avalanche-conformance is a tool used to ensure code is compatible with avalanchego. The tool performs byte level checking for the avalanchego codec as well as key generations. The code is run against a live avalanchego node.
avalanche-conformance is a gRPC server that accepts client connections on a configurable port. A client library is also provided.
go install -v ./cmd/avalanchego-conformance
avalanchego-conformance server \
--port 9090 \
--grpc-gateway-port 9091
The following gRPC messages are implemented by the gRPC server:
- CertificateToNodeId
- Secp256K1RecoverHashPublicKey
- Secp256K1Info
- BlsSignature
Node Messages
- AcceptedFrontier
- AcceptedStateSummary
- Accepted
- Ancestors
- AppGossip
- AppRequest
- AppResponse
- Chits
- GetAcceptedFrontier
- GetAcceptedStateSummary
- GetAccepted
- GetAncestors
- GetStateSummaryFrontier
- Get
- Peerlist
- Ping
- Pong
- PullQuery
- PushQuery
- Put
- StateSummaryFrontier
- Version
Vertex Messages
- BuildVertex
Server Messages
- PingService