This page summarizes all materials related to AGL Application Framework
The current code of AGL App-Framework is stored on AGL Code Repository. It's divided in the following projects:
- src/app-framework-main Main services
- src/app-framework-binder: Binder Daemon
- src/app-framework-demo Demos
The Application Framework can be added easily to an AGL build using the feature 'agl-appfw-smack'.
Typically, the following command can be called to initialize AGL build:
# meta-agl/scripts/ -m porter agl-appfw-smack agl-demo agl-devel
# bitbake agl-demo-platform
Technical documentation is maintained in the source code and should be browsable with the upcoming AGL documentation system
Temporarily, a static documentation has been made in PDF format:
Some extra guides are also available in PDF format:
- Build your 1st AGL Application
- Applications Templates are available on github:iotbzh/app-framework-templates
Some bindings are available to quickstart new projects:
- GPS - see github:iotbzh/af-gps-binding
- OpenXC Reader - see github:iotbzh/txc-demo
- CPU/Memory stats - see github:iotbzh/txc-demo
- Radio - see gerrit:src/app-framework-binder
- Audio - see gerrit:src/app-framework-binder
The list is not exhaustive. Please add other bindings here !
- Simple HTML5 Demos apps (ported from Tizen) on github:iotbzh/afm-widget-examples
- Installable package with TXC Demo Application
- Applications available in gerrit:app-framework-demo
- Oct 16 - Application Security Model - Status Update
- Sept 16 - Building Applications with AGL Framework - Also visible in PDF version
- Feb 16 - HTML5 Apps for Automotive Systems
- Feb 16 - Application & Security Framework Proposal AGL 2.0
- Jan 16 - Security Architecture Proposal
To get the background and motivation on why Application Framework has been rewritten:
Tizen AGL
App/OS isolation yes yes
Container option no possible
Native App partial* yes
HTML5 App yes yes
Cloud App No yes
Unified API (HTLM/Native) No yes
service as App** No yes
Adding API *** core core or App
Devel model bespoke Standard Web