diff --git a/docs/datasets.html b/docs/datasets.html
index 8a0a89a..1ac85fb 100644
--- a/docs/datasets.html
+++ b/docs/datasets.html
@@ -80,6 +80,58 @@
Module dsm.datasets
return e, t
+def _load_framingham_dataset(sequential):
+ """Helper function to load and preprocess the Framingham dataset.
+ The Framingham Dataset is a subset of 4,434 participants of the well known,
+ ongoing Framingham Heart study [1] for studying epidemiology for
+ hypertensive and arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease. It is a popular
+ dataset for longitudinal survival analysis with time dependent covariates.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ sequential: bool
+ If True returns a list of np.arrays for each individual.
+ else, returns collapsed results for each time step. To train
+ recurrent neural models you would typically use True.
+ References
+ ----------
+ [1] Dawber, Thomas R., Gilcin F. Meadors, and Felix E. Moore Jr.
+ "Epidemiological approaches to heart disease: the Framingham Study."
+ American Journal of Public Health and the Nations Health 41.3 (1951).
+ """
+ data = pkgutil.get_data(__name__, 'datasets/framingham.csv')
+ data = pd.read_csv(io.BytesIO(data))
+ dat_cat = data[['SEX', 'CURSMOKE', 'DIABETES', 'BPMEDS',
+ 'educ', 'PREVCHD', 'PREVAP', 'PREVMI',
+ dat_num = data[['TOTCHOL', 'AGE', 'SYSBP', 'DIABP',
+ x1 = pd.get_dummies(dat_cat).values
+ x2 = dat_num.values
+ x = np.hstack([x1, x2])
+ time = (data['TIMEDTH'] - data['TIME']).values
+ event = data['DEATH'].values
+ x = SimpleImputer(missing_values=np.nan, strategy='mean').fit_transform(x)
+ x_ = StandardScaler().fit_transform(x)
+ if not sequential:
+ return x_, time, event
+ else:
+ x, t, e = [], [], []
+ for id_ in sorted(list(set(data['RANDID']))):
+ x.append(x_[data['RANDID'] == id_])
+ t.append(time[data['RANDID'] == id_])
+ e.append(event[data['RANDID'] == id_])
+ return x, t, e
def _load_pbc_dataset(sequential):
"""Helper function to load and preprocess the PBC dataset
@@ -176,8 +228,8 @@ Module dsm.datasets
dataset: str
- The choice of dataset to load. Currently implemented is 'SUPPORT'
- and 'PBC'.
+ The choice of dataset to load. Currently implemented is 'SUPPORT',
**kwargs: dict
Dataset specific keyword arguments.
@@ -188,14 +240,16 @@ Module dsm.datasets
event times and the censoring indicators respectively.
+ sequential = kwargs.get('sequential', False)
if dataset == 'SUPPORT':
return _load_support_dataset()
if dataset == 'PBC':
- sequential = kwargs.get('sequential', False)
return _load_pbc_dataset(sequential)
+ if dataset == 'FRAMINGHAM':
+ return _load_framingham_dataset(sequential)
- return NotImplementedError('Dataset '+dataset+' not implemented.')
+ raise NotImplementedError('Dataset '+dataset+' not implemented.')
@@ -239,8 +293,8 @@
: str
-- The choice of dataset to load. Currently implemented is 'SUPPORT'
-and 'PBC'.
+- The choice of dataset to load. Currently implemented is 'SUPPORT',
: dict
- Dataset specific keyword arguments.
@@ -260,8 +314,8 @@ Returns
dataset: str
- The choice of dataset to load. Currently implemented is 'SUPPORT'
- and 'PBC'.
+ The choice of dataset to load. Currently implemented is 'SUPPORT',
**kwargs: dict
Dataset specific keyword arguments.
@@ -272,14 +326,16 @@ Returns
event times and the censoring indicators respectively.
+ sequential = kwargs.get('sequential', False)
if dataset == 'SUPPORT':
return _load_support_dataset()
if dataset == 'PBC':
- sequential = kwargs.get('sequential', False)
return _load_pbc_dataset(sequential)
+ if dataset == 'FRAMINGHAM':
+ return _load_framingham_dataset(sequential)
- return NotImplementedError('Dataset '+dataset+' not implemented.')
+ raise NotImplementedError('Dataset '+dataset+' not implemented.')
diff --git a/docs/dsm_api.html b/docs/dsm_api.html
index d8009a2..b8a190a 100644
--- a/docs/dsm_api.html
+++ b/docs/dsm_api.html
@@ -142,7 +142,6 @@ Module dsm.dsm_api
A numpy array of the event/censoring times, \( t \).
e: np.ndarray
A numpy array of the event/censoring indicators, \( \delta \).
\( \delta = 1 \) means the event took place.
vsize: float
Amount of data to set aside as the validation set.
@@ -259,6 +258,7 @@ Module dsm.dsm_api
"before calling `predict_risk`.")
class DeepRecurrentSurvivalMachines(DeepSurvivalMachines):
__doc__ = "..warning:: Not Implemented"
@@ -321,6 +321,7 @@ Inherited members
Expand source code
class DeepRecurrentSurvivalMachines(DeepSurvivalMachines):
__doc__ = "..warning:: Not Implemented"
@@ -467,7 +468,6 @@ Example
A numpy array of the event/censoring times, \( t \).
e: np.ndarray
A numpy array of the event/censoring indicators, \( \delta \).
\( \delta = 1 \) means the event took place.
vsize: float
Amount of data to set aside as the validation set.
@@ -601,10 +601,8 @@ Parameters
: np.ndarray
A numpy array of the event/censoring times, t .
: np.ndarray
-A numpy array of the event/censoring indicators, \delta .
- \delta = 1 means the event took place.
+A numpy array of the event/censoring indicators, \delta .
+ \delta = 1 means the event took place.
: float
Amount of data to set aside as the validation set.
: int
@@ -641,7 +639,6 @@ Parameters
A numpy array of the event/censoring times, \( t \).
e: np.ndarray
A numpy array of the event/censoring indicators, \( \delta \).
\( \delta = 1 \) means the event took place.
vsize: float
Amount of data to set aside as the validation set.
diff --git a/docs/dsm_torch.html b/docs/dsm_torch.html
index 36d8a1d..3459ffb 100644
--- a/docs/dsm_torch.html
+++ b/docs/dsm_torch.html
@@ -281,7 +281,6 @@ Module dsm.dsm_torch
self.embedding = nn.RNN(inputdim, hidden, layers,
bias=False, batch_first=True)
- #self.embedding = nn.ReLU6(self.embedding)
def forward(self, x):
@@ -518,7 +517,6 @@ Parameters
self.embedding = nn.RNN(inputdim, hidden, layers,
bias=False, batch_first=True)
- #self.embedding = nn.ReLU6(self.embedding)
def forward(self, x):
diff --git a/docs/index.html b/docs/index.html
index f460ff4..658f5b4 100644
--- a/docs/index.html
+++ b/docs/index.html
@@ -63,7 +63,13 @@ Deep Recurrent Survival Machines
model and allows for learning of representations of the input covariates using
Recurrent Neural Networks like LSTMs, GRUs. Deep Recurrent Survival
Machines is a natural fit to model problems where there are time dependendent
+covariates. Examples include situations where we are working with streaming
+data like vital signs, degradation monitoring signals in predictive
+maintainance. DRSM allows the learnt representations at each time step to
+involve historical context from previous time steps. DRSM implementation in
is carried out through an easy to use API that accepts lists of data
+streams and corresponding failure times. The module automatically takes care of
+appropriate batching and padding of variable length sequences.
Warning: Not Implemented Yet!
@@ -188,7 +194,14 @@ License
model and allows for learning of representations of the input covariates using
**Recurrent Neural Networks** like **LSTMs, GRUs**. Deep Recurrent Survival
Machines is a natural fit to model problems where there are time dependendent
+covariates. Examples include situations where we are working with streaming
+data like vital signs, degradation monitoring signals in predictive
+maintainance. **DRSM** allows the learnt representations at each time step to
+involve historical context from previous time steps. **DRSM** implementation in
+`dsm` is carried out through an easy to use API that accepts lists of data
+streams and corresponding failure times. The module automatically takes care of
+appropriate batching and padding of variable length sequences.
..warning:: Not Implemented Yet!
diff --git a/docs/losses.html b/docs/losses.html
index 5df6074..b104f8c 100644
--- a/docs/losses.html
+++ b/docs/losses.html
@@ -192,8 +192,6 @@ Module dsm.losses
alpha = model.discount
shape, scale, logits = model.forward(x)
- #print (shape, scale, logits)
k_ = shape
b_ = scale
@@ -258,7 +256,7 @@ Module dsm.losses
b_ = scale
t_horz = torch.tensor(t_horizon).double()
- t_horz = t_horz.repeat(x.shape[0], 1)
+ t_horz = t_horz.repeat(shape.shape[0], 1)
cdfs = []
for j in range(len(t_horizon)):
@@ -292,7 +290,7 @@ Module dsm.losses
b_ = scale
t_horz = torch.tensor(t_horizon).double()
- t_horz = t_horz.repeat(x.shape[0], 1)
+ t_horz = t_horz.repeat(shape.shape[0], 1)
cdfs = []