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User Configuration File

crab-dev edited this page Jun 24, 2020 · 19 revisions

Table of Contents

  1. Settings Table
  2. Controls Table
  3. Autostarting Programs
  4. Starting External Processes with Keybindings

Settings Table

The settings table [settings] is used to define default values; all settings are listed below.

gapSize - The size of the gap between windows and the edges of the screen

borderWidth - The width of the border around each window

borderColorFocused - The color of the border of the focused window (hex value, e.g. #22CC11)

borderColorUnfocused - The color of the border of unfocused windows (hex value, e.g. #22CC11)

barHeight - The height of the built-it status bar

barBackgroundColor - The background color of the status bar (hex value, e.g. #22CC11)

barForegroundColor - The foreground color of the status bar (hex value, e.g. #22CC11)

barSelectionColor - The selection color of the status bar (hex value, e.g. #22CC11)

barFonts - A list of fonts (in order of priority) used to render text on the bar

Controls Table

The controls table [controls] defines keybindings that control the window manager.

Each action/control has a list of modifiers (which must all be pressed), and a list of keys (where any could be pressed), to trigger the action/control.

focusPrevious - Focuses the previous window

focusNext - Focuses the next window

moveWindowPrevious - Moves the window to the previous position in the window stack

moveWindowNext - Moves the window to the next position in the window stack

toggleFullscreen - Toggles the fullscreen state of the selected window

destroySelectedWindow - Destroys the selected window

moveWindowToTag - Moves the selected window to the tag associated with the pressed number

goToTag - Views the selected tag

goToPreviousTag - Views the previously viewed tag

focusPreviousMonitor - Focuses the previous monitor (wraps around to the last monitor)

focusNextMonitor - Focuses the next monitor (wraps around to the first monitor)

moveWindowToPreviousMonitor - Moves the selected window to the previous monitor

moveWindowToNextMonitor - Moves the selected window to the next monitor

increaseMasterCount - Increases the number of master windows in the layout

decreaseMasterCount - Decreases the number of master windows in the layout

toggleFloating - Toggles the floating state of the selected window

Autostarting Programs

The autostart table [autostart] allows for a list of strings which will be executed by your shell when Nimdow is first started.


exec = [

Starting External Processes with Keybindings

To declare a keybinding to start an external process, use the format below:

command = "dmenu_run"
keys = [ "p" ]
modifiers = [ "super" ]

command = "maim -sou > out.png"
keys = [ "s" ]
modifiers = [ "super", "shift" ]
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