Utilizing AutoHotKey to improve your productivity by operating fully via your keyboard!
Install AutoHotkey(v1.1). AutoHotkey 2 is not supported currently. You can either download them from official websites or by Chocolatey:
choco install autohotkey
Then clone this repository add run "init.ahk", "proxy-menu.ahk" and "sync.ahk" to enable all the functions. You can also run "init.ahk" to enable the hotkeys.
Currently, all the hotkeys are based on a MacBook-style keyboard layout. You have to adjust the keyboard layout by updating the registry. You can use SharpKeys to help you manage it. Note that softwares such as using PowerToys or AutoHotKey itself may not work.
If you are using an ordinary keyboard for PC, you can change the hotkeys by running following commands in Command Prompt or PowerShell:
REG ADD "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout" /v "Scancode Map" /t REG_BINARY /d 0000000000000000060000001D0038005BE01D0038005BE01DE038E038E01DE000000000
Otherwise, if you are using a MacBook-style keyboard, run the following command:
REG ADD "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout" /v "Scancode Map" /t REG_BINARY /d 0000000000000000040000005BE01D001D005BE01DE05CE000000000
You can also specify target mappings in keybindings. The main script will directly update the registry. Note that you need to log out and log in to make the changes take effect.
Some codes are taken from the following repositories: