- CDK creates 2 Lambda (1> attach multus eni, 2> auto reboot) to attach multus ENIs to EKS managed NodeGroup.
- Basically, logic is identical to the one, CFN version.
- CFN version is only available with Self-Managed NodeGroup (because of constraints of CFN, lack of interactability - In CFN, it is not possible to find AutoScaling Group armed to EKS NodeGroup while we need this for CloudWatch Event Rule configuration).
- CDK version makes this to be available using AwsCustomResource SDK API call.
- You have to install nodejs and CDK. (unless you are using Cloud9)
sudo yum install nodejs
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.34.0/install.sh | bash
. ~/.nvm/nvm.sh
nvm install 10.23.0
sudo npm install -g npm@latest
(to install 6.14.8)
sudo npm install -g aws-cdk
After git clone https://github.com/aws-samples/eks-install-guide-for-multus
, please do..
cd eks-install-guide-for-multus/cdk/nodegroup
npm install
- Setting environmental variables according to your environment.
→ configure variables such as vpc-id, eks cluster name, multus subnetId, security group Id and so on.
cdk synth -j
cdk deploy -j
Note that because of MIME userdata, we have to use JSON format
Usually in eksworkshop, we guide customer to experience Cloud9 (AWS IDE environment). But in this workshop, plan is to provide a general environment with your own Bastion Host EC2, where you have to install kubectl tools and other tools as needed.
- We can use EC2 Instance Connect to login to EC2 instance.
- EC2->Instances->"connect" (right top corner of screen).
- click "connect"
(MAC user) Log in from your laptop
- Let's use key pair we downloaded to access to the instance.
chmod 600 ee-default-keypair.pem ssh-add ee-default-keypair.pem ssh -A [email protected]
- Copy AWS credentials; be mindful that you have to use your own not below one.
- Try whether AWS confidential is already configured well
aws sts get-caller-identity { "Account": "XXXXXXXX", "UserId": "AROAV2K6K7CXSDASDAA:MasterKey", "Arn": "arn:aws:sts::XXXXXXXXXXXXX:assumed-role/TeamRole/MasterKey" }
(Window user) Log in from your laptop
- Please use PuTTy and refer to the guide, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/putty.html
- Install multus CNI, if not already deployed.
git clone https://github.com/intel/multus-cni.git kubectl apply -f ~/multus-cni/images/multus-daemonset.yml
Create below networkAttachementDefinition and apply it to the cluster.
apiVersion: "k8s.cni.cncf.io/v1" kind: NetworkAttachmentDefinition metadata: name: ipvlan-conf-cdk spec: config: '{ "cniVersion": "0.3.0", "type": "ipvlan", "master": "eth1", "mode": "l3", "ipam": { "type": "host-local", "subnet": "", "rangeStart": "", "rangeEnd": "", "gateway": "" } }'
kubectl apply -f multus-ipvlan-cdk.yaml
Deploy dummy app using above network attachment.
apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: samplepod-cdk annotations: k8s.v1.cni.cncf.io/networks: ipvlan-conf-cdk spec: containers: - name: samplepod command: ["/bin/bash", "-c", "trap : TERM INT; sleep infinity & wait"] image: praqma/network-multitool
kubectl apply -f app-ipvlan-cdk.yaml kubectl describe pod samplepod-cdk kubectl exec -it samplepod-cdk -- /bin/bash root@samplepod:/# ip a
cd eks-install-guide-for-multus/cdk/nodegroup/
cdk destroy
- If you see any error, please clean up via console by deleting CDK stack