartsWith
The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
+ *The name of the value that you want to use as a filter, for example "Name":
. Currently, the only supported name is
The maximum number of results to be returned per request.
+ *The value of the named item, in this case GROUP_NAME
, that you want to use as a filter.
IAM policy assignment summary.
*/ -export interface ListTemplateAliasesResponse { +export interface IAMPolicyAssignmentSummary { /** * @public - *A structure containing the list of the template's aliases.
+ *Assignment name.
*/ - TemplateAliasList?: TemplateAlias[]; + AssignmentName?: string; /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *Assignment status.
*/ - Status?: number; + AssignmentStatus?: AssignmentStatus; +} +/** + * @public + *You don't have this feature activated for your account. To fix this issue, contact Amazon Web Services support.
+ */ +export class InvalidRequestException extends __BaseException { + readonly name: "InvalidRequestException" = "InvalidRequestException"; + readonly $fault: "client" = "client"; + Message?: string; /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this request.
*/ RequestId?: string; - /** - * @public - *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
+ * @internal */ - NextToken?: string; + constructor(opts: __ExceptionOptionTypeThe ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the templates that you're listing.
+ *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the analyses.
*/ AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
+ *A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.
*/ NextToken?: string; /** * @public - *The maximum number of results to be returned per request.
+ *The maximum number of results to return.
*/ MaxResults?: number; } /** * @public - *The template summary.
*/ -export interface TemplateSummary { +export interface ListAnalysesResponse { /** * @public - *A summary of a template.
+ *Metadata describing each of the analyses that are listed.
*/ - Arn?: string; + AnalysisSummaryList?: AnalysisSummary[]; /** * @public - *The ID of the template. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
+ *A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.
*/ - TemplateId?: string; + NextToken?: string; /** * @public - *A display name for the template.
+ *The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - Name?: string; + Status?: number; + + /** + * @public + *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ */ + RequestId?: string; +} +/** + * @public + */ +export interface ListAssetBundleExportJobsRequest { /** * @public - *A structure containing a list of version numbers for the template summary.
+ *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that the export jobs were executed in.
*/ - LatestVersionNumber?: number; + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The last time that this template was created.
+ *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
*/ - CreatedTime?: Date; + NextToken?: string; /** * @public - *The last time that this template was updated.
+ *The maximum number of results to be returned per request.
*/ - LastUpdatedTime?: Date; + MaxResults?: number; } /** * @public */ -export interface ListTemplatesResponse { +export interface ListAssetBundleExportJobsResponse { /** * @public - *A structure containing information about the templates in the list.
+ *A list of export job summaries.
*/ - TemplateSummaryList?: TemplateSummary[]; + AssetBundleExportJobSummaryList?: AssetBundleExportJobSummary[]; /** * @public @@ -8043,33 +7973,27 @@ export interface ListTemplatesResponse { /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - Status?: number; + RequestId?: string; /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + Status?: number; } /** * @public */ -export interface ListTemplateVersionsRequest { +export interface ListAssetBundleImportJobsRequest { /** * @public - *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the templates that you're listing.
+ *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that the import jobs were executed in.
*/ AwsAccountId: string | undefined; - /** - * @public - *The ID for the template.
- */ - TemplateId: string | undefined; - /** * @public *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
@@ -8085,49 +8009,67 @@ export interface ListTemplateVersionsRequest { /** * @public - *The template version.
*/ -export interface TemplateVersionSummary { +export interface ListAssetBundleImportJobsResponse { /** * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the template version.
+ *A list of import job summaries.
*/ - Arn?: string; + AssetBundleImportJobSummaryList?: AssetBundleImportJobSummary[]; /** * @public - *The version number of the template version.
+ *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
*/ - VersionNumber?: number; + NextToken?: string; /** * @public - *The time that this template version was created.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - CreatedTime?: Date; + RequestId?: string; /** * @public - *The status of the template version.
+ *The HTTP status of the response.
*/ - Status?: ResourceStatus; + Status?: number; +} +/** + * @public + */ +export interface ListDashboardsRequest { /** * @public - *The description of the template version.
+ *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the dashboards that you're + * listing.
*/ - Description?: string; + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + + /** + * @public + *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
+ */ + NextToken?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The maximum number of results to be returned per request.
+ */ + MaxResults?: number; } /** * @public */ -export interface ListTemplateVersionsResponse { +export interface ListDashboardsResponse { /** * @public - *A structure containing a list of all the versions of the specified template.
+ *A structure that contains all of the dashboards in your Amazon Web Services account. This structure + * provides basic information about the dashboards.
*/ - TemplateVersionSummaryList?: TemplateVersionSummary[]; + DashboardSummaryList?: DashboardSummary[]; /** * @public @@ -8151,18 +8093,19 @@ export interface ListTemplateVersionsResponse { /** * @public */ -export interface ListThemeAliasesRequest { +export interface ListDashboardVersionsRequest { /** * @public - *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the theme aliases that you're listing.
+ *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the dashboard that you're listing versions + * for.
*/ AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The ID for the theme.
+ *The ID for the dashboard.
*/ - ThemeId: string | undefined; + DashboardId: string | undefined; /** * @public @@ -8180,39 +8123,39 @@ export interface ListThemeAliasesRequest { /** * @public */ -export interface ListThemeAliasesResponse { +export interface ListDashboardVersionsResponse { /** * @public - *A structure containing the list of the theme's aliases.
+ *A structure that contains information about each version of the dashboard.
*/ - ThemeAliasList?: ThemeAlias[]; + DashboardVersionSummaryList?: DashboardVersionSummary[]; /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
*/ - Status?: number; + NextToken?: string; /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + Status?: number; /** * @public - *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - NextToken?: string; + RequestId?: string; } /** * @public */ -export interface ListThemesRequest { +export interface ListDataSetsRequest { /** * @public - *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the themes that you're listing.
+ *The Amazon Web Services account ID.
*/ AwsAccountId: string | undefined; @@ -8227,79 +8170,46 @@ export interface ListThemesRequest { *The maximum number of results to be returned per request.
*/ MaxResults?: number; - - /** - * @public - *The type of themes that you want to list. Valid options include the following:
- *
- * ALL (default)
- Display all existing themes.
- Display only the themes created by people using Amazon QuickSight.
- Display only the starting themes defined by Amazon QuickSight.
The theme summary.
*/ -export interface ThemeSummary { - /** - * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.
- */ - Arn?: string; - - /** - * @public - *the display name for the theme.
- */ - Name?: string; - +export interface ListDataSetsResponse { /** * @public - *The ID of the theme. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
+ *The list of dataset summaries.
*/ - ThemeId?: string; + DataSetSummaries?: DataSetSummary[]; /** * @public - *The latest version number for the theme.
+ *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
*/ - LatestVersionNumber?: number; + NextToken?: string; /** * @public - *The date and time that this theme was created.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - CreatedTime?: Date; + RequestId?: string; /** * @public - *The last date and time that this theme was updated.
+ *The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - LastUpdatedTime?: Date; + Status?: number; } /** * @public */ -export interface ListThemesResponse { +export interface ListDataSourcesRequest { /** * @public - *Information about the themes in the list.
+ *The Amazon Web Services account ID.
*/ - ThemeSummaryList?: ThemeSummary[]; + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public @@ -8309,103 +8219,90 @@ export interface ListThemesResponse { /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
- */ - Status?: number; - - /** - * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The maximum number of results to be returned per request.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + MaxResults?: number; } /** * @public */ -export interface ListThemeVersionsRequest { +export interface ListDataSourcesResponse { /** * @public - *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the themes that you're listing.
+ *A list of data sources.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + DataSources?: DataSource[]; /** * @public - *The ID for the theme.
+ *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
*/ - ThemeId: string | undefined; + NextToken?: string; /** * @public - *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - NextToken?: string; + RequestId?: string; /** * @public - *The maximum number of results to be returned per request.
+ *The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - MaxResults?: number; + Status?: number; } /** * @public - *The theme version.
*/ -export interface ThemeVersionSummary { - /** - * @public - *The version number of the theme version.
- */ - VersionNumber?: number; - +export interface ListFolderMembersRequest { /** * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the theme version.
+ *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the folder.
*/ - Arn?: string; + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The description of the theme version.
+ *The ID of the folder.
*/ - Description?: string; + FolderId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The date and time that this theme version was created.
+ *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
*/ - CreatedTime?: Date; + NextToken?: string; /** * @public - *The status of the theme version.
+ *The maximum number of results to be returned per request.
*/ - Status?: ResourceStatus; + MaxResults?: number; } /** * @public */ -export interface ListThemeVersionsResponse { +export interface ListFolderMembersResponse { /** * @public - *A structure containing a list of all the versions of the specified theme.
+ *The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - ThemeVersionSummaryList?: ThemeVersionSummary[]; + Status?: number; /** * @public - *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
+ *A structure that contains all of the folder members (dashboards, analyses, and datasets) in the folder.
*/ - NextToken?: string; + FolderMemberList?: MemberIdArnPair[]; /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
*/ - Status?: number; + NextToken?: string; /** * @public @@ -8417,147 +8314,163 @@ export interface ListThemeVersionsResponse { /** * @public */ -export interface ListTopicRefreshSchedulesRequest { +export interface ListFoldersRequest { /** * @public - *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the topic whose refresh schedule - * you want described.
+ *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the folder.
*/ AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The ID for the topic that you want to describe. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
+ *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
*/ - TopicId: string | undefined; + NextToken?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The maximum number of results to be returned per request.
+ */ + MaxResults?: number; } /** * @public - *A summary of the refresh schedule details for a dataset.
*/ -export interface TopicRefreshScheduleSummary { +export interface ListFoldersResponse { /** * @public - *The ID of the dataset.
+ *The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - DatasetId?: string; + Status?: number; /** * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dataset.
+ *A structure that contains all of the folders in the Amazon Web Services account. This structure provides basic information about the folders.
*/ - DatasetArn?: string; + FolderSummaryList?: FolderSummary[]; /** * @public - *The name of the dataset.
+ *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
*/ - DatasetName?: string; + NextToken?: string; /** * @public - *The definition of a refresh schedule.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - RefreshSchedule?: TopicRefreshSchedule; + RequestId?: string; } /** * @public */ -export interface ListTopicRefreshSchedulesResponse { +export interface ListGroupMembershipsRequest { /** * @public - *The ID for the topic that you want to describe. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
+ *The name of the group that you want to see a membership list of.
*/ - TopicId?: string; + GroupName: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the topic.
+ *A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.
*/ - TopicArn?: string; + NextToken?: string; /** * @public - *The list of topic refresh schedules.
+ *The maximum number of results to return from this request.
*/ - RefreshSchedules?: TopicRefreshScheduleSummary[]; + MaxResults?: number; /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that the group is in. Currently, you use the ID for the + * Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
*/ - Status?: number; + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The namespace of the group that you want a list of users from.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + Namespace: string | undefined; } /** * @public */ -export interface ListTopicsRequest { +export interface ListGroupMembershipsResponse { /** * @public - *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the topics that you want to - * list.
+ *The list of the members of the group.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + GroupMemberList?: GroupMember[]; /** * @public - *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
+ *A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.
*/ NextToken?: string; /** * @public - *The maximum number of results to be returned per request.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - MaxResults?: number; + RequestId?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The HTTP status of the request.
+ */ + Status?: number; } /** * @public - *A topic summary.
*/ -export interface TopicSummary { +export interface ListGroupsRequest { /** * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the topic.
+ *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that the group is in. Currently, you use the ID for the + * Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
*/ - Arn?: string; + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The ID for the topic. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
+ *A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.
*/ - TopicId?: string; + NextToken?: string; /** * @public - *The name of the topic.
+ *The maximum number of results to return.
*/ - Name?: string; + MaxResults?: number; + + /** + * @public + *The namespace that you want a list of groups from.
+ */ + Namespace: string | undefined; } /** * @public */ -export interface ListTopicsResponse { +export interface ListGroupsResponse { /** * @public - *A list of topic summaries.
+ *The list of the groups.
*/ - TopicsSummaries?: TopicSummary[]; + GroupList?: Group[]; /** * @public - *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
+ *A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.
*/ NextToken?: string; @@ -8577,35 +8490,35 @@ export interface ListTopicsResponse { /** * @public */ -export interface ListUserGroupsRequest { +export interface ListIAMPolicyAssignmentsRequest { /** * @public - *The Amazon QuickSight user name that you want to list group memberships for.
+ *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains these IAM policy + * assignments.
*/ - UserName: string | undefined; + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services account ID that the user is in. Currently, you use the ID for the Amazon Web Services account - * that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
+ *The status of the assignments.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + AssignmentStatus?: AssignmentStatus; /** * @public - *The namespace. Currently, you should set this to default
The namespace for the assignments.
*/ Namespace: string | undefined; /** * @public - *A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.
+ *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
*/ NextToken?: string; /** * @public - *The maximum number of results to return from this request.
+ *The maximum number of results to be returned per request.
*/ MaxResults?: number; } @@ -8613,16 +8526,16 @@ export interface ListUserGroupsRequest { /** * @public */ -export interface ListUserGroupsResponse { +export interface ListIAMPolicyAssignmentsResponse { /** * @public - *The list of groups the user is a member of.
+ *Information describing the IAM policy assignments.
*/ - GroupList?: Group[]; + IAMPolicyAssignments?: IAMPolicyAssignmentSummary[]; /** * @public - *A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.
+ *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
*/ NextToken?: string; @@ -8642,29 +8555,34 @@ export interface ListUserGroupsResponse { /** * @public */ -export interface ListUsersRequest { +export interface ListIAMPolicyAssignmentsForUserRequest { /** * @public - *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that the user is in. Currently, you use the ID for the - * Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
+ *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the assignments.
*/ AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.
+ *The name of the user.
+ */ + UserName: string | undefined; + + /** + * @public + *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
*/ NextToken?: string; /** * @public - *The maximum number of results to return from this request.
+ *The maximum number of results to be returned per request.
*/ MaxResults?: number; /** * @public - *The namespace. Currently, you should set this to default
The namespace of the assignment.
*/ Namespace: string | undefined; } @@ -8672,24 +8590,24 @@ export interface ListUsersRequest { /** * @public */ -export interface ListUsersResponse { +export interface ListIAMPolicyAssignmentsForUserResponse { /** * @public - *The list of users.
+ *The active assignments for this user.
*/ - UserList?: User[]; + ActiveAssignments?: ActiveIAMPolicyAssignment[]; /** * @public - *A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - NextToken?: string; + RequestId?: string; /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + NextToken?: string; /** * @public @@ -8701,13 +8619,12 @@ export interface ListUsersResponse { /** * @public */ -export interface ListVPCConnectionsRequest { +export interface ListIngestionsRequest { /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services account ID of the account that contains the VPC connections - * that you want to list.
+ *The ID of the dataset used in the ingestion.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + DataSetId: string | undefined; /** * @public @@ -8715,6 +8632,12 @@ export interface ListVPCConnectionsRequest { */ NextToken?: string; + /** + * @public + *The Amazon Web Services account ID.
+ */ + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + /** * @public *The maximum number of results to be returned per request.
@@ -8724,144 +8647,178 @@ export interface ListVPCConnectionsRequest { /** * @public - *The summary metadata that describes a VPC connection.
*/ -export interface VPCConnectionSummary { - /** - * @public - *The ID of the VPC connection that - * you're - * creating. This ID is a unique identifier for each Amazon Web Services Region in an - * Amazon Web Services account.
- */ - VPCConnectionId?: string; - +export interface ListIngestionsResponse { /** * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the VPC connection.
+ *A list of the ingestions.
*/ - Arn?: string; + Ingestions?: Ingestion[]; /** * @public - *The display name for the VPC connection.
+ *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
*/ - Name?: string; + NextToken?: string; /** * @public - *The Amazon EC2 VPC ID associated with the VPC connection.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - VPCId?: string; + RequestId?: string; /** * @public - *The Amazon EC2 security group IDs associated with the VPC connection.
+ *The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - SecurityGroupIds?: string[]; + Status?: number; +} +/** + * @public + */ +export interface ListNamespacesRequest { /** * @public - *A list of IP addresses of DNS resolver endpoints for the VPC connection.
+ *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that contains the Amazon QuickSight namespaces that you want to list.
*/ - DnsResolvers?: string[]; + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The status of the VPC connection.
+ *A unique pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request. You will receive a pagination token in the response body of a previous ListNameSpaces
API call if there is more data that can be returned. To receive the data, make another ListNamespaces
API call with the returned token to retrieve the next page of data. Each token is valid for 24 hours. If you try to make a ListNamespaces
API call with an expired token, you will receive a HTTP 400 InvalidNextTokenException
The availability status of the VPC connection.
+ *The maximum number of results to return.
*/ - AvailabilityStatus?: VPCConnectionAvailabilityStatus; + MaxResults?: number; +} +/** + * @public + */ +export interface ListNamespacesResponse { /** * @public - *A list of network interfaces.
+ *The information about the namespaces in this Amazon Web Services account. The response includes + * the namespace ARN, name, Amazon Web Services Region, notification email address, creation status, and + * identity store.
*/ - NetworkInterfaces?: NetworkInterface[]; + Namespaces?: NamespaceInfoV2[]; /** * @public - *The ARN of the IAM role associated - * with the VPC connection.
+ *A unique pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request. Receiving NextToken
in your response inticates that there is more data that can be returned. To receive the data, make another ListNamespaces
API call with the returned token to retrieve the next page of data. Each token is valid for 24 hours. If you try to make a ListNamespaces
API call with an expired token, you will receive a HTTP 400 InvalidNextTokenException
The time that the VPC connection was created.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - CreatedTime?: Date; + RequestId?: string; /** * @public - *The time that the VPC connection was last updated.
+ *The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - LastUpdatedTime?: Date; + Status?: number; } /** * @public */ -export interface ListVPCConnectionsResponse { +export interface ListRefreshSchedulesRequest { /** * @public - *A VPCConnectionSummaries
object that returns a summary of VPC connection
- * objects.
The Amazon Web Services account ID.
*/ - VPCConnectionSummaries?: VPCConnectionSummary[]; + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more - * results.
+ *The ID of the dataset.
*/ - NextToken?: string; + DataSetId: string | undefined; +} +/** + * @public + */ +export interface ListRefreshSchedulesResponse { /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The list of refresh schedules for the dataset.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + RefreshSchedules?: RefreshSchedule[]; /** * @public *The HTTP status of the request.
*/ Status?: number; + + /** + * @public + *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ */ + RequestId?: string; } /** * @public */ -export interface PutDataSetRefreshPropertiesRequest { +export interface ListRoleMembershipsRequest { /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services account ID.
+ *The name of the role.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + Role: Role | undefined; /** * @public - *The ID of the dataset.
+ *A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.
*/ - DataSetId: string | undefined; + NextToken?: string; /** * @public - *The dataset refresh properties.
+ *The maximum number of results to return.
+ */ + MaxResults?: number; + + /** + * @public + *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that you want to create a group in. The Amazon Web Services account ID that you provide must be the same Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
+ */ + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + + /** + * @public + *The namespace that includes the role.
*/ - DataSetRefreshProperties: DataSetRefreshProperties | undefined; + Namespace: string | undefined; } /** * @public */ -export interface PutDataSetRefreshPropertiesResponse { +export interface ListRoleMembershipsResponse { + /** + * @public + *The list of groups associated with a role
+ */ + MembersList?: string[]; + + /** + * @public + *A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.
+ */ + NextToken?: string; + /** * @public *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
@@ -8878,354 +8835,264 @@ export interface PutDataSetRefreshPropertiesResponse { /** * @public */ -export interface RegisterUserRequest { - /** - * @public - *Amazon QuickSight supports several ways of managing the identity of users. This - * parameter accepts two values:
- *
- * IAM
: A user whose identity maps to an existing IAM user or role.
- *
: A user whose identity is owned and managed internally by
- * Amazon QuickSight.
The email address of the user that you want to register.
+ *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource that you want a list of tags for.
*/ - Email: string | undefined; + ResourceArn: string | undefined; +} +/** + * @public + */ +export interface ListTagsForResourceResponse { /** - * @public - *The Amazon QuickSight role for the user. The user role can be one of the - * following:
- *
: A user who has read-only access to dashboards.
: A user who can create data sources, datasets, analyses, and
- * dashboards.
: A user who is an author, who can also manage Amazon QuickSight
- * settings.
: This role isn't currently available for
- * use.
: This role isn't currently available for
- * use.
Contains a map of the key-value pairs for the resource tag or tags assigned to the + * resource.
*/ - UserRole: UserRole | undefined; + Tags?: Tag[]; /** * @public - *The ARN of the IAM user or role that you are registering with Amazon QuickSight.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - IamArn?: string; + RequestId?: string; /** * @public - *You need to use this parameter only when you register one or more users using an assumed
- * IAM role. You don't need to provide the session name for other scenarios, for example when
- * you are registering an IAM user or an Amazon QuickSight user. You can register multiple
- * users using the same IAM role if each user has a different session name. For more
- * information on assuming IAM roles, see
- * assume-role
- * in the CLI Reference.
- *
The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - SessionName?: string; + Status?: number; +} +/** + * @public + */ +export interface ListTemplateAliasesRequest { /** * @public - *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that the user is in. Currently, you use the ID for the - * Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
+ *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the template aliases that you're listing.
*/ AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The namespace. Currently, you should set this to default
The ID for the template.
*/ - Namespace: string | undefined; + TemplateId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The Amazon QuickSight user name that you want to create for the user you are - * registering.
+ *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
*/ - UserName?: string; + NextToken?: string; /** * @public - *(Enterprise edition only) The name of the custom permissions profile that you want to - * assign to this user. Customized permissions allows you to control a user's access by - * restricting access the following operations:
- *Create and update data sources
- *Create and update datasets
- *Create and update email reports
- *Subscribe to email reports
- *To add custom permissions to an existing user, use
- * UpdateUser
- *
A set of custom permissions includes any combination of these restrictions. Currently,
- * you need to create the profile names for custom permission sets by using the Amazon QuickSight
- * console. Then, you use the RegisterUser
API operation to assign the named set of
- * permissions to a Amazon QuickSight user.
Amazon QuickSight custom permissions are applied through IAM policies. Therefore, they - * override the permissions typically granted by assigning Amazon QuickSight users to one of the - * default security cohorts in Amazon QuickSight (admin, author, reader).
- *This feature is available only to Amazon QuickSight Enterprise edition subscriptions.
+ *The maximum number of results to be returned per request.
*/ - CustomPermissionsName?: string; + MaxResults?: number; +} +/** + * @public + */ +export interface ListTemplateAliasesResponse { /** * @public - *The type of supported external login provider that provides identity to let a user federate into Amazon QuickSight with an associated Identity and Access Management(IAM) role. The type of supported external login provider can be one of the following.
- *
: Amazon Cognito. The provider URL is cognito-identity.amazonaws.com. When choosing the COGNITO
provider type, don’t use the "CustomFederationProviderUrl" parameter which is only needed when the external provider is custom.
: Custom OpenID Connect (OIDC) provider. When choosing CUSTOM_OIDC
type, use the CustomFederationProviderUrl
parameter to provide the custom OIDC provider URL.
A structure containing the list of the template's aliases.
*/ - ExternalLoginFederationProviderType?: string; + TemplateAliasList?: TemplateAlias[]; /** * @public - *The URL of the custom OpenID Connect (OIDC) provider that provides identity to let a user federate
- * into Amazon QuickSight with an associated Identity and Access Management(IAM) role. This parameter should
- * only be used when ExternalLoginFederationProviderType
parameter is set to CUSTOM_OIDC
The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - CustomFederationProviderUrl?: string; + Status?: number; /** * @public - *The identity ID for a user in the external login provider.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - ExternalLoginId?: string; + RequestId?: string; /** * @public - *The tags to associate with the user.
+ *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
*/ - Tags?: Tag[]; + NextToken?: string; } /** * @public */ -export interface RegisterUserResponse { - /** - * @public - *The user's user name.
- */ - User?: User; - +export interface ListTemplatesRequest { /** * @public - *The URL the user visits to complete registration and provide a password. This is
- * returned only for users with an identity type of QUICKSIGHT
The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the templates that you're listing.
*/ - UserInvitationUrl?: string; + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + NextToken?: string; /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *The maximum number of results to be returned per request.
*/ - Status?: number; + MaxResults?: number; } /** * @public + *The template summary.
*/ -export interface RestoreAnalysisRequest { +export interface TemplateSummary { /** * @public - *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the analysis.
+ *A summary of a template.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + Arn?: string; /** * @public - *The ID of the analysis that you're restoring.
+ *The ID of the template. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
*/ - AnalysisId: string | undefined; -} + TemplateId?: string; -/** - * @public - */ -export interface RestoreAnalysisResponse { /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *A display name for the template.
*/ - Status?: number; + Name?: string; /** * @public - *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the analysis that you're restoring.
+ *A structure containing a list of version numbers for the template summary.
*/ - Arn?: string; + LatestVersionNumber?: number; /** * @public - *The ID of the analysis that you're restoring. - *
+ *The last time that this template was created.
*/ - AnalysisId?: string; + CreatedTime?: Date; /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The last time that this template was updated.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + LastUpdatedTime?: Date; } /** * @public */ -export interface SearchAnalysesRequest { +export interface ListTemplatesResponse { /** * @public - *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the analyses that you're searching - * for.
+ *A structure containing information about the templates in the list.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + TemplateSummaryList?: TemplateSummary[]; /** * @public - *The structure for the search filters that you want to apply to your search.
+ *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
*/ - Filters: AnalysisSearchFilter[] | undefined; + NextToken?: string; /** * @public - *A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.
+ *The HTTP status of the request.
*/ - NextToken?: string; + Status?: number; /** * @public - *The maximum number of results to return.
+ *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
*/ - MaxResults?: number; + RequestId?: string; } /** * @public */ -export interface SearchAnalysesResponse { +export interface ListTemplateVersionsRequest { /** * @public - *Metadata describing the analyses that you searched for.
+ *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the templates that you're listing.
*/ - AnalysisSummaryList?: AnalysisSummary[]; + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request. - *
+ *The ID for the template.
*/ - NextToken?: string; + TemplateId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The HTTP status of the request.
+ *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
*/ - Status?: number; + NextToken?: string; /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ *The maximum number of results to be returned per request.
*/ - RequestId?: string; + MaxResults?: number; } /** * @public + *The template version.
*/ -export interface SearchDashboardsRequest { +export interface TemplateVersionSummary { /** * @public - *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the user whose dashboards you're searching - * for.
+ *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the template version.
*/ - AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + Arn?: string; /** * @public - *The filters to apply to the search. Currently, you can search only by user name, for
- * example, "Filters": [ \{ "Name": "QUICKSIGHT_USER", "Operator": "StringEquals",
- * "Value": "arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:1:user/default/UserName1" \} ]
- *
The version number of the template version.
*/ - Filters: DashboardSearchFilter[] | undefined; + VersionNumber?: number; /** * @public - *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
+ *The time that this template version was created.
*/ - NextToken?: string; + CreatedTime?: Date; /** * @public - *The maximum number of results to be returned per request.
+ *The status of the template version.
*/ - MaxResults?: number; + Status?: ResourceStatus; + + /** + * @public + *The description of the template version.
+ */ + Description?: string; } /** * @public */ -export interface SearchDashboardsResponse { +export interface ListTemplateVersionsResponse { /** * @public - *The list of dashboards owned by the user specified in Filters
in your
- * request.
A structure containing a list of all the versions of the specified template.
*/ - DashboardSummaryList?: DashboardSummary[]; + TemplateVersionSummaryList?: TemplateVersionSummary[]; /** * @public @@ -9249,22 +9116,22 @@ export interface SearchDashboardsResponse { /** * @public */ -export interface SearchDataSetsRequest { +export interface ListThemeAliasesRequest { /** * @public - *The Amazon Web Services account ID.
+ *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the theme aliases that you're listing.
*/ AwsAccountId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *The filters to apply to the search.
+ *The ID for the theme.
*/ - Filters: DataSetSearchFilter[] | undefined; + ThemeId: string | undefined; /** * @public - *A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.
+ *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
*/ NextToken?: string; @@ -9275,6 +9142,110 @@ export interface SearchDataSetsRequest { MaxResults?: number; } +/** + * @public + */ +export interface ListThemeAliasesResponse { + /** + * @public + *A structure containing the list of the theme's aliases.
+ */ + ThemeAliasList?: ThemeAlias[]; + + /** + * @public + *The HTTP status of the request.
+ */ + Status?: number; + + /** + * @public + *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ */ + RequestId?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
+ */ + NextToken?: string; +} + +/** + * @internal + */ +export const TopicSingularFilterConstantFilterSensitiveLog = (obj: TopicSingularFilterConstant): any => ({ + ...obj, +}); + +/** + * @internal + */ +export const TopicNumericEqualityFilterFilterSensitiveLog = (obj: TopicNumericEqualityFilter): any => ({ + ...obj, + ...(obj.Constant && { Constant: SENSITIVE_STRING }), +}); + +/** + * @internal + */ +export const TopicNumericRangeFilterFilterSensitiveLog = (obj: TopicNumericRangeFilter): any => ({ + ...obj, + ...(obj.Constant && { Constant: SENSITIVE_STRING }), +}); + +/** + * @internal + */ +export const TopicRelativeDateFilterFilterSensitiveLog = (obj: TopicRelativeDateFilter): any => ({ + ...obj, + ...(obj.Constant && { Constant: SENSITIVE_STRING }), +}); + +/** + * @internal + */ +export const TopicFilterFilterSensitiveLog = (obj: TopicFilter): any => ({ + ...obj, + ...(obj.CategoryFilter && { CategoryFilter: TopicCategoryFilterFilterSensitiveLog(obj.CategoryFilter) }), + ...(obj.NumericEqualityFilter && { + NumericEqualityFilter: TopicNumericEqualityFilterFilterSensitiveLog(obj.NumericEqualityFilter), + }), + ...(obj.NumericRangeFilter && { + NumericRangeFilter: TopicNumericRangeFilterFilterSensitiveLog(obj.NumericRangeFilter), + }), + ...(obj.DateRangeFilter && { DateRangeFilter: TopicDateRangeFilterFilterSensitiveLog(obj.DateRangeFilter) }), + ...(obj.RelativeDateFilter && { + RelativeDateFilter: TopicRelativeDateFilterFilterSensitiveLog(obj.RelativeDateFilter), + }), +}); + +/** + * @internal + */ +export const DatasetMetadataFilterSensitiveLog = (obj: DatasetMetadata): any => ({ + ...obj, + ...(obj.Filters && { Filters: obj.Filters.map((item) => TopicFilterFilterSensitiveLog(item)) }), + ...(obj.Columns && { Columns: obj.Columns.map((item) => TopicColumnFilterSensitiveLog(item)) }), + ...(obj.CalculatedFields && { + CalculatedFields: obj.CalculatedFields.map((item) => TopicCalculatedFieldFilterSensitiveLog(item)), + }), +}); + +/** + * @internal + */ +export const TopicDetailsFilterSensitiveLog = (obj: TopicDetails): any => ({ + ...obj, +}); + +/** + * @internal + */ +export const CreateTopicRequestFilterSensitiveLog = (obj: CreateTopicRequest): any => ({ + ...obj, +}); + /** * @internal */ @@ -9306,6 +9277,16 @@ export const DescribeAnalysisDefinitionResponseFilterSensitiveLog = (obj: Descri ...obj, }); +/** + * @internal + */ +export const DescribeAssetBundleExportJobResponseFilterSensitiveLog = ( + obj: DescribeAssetBundleExportJobResponse +): any => ({ + ...obj, + ...(obj.DownloadUrl && { DownloadUrl: SENSITIVE_STRING }), +}); + /** * @internal */ @@ -9313,6 +9294,9 @@ export const DescribeAssetBundleImportJobResponseFilterSensitiveLog = ( obj: DescribeAssetBundleImportJobResponse ): any => ({ ...obj, + ...(obj.AssetBundleImportSource && { + AssetBundleImportSource: AssetBundleImportSourceDescriptionFilterSensitiveLog(obj.AssetBundleImportSource), + }), }); /** diff --git a/clients/client-quicksight/src/models/models_4.ts b/clients/client-quicksight/src/models/models_4.ts index 4671980f7997..2facd150a5f0 100644 --- a/clients/client-quicksight/src/models/models_4.ts +++ b/clients/client-quicksight/src/models/models_4.ts @@ -2,14 +2,18 @@ import { SENSITIVE_STRING } from "@smithy/smithy-client"; import { AccountCustomization, ResourceStatus } from "./models_0"; -import { AnalysisDefinition, AnalysisSourceEntity } from "./models_1"; +import { AnalysisDefinition, AnalysisSearchFilter, AnalysisSourceEntity, AnalysisSummary } from "./models_1"; import { _Parameters, _ParametersFilterSensitiveLog, AssetBundleCloudFormationOverridePropertyConfiguration, AssetBundleExportFormat, + AssetBundleExportJobValidationStrategy, AssetBundleImportFailureAction, AssetBundleImportJobOverrideParameters, + AssetBundleImportJobOverridePermissions, + AssetBundleImportJobOverrideTags, + AssetBundleImportJobOverrideValidationStrategy, AssetBundleImportSource, AssetBundleImportSourceFilterSensitiveLog, AssignmentStatus, @@ -25,11 +29,13 @@ import { DataSourceParameters, FieldFolder, Group, + LinkSharingConfiguration, LogicalTable, LogicalTableFilterSensitiveLog, PhysicalTable, RefreshSchedule, ResourcePermission, + Role, RowLevelPermissionDataSet, RowLevelPermissionTagConfiguration, RowLevelPermissionTagConfigurationFilterSensitiveLog, @@ -40,28 +46,1103 @@ import { TemplateVersionDefinition, ThemeAlias, ThemeConfiguration, - TopicDetails, - TopicRefreshSchedule, ValidationStrategy, VpcConnectionProperties, } from "./models_2"; import { + DashboardSearchFilter, + DashboardSummary, + DataSetRefreshProperties, + DataSetSearchFilter, DataSetSummary, DataSourceSearchFilter, DataSourceSummary, FolderSearchFilter, FolderSummary, GroupSearchFilter, - LinkSharingConfiguration, + IdentityType, + NetworkInterface, SessionTag, SessionTagFilterSensitiveLog, SnapshotConfiguration, + ThemeType, + TopicDetails, + TopicRefreshSchedule, User, UserRole, VPCConnectionAvailabilityStatus, VPCConnectionResourceStatus, } from "./models_3"; +/** + * @public + */ +export interface ListThemesRequest { + /** + * @public + *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the themes that you're listing.
+ */ + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + + /** + * @public + *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
+ */ + NextToken?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The maximum number of results to be returned per request.
+ */ + MaxResults?: number; + + /** + * @public + *The type of themes that you want to list. Valid options include the following:
+ *
+ * ALL (default)
- Display all existing themes.
- Display only the themes created by people using Amazon QuickSight.
- Display only the starting themes defined by Amazon QuickSight.
The theme summary.
+ */ +export interface ThemeSummary { + /** + * @public + *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.
+ */ + Arn?: string; + + /** + * @public + *the display name for the theme.
+ */ + Name?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The ID of the theme. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
+ */ + ThemeId?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The latest version number for the theme.
+ */ + LatestVersionNumber?: number; + + /** + * @public + *The date and time that this theme was created.
+ */ + CreatedTime?: Date; + + /** + * @public + *The last date and time that this theme was updated.
+ */ + LastUpdatedTime?: Date; +} + +/** + * @public + */ +export interface ListThemesResponse { + /** + * @public + *Information about the themes in the list.
+ */ + ThemeSummaryList?: ThemeSummary[]; + + /** + * @public + *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
+ */ + NextToken?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The HTTP status of the request.
+ */ + Status?: number; + + /** + * @public + *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ */ + RequestId?: string; +} + +/** + * @public + */ +export interface ListThemeVersionsRequest { + /** + * @public + *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the themes that you're listing.
+ */ + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + + /** + * @public + *The ID for the theme.
+ */ + ThemeId: string | undefined; + + /** + * @public + *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
+ */ + NextToken?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The maximum number of results to be returned per request.
+ */ + MaxResults?: number; +} + +/** + * @public + *The theme version.
+ */ +export interface ThemeVersionSummary { + /** + * @public + *The version number of the theme version.
+ */ + VersionNumber?: number; + + /** + * @public + *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the theme version.
+ */ + Arn?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The description of the theme version.
+ */ + Description?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The date and time that this theme version was created.
+ */ + CreatedTime?: Date; + + /** + * @public + *The status of the theme version.
+ */ + Status?: ResourceStatus; +} + +/** + * @public + */ +export interface ListThemeVersionsResponse { + /** + * @public + *A structure containing a list of all the versions of the specified theme.
+ */ + ThemeVersionSummaryList?: ThemeVersionSummary[]; + + /** + * @public + *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
+ */ + NextToken?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The HTTP status of the request.
+ */ + Status?: number; + + /** + * @public + *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ */ + RequestId?: string; +} + +/** + * @public + */ +export interface ListTopicRefreshSchedulesRequest { + /** + * @public + *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the topic whose refresh schedule + * you want described.
+ */ + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + + /** + * @public + *The ID for the topic that you want to describe. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
+ */ + TopicId: string | undefined; +} + +/** + * @public + *A summary of the refresh schedule details for a dataset.
+ */ +export interface TopicRefreshScheduleSummary { + /** + * @public + *The ID of the dataset.
+ */ + DatasetId?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dataset.
+ */ + DatasetArn?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The name of the dataset.
+ */ + DatasetName?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The definition of a refresh schedule.
+ */ + RefreshSchedule?: TopicRefreshSchedule; +} + +/** + * @public + */ +export interface ListTopicRefreshSchedulesResponse { + /** + * @public + *The ID for the topic that you want to describe. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
+ */ + TopicId?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the topic.
+ */ + TopicArn?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The list of topic refresh schedules.
+ */ + RefreshSchedules?: TopicRefreshScheduleSummary[]; + + /** + * @public + *The HTTP status of the request.
+ */ + Status?: number; + + /** + * @public + *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ */ + RequestId?: string; +} + +/** + * @public + */ +export interface ListTopicsRequest { + /** + * @public + *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the topics that you want to + * list.
+ */ + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + + /** + * @public + *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
+ */ + NextToken?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The maximum number of results to be returned per request.
+ */ + MaxResults?: number; +} + +/** + * @public + *A topic summary.
+ */ +export interface TopicSummary { + /** + * @public + *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the topic.
+ */ + Arn?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The ID for the topic. This ID is unique per Amazon Web Services Region for each Amazon Web Services account.
+ */ + TopicId?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The name of the topic.
+ */ + Name?: string; +} + +/** + * @public + */ +export interface ListTopicsResponse { + /** + * @public + *A list of topic summaries.
+ */ + TopicsSummaries?: TopicSummary[]; + + /** + * @public + *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
+ */ + NextToken?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ */ + RequestId?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The HTTP status of the request.
+ */ + Status?: number; +} + +/** + * @public + */ +export interface ListUserGroupsRequest { + /** + * @public + *The Amazon QuickSight user name that you want to list group memberships for.
+ */ + UserName: string | undefined; + + /** + * @public + *The Amazon Web Services account ID that the user is in. Currently, you use the ID for the Amazon Web Services account + * that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
+ */ + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + + /** + * @public + *The namespace. Currently, you should set this to default
A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.
+ */ + NextToken?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The maximum number of results to return from this request.
+ */ + MaxResults?: number; +} + +/** + * @public + */ +export interface ListUserGroupsResponse { + /** + * @public + *The list of groups the user is a member of.
+ */ + GroupList?: Group[]; + + /** + * @public + *A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.
+ */ + NextToken?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ */ + RequestId?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The HTTP status of the request.
+ */ + Status?: number; +} + +/** + * @public + */ +export interface ListUsersRequest { + /** + * @public + *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that the user is in. Currently, you use the ID for the + * Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
+ */ + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + + /** + * @public + *A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.
+ */ + NextToken?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The maximum number of results to return from this request.
+ */ + MaxResults?: number; + + /** + * @public + *The namespace. Currently, you should set this to default
The list of users.
+ */ + UserList?: User[]; + + /** + * @public + *A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.
+ */ + NextToken?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ */ + RequestId?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The HTTP status of the request.
+ */ + Status?: number; +} + +/** + * @public + */ +export interface ListVPCConnectionsRequest { + /** + * @public + *The Amazon Web Services account ID of the account that contains the VPC connections + * that you want to list.
+ */ + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + + /** + * @public + *The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
+ */ + NextToken?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The maximum number of results to be returned per request.
+ */ + MaxResults?: number; +} + +/** + * @public + *The summary metadata that describes a VPC connection.
+ */ +export interface VPCConnectionSummary { + /** + * @public + *The ID of the VPC connection that + * you're + * creating. This ID is a unique identifier for each Amazon Web Services Region in an + * Amazon Web Services account.
+ */ + VPCConnectionId?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the VPC connection.
+ */ + Arn?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The display name for the VPC connection.
+ */ + Name?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The Amazon EC2 VPC ID associated with the VPC connection.
+ */ + VPCId?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The Amazon EC2 security group IDs associated with the VPC connection.
+ */ + SecurityGroupIds?: string[]; + + /** + * @public + *A list of IP addresses of DNS resolver endpoints for the VPC connection.
+ */ + DnsResolvers?: string[]; + + /** + * @public + *The status of the VPC connection.
+ */ + Status?: VPCConnectionResourceStatus; + + /** + * @public + *The availability status of the VPC connection.
+ */ + AvailabilityStatus?: VPCConnectionAvailabilityStatus; + + /** + * @public + *A list of network interfaces.
+ */ + NetworkInterfaces?: NetworkInterface[]; + + /** + * @public + *The ARN of the IAM role associated + * with the VPC connection.
+ */ + RoleArn?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The time that the VPC connection was created.
+ */ + CreatedTime?: Date; + + /** + * @public + *The time that the VPC connection was last updated.
+ */ + LastUpdatedTime?: Date; +} + +/** + * @public + */ +export interface ListVPCConnectionsResponse { + /** + * @public + *A VPCConnectionSummaries
object that returns a summary of VPC connection
+ * objects.
The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more + * results.
+ */ + NextToken?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ */ + RequestId?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The HTTP status of the request.
+ */ + Status?: number; +} + +/** + * @public + */ +export interface PutDataSetRefreshPropertiesRequest { + /** + * @public + *The Amazon Web Services account ID.
+ */ + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + + /** + * @public + *The ID of the dataset.
+ */ + DataSetId: string | undefined; + + /** + * @public + *The dataset refresh properties.
+ */ + DataSetRefreshProperties: DataSetRefreshProperties | undefined; +} + +/** + * @public + */ +export interface PutDataSetRefreshPropertiesResponse { + /** + * @public + *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ */ + RequestId?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The HTTP status of the request.
+ */ + Status?: number; +} + +/** + * @public + */ +export interface RegisterUserRequest { + /** + * @public + *Amazon QuickSight supports several ways of managing the identity of users. This + * parameter accepts two values:
+ *
+ * IAM
: A user whose identity maps to an existing IAM user or role.
+ *
: A user whose identity is owned and managed internally by
+ * Amazon QuickSight.
The email address of the user that you want to register.
+ */ + Email: string | undefined; + + /** + * @public + *The Amazon QuickSight role for the user. The user role can be one of the + * following:
+ *
: A user who has read-only access to dashboards.
: A user who can create data sources, datasets, analyses, and
+ * dashboards.
: A user who is an author, who can also manage Amazon QuickSight
+ * settings.
: This role isn't currently available for
+ * use.
: This role isn't currently available for
+ * use.
The ARN of the IAM user or role that you are registering with Amazon QuickSight.
+ */ + IamArn?: string; + + /** + * @public + *You need to use this parameter only when you register one or more users using an assumed
+ * IAM role. You don't need to provide the session name for other scenarios, for example when
+ * you are registering an IAM user or an Amazon QuickSight user. You can register multiple
+ * users using the same IAM role if each user has a different session name. For more
+ * information on assuming IAM roles, see
+ * assume-role
+ * in the CLI Reference.
+ *
The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that the user is in. Currently, you use the ID for the + * Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
+ */ + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + + /** + * @public + *The namespace. Currently, you should set this to default
The Amazon QuickSight user name that you want to create for the user you are + * registering.
+ */ + UserName?: string; + + /** + * @public + *(Enterprise edition only) The name of the custom permissions profile that you want to + * assign to this user. Customized permissions allows you to control a user's access by + * restricting access the following operations:
+ *Create and update data sources
+ *Create and update datasets
+ *Create and update email reports
+ *Subscribe to email reports
+ *To add custom permissions to an existing user, use
+ * UpdateUser
+ *
A set of custom permissions includes any combination of these restrictions. Currently,
+ * you need to create the profile names for custom permission sets by using the Amazon QuickSight
+ * console. Then, you use the RegisterUser
API operation to assign the named set of
+ * permissions to a Amazon QuickSight user.
Amazon QuickSight custom permissions are applied through IAM policies. Therefore, they + * override the permissions typically granted by assigning Amazon QuickSight users to one of the + * default security cohorts in Amazon QuickSight (admin, author, reader).
+ *This feature is available only to Amazon QuickSight Enterprise edition subscriptions.
+ */ + CustomPermissionsName?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The type of supported external login provider that provides identity to let a user federate into Amazon QuickSight with an associated Identity and Access Management(IAM) role. The type of supported external login provider can be one of the following.
+ *
: Amazon Cognito. The provider URL is cognito-identity.amazonaws.com. When choosing the COGNITO
provider type, don’t use the "CustomFederationProviderUrl" parameter which is only needed when the external provider is custom.
: Custom OpenID Connect (OIDC) provider. When choosing CUSTOM_OIDC
type, use the CustomFederationProviderUrl
parameter to provide the custom OIDC provider URL.
The URL of the custom OpenID Connect (OIDC) provider that provides identity to let a user federate
+ * into Amazon QuickSight with an associated Identity and Access Management(IAM) role. This parameter should
+ * only be used when ExternalLoginFederationProviderType
parameter is set to CUSTOM_OIDC
The identity ID for a user in the external login provider.
+ */ + ExternalLoginId?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The tags to associate with the user.
+ */ + Tags?: Tag[]; +} + +/** + * @public + */ +export interface RegisterUserResponse { + /** + * @public + *The user's user name.
+ */ + User?: User; + + /** + * @public + *The URL the user visits to complete registration and provide a password. This is
+ * returned only for users with an identity type of QUICKSIGHT
The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ */ + RequestId?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The HTTP status of the request.
+ */ + Status?: number; +} + +/** + * @public + */ +export interface RestoreAnalysisRequest { + /** + * @public + *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the analysis.
+ */ + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + + /** + * @public + *The ID of the analysis that you're restoring.
+ */ + AnalysisId: string | undefined; +} + +/** + * @public + */ +export interface RestoreAnalysisResponse { + /** + * @public + *The HTTP status of the request.
+ */ + Status?: number; + + /** + * @public + *The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the analysis that you're restoring.
+ */ + Arn?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The ID of the analysis that you're restoring. + *
+ */ + AnalysisId?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ */ + RequestId?: string; +} + +/** + * @public + */ +export interface SearchAnalysesRequest { + /** + * @public + *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the analyses that you're searching + * for.
+ */ + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + + /** + * @public + *The structure for the search filters that you want to apply to your search.
+ */ + Filters: AnalysisSearchFilter[] | undefined; + + /** + * @public + *A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.
+ */ + NextToken?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The maximum number of results to return.
+ */ + MaxResults?: number; +} + +/** + * @public + */ +export interface SearchAnalysesResponse { + /** + * @public + *Metadata describing the analyses that you searched for.
+ */ + AnalysisSummaryList?: AnalysisSummary[]; + + /** + * @public + *A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request. + *
+ */ + NextToken?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The HTTP status of the request.
+ */ + Status?: number; + + /** + * @public + *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ */ + RequestId?: string; +} + +/** + * @public + */ +export interface SearchDashboardsRequest { + /** + * @public + *The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that contains the user whose dashboards you're searching + * for.
+ */ + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + + /** + * @public + *The filters to apply to the search. Currently, you can search only by user name, for
+ * example, "Filters": [ \{ "Name": "QUICKSIGHT_USER", "Operator": "StringEquals",
+ * "Value": "arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:1:user/default/UserName1" \} ]
+ *
The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
+ */ + NextToken?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The maximum number of results to be returned per request.
+ */ + MaxResults?: number; +} + +/** + * @public + */ +export interface SearchDashboardsResponse { + /** + * @public + *The list of dashboards owned by the user specified in Filters
in your
+ * request.
The token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
+ */ + NextToken?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The HTTP status of the request.
+ */ + Status?: number; + + /** + * @public + *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ */ + RequestId?: string; +} + +/** + * @public + */ +export interface SearchDataSetsRequest { + /** + * @public + *The Amazon Web Services account ID.
+ */ + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + + /** + * @public + *The filters to apply to the search.
+ */ + Filters: DataSetSearchFilter[] | undefined; + + /** + * @public + *A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.
+ */ + NextToken?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The maximum number of results to be returned per request.
+ */ + MaxResults?: number; +} + /** * @public */ @@ -354,6 +1435,25 @@ export interface StartAssetBundleExportJobRequest { *Use this field if the ExportFormat
field of a StartAssetBundleExportJobRequest
A Boolean that determines whether all permissions for each resource ARN are exported with the job. If you set IncludePermissions
, any permissions associated with each resource are exported.
+ *
A Boolean that determines whether all tags for each resource ARN are exported with the job. If you set IncludeTags
, any tags associated with each resource are exported.
An optional parameter that determines which validation strategy to use for the export job. If StrictModeForAllResources
is set to TRUE
, strict validation for every error is enforced. If it is set to FALSE
, validation is skipped for specific UI errors that are shown as warnings. The default value for StrictModeForAllResources
Optional overrides to be applied to the resource configuration before import.
+ *Optional overrides that are applied to the resource configuration before import.
*/ OverrideParameters?: AssetBundleImportJobOverrideParameters; @@ -422,6 +1522,24 @@ export interface StartAssetBundleImportJobRequest { * any asset changes caused by the failed job, possibly keeping the Amazon QuickSight account in an inconsistent state. */ FailureAction?: AssetBundleImportFailureAction; + + /** + * @public + *Optional permission overrides that are applied to the resource configuration before import.
+ */ + OverridePermissions?: AssetBundleImportJobOverridePermissions; + + /** + * @public + *Optional tag overrides that are applied to the resource configuration before import.
+ */ + OverrideTags?: AssetBundleImportJobOverrideTags; + + /** + * @public + *An optional validation strategy override for all analyses and dashboards that is applied to the resource configuration before import.
+ */ + OverrideValidationStrategy?: AssetBundleImportJobOverrideValidationStrategy; } /** @@ -1943,6 +3061,52 @@ export interface UpdateRefreshScheduleResponse { Arn?: string; } +/** + * @public + */ +export interface UpdateRoleCustomPermissionRequest { + /** + * @public + *The name of the custom permission that you want to update the role with.
+ */ + CustomPermissionsName: string | undefined; + + /** + * @public + *The name of role tht you want to update.
+ */ + Role: Role | undefined; + + /** + * @public + *The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that you want to create a group in. The Amazon Web Services account ID that you provide must be the same Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
+ */ + AwsAccountId: string | undefined; + + /** + * @public + *The namespace that contains the role that you want to update.
+ */ + Namespace: string | undefined; +} + +/** + * @public + */ +export interface UpdateRoleCustomPermissionResponse { + /** + * @public + *The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
+ */ + RequestId?: string; + + /** + * @public + *The HTTP status of the request.
+ */ + Status?: number; +} + /** * @public */ diff --git a/clients/client-quicksight/src/pagination/ListRoleMembershipsPaginator.ts b/clients/client-quicksight/src/pagination/ListRoleMembershipsPaginator.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..5cf5f12ecf90 --- /dev/null +++ b/clients/client-quicksight/src/pagination/ListRoleMembershipsPaginator.ts @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +// smithy-typescript generated code +import { Paginator } from "@smithy/types"; + +import { + ListRoleMembershipsCommand, + ListRoleMembershipsCommandInput, + ListRoleMembershipsCommandOutput, +} from "../commands/ListRoleMembershipsCommand"; +import { QuickSightClient } from "../QuickSightClient"; +import { QuickSightPaginationConfiguration } from "./Interfaces"; + +/** + * @internal + */ +const makePagedClientRequest = async ( + client: QuickSightClient, + input: ListRoleMembershipsCommandInput, + ...args: any +): PromiseA list of the associated sheets with the unique identifier and name of each sheet.
" } - }, - "Options": { - "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetOptions" } }, "traits": { @@ -1128,7 +1125,8 @@ "Arn": { "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#Arn", "traits": { - "smithy.api#documentation": "The ARN of the specific Analysis
resource whose override properties are configured in this structure.
The ARN of the specific Analysis
resource whose override properties are configured in this structure.
The ARN of the specific Dashboard
resource whose override properties are configured in this structure.
The ARN of the specific Dashboard
resource whose override properties are configured in this structure.
The ARN of the specific DataSet
resource whose override properties are configured in this structure.
The ARN of the specific DataSet
resource whose override properties are configured in this structure.
The ARN of the specific DataSource
resource whose override properties are configured in this structure.
The ARN of the specific DataSource
resource whose override properties are configured in this structure.
The ARN of the specific RefreshSchedule
resource whose override properties are configured in this structure.
The ARN of the specific RefreshSchedule
resource whose override properties are configured in this structure.
The format for the export job.
" } + }, + "IncludePermissions": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#Boolean", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#default": false, + "smithy.api#documentation": "The flag that determines the inclusion of permissions associated with each resource ARN.
" + } + }, + "IncludeTags": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#Boolean", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#default": false, + "smithy.api#documentation": "The flag that determines the inclusion of tags associated with each resource ARN.
" + } } }, "traits": { @@ -1631,7 +1647,8 @@ "Arn": { "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#Arn", "traits": { - "smithy.api#documentation": "The ARN of the specific Theme
resource whose override properties are configured in this structure.
The ARN of the specific Theme
resource whose override properties are configured in this structure.
The ARN of the specific VPCConnection
resource whose override properties are configured in this structure.
The ARN of the specific VPCConnection
resource whose override properties are configured in this structure.
A Boolean value that indicates whether to export resources under strict or lenient mode.
" + } + } + }, + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "The option to relax the validation that is required to export each asset. When StrictModeForAllResource
is set to true, validation is skipped for specific UI errors.
The ARN of the resource whose processing caused a warning.
" + } + }, + "Message": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#NonEmptyString", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "A description of the warning.
" + } + } + }, + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "Describes a warning that occurred during an Asset Bundle export job.
" + } + }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleExportJobWarningList": { + "type": "list", + "member": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleExportJobWarning" + } + }, "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportBodyBlob": { "type": "blob", "traits": { @@ -1809,6 +1868,74 @@ } } }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobAnalysisOverridePermissions": { + "type": "structure", + "members": { + "AnalysisIds": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleRestrictiveResourceIdList", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "A list of analysis IDs that you want to apply overrides to. You can use *
to override all analyses in this asset bundle.
A list of permissions for the analyses that you want to apply overrides to.
", + "smithy.api#required": {} + } + } + }, + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "An object that contains a list of permissions to be applied to a list of analysis IDs.
" + } + }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobAnalysisOverridePermissionsList": { + "type": "list", + "member": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobAnalysisOverridePermissions" + }, + "traits": { + "smithy.api#length": { + "min": 1, + "max": 1 + } + } + }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobAnalysisOverrideTags": { + "type": "structure", + "members": { + "AnalysisIds": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleRestrictiveResourceIdList", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "A list of analysis IDs that you want to apply overrides to. You can use *
to override all analyses in this asset bundle.
A list of tags for the analyses that you want to apply overrides to.
", + "smithy.api#required": {} + } + } + }, + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "An object that contains a list of tags to be assigned to a list of analysis IDs.
" + } + }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobAnalysisOverrideTagsList": { + "type": "list", + "member": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobAnalysisOverrideTags" + }, + "traits": { + "smithy.api#length": { + "min": 1, + "max": 5 + } + } + }, "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobDashboardOverrideParameters": { "type": "structure", "members": { @@ -1842,6 +1969,79 @@ } } }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobDashboardOverridePermissions": { + "type": "structure", + "members": { + "DashboardIds": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleRestrictiveResourceIdList", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "A list of dashboard IDs that you want to apply overrides to. You can use *
to override all dashboards in this asset bundle.
A list of permissions for the dashboards that you want to apply overrides to.
" + } + }, + "LinkSharingConfiguration": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleResourceLinkSharingConfiguration", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "A structure that contains the link sharing configurations that you want to apply overrides to.
" + } + } + }, + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "An object that contains a list of permissions to be applied to a list of dashboard IDs.
" + } + }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobDashboardOverridePermissionsList": { + "type": "list", + "member": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobDashboardOverridePermissions" + }, + "traits": { + "smithy.api#length": { + "min": 1, + "max": 2 + } + } + }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobDashboardOverrideTags": { + "type": "structure", + "members": { + "DashboardIds": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleRestrictiveResourceIdList", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "A list of dashboard IDs that you want to apply overrides to. You can use *
to override all dashboards in this asset bundle.
A list of tags for the dashboards that you want to apply overrides to.
", + "smithy.api#required": {} + } + } + }, + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "An object that contains a list of tags to be assigned to a list of dashboard IDs.
" + } + }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobDashboardOverrideTagsList": { + "type": "list", + "member": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobDashboardOverrideTags" + }, + "traits": { + "smithy.api#length": { + "min": 1, + "max": 5 + } + } + }, "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobDataSetOverrideParameters": { "type": "structure", "members": { @@ -1875,6 +2075,74 @@ } } }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobDataSetOverridePermissions": { + "type": "structure", + "members": { + "DataSetIds": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleRestrictiveResourceIdList", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "A list of dataset IDs that you want to apply overrides to. You can use *
to override all datasets in this asset bundle.
A list of permissions for the datasets that you want to apply overrides to.
", + "smithy.api#required": {} + } + } + }, + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "An object that contains a list of permissions to be applied to a list of dataset IDs.
" + } + }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobDataSetOverridePermissionsList": { + "type": "list", + "member": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobDataSetOverridePermissions" + }, + "traits": { + "smithy.api#length": { + "min": 1, + "max": 2 + } + } + }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobDataSetOverrideTags": { + "type": "structure", + "members": { + "DataSetIds": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleRestrictiveResourceIdList", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "A list of dataset IDs that you want to apply overrides to. You can use *
to override all datasets in this asset bundle.
A list of tags for the datasets that you want to apply overrides to.
", + "smithy.api#required": {} + } + } + }, + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "An object that contains a list of tags to be assigned to a list of dataset IDs.
" + } + }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobDataSetOverrideTagsList": { + "type": "list", + "member": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobDataSetOverrideTags" + }, + "traits": { + "smithy.api#length": { + "min": 1, + "max": 5 + } + } + }, "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobDataSourceCredentialPair": { "type": "structure", "members": { @@ -1966,6 +2234,74 @@ } } }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobDataSourceOverridePermissions": { + "type": "structure", + "members": { + "DataSourceIds": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleRestrictiveResourceIdList", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "A list of data source IDs that you want to apply overrides to. You can use *
to override all data sources in this asset bundle.
A list of permissions for the data source that you want to apply overrides to.
", + "smithy.api#required": {} + } + } + }, + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "An object that contains a list of permissions to be applied to a list of data source IDs.
" + } + }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobDataSourceOverridePermissionsList": { + "type": "list", + "member": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobDataSourceOverridePermissions" + }, + "traits": { + "smithy.api#length": { + "min": 1, + "max": 2 + } + } + }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobDataSourceOverrideTags": { + "type": "structure", + "members": { + "DataSourceIds": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleRestrictiveResourceIdList", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "A list of data source IDs that you want to apply overrides to. You can use *
to override all data sources in this asset bundle.
A list of tags for the data source that you want to apply overrides to.
", + "smithy.api#required": {} + } + } + }, + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "An object that contains a list of tags to be assigned to a list of data source IDs.
" + } + }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobDataSourceOverrideTagsList": { + "type": "list", + "member": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobDataSourceOverrideTags" + }, + "traits": { + "smithy.api#length": { + "min": 1, + "max": 5 + } + } + }, "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobError": { "type": "structure", "members": { @@ -2054,6 +2390,103 @@ "smithy.api#documentation": "A list of overrides that modify the asset bundle resource configuration before the resource is imported.
" } }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobOverridePermissions": { + "type": "structure", + "members": { + "DataSources": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobDataSourceOverridePermissionsList", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "A list of permissions overrides for any DataSource
resources that are present in the asset bundle that is imported.
A list of permissions overrides for any DataSet
resources that are present in the asset bundle that is imported.
A list of permissions overrides for any Theme
resources that are present in the asset bundle that is imported.
A list of permissions overrides for any Analysis
resources that are present in the asset bundle that is imported.
A list of permissions overrides for any Dashboard
resources that are present in the asset bundle that is imported.
A structure that contains the override permission configurations that modify the permissions for specified resources before the resource is imported.
" + } + }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobOverrideTags": { + "type": "structure", + "members": { + "VPCConnections": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobVPCConnectionOverrideTagsList", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "A list of tag overrides for any VPCConnection
resources that are present in the asset bundle that is imported.
A list of tag overrides for any DataSource
resources that are present in the asset bundle that is imported.
A list of tag overrides for any DataSet
resources that are present in the asset bundle that is imported.
A list of tag overrides for any Theme
resources that are present in the asset bundle that is imported.
A list of tag overrides for any Analysis
resources that are present in the asset bundle that is imported.
A list of tag overrides for any Dashboard
resources that are present in the asset bundle that is imported.
A structure that contains the override tag configuration that modify the tags that are assigned to specified resources before the resource is imported.
" + } + }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobOverrideValidationStrategy": { + "type": "structure", + "members": { + "StrictModeForAllResources": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#Boolean", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#default": false, + "smithy.api#documentation": "A Boolean value that indicates whether to import all analyses and dashboards under strict or lenient mode.
" + } + } + }, + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "An optional parameter that overrides the validation strategy for all analyses and dashboards before the resource is imported.
" + } + }, "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobRefreshScheduleOverrideParameters": { "type": "structure", "members": { @@ -2232,6 +2665,74 @@ } } }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobThemeOverridePermissions": { + "type": "structure", + "members": { + "ThemeIds": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleRestrictiveResourceIdList", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "A list of theme IDs that you want to apply overrides to. You can use *
to override all themes in this asset bundle.
A list of permissions for the themes that you want to apply overrides to.
", + "smithy.api#required": {} + } + } + }, + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "An object that contains a list of permissions to be applied to a list of theme IDs.
" + } + }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobThemeOverridePermissionsList": { + "type": "list", + "member": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobThemeOverridePermissions" + }, + "traits": { + "smithy.api#length": { + "min": 1, + "max": 2 + } + } + }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobThemeOverrideTags": { + "type": "structure", + "members": { + "ThemeIds": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleRestrictiveResourceIdList", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "A list of theme IDs that you want to apply overrides to. You can use *
to override all themes in this asset bundle.
A list of tags for the themes that you want to apply overrides to.
", + "smithy.api#required": {} + } + } + }, + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "An object that contains a list of tags to be assigned to a list of theme IDs.
" + } + }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobThemeOverrideTagsList": { + "type": "list", + "member": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobThemeOverrideTags" + }, + "traits": { + "smithy.api#length": { + "min": 1, + "max": 5 + } + } + }, "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobVPCConnectionOverrideParameters": { "type": "structure", "members": { @@ -2289,6 +2790,40 @@ } } }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobVPCConnectionOverrideTags": { + "type": "structure", + "members": { + "VPCConnectionIds": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleRestrictiveResourceIdList", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "A list of VPC connection IDs that you want to apply overrides to. You can use *
to override all VPC connections in this asset bundle.
A list of tags for the VPC connections that you want to apply overrides to.
", + "smithy.api#required": {} + } + } + }, + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "An object that contains a list of tags to be assigned to a list of VPC connection IDs.
" + } + }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobVPCConnectionOverrideTagsList": { + "type": "list", + "member": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobVPCConnectionOverrideTags" + }, + "traits": { + "smithy.api#length": { + "min": 1, + "max": 5 + } + } + }, "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportSource": { "type": "structure", "members": { @@ -2313,7 +2848,7 @@ "type": "structure", "members": { "Body": { - "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#String", + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#SensitiveS3Uri", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "An HTTPS download URL for the provided asset bundle that you optionally provided at the start of the import job. This URL is valid for five minutes after issuance. Call DescribeAssetBundleExportJob
again for a fresh URL if needed. The downloaded asset bundle is a .qs
zip file.
A description of the import source that you provide at the start of an import job. This value is set to either Body
or S3Uri
, depending on how the StartAssetBundleImportJobRequest
is configured.
A list of link sharing permissions for the dashboards that you want to apply overrides to.
" + } + } + }, + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "A structure that contains the configuration of a shared link to an Amazon QuickSight dashboard.
" + } + }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleResourcePermissions": { + "type": "structure", + "members": { + "Principals": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundlePrincipalList", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "A list of principals to grant permissions on.
", + "smithy.api#required": {} + } + }, + "Actions": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#ActionList", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "A list of IAM actions to grant permissions on.
", + "smithy.api#required": {} + } + } + }, + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "A structure that contains the permissions for the resource that you want to override in an asset bundle import job.
" + } + }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleRestrictiveResourceId": { + "type": "string", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#pattern": "^\\*|[\\w\\-]{1,2048}$" + } + }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleRestrictiveResourceIdList": { + "type": "list", + "member": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleRestrictiveResourceId" + }, + "traits": { + "smithy.api#length": { + "min": 1, + "max": 50 + } + } + }, "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetOptions": { "type": "structure", "members": { @@ -3201,6 +3802,27 @@ } } }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#BigQueryParameters": { + "type": "structure", + "members": { + "ProjectId": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#ProjectId", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "The Google Cloud Platform project ID where your datasource was created.
", + "smithy.api#required": {} + } + }, + "DataSetRegion": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#DataSetRegion", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "The storage location where you create a Google BigQuery data source.
" + } + } + }, + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "The parameters that are required to connect to a Google BigQuery data source.
" + } + }, "com.amazonaws.quicksight#BinCountLimit": { "type": "long", "traits": { @@ -5877,7 +6499,7 @@ "AuthenticationMethod": { "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AuthenticationMethodOption", "traits": { - "smithy.api#documentation": "The method that you want to use to authenticate your Amazon QuickSight account. Currently, the valid values for this parameter are IAM_AND_QUICKSIGHT
, provide an ActiveDirectoryName
\n and an AdminGroup
associated with your Active Directory.
The method that you want to use to authenticate your Amazon QuickSight account.
\nIf you choose ACTIVE_DIRECTORY
, provide an ActiveDirectoryName
\n and an AdminGroup
associated with your Active Directory.
, provide an AdminGroup
associated with your IAM Identity Center account.
The admin group associated with your Active Directory. This field is required if ACTIVE_DIRECTORY
is the selected authentication method of the new Amazon QuickSight account. For more information about using\n Active Directory in Amazon QuickSight, see Using Active Directory with\n Amazon QuickSight Enterprise Edition in the Amazon QuickSight\n User Guide.
The admin group associated with your Active Directory or IAM Identity Center account. This field is required if ACTIVE_DIRECTORY
is the selected authentication method of the new Amazon QuickSight account.
For more information about using IAM Identity Center in Amazon QuickSight, see Using IAM Identity Center with Amazon QuickSight Enterprise Edition in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide. For more information about using Active Directory in Amazon QuickSight, see Using Active Directory with Amazon QuickSight Enterprise Edition in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.
" } }, "AuthorGroup": { "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#GroupsList", "traits": { - "smithy.api#documentation": "The author group associated with your Active Directory. For more information about using\n Active Directory in Amazon QuickSight, see Using Active Directory with\n Amazon QuickSight Enterprise Edition in the Amazon QuickSight\n User Guide.
" + "smithy.api#documentation": "The author group associated with your Active Directory or IAM Identity Center account.
\nFor more information about using IAM Identity Center in Amazon QuickSight, see Using IAM Identity Center with Amazon QuickSight Enterprise Edition in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide. For more information about using Active Directory in Amazon QuickSight, see Using Active Directory with Amazon QuickSight Enterprise Edition in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.
" } }, "ReaderGroup": { "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#GroupsList", "traits": { - "smithy.api#documentation": "The reader group associated with your Active Direcrtory. For more information about\n using Active Directory in Amazon QuickSight, see Using Active Directory with\n Amazon QuickSight Enterprise Edition in the Amazon QuickSight\n User Guide.
" + "smithy.api#documentation": "The reader group associated with your Active Directory or IAM Identity Center account.
\nFor more information about using IAM Identity Center in Amazon QuickSight, see Using IAM Identity Center with Amazon QuickSight Enterprise Edition in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide. For more information about using Active Directory in Amazon QuickSight, see Using Active Directory with Amazon QuickSight Enterprise Edition in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.
" } }, "FirstName": { @@ -6301,6 +6923,12 @@ "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "When you create the dashboard, Amazon QuickSight adds the dashboard to these folders.
" } + }, + "LinkSharingConfiguration": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#LinkSharingConfiguration", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "A structure that contains the permissions of a shareable link to the dashboard.
" + } } }, "traits": { @@ -7690,6 +8318,108 @@ "smithy.api#output": {} } }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#CreateRoleMembership": { + "type": "operation", + "input": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#CreateRoleMembershipRequest" + }, + "output": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#CreateRoleMembershipResponse" + }, + "errors": [ + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AccessDeniedException" + }, + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#InternalFailureException" + }, + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#InvalidParameterValueException" + }, + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#PreconditionNotMetException" + }, + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#ResourceNotFoundException" + }, + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#ResourceUnavailableException" + }, + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#ThrottlingException" + } + ], + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "Use CreateRoleMembership
to add an existing Amazon QuickSight group to an existing role.
The name of the group that you want to add to the role.
", + "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, + "smithy.api#required": {} + } + }, + "AwsAccountId": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AwsAccountId", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that you want to create a group in. The Amazon Web Services account ID that you provide must be the same Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
", + "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, + "smithy.api#required": {} + } + }, + "Namespace": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#Namespace", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "The namespace that the role belongs to.
", + "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, + "smithy.api#required": {} + } + }, + "Role": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#Role", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "The role that you want to add a group to.
", + "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, + "smithy.api#required": {} + } + } + }, + "traits": { + "smithy.api#input": {} + } + }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#CreateRoleMembershipResponse": { + "type": "structure", + "members": { + "RequestId": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#String", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
" + } + }, + "Status": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#StatusCode", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#default": 0, + "smithy.api#documentation": "The HTTP status of the request.
", + "smithy.api#httpResponseCode": {} + } + } + }, + "traits": { + "smithy.api#output": {} + } + }, "com.amazonaws.quicksight#CreateTemplate": { "type": "operation", "input": { @@ -9676,9 +10406,6 @@ "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "A list of the associated sheets with the unique identifier and name of each sheet.
" } - }, - "Options": { - "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetOptions" } }, "traits": { @@ -10666,6 +11393,15 @@ "smithy.api#documentation": "The refresh properties of a dataset.
" } }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#DataSetRegion": { + "type": "string", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#length": { + "min": 1, + "max": 256 + } + } + }, "com.amazonaws.quicksight#DataSetSchema": { "type": "structure", "members": { @@ -11186,6 +11922,12 @@ "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The parameters that are required to connect to a Trino data source.
" } + }, + "BigQueryParameters": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#BigQueryParameters", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "The parameters that are required to connect to a Google BigQuery data source.
" + } } }, "traits": { @@ -11453,6 +12195,24 @@ "traits": { "smithy.api#enumValue": "DATABRICKS" } + }, + "STARBURST": { + "target": "smithy.api#Unit", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#enumValue": "STARBURST" + } + }, + "TRINO": { + "target": "smithy.api#Unit", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#enumValue": "TRINO" + } + }, + "BIGQUERY": { + "target": "smithy.api#Unit", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#enumValue": "BIGQUERY" + } } } }, @@ -13934,6 +14694,201 @@ "smithy.api#output": {} } }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#DeleteRoleCustomPermission": { + "type": "operation", + "input": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#DeleteRoleCustomPermissionRequest" + }, + "output": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#DeleteRoleCustomPermissionResponse" + }, + "errors": [ + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AccessDeniedException" + }, + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#InternalFailureException" + }, + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#InvalidParameterValueException" + }, + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#PreconditionNotMetException" + }, + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#ResourceNotFoundException" + }, + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#ResourceUnavailableException" + }, + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#ThrottlingException" + } + ], + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "Removes custom permissions from the role.
", + "smithy.api#http": { + "method": "DELETE", + "uri": "/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/namespaces/{Namespace}/roles/{Role}/custom-permission", + "code": 200 + } + } + }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#DeleteRoleCustomPermissionRequest": { + "type": "structure", + "members": { + "Role": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#Role", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "The role that you want to remove permissions from.
", + "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, + "smithy.api#required": {} + } + }, + "AwsAccountId": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AwsAccountId", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that the group is in. Currently, you use the ID for the\n Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
", + "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, + "smithy.api#required": {} + } + }, + "Namespace": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#Namespace", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "The namespace that includes the role.
", + "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, + "smithy.api#required": {} + } + } + }, + "traits": { + "smithy.api#input": {} + } + }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#DeleteRoleCustomPermissionResponse": { + "type": "structure", + "members": { + "RequestId": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#String", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
" + } + }, + "Status": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#StatusCode", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#default": 0, + "smithy.api#documentation": "The HTTP status of the request.
" + } + } + }, + "traits": { + "smithy.api#output": {} + } + }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#DeleteRoleMembership": { + "type": "operation", + "input": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#DeleteRoleMembershipRequest" + }, + "output": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#DeleteRoleMembershipResponse" + }, + "errors": [ + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AccessDeniedException" + }, + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#InternalFailureException" + }, + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#InvalidParameterValueException" + }, + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#PreconditionNotMetException" + }, + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#ResourceNotFoundException" + }, + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#ResourceUnavailableException" + }, + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#ThrottlingException" + } + ], + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "Removes a group from a role.
", + "smithy.api#http": { + "method": "DELETE", + "uri": "/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/namespaces/{Namespace}/roles/{Role}/members/{MemberName}", + "code": 200 + } + } + }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#DeleteRoleMembershipRequest": { + "type": "structure", + "members": { + "MemberName": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#GroupName", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "The name of the group.
", + "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, + "smithy.api#required": {} + } + }, + "Role": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#Role", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "The role that you want to remove permissions from.
", + "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, + "smithy.api#required": {} + } + }, + "AwsAccountId": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AwsAccountId", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that you want to create a group in. The Amazon Web Services account ID that you provide must be the same Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
", + "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, + "smithy.api#required": {} + } + }, + "Namespace": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#Namespace", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "The namespace that contains the role.
", + "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, + "smithy.api#required": {} + } + } + }, + "traits": { + "smithy.api#input": {} + } + }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#DeleteRoleMembershipResponse": { + "type": "structure", + "members": { + "RequestId": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#String", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
" + } + }, + "Status": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#StatusCode", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#default": 0, + "smithy.api#documentation": "The HTTP status of the request.
", + "smithy.api#httpResponseCode": {} + } + } + }, + "traits": { + "smithy.api#output": {} + } + }, "com.amazonaws.quicksight#DeleteTemplate": { "type": "operation", "input": { @@ -15527,7 +16482,7 @@ } }, "DownloadUrl": { - "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#String", + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#SensitiveS3Uri", "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The URL to download the exported asset bundle data from.
\nThis URL is available only after the job has succeeded. This URL is valid for 5 minutes after issuance. Call DescribeAssetBundleExportJob
again for a fresh URL if needed.
The downloaded asset bundle is a zip file named assetbundle-{jobId}.qs
. The file has a .qs
This URL can't be used in a StartAssetBundleImportJob
API call and should only be used for download purposes.
The HTTP status of the response.
", "smithy.api#httpResponseCode": {} } + }, + "IncludePermissions": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#Boolean", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#default": false, + "smithy.api#documentation": "The include permissions flag.
" + } + }, + "IncludeTags": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#Boolean", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#default": false, + "smithy.api#documentation": "The include tags flag.
" + } + }, + "ValidationStrategy": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleExportJobValidationStrategy", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "The validation strategy that is used to export the analysis or dashboard.
" + } + }, + "Warnings": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleExportJobWarningList", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "An array of warning records that describe the analysis or dashboard that is exported. This array includes UI errors that can be skipped during the validation process.
\nThis property only appears if StrictModeForAllResources
in ValidationStrategy
is set to FALSE
Optional overrides to be applied to the resource configuration before import.
" + "smithy.api#documentation": "Optional overrides that are applied to the resource configuration before import.
" } }, "FailureAction": { @@ -15734,6 +16715,24 @@ "smithy.api#documentation": "The HTTP status of the response.
", "smithy.api#httpResponseCode": {} } + }, + "OverridePermissions": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobOverridePermissions", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "Optional permission overrides that are applied to the resource configuration before import.
" + } + }, + "OverrideTags": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobOverrideTags", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "Optional tag overrides that are applied to the resource configuration before import.
" + } + }, + "OverrideValidationStrategy": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobOverrideValidationStrategy", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "An optional validation strategy override for all analyses and dashboards to be applied to the resource configuration before import.
" + } } }, "traits": { @@ -17867,6 +18866,105 @@ "smithy.api#output": {} } }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#DescribeRoleCustomPermission": { + "type": "operation", + "input": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#DescribeRoleCustomPermissionRequest" + }, + "output": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#DescribeRoleCustomPermissionResponse" + }, + "errors": [ + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AccessDeniedException" + }, + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#InternalFailureException" + }, + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#InvalidParameterValueException" + }, + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#PreconditionNotMetException" + }, + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#ResourceNotFoundException" + }, + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#ResourceUnavailableException" + }, + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#ThrottlingException" + } + ], + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "Describes all custom permissions that are mapped to a role.
", + "smithy.api#http": { + "method": "GET", + "uri": "/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/namespaces/{Namespace}/roles/{Role}/custom-permission", + "code": 200 + } + } + }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#DescribeRoleCustomPermissionRequest": { + "type": "structure", + "members": { + "Role": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#Role", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "The name of the role whose permissions you want described.
", + "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, + "smithy.api#required": {} + } + }, + "AwsAccountId": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AwsAccountId", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that you want to create a group in. The Amazon Web Services account ID that you provide must be the same Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
", + "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, + "smithy.api#required": {} + } + }, + "Namespace": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#Namespace", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "The namespace that contains the role.
", + "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, + "smithy.api#required": {} + } + } + }, + "traits": { + "smithy.api#input": {} + } + }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#DescribeRoleCustomPermissionResponse": { + "type": "structure", + "members": { + "CustomPermissionsName": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#RoleName", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "The name of the custom permission that is described.
" + } + }, + "RequestId": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#String", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
" + } + }, + "Status": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#StatusCode", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#default": 0, + "smithy.api#documentation": "The HTTP status of the request.
" + } + } + }, + "traits": { + "smithy.api#output": {} + } + }, "com.amazonaws.quicksight#DescribeTemplate": { "type": "operation", "input": { @@ -28661,6 +29759,138 @@ "smithy.api#output": {} } }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#ListRoleMemberships": { + "type": "operation", + "input": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#ListRoleMembershipsRequest" + }, + "output": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#ListRoleMembershipsResponse" + }, + "errors": [ + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AccessDeniedException" + }, + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#InternalFailureException" + }, + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#InvalidNextTokenException" + }, + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#InvalidParameterValueException" + }, + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#LimitExceededException" + }, + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#PreconditionNotMetException" + }, + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#ResourceNotFoundException" + }, + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#ResourceUnavailableException" + }, + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#ThrottlingException" + } + ], + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "Lists all groups that are associated with a role.
", + "smithy.api#http": { + "method": "GET", + "uri": "/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/namespaces/{Namespace}/roles/{Role}/members", + "code": 200 + }, + "smithy.api#paginated": { + "inputToken": "NextToken", + "outputToken": "NextToken", + "items": "MembersList", + "pageSize": "MaxResults" + } + } + }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#ListRoleMembershipsRequest": { + "type": "structure", + "members": { + "Role": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#Role", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "The name of the role.
", + "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, + "smithy.api#required": {} + } + }, + "NextToken": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#String", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.
", + "smithy.api#httpQuery": "next-token" + } + }, + "MaxResults": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#MaxResults", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "The maximum number of results to return.
", + "smithy.api#httpQuery": "max-results" + } + }, + "AwsAccountId": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AwsAccountId", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that you want to create a group in. The Amazon Web Services account ID that you provide must be the same Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
", + "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, + "smithy.api#required": {} + } + }, + "Namespace": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#Namespace", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "The namespace that includes the role.
", + "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, + "smithy.api#required": {} + } + } + }, + "traits": { + "smithy.api#input": {} + } + }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#ListRoleMembershipsResponse": { + "type": "structure", + "members": { + "MembersList": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#GroupsList", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "The list of groups associated with a role
" + } + }, + "NextToken": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#String", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request.
" + } + }, + "RequestId": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#String", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
" + } + }, + "Status": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#StatusCode", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#default": 0, + "smithy.api#documentation": "The HTTP status of the request.
", + "smithy.api#httpResponseCode": {} + } + } + }, + "traits": { + "smithy.api#output": {} + } + }, "com.amazonaws.quicksight#ListTagsForResource": { "type": "operation", "input": { @@ -34100,6 +35330,15 @@ "smithy.api#documentation": "The options that determine the presentation of the progress bar of a KPI visual.
" } }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#ProjectId": { + "type": "string", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#length": { + "min": 1, + "max": 256 + } + } + }, "com.amazonaws.quicksight#ProjectOperation": { "type": "structure", "members": { @@ -34362,6 +35601,9 @@ { "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#CreateRefreshSchedule" }, + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#CreateRoleMembership" + }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#CreateTemplate" }, @@ -34425,6 +35667,12 @@ { "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#DeleteRefreshSchedule" }, + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#DeleteRoleCustomPermission" + }, + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#DeleteRoleMembership" + }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#DeleteTemplate" }, @@ -34536,6 +35784,9 @@ { "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#DescribeRefreshSchedule" }, + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#DescribeRoleCustomPermission" + }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#DescribeTemplate" }, @@ -34635,6 +35886,9 @@ { "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#ListRefreshSchedules" }, + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#ListRoleMemberships" + }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#ListTagsForResource" }, @@ -34767,6 +36021,9 @@ { "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#UpdateRefreshSchedule" }, + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#UpdateRoleCustomPermission" + }, { "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#UpdateTemplate" }, @@ -37424,6 +38681,29 @@ "smithy.api#pattern": "^[\\w\\-]+$" } }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#Role": { + "type": "enum", + "members": { + "ADMIN": { + "target": "smithy.api#Unit", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#enumValue": "ADMIN" + } + }, + "AUTHOR": { + "target": "smithy.api#Unit", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#enumValue": "AUTHOR" + } + }, + "READER": { + "target": "smithy.api#Unit", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#enumValue": "READER" + } + } + } + }, "com.amazonaws.quicksight#RoleArn": { "type": "string", "traits": { @@ -41141,6 +42421,26 @@ "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "An optional collection of structures that generate CloudFormation parameters to override the existing resource property values when the resource is exported to a new CloudFormation template.
\nUse this field if the ExportFormat
field of a StartAssetBundleExportJobRequest
A Boolean that determines whether all permissions for each resource ARN are exported with the job. If you set IncludePermissions
, any permissions associated with each resource are exported.\n
A Boolean that determines whether all tags for each resource ARN are exported with the job. If you set IncludeTags
, any tags associated with each resource are exported.
An optional parameter that determines which validation strategy to use for the export job. If StrictModeForAllResources
is set to TRUE
, strict validation for every error is enforced. If it is set to FALSE
, validation is skipped for specific UI errors that are shown as warnings. The default value for StrictModeForAllResources
Optional overrides to be applied to the resource configuration before import.
" + "smithy.api#documentation": "Optional overrides that are applied to the resource configuration before import.
" } }, "FailureAction": { @@ -41257,6 +42557,24 @@ "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "The failure action for the import job.
\nIf you choose ROLLBACK
, failed import jobs will attempt to undo any asset changes caused by the failed job.
If you choose DO_NOTHING
, failed import jobs will not attempt to roll back\n any asset changes caused by the failed job, possibly keeping the Amazon QuickSight account in an inconsistent state.
Optional permission overrides that are applied to the resource configuration before import.
" + } + }, + "OverrideTags": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobOverrideTags", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "Optional tag overrides that are applied to the resource configuration before import.
" + } + }, + "OverrideValidationStrategy": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetBundleImportJobOverrideValidationStrategy", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "An optional validation strategy override for all analyses and dashboards that is applied to the resource configuration before import.
" + } } }, "traits": { @@ -43160,9 +44478,6 @@ "traits": { "smithy.api#documentation": "A list of the associated sheets with the unique identifier and name of each sheet.
" } - }, - "Options": { - "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AssetOptions" } }, "traits": { @@ -48133,7 +49448,7 @@ "traits": { "smithy.api#length": { "min": 0, - "max": 2 + "max": 100 } } }, @@ -48336,6 +49651,106 @@ } } }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#UpdateRoleCustomPermission": { + "type": "operation", + "input": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#UpdateRoleCustomPermissionRequest" + }, + "output": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#UpdateRoleCustomPermissionResponse" + }, + "errors": [ + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AccessDeniedException" + }, + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#InternalFailureException" + }, + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#InvalidParameterValueException" + }, + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#PreconditionNotMetException" + }, + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#ResourceNotFoundException" + }, + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#ResourceUnavailableException" + }, + { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#ThrottlingException" + } + ], + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "Updates the custom permissions that are associated with a role.
", + "smithy.api#http": { + "method": "PUT", + "uri": "/accounts/{AwsAccountId}/namespaces/{Namespace}/roles/{Role}/custom-permission", + "code": 200 + } + } + }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#UpdateRoleCustomPermissionRequest": { + "type": "structure", + "members": { + "CustomPermissionsName": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#RoleName", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "The name of the custom permission that you want to update the role with.
", + "smithy.api#required": {} + } + }, + "Role": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#Role", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "The name of role tht you want to update.
", + "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, + "smithy.api#required": {} + } + }, + "AwsAccountId": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#AwsAccountId", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "The ID for the Amazon Web Services account that you want to create a group in. The Amazon Web Services account ID that you provide must be the same Amazon Web Services account that contains your Amazon QuickSight account.
", + "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, + "smithy.api#required": {} + } + }, + "Namespace": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#Namespace", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "The namespace that contains the role that you want to update.
", + "smithy.api#httpLabel": {}, + "smithy.api#required": {} + } + } + }, + "traits": { + "smithy.api#input": {} + } + }, + "com.amazonaws.quicksight#UpdateRoleCustomPermissionResponse": { + "type": "structure", + "members": { + "RequestId": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#String", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#documentation": "The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation.
" + } + }, + "Status": { + "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#StatusCode", + "traits": { + "smithy.api#default": 0, + "smithy.api#documentation": "The HTTP status of the request.
" + } + } + }, + "traits": { + "smithy.api#output": {} + } + }, "com.amazonaws.quicksight#UpdateTemplate": { "type": "operation", "input": { @@ -50141,7 +51556,7 @@ "Mode": { "target": "com.amazonaws.quicksight#ValidationStrategyMode", "traits": { - "smithy.api#documentation": "The mode of validation for the asset to be creaed or updated. When you set this value to STRICT
, strict validation for every error is enforced. When you set this value to LENIENT
, validation is skipped for specific UI errors.
The mode of validation for the asset to be created or updated. When you set this value to STRICT
, strict validation for every error is enforced. When you set this value to LENIENT
, validation is skipped for specific UI errors.