This terraform module provides complimentary capabilities to COPY command by enabling data copy from S3 API compliant storage solutions such as Cloudian, MinIO, and Weka into Amazon Redshift with AWS Lambda UDF (User Defined Function).
module "udf" {
source = "aws-ia/redshift-copy-udf/aws"
version = "~> 1.0"
name = "redshift-copy-udf"
memory_size = 128
timeout = 5
vpc_subnet_ids = null # replace with comma separated values
security_group_ids = null # replace with comma separated values
storage_url = null # replace with storage url
storage_user = null # replace with storage user
storage_pass = null # replace with storage pass
storage_token = null # replace with storage token (optional)
storage_secret_arn = null # replace with secrets manager arn (optional)