WAVE AUV - Arizona State University | Paper
- Subsonus hydrophone - its own software - 8 hydrophones
NIT Rourkela | Paper
- H1C Hydrophones - Algorithm in development phase
- Acoustic Pinger - Teledyne Benthos ALP-365 Pinger
- MATLAB along with liquid DSP and Aquila libraries is being used for algorithm development and debugging
IIT Bombay | Paper
- In-house DAQ(Digital Acquisition) communication interface
IIT Kanpur | Paper
- Were not able to implement it after testing it for months
AVBotz | Paper
- 3-stage bespoke processing board -- preamp
- Custom made PCB
- Acquisition -- Pmod ADI analog-to-Digital Converter
- Xilinx Arctic 7 FPGA based on Microblaze
CUAUV | Paper
- Implemented but only talked about the In-house circuit board --
Duke Robotics Club | Paper
- Saleae Logic 8
- sampling 4 Channel at a rate of 625k sample/second
- 5th order Chebyeshev type II digital band-pass filter
Ryerson | Paper
- Uses Raspberry Pi Compute Module 3 (CM3)
- communicates to a MAX10043 16-bit simultaneously sampling ADC through a high speed SPI protocol
EMU | Paper
- Hydrophones arranged in a Uniform Rectangular Array (URA)
- STM32 Development Board
- Configuration with ROS
- Placement of the Hydrophones on the hull
- FPGA Xilinx Zynq-7010.
Harbin University | Paper
- Physical system block diagram of underwater acoustic communication
iHub - AS Marine UV | Paper
- Tiva C board is being used to analyze the signal
ZEABUS | Paper
- Hydrophone Processing Module and its software integration
BubbleBee - NUS | Paper
- Acoustic Sub-System -- custom Data Acquisition (DAQ)
- Uses USB to communicate with the SBC (Session Board Controller)
North Carolina State UR | Paper
- Use of USB Oscilloscope
- DIP Switch - for distinguishing pings
- the intersection of hyperboloids was susceptible to noise -- found only angle rahter than angle and distance
Texas A&M Women in Engineering AUV | Paper
- Arduino UNO for analog to digital converter
Centre for Robotics Development (CRD) | Paper
- Custom Hydrophones and hydrophone boards
OSU - Ohio State University | Paper
- ZEM5305 FPGA
University of Victoria | Paper
- Hydrophone Preamp Board
University of Folrida | Paper
- Sylphase -- Custom made PCB
University of Alberta | Paper Kyutech UR | Paper San Diego Robotics 101 | Paper Team Inspiration 2019 | Paper