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An Introduction to Lean

Theorem Proving in Lean

Assertions in Dependent Type Theory

We have seen that dependent type theory is flexible enough to encode a broad array of data types and objects. A simple device makes it possible to encode any assertion you might want to make, as well: there is a type Prop, whose elements are taken to be propositions. The usual logical connectives are simply functions that take propositions and return a proposition.

variables p q r : Prop

#check and  -- Prop → Prop → Prop
#check or   -- Prop → Prop → Prop
#check not  -- Prop → Prop

#check p ∧ (p → r)
#check p ∧ ¬ (q ∨ ¬ r)

There is no corresponding constant for implication: if p and q are propositions, the arrow in p → q is in fact an instance of the arrow used to construct function spaces. We will return to this in the next section.

A predicate on a type α is a function from α to Prop, and a binary relation on α is a function that takes two arguments in α and returns an element of Prop.

variables p q : ℕ → Prop
variable  r : ℕ → ℕ → Prop
variables m n : ℕ

#check p m ∧ q n
#check p m ∧ ¬ r m n → q n 

#check ∀ x, p x → q x
#check ∀ x, ∃ y, r x y

The universal quantifier is really an instance of the dependent function space construction; again, more on this in the next section. Lean notation supports bounded quantifiers:

variables p q : ℕ → Prop
variable  n : ℕ

#check ∀ x ≤ n, p x → q x 

variables (α : Type) (s t : list α) (a b : α) 

#check ∀ x ∈ s, x ∈ t
-- END

With these resources, we can start writing substantial mathematical assertions:

namespace nat

def dvd (m n : ℕ) : Prop := ∃ k, n = m * k

instance : has_dvd ℕ := ⟨dvd⟩

def even (n : ℕ) : Prop := 2 ∣ n

def prime (p : ℕ) : Prop := p ≥ 2 ∧ ∀ n, n ∣ p → n = 1 ∨ n = p

def Fermat : Prop := ∀ n > 2, ∀ (a b c : ℕ), a ≠ 0 → b ≠ 0 → a^n + b^n ≠ c^n

def Goldbach : Prop := ∀ n > 2, even n → ∃ p q, prime p ∧ prime q ∧ n = p + q

def twin_primes : Prop := ∀ n, ∃ p > n, prime p ∧ prime (p + 2)
-- END
end nat

Of course, what we really want are means to prove such assertions, which is what we turn to next.

Propositions as Types

Given the expressive power of dependent type theory, it should by now not be too surprisingly that the language is rich enough to encode proofs as well. In fact, the CIC employs a device known as the Curry-Howard isomorphism, or propositions as types, that makes writing and checking proofs especially convenient. Remember that if φ is any expression of type Prop, we are thinking of φ as a proposition, or an assertion. In that case, we think of an term t : φ as being a proof of φ. The rules of CIC support this interpretation: given t : φ → ψ and s : φ, then t s : ψ describes the result of using modus ponens. To construct a proof of φ → ψ, it suffices to construct a proof of t : ψ, assuming hypothetically x : φ. The resulting proof is written λ x, t, which is to say, the proof is an instance of lambda abstraction.

Similar considerations hold of the universal quantifier. The net effect is that we can use the same notation we use for function application to apply theorems to parameters and hypotheses. For example, the theorem and.left in the standard library has the following type:

∀ {a b : Prop}, a ∧ b → a

Notice that the arguments a and b are implicit. This means that if h is any expression of the form a ∧ b, then and.left h : a is a proof of a. Similarly, add_comm, which expresses the commutativity of addition for any type that can be seen as an instance of an additive, commutative semigroup has the following type

∀ {α : Type u} [s : add_comm_semigroup α] (a b : α), a + b = b + a

The second argument, that is, the relevant algebraic structure, is inferred by class inference. Given, say, m n : ℕ, the expression add_comm m n then represents the fact that m + n = n + m.

Now the task of proving a proposition boils down to the task of constructing an expression of the right type, and Lean is designed to help us do this. We can provide such an expression explicitly:

example (a b : Prop) : a ∧ b → b ∧ a :=
λ h, and.intro (and.right h) (and.left h)

We can use projections and anonymous constructors to express the proof even more concisely, though somewhat cryptically:

example (a b : Prop) : a ∧ b → b ∧ a :=
λ h, ⟨h.right, h.left⟩

In the opposite direction, Lean provides syntactic sugar that allows us to annotation assumptions and goals, and build a proof incrementally:

example (a b : Prop) : a ∧ b → b ∧ a :=
assume h : a ∧ b, 
have ha : a, from and.left h,
have hb : b, from and.right h,
show b ∧ a, from and.intro hb ha

You can write proofs incrementally using sorry to temporarily fill in any intermediate step.

example (a b : Prop) : a ∧ b → b ∧ a :=
assume h : a ∧ b, 
have ha : a, from sorry,
have hb : b, from sorry,
show b ∧ a, from and.intro hb ha

Lean notices that you are cheating, but will otherwise confirm that the proof is correct modulo the instances of sorry. Replacing one of them by an underscore tells Lean that it should infer the value of that expression. Lean’s elaborator will not prove propositions for us without explicit instructions to do so, but the error message will show you exactly what needs to be proved, and what hypotheses are available.

Lean supports the use of tactics, which are instructions which tell the system how to construct a term or proof.

example (a b : Prop) : a ∧ b → b ∧ a :=
  intro h, cases h, split, 
  repeat { assumption } 

These commands can be used to invoke automation, like the simplifier:

example (a b : Prop) : a ∧ b → b ∧ a :=
begin intro, simp_using_hs end

Anywhere Lean’s parser expects an expression, you can enter tactic mode with a begin ... end block, or with the by keyword.

example (a b : Prop) : a ∧ b → b ∧ a :=
assume h : a ∧ b, 
have ha : a, from h.left,
have hb : b, from h.right,
show b ∧ a, 
  begin split, repeat { assumption } end

Conversely, in a begin ... end block, Lean provides various ways of specifying an explicit term:

example (a b : Prop) : a ∧ b → b ∧ a :=
  intro h, cases h with ha hb,
  exact and.intro hb ha

We can even pass back and forth between the two modes freely:

example (a b : Prop) : a ∧ b → b ∧ a :=
  intro h, cases h with ha hb,
  exact and.intro (by assumption) (by assumption)

This lets us write proofs in a manner that lays out the structure explicitly and provides briefer hints and instructions where appropriate, just as in an ordinary mathematical proof.

When writing proof terms explicitly, Lean provides the word suppose to introduce an assumption without a label, and the label can be ommitted in the have command as well. In this case, we can refer to the anonymous fact that was most recently added to the context with the keyword this. We can also refer to them by surrounding the statement of the proposition with French quotes, obtained by typing \f< and \f>.

example (a b : Prop) : a ∧ b → b ∧ a :=
suppose a ∧ b,
have a, from this.left,
have b, from ‹a ∧ b›.right,
show b ∧ a, from and.intro ‹b› ‹a› 

These anonymous elements of the context are also visible to tactics and automation:

example (a b : Prop) : a ∧ b → b ∧ a :=
suppose a ∧ b,
have a, from this.left,
have b, from ‹a ∧ b›.right,
show b ∧ a, begin split, repeat { assumption } end

example (a b : Prop) : a ∧ b → b ∧ a :=
suppose a ∧ b,
have a, from this.left,
have b, from ‹a ∧ b›.right,
show b ∧ a, by simp_using_hs

Induction and Calculation

Because inductive types are so fundamental, Lean’s proof language provides a number of ways of carrying out proofs by induction. Suppose, for example, we define exponentiation generically in any monoid.

namespace hide

universe u
variable {α : Type u}
variable [monoid α]

open nat

def pow (a : α) : ℕ → α
| 0       := 1
| (n + 1) := a * pow n

infix `^` := pow

theorem pow_zero (a : α) : a^0 = 1 := rfl

theorem pow_succ (a : α) (n : ℕ) : a^(succ n) = a * a^n := rfl
-- END

end hide

We use the rewrite tactic rw to rewrite an expression with a sequence of identities.

The theorem pow_succ states that a^(succ n) = a * a^n. The monoid in question is not assumed to be commutative, so it requires a proof by induction to show that a^(succ n) = a^n * a.

namespace hide
universe u
variable {α : Type u}
variable [monoid α]

open nat

def pow (a : α) : ℕ → α
| 0       := 1
| (n + 1) := a * pow n

infix `^` := pow

theorem pow_zero (a : α) : a^0 = 1 := rfl

theorem pow_succ (a : α) (n : ℕ) : a^(succ n) = a * a^n := rfl

theorem pow_succ' (a : α) (n : ℕ) : a^(succ n) = a^n * a :=
nat.rec_on n
  (show a^(succ 0) = a^0 * a, 
    by simp [pow_zero, one_mul, pow_succ])
  (take n,
    assume ih : a^(succ n) = a^n * a,
    show a^(succ (succ n)) = a^(succ n) * a,
      by rw [pow_succ, ih, -mul_assoc, -pow_succ, ih])
-- END

end hide

By propositions as types, the same principle nat.rec_on governs both induction and recursion on the natural numbers, and works as you would expect: you prove the base case, and then carry out the induction step. Lean has a special proof mode, calc, that facilitates writing calculational proofs. It can be used in this case to make the argument more readable:

namespace hide
universe u
variable {α : Type u}
variable [monoid α]

open nat

def pow (a : α) : ℕ → α
| 0       := 1
| (n + 1) := a * pow n

infix `^` := pow

theorem pow_zero (a : α) : a^0 = 1 := rfl

theorem pow_succ (a : α) (n : ℕ) : a^(succ n) = a * a^n := rfl

theorem pow_succ' (a : α) (n : ℕ) : a^(succ n) = a^n * a :=
nat.rec_on n
  (show a^(succ 0) = a^0 * a, 
    by simp [pow_zero, one_mul, pow_succ])
  (take n,
    assume ih : a^(succ n) = a^n * a,
    show a^(succ (succ n)) = a^(succ n) * a, from
        a^(succ (succ n)) = a * a^(succ n) : by rw pow_succ
                      ... = a * (a^n * a)  : by rw ih
                      ... = (a * a^n) * a  : by rw mul_assoc
                      ... = a^(succ n) * a : by rw -pow_succ)
-- END

end hide

The calc mode can be used with inequalities and transitive relations that have been registered with the system.

By the propositions-as-types correspondence, induction is just a form of recursion, and so the function definition system can be used to write proofs by induction as well.

namespace hide
universe u
variable {α : Type u}
variable [monoid α]

open nat

def pow (a : α) : ℕ → α
| 0       := 1
| (n + 1) := a * pow n

infix `^` := pow

theorem pow_zero (a : α) : a^0 = 1 := rfl

theorem pow_succ (a : α) (n : ℕ) : a^(succ n) = a * a^n := rfl

theorem pow_succ' (a : α) : ∀ n, a^(succ n) = a^n * a
| 0        := by simp [pow_zero, one_mul, pow_succ]
| (succ n) := by rw [pow_succ, pow_succ' n, -mul_assoc,
                       -pow_succ, pow_succ' n]
-- END

end hide

Here the rewrite tactic uses the inductive hypothesis pow_succ' n. In an inductive proof like this, structurally decreasing calls can be used.

Finally, one can write a tactic proof using the induction tactic, which will revert any hypotheses in the context that depend on the induction variable and then generalize them again. The with clause names the variable used in the inductive step, as well as the inductive hypothesis.

namespace hide
universe u
variable {α : Type u}
variable [monoid α]

open nat

def pow (a : α) : ℕ → α
| 0       := 1
| (n + 1) := a * pow n

infix `^` := pow

theorem pow_zero (a : α) : a^0 = 1 := rfl

theorem pow_succ (a : α) (n : ℕ) : a^(succ n) = a * a^n := rfl

theorem pow_succ' (a : α) (n : ℕ) : a^(succ n) = a^n * a :=
  induction n with n ih,
  { simp [pow_zero, one_mul, pow_succ] },
  rw [pow_succ, ih, -mul_assoc, -pow_succ, ih]
-- END

end hide

Here is another example of proof that uses the induction tactic.

namespace hide
universe u
variable {α : Type u}
variable [monoid α]

open nat

def pow (a : α) : ℕ → α
| 0       := 1
| (n + 1) := a * pow n

infix `^` := pow

theorem pow_zero (a : α) : a^0 = 1 := rfl

theorem pow_succ (a : α) (n : ℕ) : a^(succ n) = a * a^n := rfl

theorem pow_succ' (a : α) (n : ℕ) : a^(succ n) = a^n * a :=
  induction n with n ih,
  { simp [pow_zero, one_mul, pow_succ] },
  rw [pow_succ, ih, -mul_assoc, -pow_succ, ih]

theorem pow_add (a : α) (m n : ℕ) : a^(m + n) = a^m * a^n :=
  induction n with n ih,
  { simp [add_zero, pow_zero, mul_one] },
  rw [add_succ, pow_succ', ih, pow_succ', mul_assoc]
-- END

end hide

Recall the recursive definitions of the append and length functions for lists from Section 3.2.

namespace hide
open list

universe u
variable {α : Type u}

def append : list α → list α → list α
| []       l := l
| (h :: s) t := h :: (append s t)

def length : list α → nat
| []       := 0
| (a :: l) := length l + 1
-- END

end hide

The natural way to prove things about these is to use induction on lists. Here are some examples.

universe u
variable {α : Type u}

open nat list

theorem append_nil (t : list α) : t ++ [] = t :=
begin induction t with a t ih, reflexivity, simp [nil_append, cons_append, ih] end

theorem append.assoc (s t u : list α) : s ++ t ++ u = s ++ (t ++ u) :=
begin induction s with a s ih, reflexivity, simp [cons_append, ih] end

theorem length_append (s t : list α) : length (s ++ t) = length s + length t :=
  induction s with a s ih, 
  simp [nil_append, length], 
  simp [length_cons, cons_append, ih] 

theorem eq_nil_of_length_eq_zero : ∀ {l : list α}, length l = 0 → l = []
| []     h := rfl
| (a::s) h := by contradiction

theorem ne_nil_of_length_eq_succ : ∀ {l : list α} {n : nat}, length l = succ n → l ≠ []
| []     n h := by contradiction
| (a::l) n h := begin intro leq, contradiction end
-- END

The first three are tactic-style proofs, whereas the last two use the function definition package


[To do: describe all the axioms of Lean, including classical axioms.]