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crab-dev edited this page Jun 24, 2020 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the Nimdow wiki!

Table of Contents

  1. Settings Table
  2. Controls Table
  3. Autostarting Programs
  4. Starting External Processes with Keybindings

User Configuration File

Settings Table

The settings table [settings] is used to define default values; all settings are listed below.

gapSize - The size of the gap between windows and the edges of the screen

borderWidth - The width of the border around each window

borderColorFocused - The color of the border of the focused window (hex value, e.g. #22CC11)

borderColorUnfocused - The color of the border of unfocused windows (hex value, e.g. #22CC11)

barHeight - The height of the built-it status bar

barBackgroundColor - The background color of the status bar (hex value, e.g. #22CC11)

barForegroundColor - The foreground color of the status bar (hex value, e.g. #22CC11)

barSelectionColor - The selection color of the status bar (hex value, e.g. #22CC11)

barFonts - A list of fonts (in order of priority) used to render text on the bar

Controls Table

The controls table [controls] defines keybindings that control the window manager.

Each action/control has a list of modifiers (which must all be pressed), and a list of keys (where any could be pressed), to trigger the action/control.

focusPrevious - Focuses the previous window

focusNext - Focuses the next window

moveWindowPrevious - Moves the window to the previous position in the window stack

moveWindowNext - Moves the window to the next position in the window stack

toggleFullscreen - Toggles the fullscreen state of the selected window

destroySelectedWindow - Destroys the selected window

moveWindowToTag - Moves the selected window to the tag associated with the pressed number

goToTag - Views the selected tag

goToPreviousTag - Views the previously viewed tag

focusPreviousMonitor - Focuses the previous monitor (wraps around to the last monitor)

focusNextMonitor - Focuses the next monitor (wraps around to the first monitor)

moveWindowToPreviousMonitor - Moves the selected window to the previous monitor

moveWindowToNextMonitor - Moves the selected window to the next monitor

increaseMasterCount - Increases the number of master windows in the layout

decreaseMasterCount - Decreases the number of master windows in the layout

toggleFloating - Toggles the floating state of the selected window

Autostarting Programs

The autostart table [autostart] allows for a list of strings which will be executed by your shell when Nimdow is first started.


exec = [

Starting External Processes with Keybindings

To declare a keybinding to start an external process, use the format below:

command = "dmenu_run"
keys = [ "p" ]
modifiers = [ "super" ]

command = "maim -sou > out.png"
keys = [ "s" ]
modifiers = [ "super", "shift" ]
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