- Original Author(s):: @stevehouel
- Tracking Issue: #436
- API Bar Raiser: @otaviomacedo
The aws-gamelift
construct library allows you to create Amazon Gamelift Matchmaking configuration and deploy game
server Fleets with just a few lines of code. As with most construct libraries, you can also easily define
permissions, bind notification resource and add metrics using a simple API.
feat(gamelift): GameLift L2;
Amazon GameLift is a service used to deploy, operate, and scale dedicated, low-cost servers in the cloud for session-based multiplayer games. Built on AWS global computing infrastructure, GameLift helps deliver high-performance, high-reliability game servers while dynamically scaling your resource usage to meet worldwide player demand.
GameLift is composed of three main components:
GameLift FlexMatch which is a customizable matchmaking service for multiplayer games. With FlexMatch, you can build a custom set of rules that defines what a multiplayer match looks like for your game, and determines how to evaluate and select compatible players for each match. You can also customize key aspects of the matchmaking process to fit your game, including fine-tuning the matching algorithm.
GameLift hosting for custom or realtime servers which helps you deploy, operate, and scale dedicated game servers. It regulates the resources needed to host games, finds available game servers to host new game sessions, and puts players into games.
GameLift FleetIQ to optimize the use of low-cost Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) Spot Instances for cloud-based game hosting. With GameLift FleetIQ, you can work directly with your hosting resources in Amazon EC2 and Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling while taking advantage of GameLift optimizations to deliver inexpensive, resilient game hosting for your players
This module is part of the AWS Cloud Development Kit project. It allows you to define components for your matchmaking configuration or gmae server fleet management system.
FlexMatch is available both as a GameLift game hosting solution (including Realtime Servers) and as a standalone matchmaking service. To set up a FlexMatch matchmaker to process matchmaking requests, you have to create a matchmaking configuration based on a RuleSet.
More details about matchmaking ruleSet are covered below.
There is two types of Matchmaking configuration: through a game session queue system to let FlexMatch forms matches and uses the specified GameLift queue to start a game session for the match, and through a standalone version to let FlexMatch forms matches and returns match information in an event.
import * as gamelift from '@aws-cdk-lib/aws-gamelift';
new gamelift.MatchmakingConfiguration(this, 'Standalone Matchmaking', {
requestTimeouts: Duration.seconds(35)
More details about Game session queue are covered below.
Every FlexMatch matchmaker must have a rule set. The rule set determines the two key elements of a match: your game's team structure and size, and how to group players together for the best possible match.
For example, a rule set might describe a match like this: Create a match with two teams of four to eight players each, one team is the cowboy and the other team the aliens. A team can have novice and experienced players, but the average skill of the two teams must be within 10 points of each other. If no match is made after 30 seconds, gradually relax the skill requirements.
import * as gamelift from '@aws-cdk-lib/aws-gamelift';
// RuleSet can be definied
// Using either declarative version in the constructor
const skill = {
name: 'skill',
type: PlayerAttributeType.STRING,
default: 10
const ruleSet = new gamelift.MatchmakingRuleSet(this, 'Matchmaking RuleSet', {
playerAttributes: [skill],
teams: [{
name: 'aliens',
minPlayers: 4,
maxPlayers: 8
}, {
name: 'cowboys',
minPlayers: 4,
maxPlayers: 8
rules: [{
name: "FairTeamSkill",
description: "The average skill of players in each team is within 10 points from the average skill of all players in the match",
type: RuleType.DISTANCE,
// get skill values for players in each team and average separately to produce list of two numbers
measurements: [ Query.avg(Teams.all.players[skill]) ],
// get skill values for players in each team, flatten into a single list, and average to produce an overall average
referenceValue: Query.avg(Operation.flatten(Teams.all.players[skill])),
maxDistance: 10 // minDistance would achieve the opposite result
}, {
name: "EqualTeamSizes",
description: "Only launch a game when the number of players in each team matches, e.g. 4v4, 5v5, 6v6, 7v7, 8v8",
type: RuleType.COMPARISON,
measurements: [ Query.count(Teams['cowboys'].players) ],
referenceValue: Query.count(Teams['aliens'].players),
operation: Operator.EQUAL // other operations: !=, <, <=, >, >=
expansions: [{
target: Rules['FairTeamSkill'].maxDistance,
steps: [{
waitTimeSeconds: 30,
value: 50
// Either using dedicated methods
const ruleSet = new gamelift.MatchmakingRuleSet(this, 'Matchmaking RuleSet');
ruleSet.addPlayerAttribute('skill', PlayerAttributeType.STRING,10);
ruleSet.addTeam('cowboys', 4,8);
name: "FairTeamSkill",
description: "The average skill of players in each team is within 10 points from the average skill of all players in the match",
type: RuleType.DISTANCE,
// get skill values for players in each team and average separately to produce list of two numbers
measurements: [ [Query.avg(Teams.all.players[skill])] ],
// get skill values for players in each team, flatten into a single list, and average to produce an overall average
referenceValue: Query.avg(Operation.flatten(Teams.all.players[skill])),
maxDistance: 10 // minDistance would achieve the opposite result
name: "EqualTeamSizes",
description: "Only launch a game when the number of players in each team matches, e.g. 4v4, 5v5, 6v6, 7v7, 8v8",
type: RuleType.COMPARISON,
measurements: [ Query.count(Teams['cowboys'].players ],
referenceValue: Query.count(Teams['aliens'].players,
operation: Operator.EQUAL // other operations: !=, <, <=, >, >=
target: Rules['FairTeamSkill'].maxDistance,
steps: [{
waitTimeSeconds: 30,
value: 50
new gamelift.MatchmakingConfiguration(this, 'Standalone Matchmaking', {
requestTimeouts: Duration.seconds(35),
ruleSet: ruleSet
Or either using low level integration methods to inject a JSON file or string directly
import * as gamelift from '@aws-cdk-lib/aws-gamelift';
const matchmaking = new MatchmakingConfiguration(this, 'Standalone Matchmaking', {
requestTimeouts: Duration.seconds(35),
ruleSet: MatchmakingRuleSet.fromJsonFile(path.join(__dirname, 'rules.json'))
const matchmaking = new MatchmakingConfiguration(this, 'Standalone Matchmaking', {
requestTimeouts: Duration.seconds(35),
ruleSet: MatchmakingRuleSet.fromJsonContent(MY_JSON_STRING_CONTENT)
You can monitor GameLift FlexMatch activity for matchmaking configurations and matchmaking rules using Amazon CloudWatch. These statistics are used to provide a historical perspective on how your Gamelift FlexMatch solution is performing.
GameLift FlexMatch sends metrics to CloudWatch so that you can collect and analyze the activity of your matchmaking solution, including match acceptance workflow, ticket consumtion.
You can then use CloudWatch alarms to alert you, for example, when matches has been rejected (potential matches that were rejected by at least one player since the last report) exceed a certain thresold which could means that you may have an issue in your matchmaking rules.
CDK provides methods for accessing GameLift metrics with default configuration,
such as metricCurrentTickets
, or metricMatchAccepted
for a full list). CDK also provides a generic metric
method that can be used
to produce metric configurations for any metric provided by GameLift FlexMatch;
the configurations are pre-populated with the correct dimensions for the
matchmaking configuration.
import * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk-lib/aws-cloudwatch';
// Alarm that triggers when the per-second average of not placed matches exceed 10%
const matchesPlacedRatio = new cloudwatch.MathExpression({
expression: '1 - (matchesPlaced / matchedCreated)',
usingMetrics: {
matchesPlaced: matchmakingConfiguration.metricMatchesPlaced({ statistic: cloudwatch.Statistic.SUM }),
matchesCreated: matchmakingConfiguration.metric('MatchesCreated'),
new Alarm(this, 'Alarm', {
metric: matchesPlacedRatio,
threshold: 0.1,
evaluationPeriods: 3,
See: Monitoring Using CloudWatch Metrics in the Amazon GameLift Developer Guide.
GameLift helps you deploy, operate, and scale dedicated game servers for session-based multiplayer games. It helps you regulate the resources needed to host your games, finds available game servers to host new game sessions, and puts players into games.
This lightweight server solution provides ready-to-go game servers that you can configure to fit your game. To set up and optionnally customize a realtime server fleet, you need to provide a script (in the form of some JavaScript code).
import * as s3 from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-s3-assets';
import * as gamelift from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-gamelift';
// Script can be declared using either declarative version in the constructor
const script = new gamelift.Script(this, 'Realtime script', {
location: new s3.Asset(this, "SampleScriptAsset", {
path: path.join(__dirname, 'file-asset.js')
// Either using dedicated factory static method
const script = gamelift.fromScriptAsset(path.join(__dirname, 'file-asset.js');
new gamelift.ScriptFleet(this, 'Realtime server fleet', {
content: script
Your uploaded game servers are hosted on GameLift virtual computing resources, called instances. You set up your hosting resources by creating a fleet of instances and deploying them to run your game servers. You can design a fleet to fit your game's needs.
import * as s3 from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-s3-assets';
import * as gamelift from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-gamelift';
// Build can be declared using either declarative version in the constructor
const build = new gamelift.Build(this, 'Game server build', {
location: new s3.Asset(this, "SampleZippedDirAsset", {
path: path.join(__dirname, "sample-asset-directory")
// Either using dedicated factory static method
const build = gamelift.fromBuildAsset(path.join(__dirname, 'CustomerGameServer/');
new gamelift.BuildFleet(this, 'Game server fleet', {
content: build
GameLift uses a fleet's runtime configuration to determine the type and number of processes to run on each instance in the fleet. At a minimum, a runtime configuration contains one server process configuration that represents one game server executable. You can also define additional server process configurations to run other types of processes related to your game. Each server process configuration contains the following information:
The file name and path of an executable in your game build.
Optionally Parameters to pass to the process on launch.
The number of processes to run concurrently.
A GameLift instance is limited to 50 processes running concurrently.
import * as gamelift from '@aws-cdk-lib/aws-gamelift';
// Server processes can be delcared in a declarative way through the constructor
const fleet = new gamelift.BuildFleet(this, 'Game server fleet', {
content: build,
gameSessionActivationTimeoutSeconds: 123,
maxConcurrentGameSessionActivations: 123,
serverProcesses: [{
launchPath: '/local/game/GameLiftExampleServer.x86_64',
parameters: '-logFile /local/game/logs/myserver1935.log -port 1935',
concurrentExecutions: 100,
// Or through dedicated runtimeConfiguration methods
launchPath: '/local/game/GameLiftExampleServer.x86_64',
parameters: '-logFile /local/game/logs/myserver1935.log -port 1935',
concurrentExecutions: 100,
See Managing how game servers are launched for hosting in the Amazon GameLift Developer Guide.
GameLift uses Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) resources, called instances, to deploy your game servers and host game sessions for your players. When setting up a new fleet, you decide what type of instances your game needs and how to run game server processes on them (using a runtime configuration). All instances in a fleet use the same type of resources and the same runtime configuration. You can edit a fleet's runtime configuration and other fleet properties, but the type of resources cannot be changed.
import * as gamelift from '@aws-cdk-lib/aws-gamelift';
import * as ec2 from '@aws-cdk-lib/aws-ec2';
new gamelift.BuildFleet(this, 'Game server fleet', {
content: build,
instanceType: ec2.InstanceType.of(ec2.InstanceClass.C5, ec2.InstanceSize.LARGE)
When setting up your hosting resources, you have the option of using Spot Instances, On-Demand Instances, or a combination.
By default, this property is set to ON_DEMAND.
import * as gamelift from '@aws-cdk-lib/aws-gamelift';
new gamelift.BuildFleet(this, 'Game server fleet', {
content: build,
type: FleetType.SPOT
The allowed IP address ranges and port settings that allow inbound traffic to access game sessions on this fleet.
New game sessions are assigned an IP address/port number combination, which must fall into the fleet's allowed ranges. Fleets with custom game builds must have permissions explicitly set. For Realtime Servers fleets, GameLift automatically opens two port ranges, one for TCP messaging and one for UDP.
import * as gamelift from '@aws-cdk-lib/aws-gamelift';
import * as ec2 from '@aws-cdk-lib/aws-ec2';
const fleet = new gamelift.BuildFleet(this, 'Game server fleet', {
content: build,
// Allowing all IP Addresses from port 1111 to port 1122 on TCP Protocol
fleet.addIngressRule(ec2.Peer.anyIpv4(), ec2.Port.tcp(1111), ec2.Port.tcp(1122));
// Allowing a specific CIDR for port 1111 on UDP Protocol
fleet.addIngressRule(ec2.Peer.ipv4(''), ec2.Port.udp(1111));
A single Amazon GameLift fleet has a home Region by default (the Region you deploy it to), but it can deploy resources to any number of GameLift supported Regions. Select Regions based on where your players are located and your latency needs.
By default Stack region is used.
import * as gamelift from '@aws-cdk-lib/aws-gamelift';
new gamelift.BuildFleet(this, 'Game server fleet', {
content: build
but we can add new locations if needed and define desired capacity
import * as gamelift from '@aws-cdk-lib/aws-gamelift';
// Through constructor properties
const fleet = new gamelift.BuildFleet(this, 'Game server fleet', {
content: build,
locations: [ {
name: 'eu-west-1',
desiredCapacity: 5,
minCapacity: 2,
maxCapacity: 10
}, {
name: 'us-east-1',
desiredCapacity: 5,
minCapacity: 2,
maxCapacity: 10
// Or through dedicated methods
const fleet = new gamelift.BuildFleet(this, 'Game server fleet', {
content: build
fleet.addLocation('eu-west-1', 5, 2, 10);
fleet.addLocation('us-east-1', 5, 2, 10);
GameLift is integrated with CloudWatch, so you can monitor the performance of your game servers via logs and metrics.
GameLift Fleet sends metrics to CloudWatch so that you can collect and analyze the activity of your Fleet, including game and player sessions and server processes.
You can then use CloudWatch alarms to alert you, for example, when matches has been rejected (potential matches that were rejected by at least one player since the last report) exceed a certain thresold which could means that you may have an issue in your matchmaking rules.
CDK provides methods for accessing GameLift Fleet metrics with default configuration,
such as metricActiveInstances
, or metricIdleInstances
(see IFleet
for a full list). CDK also provides a generic metric
method that can be used
to produce metric configurations for any metric provided by GameLift Fleet,
Game sessions or server processes; the configurations are pre-populated with
the correct dimensions for the matchmaking configuration.
import * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk-lib/aws-cloudwatch';
// Alarm that triggers when the per-second average of not used instances exceed 10%
const instancesUsedRatio = new cloudwatch.MathExpression({
expression: '1 - (activeInstances / idleInstances)',
usingMetrics: {
activeInstances: fleet.metricActiveInstances({ statistic: cloudwatch.Statistic.SUM }),
idleInstances: fleet.metric('IdleInstances'),
new Alarm(this, 'Alarm', {
metric: instancesUsedRatio,
threshold: 0.1,
evaluationPeriods: 3,
See: Monitoring Using CloudWatch Metrics in the Amazon GameLift Developer Guide.
Some GameLift features require you to extend limited access to your AWS resources. This is done by creating an AWS IAM role. The GameLift Fleet class automatically created an IAM role with all the minimum necessary permissions for GameLift to access your ressources. If you wish, you may specify your own IAM role.
import * as iam from '@aws-cdk-lib/aws-iam';
import * as ec2 from '@aws-cdk-lib/aws-ec2';
import * as gamelift from '@aws-cdk-lib/aws-gamelift';
const role = new iam.Role(this, 'Role', {
assumedBy: new iam.CompositePrincipale(new iam.ServicePrincipal('gamelift.amazonaws.com'),
new iam.ServicePrincipal('ec2.amazonaws.com'))
new gamelift.BuildFleet(this, 'Game server fleet', {
build = build,
role: role
If you need to access resources in your own account and you have a multi-region fleet with locations in one of the opt-in regions, add gamelift.opt-in-region.amazonaws.com to the role trust policy. The following example includes the four supported opt-in regions:
- gamelift.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com
- gamelift.me-south-1.amazonaws.com
- gamelift.af-south-1.amazonaws.com
- gamelift.eu-south-1.amazonaws.com
import * as iam from '@aws-cdk-lib/aws-iam';
import * as ec2 from '@aws-cdk-lib/aws-ec2';
import * as gamelift from '@aws-cdk-lib/aws-gamelift';
const role = new iam.Role(this, 'Role', {
assumedBy: new iam.ServicePrincipal('gamelift.amazonaws.com')
new gamelift.BuildFleet(this, 'Game server fleet', {
content = build,
role: role
A GameLift alias is used to abstract a fleet designation. Fleet designations tell Amazon GameLift where to search for available resources when creating new game sessions for players. By using aliases instead of specific fleet IDs, you can more easily and seamlessly switch player traffic from one fleet to another by changing the alias's target location.
import * as gamelift from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-gamelift';
// Either using a dedicated constructor
const alias = new gamelift.Alias(this, 'Fleet alias', {
name: 'live',
routingStrategy: RoutingStrategyType.SIMPLE,
fleet: fleet
// Or through dedicated fleet methods
const fleet = new gamelift.BuildFleet(this, 'Game server fleet', {
content: build
const liveAlias = fleet.addAlias('live');
See Add an alias to a GameLift fleet in the Amazon GameLift Developer Guide.
The game session queue is the primary mechanism for processing new game session requests and locating available game servers to host them. Although it is possible to request a new game session be hosted on specific fleet or location.
The GameSessionQueue
resource creates a placement queue that processes requests for
new game sessions. A queue uses FleetIQ algorithms to determine the best placement
locations and find an available game server, then prompts the game server to start a
new game session. Queues can have destinations (GameLift fleets or aliases), which
determine where the queue can place new game sessions. A queue can have destinations
with varied fleet type (Spot and On-Demand), instance type, and AWS Region.
import * as gamelift from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-gamelift';
const fleet = new gamelift.BuildFleet(this, 'Game server fleet', {
content: build,
//Bind a queue to a Fleet either directly into constructor
const queue = new gamelift.GameSessionQueue(this, 'Game session queue', {
destinations: [fleet]
// Or through dedicated methods
const queue = new gamelift.GameSessionQueue(this, 'Game session queue');
See Setting up GameLift queues for game session placement in the Amazon GameLift Developer Guide.
FlexMatch is available with the managed GameLift hosting for custom game servers and Realtime Servers. To add FlexMatch matchmaking to your game, you have to bind both components through a game session queue.
import * as gamelift from '@aws-cdk-lib/aws-gamelift';
const fleet = new gamelift.BuildFleet(this, 'Game server fleet', {
content: build
// Bind fllet to a queue either using constructor
const queue = new gamelift.GameSessionQueue(this, 'Game Session Queue', {
placementTimeout: Duration.seconds(10),
destinations: [fleet]
// Bind a queue to a matchmaking configuration either using constructor
const matchmaking = new gamelift.MatchmakingConfiguration(this, 'Standalone Matchmaking', {
requestTimeouts: Duration.seconds(35),
ruleSet: MatchmakingRuleSet.fromJsonFile(path.join(__dirname, 'rules.json')),
queue: queue
// Or through dedicated methods
const matchmaking = new gamelift.MatchmakingConfiguration(this, 'Standalone Matchmaking', {
requestTimeouts: Duration.seconds(35),
ruleSet: MatchmakingRuleSet.fromJsonFile(path.join(__dirname, 'rules.json'))
See: FlexMatch integration with GameLift hosting in the Amazon GameLift FlexMatch Developer Guide.
Custom prioritization settings for use by a game session queue when placing new game sessions with available game servers. When defined, this configuration replaces the default FleetIQ prioritization process, which is as follows:
If player latency data is included in a game session request, destinations and locations are prioritized first based on lowest average latency (1), then on lowest hosting cost (2), then on destination list order (3), and finally on location (alphabetical) (4). This approach ensures that the queue's top priority is to place game sessions where average player latency is lowest, and--if latency is the same--where the hosting cost is less, etc.
If player latency data is not included, destinations and locations are prioritized first on destination list order (1), and then on location (alphabetical) (2). This approach ensures that the queue's top priority is to place game sessions on the first destination fleet listed. If that fleet has multiple locations, the game session is placed on the first location (when listed alphabetically).
Changing the priority order will affect how game sessions are placed.
import * as gamelift from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-gamelift';
const fleet = new gamelift.BuildFleet(this, 'Game server fleet', {
content: build
const queue = new gamelift.GameSessionQueue(this, 'Game session queue', {
placementTimeout: Duration.seconds(10),
destinations: [fleet],
priorityConfiguration: {
locationOrder: ['eu-west-1', 'us-east-1'],
priorityOrder: [
The queue setting that determines the highest latency allowed for individual players when placing a game session. When a latency policy is in force, a game session cannot be placed with any fleet in a Region where a player reports latency higher than the cap. Latency policies are only enforced when the placement request contains player latency information.
import * as gamelift from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-gamelift';
const fleet = new gamelift.BuildFleet(this, 'Game server fleet', {
content: build
// Using either declarative in constructor
const queue = new gamelift.GameSessionQueue(this, 'Game session queue', {
placementTimeout: Duration.seconds(10),
destinations: [fleet],
playerLatencyPolicies: [{
maximumIndividualPlayerLatency: Duration.milliseconds(1000),
policyDuration: Duration.seconds(60)
// Or dedicated methods
const queue = new gamelift.GameSessionQueue(this, 'Game session queue', {
placementTimeout: Duration.seconds(10),
destinations: [fleet]
queue.addPlayerLatencyPolicy(Duration.milliseconds(1000), Duration.seconds(60));
A list of fleet locations where a game session queue can place new game sessions. You can use a filter to temporarily turn off placements for specific locations. For queues that have multi-location fleets, you can use a filter configuration allow placement with some, but not all of these locations.
import * as gamelift from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-gamelift';
const fleet = new gamelift.BuildFleet(this, 'Game server fleet', {
content: build
const queue = new gamelift.GameSessionQueue(this, 'Game session queue', {
placementTimeout: Duration.seconds(10),
destinations: [fleet],
filterConfiguration: {
allowedLocations: ['eu-west-1', 'us-east-1']
If you're using queues to manage game session placement in your game, you need a way to monitor the status of individual placement requests and take action as appropriate. Implementing event notifications is a fast and efficient method for tracking placement activity. If your game is in production, or in pre-production with high-volume placement activity, you should be using event notifications.
There are two options for setting up event notifications. You can set up an SNS topic and have GameLift publish event notifications on placement activity by referencing the topic ID in a game session queue. Alternatively, you can use Amazon CloudWatch Events, which has a suite of tools available for managing events and taking action on them.
import * as gamelift from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-gamelift';
const fleet = new gamelift.BuildFleet(this, 'Game server fleet', {
content: build
const topic = new sns.Topic(this, 'Topic');
const queue = new gamelift.GameSessionQueue(this, 'Game session queue', {
placementTimeout: Duration.seconds(10),
destinations: [fleet],
notification: new SnsDestination(topic)
The GameLift FleetIQ solution is a game hosting layer that supplements the full set of computing resource management tools that you get with Amazon EC2 and Auto Scaling. This solution lets you directly manage your Amazon EC2 and Auto Scaling resources and integrate as needed with other AWS services.
When using GameLift FleetIQ, you prepare to launch Amazon EC2 instances as usual: make an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) with your game server software, create an Amazon EC2 launch template, and define configuration settings for an Auto Scaling group. However, instead of creating an Auto Scaling group directly, you create a GameLift FleetIQ game server group with your Amazon EC2 and Auto Scaling resources and configuration. All game server groups must have at least two instance types defined for it.
Once a game server group and Auto Scaling group are up and running with instances deployed, when updating a Game Server Group instance, only certain properties in the Auto Scaling group may be overwrite. For all other Auto Scaling group properties, such as MinSize, MaxSize, and LaunchTemplate, you can modify these directly on the Auto Scaling group using the AWS Console or dedicated Api.
import * as ec2 from '@aws-cdk-lib/aws-ec2';
import * as gamelift from '@aws-cdk-lib/aws-gamelift';
const template = new ec2.LaunchTemplate(this, 'LaunchTemplate', {
machineImage: ec2.MachineImage.latestAmazonLinux(),
securityGroup: new ec2.SecurityGroup(this, 'LaunchTemplateSG', {
vpc: vpc,
new gamelift.GameServerGroup(this, 'Game server group', {
instanceDefinition = [{
instanceType: ec2.InstanceType.of(ec2.InstanceClass.C5, ec2.InstanceSize.SMALL),
weightedCapacity: 16
}, {
instanceType: ec2.InstanceType.of(ec2.InstanceClass.C5, ec2.InstanceSize.MEDIUM),
weightedCapacity: 24
launchTemplate = template,
See Manage game server groups in the Amazon GameLift FleetIQ Developer Guide.
The scaling policy uses the metric PercentUtilizedGameServers
to maintain a
buffer of idle game servers that can immediately accommodate new games and
import * as ec2 from '@aws-cdk-lib/aws-ec2';
import * as gamelift from '@aws-cdk-lib/aws-gamelift';
const template = new ec2.LaunchTemplate(this, 'LaunchTemplate', {
machineImage: ec2.MachineImage.latestAmazonLinux(),
securityGroup: new ec2.SecurityGroup(this, 'LaunchTemplateSG', {
vpc: vpc,
new gamelift.GameServerGroup(this, 'Game server group', {
instanceDefinition = [{
instanceType: ec2.InstanceType.of(ec2.InstanceClass.C5, ec2.InstanceSize.SMALL),
launchTemplate = template,
scalingPolicy: {
utilizedGameServersPercent: 66
See Manage game server groups in the Amazon GameLift FleetIQ Developer Guide.
The GameLift FleetIQ class automatically creates an IAM role with all the minimum necessary permissions for GameLift to access your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling groups. If you wish, you may specify your own IAM role. It must have the correct permissions, or FleetIQ creation or ressource usage may fail.
import * as iam from '@aws-cdk-lib/aws-iam';
import * as ec2 from '@aws-cdk-lib/aws-ec2';
import * as gamelift from '@aws-cdk-lib/aws-gamelift';
const role = new iam.Role(this, 'Role', {
assumedBy: new iam.CompositePrincipale(new iam.ServicePrincipal('gamelift.amazonaws.com'),
new iam.ServicePrincipal('autoscaling.amazonaws.com'))
new gamelift.GameServerGroup(this, 'Game server group', {
instanceDefinition = [{
instanceType: ec2.InstanceType.of(ec2.InstanceClass.C5, ec2.InstanceSize.SMALL),
launchTemplate = template,
instanceRole: role
See Controlling Access in the Amazon GameLift FleetIQ Developer Guide.
GameLift FleetIQ use by default, all supported GameLift FleetIQ Availability Zones in your chosen region. You can override this parameter to specify VPCs subnets that you've set up.
This property cannot be updated after the game server group is created, and the corresponding Auto Scaling group will always use the property value that is set with this request, even if the Auto Scaling group is updated directly.
import * as ec2 from '@aws-cdk-lib/aws-ec2';
import * as gamelift from '@aws-cdk-lib/aws-gamelift';
const vpc = new ec2.Vpc(this, 'TheVPC', {
cidr: ""
const fleet = new gamelift.GameServerGroup(this, 'FleetIQ fleet', {
instanceDefinition = [{
instanceType: ec2.InstanceType.of(ec2.InstanceClass.C5, ec2.InstanceSize.SMALL),
launchTemplate = template,
subnets: vpc.selectSubnets({
subnetType: ec2.SubnetType.PRIVATE_WITH_NAT
GameLift FleetIQ sends metrics to CloudWatch so that you can collect and analyze the activity of your Game server fleet, including the number of utilized game servers, and the number of game server interruption due to limited Spot availability.
You can then use CloudWatch alarms to alert you, for example, when the portion of game servers that are currently supporting game executions exceed a certain thresold which could means that your autoscaling policy need to be adjust to add more instances to match with player demand.
CDK provides methods for accessing GameLift metrics with default configuration,
such as metricGameServerInterruptions
, or metricAvailableGameServers
for a full list). CDK also provides a generic metric
method that can be used
to produce metric configurations for any metric provided by GameLift FleetIQ;
the configurations are pre-populated with the correct dimensions for the
matchmaking configuration.
import * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk-lib/aws-cloudwatch';
// Alarm that triggers when the percent of utilized game servers exceed 90%
new Alarm(this, 'Alarm', {
metric: fleet.metricPercentUtilizedGameServers,
threshold: 0.9,
evaluationPeriods: 2,
See: Monitoring with CloudWatch in the Amazon GameLift FleetIQ Developer Guide.
Ticking the box below indicates that the public API of this RFC has been
signed-off by the API bar raiser (the status/api-approved
label was applied to the
RFC pull request):
[ ] Signed-off by API Bar Raiser @otaviomacedo
We are launching a new module (@aws-cdk-lib/aws-gamelift
) that contains
multiple L2
construct to help consumers to manager their Fleet or Matchmaking rules. This
launch fully and fluently supports Amazon Gamelift (a fully-managed service for
hosting game servers) within the CDK.
Specify and spin up a gamer server hosting solution that deploys, operates and scales cloud servers for multiplayer games. Possibles use-cases include defining and deploying a 2vs2 multiplayer solution based on player Skills. Using GameLift with CDK smooths many configuration edges and provides seamless integrations with your existing infrastructure as code.
Create, operate, scale and deploy cloud servers for multiplayer games requires a fairly verbose configuration to set up depending on the desired matchmaking ruleset and Fleet configuration needed. For example, a fleet system binded to a matchmaking configuration synthesizes to about 400 lines of JSON/YAML from about 15 lines of Typescript code.The Fleet requires only few variables to be configured and a single method call to create and attach a matchmaking configuration. While we retain flexibility, we simplify the understanding of different components binding by replacing this comlplexity by a high level method / pattern approch.
Using Amazon GameLift without the CDK requires network configuration, instance sizing, complex permission statements and notification system, and manual intervention. We have added 10+ compile-time validations and auto-generated permissions to ensure matchmaking configuraton, queues and Fleet are correctly integrated, avoiding days of debugging errors. We have leveraged custom resources in order to perform a one-click deployment that creates an immediately functional application with no manual effort.
We are not confident that the service API is fully set in stone and implementing an L2 on top of the current L1 may be setting us up for changes in the future. We are reaching out to the service team to get their input and plans for the service to be sure we already plan new design impoact on our L2 construct design. Second topic will to update all technical contents already released to fit our new L2 implementation design.
It’s a large effort to invest in a module when we have other pressing projects. However, the design of the effort has been spent already since we have fairly robust prototypes already implemented.
-- interface to define and deploy Amazon GameLift Fleet.
// cdk.IResource: Since IFleet will extend Resource
// iam.Grantable: To allow service role to access other resources like EC2 or other GameLift endpoint
// cdk.Taggable: IFleet allows tagging
interface IFleet extends cdk.IResource, iam.Grantable, cdk.ITaggable {
readonly fleetArn: string;
readonly fleetName: string;
grant(grantee: iam.IGrantable, ...actions: string[]): iam.Grant;
metric(metricName: string, props?: cloudwatch.MetricOptions): cloudwatch.Metric;
-- Fleet class with some helper props/methods to help build GameLift Fleet and other common configuration
enum FleetType {
enum ProtectionPolicy {
NO_PROTECTION = 'NoProtection',
FULL_PROTECTION = 'FullProtection'
interface FleetProps {
readonly name?: stirng;
readonly role?: iam.Role;
readonly minSize?: number;
readonly maxSize?: number;
readonly protectionPolicy?: ProtectionPolicy;
readonly instancetype?: ec2.InstanceType;
readonly type?: FleetType;
readonly peerVpc?: vpc.IVpc[];
abstract class FleetBase implements IFleet {
constructor(protected readonly props: FleetProps = {}) {}
// Helper methods that subclasses can use to create common config
protected createLocation(...): CfnFleet.LocationConfigurationProperty | undefined;
protected createRuntimeConfiguration(...): CfnFleet.RuntimeConfigurationProperty | undefined;
protected createResourceCreationLimitPolicy(...):
CfnFleet.ResourceCreationLimitPolicyProperty | undefined;
protected createCertificateConfiguration(...):
CfnFleet.CertificateConfigurationProperty | undefined;
protected createIpPermission(...):
CfnFleet.IpPermissionProperty | undefined;
-- interface to define and deploy Amazon GameLift FleetIQ solution.
// cdk.IResource: Since IGameServerGroup will extend Resource
// iam.Grantable: To allow service role to access other resources like EC2 or other GameLift endpoint
// cdk.Taggable: IGameServerGroup allows tagging
interface IGameServerGroup extends cdk.IResource, iam.Grantable, cdk.ITaggable {
readonly groupArn: string;
readonly groupName: string;
grant(grantee: iam.IGrantable, ...actions: string[]): iam.Grant;
metric(metricName: string, props?: cloudwatch.MetricOptions): cloudwatch.Metric;
-- abstract base Ec2 Fleet class with some some helper props/methods to help build GameLift Game Server Group and other common configuration
enum BalancingStrategy {
enum DeleteOption {
interface GameServerGroupProps extends FleetProps {
readonly blancingStrategy?: BalancingStrategy;
readonly deleteOption?: DeleteOption;
readonly subnets?: vpc.ISubnet[];
abstract class GameServerGroup implements IGameServerGroup {
constructor(protected readonly props: Ec2FleetProps = {}) {}
// Helper methods that subclasses can use to create common config
protected createScalingPolicy(...): CfnGameServerGroup.ScalingPolicyProperty | undefined;
protected createLaunchTemplate(...): CfnGameServerGroup.LaunchTemplateProperty | undefined;
protected createInstanceDefinition(...):
CfnGameServerGroup.InstanceDefinitionProperty | undefined;
-- interface to define Game session queues for managing game session request and inject configuration into a matchmaking configuration.
// cdk.IResource: Since IQueue will extend Resource
// iam.Grantable: To allow service role to access other resources like Amazon GameLift fleets or other ressources
// cdk.Taggable: IQueue allows tagging
interface IQueue extends cdk.IResource, iam.Grantable, cdk.ITaggable {
readonly queueArn: string;
readonly queueName: string;
abstract bind(scope: Construct, options: QueueBindOptions): QueueConfig;
grant(grantee: iam.IGrantable, ...actions: string[]): iam.Grant;
grantView(grantee: iam.IGrantable): iam.Grant;
grantWrite(grantee: iam.IGrantable): iam.Grant;
metric(metricName: string, props?: cloudwatch.MetricOptions): cloudwatch.Metric;
// Some canned metrics as well like `metricAverageWaitTime`
-- interface to define and configure matchmaking, their corresponding ruleSet and bind it possibly to an existing Fleet.
// cdk.IResource: Since IMatchmaking will extend Resource
// iam.Grantable: To allow service role to access other resources like GameLift Fleet or Game session queue or other ressources
// cdk.Taggable: IMatchmakingConfiguration allows tagging
interface IMatchmakingConfiguration extends cdk.IResource, iam.Grantable, cdk.ITaggable {
readonly matchmakingConfigurationArn: string;
readonly matchmakingConfigurationName: string;
grant(grantee: iam.IGrantable, ...actions: string[]): iam.Grant;
grantStartMatchmaking(grantee: iam.IGrantable): iam.Grant;
metric(metricName: string, props?: cloudwatch.MetricOptions): cloudwatch.Metric;
// Some canned metrics as well like `metricMatchAccepted`
-- matchmaking configuration class with some helper props/methods to help build matchmaking ruleset and other common configuration.
enum MatchmakingMode { STANDALONE, WITH_QUEUE}
enum BackfillMode { MANUAL, AUTOMATIC}
interface MatchmakingProps {
readonly name?: string;
// The ruleSet used to definied matchmaking conditions
readonly ruleSet: IRuleSet;
readonly backfillMode?: BackfillMode;
readonly queues?: IQueue[];
readonly mode?: MatchmakingMode;
abstract class MatchmakingConfiguration implements IMatchmaking {
constructor(protected readonly props: MatchmakingConfigurationProps = {}) {}
// Helper methods that subclasses can use to create common config
protected createGameProperty(...): CfnMatchmakingConfiguration.GamePropertyProperty | undefined;
protected createRuleSet(...): CfnMatchmakingRuleSet | undefined;
protected createQueue(...):
CfnGameSessionQueue | undefined;
-- interface to define and configure matchmaking ruleSet and produce configuration that is injected into the Matchmaking definition.
// cdk.IResource: Since IMatchmakingRuleSet will extend Resource
// iam.Grantable: To allow service role to access other resources like GameLift Fleet or Game session queue or other ressources
// cdk.Taggable: IMatchmakingRuleSet allows tagging
interface IMatchmakingRuleSet extends cdk.IResource, cdk.ITaggable {
readonly ruleSetArn: string;
readonly ruleSetName: string;
abstract bind(scope: Construct, options: RuleSetBindOptions): RuleSetConfig;
metric(metricName: string, props?: cloudwatch.MetricOptions): cloudwatch.Metric;
// Some canned metrics as well like `metricRuleEvaluationsPassed`
-- absdtract base matchmaking class with some helper props/methods to help build matchmaking ruleset and other common configuration
enum PlayerAttributeType {
STRING = 'string',
NUMBER = 'number',
STRING_LIST = 'string_list',
STRING_NUMBER_MAP = 'string_number_map'
interface TeamProperty {
readonly name: string;
readonly maxPlayers: number;
readonly minPlayers: number;
readonly quantity: number;
interface PlayerAttributeProperty {
readonly name: string;
readonly type: PlayerAttributeType;
readonly default: string;
interface AlgorithmProperty {
readonly strategy: Strategy;
readonly batchingPreference: BatchingPreference;
readonly sortByAttributes: string[];
readonly expansionAgeSelection: ExpansionAgeSelection;
readonly backfillPriority: BackfillPriority;
interface RuleProperty {
readonly type: RuleType;
readonly name?: string;
readonly description?: string;
readonly measurements?: string;
readonly referenceValue: number;
readonly maxDistance: number;
readonly minDistance: number;
readonly partyAggregation: PartyAggregation;
interface MatchmakingRuleSetProps {
// Name of the actual ruleSet instance
readonly name: string
abstract class MatchmakingRuleSet implements IRuleSet {
constructor(protected readonly props: RuleSetProps = {}) {}
// Helper methods that subclasses can use to create common config
protected createTeam(...): RuleSetBase.TeamProperty | undefined;
protected createAlgorithm(...): RuleSetBase.AlgorithmProperty | undefined;
protected createRule(...): RuleSetBase.RuleProperty | undefined;
protected createPlayerAttribute(...): RuleSetBase.PlayerAttributeProperty | undefined;
to one single system to simplify design as in a high level point of viesw we are creating a game server Fleet. -
Exporting high level Matchmaking ruleSet constructs like
to an external and dedicated packageaws-gamelift-ruleset-patterns
No problems or risks of implementing this feature as a whole, though the design outlined above may have drawbacks, as detailed below in "alternative solutions".
Describe your plan on how to deliver this feature from prototyping to GA. Especially think about how to "bake" it in the open and get constant feedback from users before you stabilize the APIs.
If you have a project board with your implementation plan, this is a good place to link to it.
No specific issues identified for now.
Feel free to add any number of appendices as you see fit. Appendices are expected to allow readers to dive deeper to certain sections if they like. For example, you can include an appendix which describes the detailed design of an algorithm and reference it from the FAQ.