diff --git a/docs/resources/connection.md b/docs/resources/connection.md
index 1520d138f..3cc372061 100644
--- a/docs/resources/connection.md
+++ b/docs/resources/connection.md
@@ -609,7 +609,6 @@ resource "auth0_connection" "okta" {
### Read-Only
-- `enabled_clients` (Set of String) IDs of the clients for which the connection is enabled. Reading the enabled clients through this attribute is deprecated and it will be removed in a future major version. Use the `auth0_connection` data source instead.
- `id` (String) The ID of this resource.
diff --git a/docs/resources/email.md b/docs/resources/email.md
index 74617c0c9..cf63b66be 100644
--- a/docs/resources/email.md
+++ b/docs/resources/email.md
@@ -75,7 +75,6 @@ Optional:
- `access_key_id` (String, Sensitive) AWS Access Key ID. Used only for AWS.
- `api_key` (String, Sensitive) API Key for your email service. Will always be encrypted in our database.
-- `api_user` (String, Deprecated) API User for your email service. This field is not accepted by the API any more so it will be removed in a future major version.
- `domain` (String) Domain name.
- `region` (String) Default region. Used only for AWS, Mailgun, and SparkPost.
- `secret_access_key` (String, Sensitive) AWS Secret Key. Will always be encrypted in our database. Used only for AWS.
diff --git a/docs/resources/hook.md b/docs/resources/hook.md
index 18492a817..d7fe67578 100644
--- a/docs/resources/hook.md
+++ b/docs/resources/hook.md
@@ -11,9 +11,6 @@ Hooks are secure, self-contained functions that allow you to customize the behav
!> This resource is deprecated. Refer to the [guide on how to migrate from hooks to actions](https://auth0.com/docs/customize/actions/migrate/migrate-from-hooks-to-actions) and manage your actions using the `auth0_action` resource.
-!> This resource is deprecated. Refer to the [guide on how to migrate from rules to actions](https://auth0.com/docs/customize/actions/migrate/migrate-from-rules-to-actions)
-and manage your actions using the `auth0_action` resource.
## Example Usage
diff --git a/docs/resources/rule.md b/docs/resources/rule.md
index fade6aa05..63e2a7a45 100644
--- a/docs/resources/rule.md
+++ b/docs/resources/rule.md
@@ -11,9 +11,6 @@ With Auth0, you can create custom Javascript snippets that run in a secure, isol
!> This resource is deprecated. Refer to the [guide on how to migrate from rules to actions](https://auth0.com/docs/customize/actions/migrate/migrate-from-rules-to-actions) and manage your actions using the `auth0_action` resource.
-!> This resource is deprecated. Refer to the [guide on how to migrate from hooks to actions](https://auth0.com/docs/customize/actions/migrate/migrate-from-hooks-to-actions)
-and manage your actions using the `auth0_action` resource.
## Example Usage
diff --git a/docs/resources/trigger_binding.md b/docs/resources/trigger_binding.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 264d6a68c..000000000
--- a/docs/resources/trigger_binding.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-page_title: "Resource: auth0_trigger_binding"
-description: |-
- With this resource, you can bind actions to a trigger. Once actions are created and deployed, they can be attached (i.e. bound) to a trigger so that it will be executed as part of a flow. The list of actions reflects the order in which they will be executed during the appropriate flow.
- !> This resource has been renamed to auth0_trigger_actions. The auth0_trigger_binding alias will be removed in the next major version release. Check the [MIGRATIONGUIDE]https://github.com/auth0/terraform-provider-auth0/blob/main/MIGRATIONGUIDE.md#trigger-binding-renaming for more info.
-# Resource: auth0_trigger_binding
-With this resource, you can bind actions to a trigger. Once actions are created and deployed, they can be attached (i.e. bound) to a trigger so that it will be executed as part of a flow. The list of actions reflects the order in which they will be executed during the appropriate flow.
-!> This resource has been renamed to `auth0_trigger_actions`. The `auth0_trigger_binding` alias will be removed in the next major version release. Check the [MIGRATION_GUIDE]https://github.com/auth0/terraform-provider-auth0/blob/main/MIGRATION_GUIDE.md#trigger-binding-renaming for more info.
-## Example Usage
-resource "auth0_action" "action_foo" {
- name = "Test Trigger Binding Foo"
- code = <<-EOT
- exports.onContinuePostLogin = async (event, api) => {
- console.log("foo");
- };"
- deploy = true
- supported_triggers {
- id = "post-login"
- version = "v3"
- }
-resource "auth0_action" "action_bar" {
- name = "Test Trigger Binding Bar"
- code = <<-EOT
- exports.onContinuePostLogin = async (event, api) => {
- console.log("bar");
- };"
- deploy = true
- supported_triggers {
- id = "post-login"
- version = "v3"
- }
-resource "auth0_trigger_binding" "login_flow" {
- trigger = "post-login"
- actions {
- id = auth0_action.action_foo.id
- display_name = auth0_action.action_foo.name
- }
- actions {
- id = auth0_action.action_bar.id
- display_name = auth0_action.action_bar.name
- }
-## Schema
-### Required
-- `actions` (Block List, Min: 1) The list of actions bound to this trigger. (see [below for nested schema](#nestedblock--actions))
-- `trigger` (String) The ID of the trigger to bind with. Options include: `post-login`, `credentials-exchange`, `pre-user-registration`, `post-user-registration`, `post-change-password`, `send-phone-message`, `password-reset-post-challenge`, `iga-approval` , `iga-certification` , `iga-fulfillment-assignment`, `iga-fulfillment-execution`.
-### Read-Only
-- `id` (String) The ID of this resource.
-### Nested Schema for `actions`
-- `display_name` (String) The display name of the action within the flow.
-- `id` (String) Action ID.
-## Import
-Import is supported using the following syntax:
-# This resource can be imported using the bindings trigger ID.
-# Example:
-terraform import auth0_trigger_binding.example "post-login"
diff --git a/internal/auth0/action/resource_trigger_binding.go b/internal/auth0/action/resource_trigger_binding.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 96af4317c..000000000
--- a/internal/auth0/action/resource_trigger_binding.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-package action
-import (
- "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-sdk/v2/helper/schema"
-// NewTriggerBindingResource will return a new auth0_trigger_binding resource.
-func NewTriggerBindingResource() *schema.Resource {
- // TODO: remove this resource for v1 release.
- resource := NewTriggerActionsResource()
- resource.DeprecationMessage = "This resource has been renamed to `auth0_trigger_actions`. The `auth0_trigger_binding` alias will be removed in the next major version release. Check the [MIGRATION_GUIDE]https://github.com/auth0/terraform-provider-auth0/blob/main/MIGRATION_GUIDE.md#trigger-binding-renaming for more info."
- resource.Description = resource.Description + "\n\n!> " + resource.DeprecationMessage
- return resource
diff --git a/internal/auth0/connection/data_source.go b/internal/auth0/connection/data_source.go
index 0a91491f6..33abe7d2e 100644
--- a/internal/auth0/connection/data_source.go
+++ b/internal/auth0/connection/data_source.go
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import (
- "github.com/auth0/terraform-provider-auth0/internal/auth0"
internalSchema "github.com/auth0/terraform-provider-auth0/internal/schema"
@@ -34,28 +33,37 @@ func dataSourceSchema() map[string]*schema.Schema {
dataSourceSchema["name"].Description = "The name of the connection. If not provided, `connection_id` must be set."
dataSourceSchema["name"].AtLeastOneOf = []string{"connection_id", "name"}
- dataSourceSchema["enabled_clients"].Deprecated = ""
- dataSourceSchema["enabled_clients"].Description = "IDs of the clients for which the connection is enabled."
+ dataSourceSchema["enabled_clients"] = &schema.Schema{
+ Type: schema.TypeSet,
+ Elem: &schema.Schema{
+ Type: schema.TypeString,
+ },
+ Computed: true,
+ Description: "IDs of the clients for which the connection is enabled.",
+ }
return dataSourceSchema
func readConnectionForDataSource(ctx context.Context, data *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) diag.Diagnostics {
+ api := meta.(*config.Config).GetAPI()
connectionID := data.Get("connection_id").(string)
if connectionID != "" {
+ connection, err := api.Connection.Read(ctx, connectionID)
+ if err != nil {
+ return diag.FromErr(err)
+ }
- return auth0.CheckFor404Error(ctx, readConnection, data, meta)
+ return flattenConnectionForDataSource(data, connection)
- api := meta.(*config.Config).GetAPI()
name := data.Get("name").(string)
page := 0
for {
- connections, err := api.Connection.List(
- ctx,
- management.IncludeFields("id", "name"),
- management.Page(page),
- )
+ connections, err := api.Connection.List(ctx, management.Page(page))
if err != nil {
return diag.FromErr(err)
@@ -63,7 +71,7 @@ func readConnectionForDataSource(ctx context.Context, data *schema.ResourceData,
for _, connection := range connections.Connections {
if connection.GetName() == name {
- return auth0.CheckFor404Error(ctx, readConnection, data, meta)
+ return flattenConnectionForDataSource(data, connection)
diff --git a/internal/auth0/connection/data_source_test.go b/internal/auth0/connection/data_source_test.go
index 129e53157..41e694675 100644
--- a/internal/auth0/connection/data_source_test.go
+++ b/internal/auth0/connection/data_source_test.go
@@ -10,6 +10,12 @@ import (
+const testAccDataConnectionNonExistentID = `
+data "auth0_connection" "test" {
+ connection_id = "con_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
const testAccGivenAConnection = `
resource "auth0_connection" "my_connection" {
name = "Acceptance-Test-Connection-{{.testName}}"
@@ -59,9 +65,13 @@ func TestAccDataSourceConnectionRequiredArguments(t *testing.T) {
-func TestAccDataSourceConnectionByName(t *testing.T) {
+func TestAccDataSourceConnection(t *testing.T) {
acctest.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
Steps: []resource.TestStep{
+ {
+ Config: acctest.ParseTestName(testAccDataConnectionNonExistentID, t.Name()),
+ ExpectError: regexp.MustCompile("404 Not Found: The connection does not exist"),
+ },
Config: acctest.ParseTestName(testAccDataConnectionConfigByName, t.Name()),
Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(
@@ -77,13 +87,6 @@ func TestAccDataSourceConnectionByName(t *testing.T) {
resource.TestCheckResourceAttr("data.auth0_connection.test", "enabled_clients.#", "1"),
- },
- })
-func TestAccDataSourceConnectionByID(t *testing.T) {
- acctest.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
- Steps: []resource.TestStep{
Config: acctest.ParseTestName(testAccDataConnectionConfigByID, t.Name()),
Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(
@@ -102,22 +105,3 @@ func TestAccDataSourceConnectionByID(t *testing.T) {
-const testAccDataConnectionNonexistentID = `
-data "auth0_connection" "test" {
- connection_id = "con_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
-func TestAccDataSourceConnectionNonexistentID(t *testing.T) {
- acctest.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
- Steps: []resource.TestStep{
- {
- Config: acctest.ParseTestName(testAccDataConnectionNonexistentID, t.Name()),
- ExpectError: regexp.MustCompile(
- `no resource found with that identifier \((404\))`,
- ),
- },
- },
- })
diff --git a/internal/auth0/connection/expand.go b/internal/auth0/connection/expand.go
index 2d223e3c5..b68d596c0 100644
--- a/internal/auth0/connection/expand.go
+++ b/internal/auth0/connection/expand.go
@@ -30,10 +30,6 @@ func expandConnection(ctx context.Context, d *schema.ResourceData, api *manageme
connection.Realms = value.Strings(config.GetAttr("realms"))
- if d.HasChange("enabled_clients") {
- connection.EnabledClients = value.Strings(config.GetAttr("enabled_clients"))
- }
var diagnostics diag.Diagnostics
strategy := d.Get("strategy").(string)
showAsButton := value.Bool(config.GetAttr("show_as_button"))
diff --git a/internal/auth0/connection/flatten.go b/internal/auth0/connection/flatten.go
index 55ff260b0..7baf66bea 100644
--- a/internal/auth0/connection/flatten.go
+++ b/internal/auth0/connection/flatten.go
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ func flattenConnection(data *schema.ResourceData, connection *management.Connect
data.Set("options", connectionOptions),
data.Set("realms", connection.GetRealms()),
data.Set("metadata", connection.GetMetadata()),
- data.Set("enabled_clients", connection.GetEnabledClients()),
switch connection.GetStrategy() {
@@ -41,6 +40,16 @@ func flattenConnection(data *schema.ResourceData, connection *management.Connect
return diag.FromErr(result.ErrorOrNil())
+func flattenConnectionForDataSource(data *schema.ResourceData, connection *management.Connection) diag.Diagnostics {
+ diags := flattenConnection(data, connection)
+ err := data.Set("enabled_clients", connection.GetEnabledClients())
+ diags = append(diags, diag.FromErr(err)...)
+ return diags
func flattenConnectionOptions(d *schema.ResourceData, options interface{}) ([]interface{}, diag.Diagnostics) {
if options == nil {
return nil, nil
diff --git a/internal/auth0/connection/resource.go b/internal/auth0/connection/resource.go
index f82ccada1..30e62cd53 100644
--- a/internal/auth0/connection/resource.go
+++ b/internal/auth0/connection/resource.go
@@ -24,8 +24,7 @@ func NewResource() *schema.Resource {
"which may include identity providers (such as Google or LinkedIn), databases, or " +
"passwordless authentication methods. This resource allows you to configure " +
"and manage connections to be used with your clients and users.",
- Schema: resourceSchema,
- SchemaVersion: 0,
+ Schema: resourceSchema,
diff --git a/internal/auth0/connection/schema.go b/internal/auth0/connection/schema.go
index d1607edfc..6dbd69b6d 100644
--- a/internal/auth0/connection/schema.go
+++ b/internal/auth0/connection/schema.go
@@ -768,13 +768,4 @@ var resourceSchema = map[string]*schema.Schema{
Optional: true,
Description: "Display connection as a button. Only available on enterprise connections.",
- "enabled_clients": {
- Type: schema.TypeSet,
- Elem: &schema.Schema{
- Type: schema.TypeString,
- },
- Computed: true,
- Description: "IDs of the clients for which the connection is enabled. " +
- "Reading the enabled clients through this attribute is deprecated and it will be removed in a future major version. Use the `auth0_connection` data source instead.",
- },
diff --git a/internal/auth0/email/resource.go b/internal/auth0/email/resource.go
index 7b377fa03..f06647008 100644
--- a/internal/auth0/email/resource.go
+++ b/internal/auth0/email/resource.go
@@ -56,12 +56,6 @@ func NewResource() *schema.Resource {
Description: "Configuration settings for the credentials for the email provider.",
Elem: &schema.Resource{
Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{
- "api_user": {
- Type: schema.TypeString,
- Optional: true,
- Deprecated: "This field is not accepted by the API any more so it will be removed soon.",
- Description: "API User for your email service. This field is not accepted by the API any more so it will be removed in a future major version.",
- },
"api_key": {
Type: schema.TypeString,
Optional: true,
diff --git a/internal/provider/provider.go b/internal/provider/provider.go
index c9b4c01a5..6b1bc1aa1 100644
--- a/internal/provider/provider.go
+++ b/internal/provider/provider.go
@@ -88,7 +88,6 @@ func New() *schema.Provider {
ResourcesMap: map[string]*schema.Resource{
"auth0_action": action.NewResource(),
- "auth0_trigger_binding": action.NewTriggerBindingResource(),
"auth0_trigger_actions": action.NewTriggerActionsResource(),
"auth0_trigger_action": action.NewTriggerActionResource(),
"auth0_attack_protection": attackprotection.NewResource(),
diff --git a/templates/resources/hook.md.tmpl b/templates/resources/hook.md.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 0cd07ed01..000000000
--- a/templates/resources/hook.md.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-page_title: "{{.Type}}: {{.Name}}"
-description: |-
-{{ .Description | plainmarkdown | trimspace | prefixlines " " }}
-# {{.Type}}: {{.Name}}
-{{ .Description | trimspace }}
-!> This resource is deprecated. Refer to the [guide on how to migrate from rules to actions](https://auth0.com/docs/customize/actions/migrate/migrate-from-rules-to-actions)
-and manage your actions using the `auth0_action` resource.
-{{ if .HasExample -}}
-## Example Usage
-{{ tffile .ExampleFile }}
-{{- end }}
-{{ .SchemaMarkdown | trimspace }}
-{{ if .HasImport -}}
-## Import
-Import is supported using the following syntax:
-{{ codefile "shell" .ImportFile }}
-{{- end }}
diff --git a/templates/resources/rule.md.tmpl b/templates/resources/rule.md.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a1835d12..000000000
--- a/templates/resources/rule.md.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-page_title: "{{.Type}}: {{.Name}}"
-description: |-
-{{ .Description | plainmarkdown | trimspace | prefixlines " " }}
-# {{.Type}}: {{.Name}}
-{{ .Description | trimspace }}
-!> This resource is deprecated. Refer to the [guide on how to migrate from hooks to actions](https://auth0.com/docs/customize/actions/migrate/migrate-from-hooks-to-actions)
-and manage your actions using the `auth0_action` resource.
-{{ if .HasExample -}}
-## Example Usage
-{{ tffile .ExampleFile }}
-{{- end }}
-{{ .SchemaMarkdown | trimspace }}
-{{ if .HasImport -}}
-## Import
-Import is supported using the following syntax:
-{{ codefile "shell" .ImportFile }}
-{{- end }}
diff --git a/test/data/recordings/TestAccDataSourceConnection.yaml b/test/data/recordings/TestAccDataSourceConnection.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..94996bc81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/data/recordings/TestAccDataSourceConnection.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,1081 @@
+version: 2
+ - id: 0
+ request:
+ proto: HTTP/1.1
+ proto_major: 1
+ proto_minor: 1
+ content_length: 5
+ transfer_encoding: []
+ trailer: {}
+ host: terraform-provider-auth0-dev.eu.auth0.com
+ remote_addr: ""
+ request_uri: ""
+ body: |
+ null
+ form: {}
+ headers:
+ Content-Type:
+ - application/json
+ User-Agent:
+ - Go-Auth0/1.0.0-beta.0
+ url: https://terraform-provider-auth0-dev.eu.auth0.com/api/v2/connections/con_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
+ method: GET
+ response:
+ proto: HTTP/2.0
+ proto_major: 2
+ proto_minor: 0
+ transfer_encoding: []
+ trailer: {}
+ content_length: -1
+ uncompressed: true
+ body: '{"statusCode":404,"error":"Not Found","message":"The connection does not exist","errorCode":"inexistent_connection"}'
+ headers:
+ Content-Type:
+ - application/json; charset=utf-8
+ status: 404 Not Found
+ code: 404
+ duration: 101.57925ms
+ - id: 1
+ request:
+ proto: HTTP/1.1
+ proto_major: 1
+ proto_minor: 1
+ content_length: 85
+ transfer_encoding: []
+ trailer: {}
+ host: terraform-provider-auth0-dev.eu.auth0.com
+ remote_addr: ""
+ request_uri: ""
+ body: |
+ {"name":"Acceptance-Test-Connection-TestAccDataSourceConnection","strategy":"auth0"}
+ form: {}
+ headers:
+ Content-Type:
+ - application/json
+ User-Agent:
+ - Go-Auth0/1.0.0-beta.0
+ url: https://terraform-provider-auth0-dev.eu.auth0.com/api/v2/connections
+ method: POST
+ response:
+ proto: HTTP/2.0
+ proto_major: 2
+ proto_minor: 0
+ transfer_encoding: []
+ trailer: {}
+ content_length: 369
+ uncompressed: false
+ body: '{"id":"con_mAAAYvDQXOWnF9fa","options":{"mfa":{"active":true,"return_enroll_settings":true},"passwordPolicy":"good","strategy_version":2,"brute_force_protection":true},"strategy":"auth0","name":"Acceptance-Test-Connection-TestAccDataSourceConnection","is_domain_connection":false,"enabled_clients":[],"realms":["Acceptance-Test-Connection-TestAccDataSourceConnection"]}'
+ headers:
+ Content-Type:
+ - application/json; charset=utf-8
+ status: 201 Created
+ code: 201
+ duration: 143.678417ms
+ - id: 2
+ request:
+ proto: HTTP/1.1
+ proto_major: 1
+ proto_minor: 1
+ content_length: 5
+ transfer_encoding: []
+ trailer: {}
+ host: terraform-provider-auth0-dev.eu.auth0.com
+ remote_addr: ""
+ request_uri: ""
+ body: |
+ null
+ form: {}
+ headers:
+ Content-Type:
+ - application/json
+ User-Agent:
+ - Go-Auth0/1.0.0-beta.0
+ url: https://terraform-provider-auth0-dev.eu.auth0.com/api/v2/connections/con_mAAAYvDQXOWnF9fa
+ method: GET
+ response:
+ proto: HTTP/2.0
+ proto_major: 2
+ proto_minor: 0
+ transfer_encoding: []
+ trailer: {}
+ content_length: -1
+ uncompressed: true
+ body: '{"id":"con_mAAAYvDQXOWnF9fa","options":{"mfa":{"active":true,"return_enroll_settings":true},"passwordPolicy":"good","strategy_version":2,"brute_force_protection":true},"strategy":"auth0","name":"Acceptance-Test-Connection-TestAccDataSourceConnection","is_domain_connection":false,"enabled_clients":[],"realms":["Acceptance-Test-Connection-TestAccDataSourceConnection"]}'
+ headers:
+ Content-Type:
+ - application/json; charset=utf-8
+ status: 200 OK
+ code: 200
+ duration: 121.269792ms
+ - id: 3
+ request:
+ proto: HTTP/1.1
+ proto_major: 1
+ proto_minor: 1
+ content_length: 86
+ transfer_encoding: []
+ trailer: {}
+ host: terraform-provider-auth0-dev.eu.auth0.com
+ remote_addr: ""
+ request_uri: ""
+ body: |
+ {"name":"Acceptance Test - TestAccDataSourceConnection","app_type":"non_interactive"}
+ form: {}
+ headers:
+ Content-Type:
+ - application/json
+ User-Agent:
+ - Go-Auth0/1.0.0-beta.0
+ url: https://terraform-provider-auth0-dev.eu.auth0.com/api/v2/clients
+ method: POST
+ response:
+ proto: HTTP/2.0
+ proto_major: 2
+ proto_minor: 0
+ transfer_encoding: []
+ trailer: {}
+ content_length: -1
+ uncompressed: false
+ body: '{"name":"Acceptance Test - TestAccDataSourceConnection","client_id":"7Y6ZVoP3fzF8WEDFMJWToL2dyFT9ftFK","client_secret":"[REDACTED]","app_type":"non_interactive","is_first_party":true,"is_token_endpoint_ip_header_trusted":false,"oidc_conformant":false,"jwt_configuration":{"secret_encoded":false,"lifetime_in_seconds":36000},"signing_keys":[{"cert":"[REDACTED]"}],"sso_disabled":false,"grant_types":["authorization_code","implicit","refresh_token","client_credentials"],"custom_login_page_on":true,"refresh_token":{"rotation_type":"non-rotating","expiration_type":"non-expiring","leeway":0,"token_lifetime":2592000,"infinite_token_lifetime":true,"infinite_idle_token_lifetime":true,"idle_token_lifetime":1296000}}'
+ headers:
+ Content-Type:
+ - application/json; charset=utf-8
+ status: 201 Created
+ code: 201
+ duration: 429.037792ms
+ - id: 4
+ request:
+ proto: HTTP/1.1
+ proto_major: 1
+ proto_minor: 1
+ content_length: 5
+ transfer_encoding: []
+ trailer: {}
+ host: terraform-provider-auth0-dev.eu.auth0.com
+ remote_addr: ""
+ request_uri: ""
+ body: |
+ null
+ form: {}
+ headers:
+ Content-Type:
+ - application/json
+ User-Agent:
+ - Go-Auth0/1.0.0-beta.0
+ url: https://terraform-provider-auth0-dev.eu.auth0.com/api/v2/clients/7Y6ZVoP3fzF8WEDFMJWToL2dyFT9ftFK
+ method: GET
+ response:
+ proto: HTTP/2.0
+ proto_major: 2
+ proto_minor: 0
+ transfer_encoding: []
+ trailer: {}
+ content_length: -1
+ uncompressed: true
+ body: '{"name":"Acceptance Test - TestAccDataSourceConnection","client_id":"7Y6ZVoP3fzF8WEDFMJWToL2dyFT9ftFK","client_secret":"[REDACTED]","app_type":"non_interactive","is_first_party":true,"is_token_endpoint_ip_header_trusted":false,"oidc_conformant":false,"jwt_configuration":{"secret_encoded":false,"lifetime_in_seconds":36000},"signing_keys":[{"cert":"[REDACTED]"}],"sso_disabled":false,"grant_types":["authorization_code","implicit","refresh_token","client_credentials"],"custom_login_page_on":true,"refresh_token":{"rotation_type":"non-rotating","expiration_type":"non-expiring","leeway":0,"token_lifetime":2592000,"infinite_token_lifetime":true,"infinite_idle_token_lifetime":true,"idle_token_lifetime":1296000}}'
+ headers:
+ Content-Type:
+ - application/json; charset=utf-8
+ status: 200 OK
+ code: 200
+ duration: 124.978041ms
+ - id: 5
+ request:
+ proto: HTTP/1.1
+ proto_major: 1
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+ trailer: {}
+ host: terraform-provider-auth0-dev.eu.auth0.com
+ remote_addr: ""
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+ body: |
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+ form: {}
+ headers:
+ Content-Type:
+ - application/json
+ User-Agent:
+ - Go-Auth0/1.0.0-beta.0
+ url: https://terraform-provider-auth0-dev.eu.auth0.com/api/v2/connections/con_mAAAYvDQXOWnF9fa
+ method: GET
+ response:
+ proto: HTTP/2.0
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+ proto_minor: 0
+ transfer_encoding: []
+ trailer: {}
+ content_length: -1
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+ body: '{"id":"con_mAAAYvDQXOWnF9fa","options":{"mfa":{"active":true,"return_enroll_settings":true},"passwordPolicy":"good","strategy_version":2,"brute_force_protection":true},"strategy":"auth0","name":"Acceptance-Test-Connection-TestAccDataSourceConnection","is_domain_connection":false,"enabled_clients":[],"realms":["Acceptance-Test-Connection-TestAccDataSourceConnection"]}'
+ headers:
+ Content-Type:
+ - application/json; charset=utf-8
+ status: 200 OK
+ code: 200
+ duration: 157.890167ms
+ - id: 6
+ request:
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+ content_length: 57
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+ host: terraform-provider-auth0-dev.eu.auth0.com
+ remote_addr: ""
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+ {"enabled_clients":["7Y6ZVoP3fzF8WEDFMJWToL2dyFT9ftFK"]}
+ form: {}
+ headers:
+ Content-Type:
+ - application/json
+ User-Agent:
+ - Go-Auth0/1.0.0-beta.0
+ url: https://terraform-provider-auth0-dev.eu.auth0.com/api/v2/connections/con_mAAAYvDQXOWnF9fa
+ method: PATCH
+ response:
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+ proto_minor: 0
+ transfer_encoding: []
+ trailer: {}
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+ body: '{"id":"con_mAAAYvDQXOWnF9fa","options":{"mfa":{"active":true,"return_enroll_settings":true},"passwordPolicy":"good","strategy_version":2,"brute_force_protection":true},"strategy":"auth0","name":"Acceptance-Test-Connection-TestAccDataSourceConnection","is_domain_connection":false,"enabled_clients":["7Y6ZVoP3fzF8WEDFMJWToL2dyFT9ftFK"],"realms":["Acceptance-Test-Connection-TestAccDataSourceConnection"]}'
+ headers:
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+ - application/json; charset=utf-8
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+ - id: 7
+ request:
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+ headers:
+ Content-Type:
+ - application/json
+ User-Agent:
+ - Go-Auth0/1.0.0-beta.0
+ url: https://terraform-provider-auth0-dev.eu.auth0.com/api/v2/connections/con_mAAAYvDQXOWnF9fa
+ method: GET
+ response:
+ proto: HTTP/2.0
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+ transfer_encoding: []
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+ body: '{"id":"con_mAAAYvDQXOWnF9fa","options":{"mfa":{"active":true,"return_enroll_settings":true},"passwordPolicy":"good","strategy_version":2,"brute_force_protection":true},"strategy":"auth0","name":"Acceptance-Test-Connection-TestAccDataSourceConnection","is_domain_connection":false,"enabled_clients":["7Y6ZVoP3fzF8WEDFMJWToL2dyFT9ftFK"],"realms":["Acceptance-Test-Connection-TestAccDataSourceConnection"]}'
+ headers:
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+ - application/json; charset=utf-8
+ status: 200 OK
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+ - id: 8
+ request:
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+ proto_major: 1
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+ trailer: {}
+ host: terraform-provider-auth0-dev.eu.auth0.com
+ remote_addr: ""
+ request_uri: ""
+ body: |
+ null
+ form: {}
+ headers:
+ Content-Type:
+ - application/json
+ User-Agent:
+ - Go-Auth0/1.0.0-beta.0
+ url: https://terraform-provider-auth0-dev.eu.auth0.com/api/v2/connections?include_totals=true&page=0&per_page=50
+ method: GET
+ response:
+ proto: HTTP/2.0
+ proto_major: 2
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+ body: '{"total":3,"start":0,"limit":50,"connections":[{"id":"con_mAAAYvDQXOWnF9fa","options":{"mfa":{"active":true,"return_enroll_settings":true},"passwordPolicy":"good","strategy_version":2,"brute_force_protection":true},"strategy":"auth0","name":"Acceptance-Test-Connection-TestAccDataSourceConnection","is_domain_connection":false,"realms":["Acceptance-Test-Connection-TestAccDataSourceConnection"],"enabled_clients":["7Y6ZVoP3fzF8WEDFMJWToL2dyFT9ftFK"]},{"id":"con_d6CfsAghAZ4jQjwN","options":{"email":true,"scope":["email","profile"],"profile":true},"strategy":"google-oauth2","name":"google-oauth2","is_domain_connection":false,"realms":["google-oauth2"],"enabled_clients":["Kqoad1upS7U9WL0TSASFuPMguc2Ttegh","w1336KJwTZOudMX62U6xdeSTak3X2XpV","7Y6ZVoP3fzF8WEDFMJWToL2dyFT9ftFK"]},{"id":"con_UEX6U5V7FC5K4fHY","options":{"mfa":{"active":true,"return_enroll_settings":true},"validation":{"username":{"max":100,"min":1}},"import_mode":false,"configuration":{},"customScripts":{"login":"function login(email, password, callback) {\n // This script should authenticate a user against the credentials stored in\n // your database.\n // It is executed when a user attempts to log in or immediately after signing\n // up (as a verification that the user was successfully signed up).\n //\n // Everything returned by this script will be set as part of the user profile\n // and will be visible by any of the tenant admins. Avoid adding attributes\n // with values such as passwords, keys, secrets, etc.\n //\n // The `password` parameter of this function is in plain text. It must be\n // hashed/salted to match whatever is stored in your database. For example:\n //\n // var bcrypt = require(''bcrypt@0.8.5'');\n // bcrypt.compare(password, dbPasswordHash, function(err, res)) { ... }\n //\n // There are three ways this script can finish:\n // 1. The user''s credentials are valid. The returned user profile should be in\n // the following format: https://auth0.com/docs/users/normalized/auth0/normalized-user-profile-schema\n // var profile = {\n // user_id: ..., // user_id is mandatory\n // email: ...,\n // [...]\n // };\n // callback(null, profile);\n // 2. The user''s credentials are invalid\n // callback(new WrongUsernameOrPasswordError(email, \"my error message\"));\n //\n // Note: Passing no arguments or a falsey first argument to\n // `WrongUsernameOrPasswordError` will result in the error being logged as\n // an `fu` event (invalid username/email) with an empty string for a user_id.\n // Providing a truthy first argument will result in the error being logged\n // as an `fp` event (the user exists, but the password is invalid) with a\n // user_id value of \"auth0|\". See the `Log Event Type Codes`\n // documentation for more information about these event types:\n // https://auth0.com/docs/deploy-monitor/logs/log-event-type-codes\n // 3. Something went wrong while trying to reach your database\n // callback(new Error(\"my error message\"));\n //\n // A list of Node.js modules which can be referenced is available here:\n //\n // https://tehsis.github.io/webtaskio-canirequire/\n\n const msg = ''Please implement the Login script for this database connection '' +\n ''at https://manage.auth0.com/#/connections/database'';\n return callback(new Error(msg));\n}\n","create":"function create(user, callback) {\n // This script should create a user entry in your existing database. It will\n // be executed when a user attempts to sign up, or when a user is created\n // through the Auth0 dashboard or API.\n // When this script has finished executing, the Login script will be\n // executed immediately afterwards, to verify that the user was created\n // successfully.\n //\n // The user object will always contain the following properties:\n // * email: the user''s email\n // * password: the password entered by the user, in plain text\n // * tenant: the name of this Auth0 account\n // * client_id: the client ID of the application where the user signed up, or\n // API key if created through the API or Auth0 dashboard\n // * connection: the name of this database connection\n //\n // There are three ways this script can finish:\n // 1. A user was successfully created\n // callback(null);\n // 2. This user already exists in your database\n // callback(new ValidationError(\"user_exists\", \"my error message\"));\n // 3. Something went wrong while trying to reach your database\n // callback(new Error(\"my error message\"));\n\n const msg = ''Please implement the Create script for this database connection '' +\n ''at https://manage.auth0.com/#/connections/database'';\n return callback(new Error(msg));\n}\n","delete":"function remove(id, callback) {\n // This script remove a user from your existing database.\n // It is executed whenever a user is deleted from the API or Auth0 dashboard.\n //\n // There are two ways that this script can finish:\n // 1. The user was removed successfully:\n // callback(null);\n // 2. Something went wrong while trying to reach your database:\n // callback(new Error(\"my error message\"));\n\n const msg = ''Please implement the Delete script for this database '' +\n ''connection at https://manage.auth0.com/#/connections/database'';\n return callback(new Error(msg));\n}\n","verify":"function verify(email, callback) {\n // This script should mark the current user''s email address as verified in\n // your database.\n // It is executed whenever a user clicks the verification link sent by email.\n // These emails can be customized at https://manage.auth0.com/#/emails.\n // It is safe to assume that the user''s email already exists in your database,\n // because verification emails, if enabled, are sent immediately after a\n // successful signup.\n //\n // There are two ways that this script can finish:\n // 1. The user''s email was verified successfully\n // callback(null, true);\n // 2. Something went wrong while trying to reach your database:\n // callback(new Error(\"my error message\"));\n //\n // If an error is returned, it will be passed to the query string of the page\n // where the user is being redirected to after clicking the verification link.\n // For example, returning `callback(new Error(\"error\"))` and redirecting to\n // https://example.com would redirect to the following URL:\n // https://example.com?email=alice%40example.com&message=error&success=false\n\n const msg = ''Please implement the Verify script for this database connection '' +\n ''at https://manage.auth0.com/#/connections/database'';\n return callback(new Error(msg));\n}\n","get_user":"function getByEmail(email, callback) {\n // This script should retrieve a user profile from your existing database,\n // without authenticating the user.\n // It is used to check if a user exists before executing flows that do not\n // require authentication (signup and password reset).\n //\n // There are three ways this script can finish:\n // 1. A user was successfully found. The profile should be in the following\n // format: https://auth0.com/docs/users/normalized/auth0/normalized-user-profile-schema.\n // callback(null, profile);\n // 2. A user was not found\n // callback(null);\n // 3. Something went wrong while trying to reach your database:\n // callback(new Error(\"my error message\"));\n\n const msg = ''Please implement the Get User script for this database connection '' +\n ''at https://manage.auth0.com/#/connections/database'';\n return callback(new Error(msg));\n}\n","change_password":"function changePassword(email, newPassword, callback) {\n // This script should change the password stored for the current user in your\n // database. It is executed when the user clicks on the confirmation link\n // after a reset password request.\n // The content and behavior of password confirmation emails can be customized\n // here: https://manage.auth0.com/#/emails\n // The `newPassword` parameter of this function is in plain text. It must be\n // hashed/salted to match whatever is stored in your database.\n //\n // There are three ways that this script can finish:\n // 1. The user''s password was updated successfully:\n // callback(null, true);\n // 2. The user''s password was not updated:\n // callback(null, false);\n // 3. Something went wrong while trying to reach your database:\n // callback(new Error(\"my error message\"));\n //\n // If an error is returned, it will be passed to the query string of the page\n // where the user is being redirected to after clicking the confirmation link.\n // For example, returning `callback(new Error(\"error\"))` and redirecting to\n // https://example.com would redirect to the following URL:\n // https://example.com?email=alice%40example.com&message=error&success=false\n\n const msg = ''Please implement the Change Password script for this database '' +\n ''connection at https://manage.auth0.com/#/connections/database'';\n return callback(new Error(msg));\n}\n"},"passwordPolicy":"good","password_history":{"size":5,"enable":false},"strategy_version":2,"requires_username":true,"password_dictionary":{"enable":false,"dictionary":[]},"brute_force_protection":true,"password_no_personal_info":{"enable":false},"password_complexity_options":{"min_length":8},"enabledDatabaseCustomization":false},"strategy":"auth0","name":"Username-Password-Authentication","is_domain_connection":false,"realms":["Username-Password-Authentication"],"enabled_clients":["Kqoad1upS7U9WL0TSASFuPMguc2Ttegh","w1336KJwTZOudMX62U6xdeSTak3X2XpV","7Y6ZVoP3fzF8WEDFMJWToL2dyFT9ftFK"]}]}'
+ headers:
+ Content-Type:
+ - application/json; charset=utf-8
+ status: 200 OK
+ code: 200
+ duration: 108.035208ms
+ - id: 9
+ request:
+ proto: HTTP/1.1
+ proto_major: 1
+ proto_minor: 1
+ content_length: 5
+ transfer_encoding: []
+ trailer: {}
+ host: terraform-provider-auth0-dev.eu.auth0.com
+ remote_addr: ""
+ request_uri: ""
+ body: |
+ null
+ form: {}
+ headers:
+ Content-Type:
+ - application/json
+ User-Agent:
+ - Go-Auth0/1.0.0-beta.0
+ url: https://terraform-provider-auth0-dev.eu.auth0.com/api/v2/connections?include_totals=true&page=0&per_page=50
+ method: GET
+ response:
+ proto: HTTP/2.0
+ proto_major: 2
+ proto_minor: 0
+ transfer_encoding: []
+ trailer: {}
+ content_length: -1
+ uncompressed: true
+ body: '{"total":3,"start":0,"limit":50,"connections":[{"id":"con_mAAAYvDQXOWnF9fa","options":{"mfa":{"active":true,"return_enroll_settings":true},"passwordPolicy":"good","strategy_version":2,"brute_force_protection":true},"strategy":"auth0","name":"Acceptance-Test-Connection-TestAccDataSourceConnection","is_domain_connection":false,"realms":["Acceptance-Test-Connection-TestAccDataSourceConnection"],"enabled_clients":["7Y6ZVoP3fzF8WEDFMJWToL2dyFT9ftFK"]},{"id":"con_d6CfsAghAZ4jQjwN","options":{"email":true,"scope":["email","profile"],"profile":true},"strategy":"google-oauth2","name":"google-oauth2","is_domain_connection":false,"realms":["google-oauth2"],"enabled_clients":["Kqoad1upS7U9WL0TSASFuPMguc2Ttegh","w1336KJwTZOudMX62U6xdeSTak3X2XpV","7Y6ZVoP3fzF8WEDFMJWToL2dyFT9ftFK"]},{"id":"con_UEX6U5V7FC5K4fHY","options":{"mfa":{"active":true,"return_enroll_settings":true},"validation":{"username":{"max":100,"min":1}},"import_mode":false,"configuration":{},"customScripts":{"login":"function login(email, password, callback) {\n // This script should authenticate a user against the credentials stored in\n // your database.\n // It is executed when a user attempts to log in or immediately after signing\n // up (as a verification that the user was successfully signed up).\n //\n // Everything returned by this script will be set as part of the user profile\n // and will be visible by any of the tenant admins. Avoid adding attributes\n // with values such as passwords, keys, secrets, etc.\n //\n // The `password` parameter of this function is in plain text. It must be\n // hashed/salted to match whatever is stored in your database. For example:\n //\n // var bcrypt = require(''bcrypt@0.8.5'');\n // bcrypt.compare(password, dbPasswordHash, function(err, res)) { ... }\n //\n // There are three ways this script can finish:\n // 1. The user''s credentials are valid. The returned user profile should be in\n // the following format: https://auth0.com/docs/users/normalized/auth0/normalized-user-profile-schema\n // var profile = {\n // user_id: ..., // user_id is mandatory\n // email: ...,\n // [...]\n // };\n // callback(null, profile);\n // 2. The user''s credentials are invalid\n // callback(new WrongUsernameOrPasswordError(email, \"my error message\"));\n //\n // Note: Passing no arguments or a falsey first argument to\n // `WrongUsernameOrPasswordError` will result in the error being logged as\n // an `fu` event (invalid username/email) with an empty string for a user_id.\n // Providing a truthy first argument will result in the error being logged\n // as an `fp` event (the user exists, but the password is invalid) with a\n // user_id value of \"auth0|\". See the `Log Event Type Codes`\n // documentation for more information about these event types:\n // https://auth0.com/docs/deploy-monitor/logs/log-event-type-codes\n // 3. Something went wrong while trying to reach your database\n // callback(new Error(\"my error message\"));\n //\n // A list of Node.js modules which can be referenced is available here:\n //\n // https://tehsis.github.io/webtaskio-canirequire/\n\n const msg = ''Please implement the Login script for this database connection '' +\n ''at https://manage.auth0.com/#/connections/database'';\n return callback(new Error(msg));\n}\n","create":"function create(user, callback) {\n // This script should create a user entry in your existing database. It will\n // be executed when a user attempts to sign up, or when a user is created\n // through the Auth0 dashboard or API.\n // When this script has finished executing, the Login script will be\n // executed immediately afterwards, to verify that the user was created\n // successfully.\n //\n // The user object will always contain the following properties:\n // * email: the user''s email\n // * password: the password entered by the user, in plain text\n // * tenant: the name of this Auth0 account\n // * client_id: the client ID of the application where the user signed up, or\n // API key if created through the API or Auth0 dashboard\n // * connection: the name of this database connection\n //\n // There are three ways this script can finish:\n // 1. A user was successfully created\n // callback(null);\n // 2. This user already exists in your database\n // callback(new ValidationError(\"user_exists\", \"my error message\"));\n // 3. Something went wrong while trying to reach your database\n // callback(new Error(\"my error message\"));\n\n const msg = ''Please implement the Create script for this database connection '' +\n ''at https://manage.auth0.com/#/connections/database'';\n return callback(new Error(msg));\n}\n","delete":"function remove(id, callback) {\n // This script remove a user from your existing database.\n // It is executed whenever a user is deleted from the API or Auth0 dashboard.\n //\n // There are two ways that this script can finish:\n // 1. The user was removed successfully:\n // callback(null);\n // 2. Something went wrong while trying to reach your database:\n // callback(new Error(\"my error message\"));\n\n const msg = ''Please implement the Delete script for this database '' +\n ''connection at https://manage.auth0.com/#/connections/database'';\n return callback(new Error(msg));\n}\n","verify":"function verify(email, callback) {\n // This script should mark the current user''s email address as verified in\n // your database.\n // It is executed whenever a user clicks the verification link sent by email.\n // These emails can be customized at https://manage.auth0.com/#/emails.\n // It is safe to assume that the user''s email already exists in your database,\n // because verification emails, if enabled, are sent immediately after a\n // successful signup.\n //\n // There are two ways that this script can finish:\n // 1. The user''s email was verified successfully\n // callback(null, true);\n // 2. Something went wrong while trying to reach your database:\n // callback(new Error(\"my error message\"));\n //\n // If an error is returned, it will be passed to the query string of the page\n // where the user is being redirected to after clicking the verification link.\n // For example, returning `callback(new Error(\"error\"))` and redirecting to\n // https://example.com would redirect to the following URL:\n // https://example.com?email=alice%40example.com&message=error&success=false\n\n const msg = ''Please implement the Verify script for this database connection '' +\n ''at https://manage.auth0.com/#/connections/database'';\n return callback(new Error(msg));\n}\n","get_user":"function getByEmail(email, callback) {\n // This script should retrieve a user profile from your existing database,\n // without authenticating the user.\n // It is used to check if a user exists before executing flows that do not\n // require authentication (signup and password reset).\n //\n // There are three ways this script can finish:\n // 1. A user was successfully found. The profile should be in the following\n // format: https://auth0.com/docs/users/normalized/auth0/normalized-user-profile-schema.\n // callback(null, profile);\n // 2. A user was not found\n // callback(null);\n // 3. Something went wrong while trying to reach your database:\n // callback(new Error(\"my error message\"));\n\n const msg = ''Please implement the Get User script for this database connection '' +\n ''at https://manage.auth0.com/#/connections/database'';\n return callback(new Error(msg));\n}\n","change_password":"function changePassword(email, newPassword, callback) {\n // This script should change the password stored for the current user in your\n // database. It is executed when the user clicks on the confirmation link\n // after a reset password request.\n // The content and behavior of password confirmation emails can be customized\n // here: https://manage.auth0.com/#/emails\n // The `newPassword` parameter of this function is in plain text. It must be\n // hashed/salted to match whatever is stored in your database.\n //\n // There are three ways that this script can finish:\n // 1. The user''s password was updated successfully:\n // callback(null, true);\n // 2. The user''s password was not updated:\n // callback(null, false);\n // 3. Something went wrong while trying to reach your database:\n // callback(new Error(\"my error message\"));\n //\n // If an error is returned, it will be passed to the query string of the page\n // where the user is being redirected to after clicking the confirmation link.\n // For example, returning `callback(new Error(\"error\"))` and redirecting to\n // https://example.com would redirect to the following URL:\n // https://example.com?email=alice%40example.com&message=error&success=false\n\n const msg = ''Please implement the Change Password script for this database '' +\n ''connection at https://manage.auth0.com/#/connections/database'';\n return callback(new Error(msg));\n}\n"},"passwordPolicy":"good","password_history":{"size":5,"enable":false},"strategy_version":2,"requires_username":true,"password_dictionary":{"enable":false,"dictionary":[]},"brute_force_protection":true,"password_no_personal_info":{"enable":false},"password_complexity_options":{"min_length":8},"enabledDatabaseCustomization":false},"strategy":"auth0","name":"Username-Password-Authentication","is_domain_connection":false,"realms":["Username-Password-Authentication"],"enabled_clients":["Kqoad1upS7U9WL0TSASFuPMguc2Ttegh","w1336KJwTZOudMX62U6xdeSTak3X2XpV","7Y6ZVoP3fzF8WEDFMJWToL2dyFT9ftFK"]}]}'
+ headers:
+ Content-Type:
+ - application/json; charset=utf-8
+ status: 200 OK
+ code: 200
+ duration: 107.597875ms
+ - id: 10
+ request:
+ proto: HTTP/1.1
+ proto_major: 1
+ proto_minor: 1
+ content_length: 5
+ transfer_encoding: []
+ trailer: {}
+ host: terraform-provider-auth0-dev.eu.auth0.com
+ remote_addr: ""
+ request_uri: ""
+ body: |
+ null
+ form: {}
+ headers:
+ Content-Type:
+ - application/json
+ User-Agent:
+ - Go-Auth0/1.0.0-beta.0
+ url: https://terraform-provider-auth0-dev.eu.auth0.com/api/v2/connections/con_mAAAYvDQXOWnF9fa
+ method: GET
+ response:
+ proto: HTTP/2.0
+ proto_major: 2
+ proto_minor: 0
+ transfer_encoding: []
+ trailer: {}
+ content_length: -1
+ uncompressed: true
+ body: '{"id":"con_mAAAYvDQXOWnF9fa","options":{"mfa":{"active":true,"return_enroll_settings":true},"passwordPolicy":"good","strategy_version":2,"brute_force_protection":true},"strategy":"auth0","name":"Acceptance-Test-Connection-TestAccDataSourceConnection","is_domain_connection":false,"enabled_clients":["7Y6ZVoP3fzF8WEDFMJWToL2dyFT9ftFK"],"realms":["Acceptance-Test-Connection-TestAccDataSourceConnection"]}'
+ headers:
+ Content-Type:
+ - application/json; charset=utf-8
+ status: 200 OK
+ code: 200
+ duration: 106.123292ms
+ - id: 11
+ request:
+ proto: HTTP/1.1
+ proto_major: 1
+ proto_minor: 1
+ content_length: 5
+ transfer_encoding: []
+ trailer: {}
+ host: terraform-provider-auth0-dev.eu.auth0.com
+ remote_addr: ""
+ request_uri: ""
+ body: |
+ null
+ form: {}
+ headers:
+ Content-Type:
+ - application/json
+ User-Agent:
+ - Go-Auth0/1.0.0-beta.0
+ url: https://terraform-provider-auth0-dev.eu.auth0.com/api/v2/clients/7Y6ZVoP3fzF8WEDFMJWToL2dyFT9ftFK
+ method: GET
+ response:
+ proto: HTTP/2.0
+ proto_major: 2
+ proto_minor: 0
+ transfer_encoding: []
+ trailer: {}
+ content_length: -1
+ uncompressed: true
+ body: '{"name":"Acceptance Test - TestAccDataSourceConnection","client_id":"7Y6ZVoP3fzF8WEDFMJWToL2dyFT9ftFK","client_secret":"[REDACTED]","app_type":"non_interactive","is_first_party":true,"is_token_endpoint_ip_header_trusted":false,"oidc_conformant":false,"jwt_configuration":{"secret_encoded":false,"lifetime_in_seconds":36000},"signing_keys":[{"cert":"[REDACTED]"}],"sso_disabled":false,"grant_types":["authorization_code","implicit","refresh_token","client_credentials"],"custom_login_page_on":true,"refresh_token":{"rotation_type":"non-rotating","expiration_type":"non-expiring","leeway":0,"token_lifetime":2592000,"infinite_token_lifetime":true,"infinite_idle_token_lifetime":true,"idle_token_lifetime":1296000}}'
+ headers:
+ Content-Type:
+ - application/json; charset=utf-8
+ status: 200 OK
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+ request:
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+ headers:
+ Content-Type:
+ - application/json
+ User-Agent:
+ - Go-Auth0/1.0.0-beta.0
+ url: https://terraform-provider-auth0-dev.eu.auth0.com/api/v2/connections/con_mAAAYvDQXOWnF9fa
+ method: GET
+ response:
+ proto: HTTP/2.0
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+ body: '{"id":"con_mAAAYvDQXOWnF9fa","options":{"mfa":{"active":true,"return_enroll_settings":true},"passwordPolicy":"good","strategy_version":2,"brute_force_protection":true},"strategy":"auth0","name":"Acceptance-Test-Connection-TestAccDataSourceConnection","is_domain_connection":false,"enabled_clients":["7Y6ZVoP3fzF8WEDFMJWToL2dyFT9ftFK"],"realms":["Acceptance-Test-Connection-TestAccDataSourceConnection"]}'
+ headers:
+ Content-Type:
+ - application/json; charset=utf-8
+ status: 200 OK
+ code: 200
+ duration: 127.175708ms
+ - id: 13
+ request:
+ proto: HTTP/1.1
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+ transfer_encoding: []
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+ host: terraform-provider-auth0-dev.eu.auth0.com
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+ body: |
+ null
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+ headers:
+ Content-Type:
+ - application/json
+ User-Agent:
+ - Go-Auth0/1.0.0-beta.0
+ url: https://terraform-provider-auth0-dev.eu.auth0.com/api/v2/connections?include_totals=true&page=0&per_page=50
+ method: GET
+ response:
+ proto: HTTP/2.0
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+ body: '{"total":3,"start":0,"limit":50,"connections":[{"id":"con_mAAAYvDQXOWnF9fa","options":{"mfa":{"active":true,"return_enroll_settings":true},"passwordPolicy":"good","strategy_version":2,"brute_force_protection":true},"strategy":"auth0","name":"Acceptance-Test-Connection-TestAccDataSourceConnection","is_domain_connection":false,"realms":["Acceptance-Test-Connection-TestAccDataSourceConnection"],"enabled_clients":["7Y6ZVoP3fzF8WEDFMJWToL2dyFT9ftFK"]},{"id":"con_d6CfsAghAZ4jQjwN","options":{"email":true,"scope":["email","profile"],"profile":true},"strategy":"google-oauth2","name":"google-oauth2","is_domain_connection":false,"realms":["google-oauth2"],"enabled_clients":["Kqoad1upS7U9WL0TSASFuPMguc2Ttegh","w1336KJwTZOudMX62U6xdeSTak3X2XpV","7Y6ZVoP3fzF8WEDFMJWToL2dyFT9ftFK"]},{"id":"con_UEX6U5V7FC5K4fHY","options":{"mfa":{"active":true,"return_enroll_settings":true},"validation":{"username":{"max":100,"min":1}},"import_mode":false,"configuration":{},"customScripts":{"login":"function login(email, password, callback) {\n // This script should authenticate a user against the credentials stored in\n // your database.\n // It is executed when a user attempts to log in or immediately after signing\n // up (as a verification that the user was successfully signed up).\n //\n // Everything returned by this script will be set as part of the user profile\n // and will be visible by any of the tenant admins. Avoid adding attributes\n // with values such as passwords, keys, secrets, etc.\n //\n // The `password` parameter of this function is in plain text. It must be\n // hashed/salted to match whatever is stored in your database. For example:\n //\n // var bcrypt = require(''bcrypt@0.8.5'');\n // bcrypt.compare(password, dbPasswordHash, function(err, res)) { ... }\n //\n // There are three ways this script can finish:\n // 1. The user''s credentials are valid. The returned user profile should be in\n // the following format: https://auth0.com/docs/users/normalized/auth0/normalized-user-profile-schema\n // var profile = {\n // user_id: ..., // user_id is mandatory\n // email: ...,\n // [...]\n // };\n // callback(null, profile);\n // 2. The user''s credentials are invalid\n // callback(new WrongUsernameOrPasswordError(email, \"my error message\"));\n //\n // Note: Passing no arguments or a falsey first argument to\n // `WrongUsernameOrPasswordError` will result in the error being logged as\n // an `fu` event (invalid username/email) with an empty string for a user_id.\n // Providing a truthy first argument will result in the error being logged\n // as an `fp` event (the user exists, but the password is invalid) with a\n // user_id value of \"auth0|\". See the `Log Event Type Codes`\n // documentation for more information about these event types:\n // https://auth0.com/docs/deploy-monitor/logs/log-event-type-codes\n // 3. Something went wrong while trying to reach your database\n // callback(new Error(\"my error message\"));\n //\n // A list of Node.js modules which can be referenced is available here:\n //\n // https://tehsis.github.io/webtaskio-canirequire/\n\n const msg = ''Please implement the Login script for this database connection '' +\n ''at https://manage.auth0.com/#/connections/database'';\n return callback(new Error(msg));\n}\n","create":"function create(user, callback) {\n // This script should create a user entry in your existing database. It will\n // be executed when a user attempts to sign up, or when a user is created\n // through the Auth0 dashboard or API.\n // When this script has finished executing, the Login script will be\n // executed immediately afterwards, to verify that the user was created\n // successfully.\n //\n // The user object will always contain the following properties:\n // * email: the user''s email\n // * password: the password entered by the user, in plain text\n // * tenant: the name of this Auth0 account\n // * client_id: the client ID of the application where the user signed up, or\n // API key if created through the API or Auth0 dashboard\n // * connection: the name of this database connection\n //\n // There are three ways this script can finish:\n // 1. A user was successfully created\n // callback(null);\n // 2. This user already exists in your database\n // callback(new ValidationError(\"user_exists\", \"my error message\"));\n // 3. Something went wrong while trying to reach your database\n // callback(new Error(\"my error message\"));\n\n const msg = ''Please implement the Create script for this database connection '' +\n ''at https://manage.auth0.com/#/connections/database'';\n return callback(new Error(msg));\n}\n","delete":"function remove(id, callback) {\n // This script remove a user from your existing database.\n // It is executed whenever a user is deleted from the API or Auth0 dashboard.\n //\n // There are two ways that this script can finish:\n // 1. The user was removed successfully:\n // callback(null);\n // 2. Something went wrong while trying to reach your database:\n // callback(new Error(\"my error message\"));\n\n const msg = ''Please implement the Delete script for this database '' +\n ''connection at https://manage.auth0.com/#/connections/database'';\n return callback(new Error(msg));\n}\n","verify":"function verify(email, callback) {\n // This script should mark the current user''s email address as verified in\n // your database.\n // It is executed whenever a user clicks the verification link sent by email.\n // These emails can be customized at https://manage.auth0.com/#/emails.\n // It is safe to assume that the user''s email already exists in your database,\n // because verification emails, if enabled, are sent immediately after a\n // successful signup.\n //\n // There are two ways that this script can finish:\n // 1. The user''s email was verified successfully\n // callback(null, true);\n // 2. Something went wrong while trying to reach your database:\n // callback(new Error(\"my error message\"));\n //\n // If an error is returned, it will be passed to the query string of the page\n // where the user is being redirected to after clicking the verification link.\n // For example, returning `callback(new Error(\"error\"))` and redirecting to\n // https://example.com would redirect to the following URL:\n // https://example.com?email=alice%40example.com&message=error&success=false\n\n const msg = ''Please implement the Verify script for this database connection '' +\n ''at https://manage.auth0.com/#/connections/database'';\n return callback(new Error(msg));\n}\n","get_user":"function getByEmail(email, callback) {\n // This script should retrieve a user profile from your existing database,\n // without authenticating the user.\n // It is used to check if a user exists before executing flows that do not\n // require authentication (signup and password reset).\n //\n // There are three ways this script can finish:\n // 1. A user was successfully found. The profile should be in the following\n // format: https://auth0.com/docs/users/normalized/auth0/normalized-user-profile-schema.\n // callback(null, profile);\n // 2. A user was not found\n // callback(null);\n // 3. Something went wrong while trying to reach your database:\n // callback(new Error(\"my error message\"));\n\n const msg = ''Please implement the Get User script for this database connection '' +\n ''at https://manage.auth0.com/#/connections/database'';\n return callback(new Error(msg));\n}\n","change_password":"function changePassword(email, newPassword, callback) {\n // This script should change the password stored for the current user in your\n // database. It is executed when the user clicks on the confirmation link\n // after a reset password request.\n // The content and behavior of password confirmation emails can be customized\n // here: https://manage.auth0.com/#/emails\n // The `newPassword` parameter of this function is in plain text. It must be\n // hashed/salted to match whatever is stored in your database.\n //\n // There are three ways that this script can finish:\n // 1. The user''s password was updated successfully:\n // callback(null, true);\n // 2. The user''s password was not updated:\n // callback(null, false);\n // 3. Something went wrong while trying to reach your database:\n // callback(new Error(\"my error message\"));\n //\n // If an error is returned, it will be passed to the query string of the page\n // where the user is being redirected to after clicking the confirmation link.\n // For example, returning `callback(new Error(\"error\"))` and redirecting to\n // https://example.com would redirect to the following URL:\n // https://example.com?email=alice%40example.com&message=error&success=false\n\n const msg = ''Please implement the Change Password script for this database '' +\n ''connection at https://manage.auth0.com/#/connections/database'';\n return callback(new Error(msg));\n}\n"},"passwordPolicy":"good","password_history":{"size":5,"enable":false},"strategy_version":2,"requires_username":true,"password_dictionary":{"enable":false,"dictionary":[]},"brute_force_protection":true,"password_no_personal_info":{"enable":false},"password_complexity_options":{"min_length":8},"enabledDatabaseCustomization":false},"strategy":"auth0","name":"Username-Password-Authentication","is_domain_connection":false,"realms":["Username-Password-Authentication"],"enabled_clients":["Kqoad1upS7U9WL0TSASFuPMguc2Ttegh","w1336KJwTZOudMX62U6xdeSTak3X2XpV","7Y6ZVoP3fzF8WEDFMJWToL2dyFT9ftFK"]}]}'
+ headers:
+ Content-Type:
+ - application/json; charset=utf-8
+ status: 200 OK
+ code: 200
+ duration: 111.884041ms
+ - id: 14
+ request:
+ proto: HTTP/1.1
+ proto_major: 1
+ proto_minor: 1
+ content_length: 5
+ transfer_encoding: []
+ trailer: {}
+ host: terraform-provider-auth0-dev.eu.auth0.com
+ remote_addr: ""
+ request_uri: ""
+ body: |
+ null
+ form: {}
+ headers:
+ Content-Type:
+ - application/json
+ User-Agent:
+ - Go-Auth0/1.0.0-beta.0
+ url: https://terraform-provider-auth0-dev.eu.auth0.com/api/v2/connections?include_totals=true&page=0&per_page=50
+ method: GET
+ response:
+ proto: HTTP/2.0
+ proto_major: 2
+ proto_minor: 0
+ transfer_encoding: []
+ trailer: {}
+ content_length: -1
+ uncompressed: true
+ body: '{"total":3,"start":0,"limit":50,"connections":[{"id":"con_mAAAYvDQXOWnF9fa","options":{"mfa":{"active":true,"return_enroll_settings":true},"passwordPolicy":"good","strategy_version":2,"brute_force_protection":true},"strategy":"auth0","name":"Acceptance-Test-Connection-TestAccDataSourceConnection","is_domain_connection":false,"realms":["Acceptance-Test-Connection-TestAccDataSourceConnection"],"enabled_clients":["7Y6ZVoP3fzF8WEDFMJWToL2dyFT9ftFK"]},{"id":"con_d6CfsAghAZ4jQjwN","options":{"email":true,"scope":["email","profile"],"profile":true},"strategy":"google-oauth2","name":"google-oauth2","is_domain_connection":false,"realms":["google-oauth2"],"enabled_clients":["Kqoad1upS7U9WL0TSASFuPMguc2Ttegh","w1336KJwTZOudMX62U6xdeSTak3X2XpV","7Y6ZVoP3fzF8WEDFMJWToL2dyFT9ftFK"]},{"id":"con_UEX6U5V7FC5K4fHY","options":{"mfa":{"active":true,"return_enroll_settings":true},"validation":{"username":{"max":100,"min":1}},"import_mode":false,"configuration":{},"customScripts":{"login":"function login(email, password, callback) {\n // This script should authenticate a user against the credentials stored in\n // your database.\n // It is executed when a user attempts to log in or immediately after signing\n // up (as a verification that the user was successfully signed up).\n //\n // Everything returned by this script will be set as part of the user profile\n // and will be visible by any of the tenant admins. Avoid adding attributes\n // with values such as passwords, keys, secrets, etc.\n //\n // The `password` parameter of this function is in plain text. It must be\n // hashed/salted to match whatever is stored in your database. For example:\n //\n // var bcrypt = require(''bcrypt@0.8.5'');\n // bcrypt.compare(password, dbPasswordHash, function(err, res)) { ... }\n //\n // There are three ways this script can finish:\n // 1. The user''s credentials are valid. The returned user profile should be in\n // the following format: https://auth0.com/docs/users/normalized/auth0/normalized-user-profile-schema\n // var profile = {\n // user_id: ..., // user_id is mandatory\n // email: ...,\n // [...]\n // };\n // callback(null, profile);\n // 2. The user''s credentials are invalid\n // callback(new WrongUsernameOrPasswordError(email, \"my error message\"));\n //\n // Note: Passing no arguments or a falsey first argument to\n // `WrongUsernameOrPasswordError` will result in the error being logged as\n // an `fu` event (invalid username/email) with an empty string for a user_id.\n // Providing a truthy first argument will result in the error being logged\n // as an `fp` event (the user exists, but the password is invalid) with a\n // user_id value of \"auth0|\". See the `Log Event Type Codes`\n // documentation for more information about these event types:\n // https://auth0.com/docs/deploy-monitor/logs/log-event-type-codes\n // 3. Something went wrong while trying to reach your database\n // callback(new Error(\"my error message\"));\n //\n // A list of Node.js modules which can be referenced is available here:\n //\n // https://tehsis.github.io/webtaskio-canirequire/\n\n const msg = ''Please implement the Login script for this database connection '' +\n ''at https://manage.auth0.com/#/connections/database'';\n return callback(new Error(msg));\n}\n","create":"function create(user, callback) {\n // This script should create a user entry in your existing database. It will\n // be executed when a user attempts to sign up, or when a user is created\n // through the Auth0 dashboard or API.\n // When this script has finished executing, the Login script will be\n // executed immediately afterwards, to verify that the user was created\n // successfully.\n //\n // The user object will always contain the following properties:\n // * email: the user''s email\n // * password: the password entered by the user, in plain text\n // * tenant: the name of this Auth0 account\n // * client_id: the client ID of the application where the user signed up, or\n // API key if created through the API or Auth0 dashboard\n // * connection: the name of this database connection\n //\n // There are three ways this script can finish:\n // 1. A user was successfully created\n // callback(null);\n // 2. This user already exists in your database\n // callback(new ValidationError(\"user_exists\", \"my error message\"));\n // 3. Something went wrong while trying to reach your database\n // callback(new Error(\"my error message\"));\n\n const msg = ''Please implement the Create script for this database connection '' +\n ''at https://manage.auth0.com/#/connections/database'';\n return callback(new Error(msg));\n}\n","delete":"function remove(id, callback) {\n // This script remove a user from your existing database.\n // It is executed whenever a user is deleted from the API or Auth0 dashboard.\n //\n // There are two ways that this script can finish:\n // 1. The user was removed successfully:\n // callback(null);\n // 2. Something went wrong while trying to reach your database:\n // callback(new Error(\"my error message\"));\n\n const msg = ''Please implement the Delete script for this database '' +\n ''connection at https://manage.auth0.com/#/connections/database'';\n return callback(new Error(msg));\n}\n","verify":"function verify(email, callback) {\n // This script should mark the current user''s email address as verified in\n // your database.\n // It is executed whenever a user clicks the verification link sent by email.\n // These emails can be customized at https://manage.auth0.com/#/emails.\n // It is safe to assume that the user''s email already exists in your database,\n // because verification emails, if enabled, are sent immediately after a\n // successful signup.\n //\n // There are two ways that this script can finish:\n // 1. The user''s email was verified successfully\n // callback(null, true);\n // 2. Something went wrong while trying to reach your database:\n // callback(new Error(\"my error message\"));\n //\n // If an error is returned, it will be passed to the query string of the page\n // where the user is being redirected to after clicking the verification link.\n // For example, returning `callback(new Error(\"error\"))` and redirecting to\n // https://example.com would redirect to the following URL:\n // https://example.com?email=alice%40example.com&message=error&success=false\n\n const msg = ''Please implement the Verify script for this database connection '' +\n ''at https://manage.auth0.com/#/connections/database'';\n return callback(new Error(msg));\n}\n","get_user":"function getByEmail(email, callback) {\n // This script should retrieve a user profile from your existing database,\n // without authenticating the user.\n // It is used to check if a user exists before executing flows that do not\n // require authentication (signup and password reset).\n //\n // There are three ways this script can finish:\n // 1. A user was successfully found. The profile should be in the following\n // format: https://auth0.com/docs/users/normalized/auth0/normalized-user-profile-schema.\n // callback(null, profile);\n // 2. A user was not found\n // callback(null);\n // 3. Something went wrong while trying to reach your database:\n // callback(new Error(\"my error message\"));\n\n const msg = ''Please implement the Get User script for this database connection '' +\n ''at https://manage.auth0.com/#/connections/database'';\n return callback(new Error(msg));\n}\n","change_password":"function changePassword(email, newPassword, callback) {\n // This script should change the password stored for the current user in your\n // database. It is executed when the user clicks on the confirmation link\n // after a reset password request.\n // The content and behavior of password confirmation emails can be customized\n // here: https://manage.auth0.com/#/emails\n // The `newPassword` parameter of this function is in plain text. It must be\n // hashed/salted to match whatever is stored in your database.\n //\n // There are three ways that this script can finish:\n // 1. The user''s password was updated successfully:\n // callback(null, true);\n // 2. The user''s password was not updated:\n // callback(null, false);\n // 3. Something went wrong while trying to reach your database:\n // callback(new Error(\"my error message\"));\n //\n // If an error is returned, it will be passed to the query string of the page\n // where the user is being redirected to after clicking the confirmation link.\n // For example, returning `callback(new Error(\"error\"))` and redirecting to\n // https://example.com would redirect to the following URL:\n // https://example.com?email=alice%40example.com&message=error&success=false\n\n const msg = ''Please implement the Change Password script for this database '' +\n ''connection at https://manage.auth0.com/#/connections/database'';\n return callback(new Error(msg));\n}\n"},"passwordPolicy":"good","password_history":{"size":5,"enable":false},"strategy_version":2,"requires_username":true,"password_dictionary":{"enable":false,"dictionary":[]},"brute_force_protection":true,"password_no_personal_info":{"enable":false},"password_complexity_options":{"min_length":8},"enabledDatabaseCustomization":false},"strategy":"auth0","name":"Username-Password-Authentication","is_domain_connection":false,"realms":["Username-Password-Authentication"],"enabled_clients":["Kqoad1upS7U9WL0TSASFuPMguc2Ttegh","w1336KJwTZOudMX62U6xdeSTak3X2XpV","7Y6ZVoP3fzF8WEDFMJWToL2dyFT9ftFK"]}]}'
+ headers:
+ Content-Type:
+ - application/json; charset=utf-8
+ status: 200 OK
+ code: 200
+ duration: 112.096334ms
+ - id: 15
+ request:
+ proto: HTTP/1.1
+ proto_major: 1
+ proto_minor: 1
+ content_length: 5
+ transfer_encoding: []
+ trailer: {}
+ host: terraform-provider-auth0-dev.eu.auth0.com
+ remote_addr: ""
+ request_uri: ""
+ body: |
+ null
+ form: {}
+ headers:
+ Content-Type:
+ - application/json
+ User-Agent:
+ - Go-Auth0/1.0.0-beta.0
+ url: https://terraform-provider-auth0-dev.eu.auth0.com/api/v2/connections/con_mAAAYvDQXOWnF9fa
+ method: GET
+ response:
+ proto: HTTP/2.0
+ proto_major: 2
+ proto_minor: 0
+ transfer_encoding: []
+ trailer: {}
+ content_length: -1
+ uncompressed: true
+ body: '{"id":"con_mAAAYvDQXOWnF9fa","options":{"mfa":{"active":true,"return_enroll_settings":true},"passwordPolicy":"good","strategy_version":2,"brute_force_protection":true},"strategy":"auth0","name":"Acceptance-Test-Connection-TestAccDataSourceConnection","is_domain_connection":false,"enabled_clients":["7Y6ZVoP3fzF8WEDFMJWToL2dyFT9ftFK"],"realms":["Acceptance-Test-Connection-TestAccDataSourceConnection"]}'
+ headers:
+ Content-Type:
+ - application/json; charset=utf-8
+ status: 200 OK
+ code: 200
+ duration: 100.637708ms
+ - id: 16
+ request:
+ proto: HTTP/1.1
+ proto_major: 1
+ proto_minor: 1
+ content_length: 5
+ transfer_encoding: []
+ trailer: {}
+ host: terraform-provider-auth0-dev.eu.auth0.com
+ remote_addr: ""
+ request_uri: ""
+ body: |
+ null
+ form: {}
+ headers:
+ Content-Type:
+ - application/json
+ User-Agent:
+ - Go-Auth0/1.0.0-beta.0
+ url: https://terraform-provider-auth0-dev.eu.auth0.com/api/v2/clients/7Y6ZVoP3fzF8WEDFMJWToL2dyFT9ftFK
+ method: GET
+ response:
+ proto: HTTP/2.0
+ proto_major: 2
+ proto_minor: 0
+ transfer_encoding: []
+ trailer: {}
+ content_length: -1
+ uncompressed: true
+ body: '{"name":"Acceptance Test - TestAccDataSourceConnection","client_id":"7Y6ZVoP3fzF8WEDFMJWToL2dyFT9ftFK","client_secret":"[REDACTED]","app_type":"non_interactive","is_first_party":true,"is_token_endpoint_ip_header_trusted":false,"oidc_conformant":false,"jwt_configuration":{"secret_encoded":false,"lifetime_in_seconds":36000},"signing_keys":[{"cert":"[REDACTED]"}],"sso_disabled":false,"grant_types":["authorization_code","implicit","refresh_token","client_credentials"],"custom_login_page_on":true,"refresh_token":{"rotation_type":"non-rotating","expiration_type":"non-expiring","leeway":0,"token_lifetime":2592000,"infinite_token_lifetime":true,"infinite_idle_token_lifetime":true,"idle_token_lifetime":1296000}}'
+ headers:
+ Content-Type:
+ - application/json; charset=utf-8
+ status: 200 OK
+ code: 200
+ duration: 117.273083ms
+ - id: 17
+ request:
+ proto: HTTP/1.1
+ proto_major: 1
+ proto_minor: 1
+ content_length: 5
+ transfer_encoding: []
+ trailer: {}
+ host: terraform-provider-auth0-dev.eu.auth0.com
+ remote_addr: ""
+ request_uri: ""
+ body: |
+ null
+ form: {}
+ headers:
+ Content-Type:
+ - application/json
+ User-Agent:
+ - Go-Auth0/1.0.0-beta.0
+ url: https://terraform-provider-auth0-dev.eu.auth0.com/api/v2/connections/con_mAAAYvDQXOWnF9fa
+ method: GET
+ response:
+ proto: HTTP/2.0
+ proto_major: 2
+ proto_minor: 0
+ transfer_encoding: []
+ trailer: {}
+ content_length: -1
+ uncompressed: true
+ body: '{"id":"con_mAAAYvDQXOWnF9fa","options":{"mfa":{"active":true,"return_enroll_settings":true},"passwordPolicy":"good","strategy_version":2,"brute_force_protection":true},"strategy":"auth0","name":"Acceptance-Test-Connection-TestAccDataSourceConnection","is_domain_connection":false,"enabled_clients":["7Y6ZVoP3fzF8WEDFMJWToL2dyFT9ftFK"],"realms":["Acceptance-Test-Connection-TestAccDataSourceConnection"]}'
+ headers:
+ Content-Type:
+ - application/json; charset=utf-8
+ status: 200 OK
+ code: 200
+ duration: 104.649166ms
+ - id: 18
+ request:
+ proto: HTTP/1.1
+ proto_major: 1
+ proto_minor: 1
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- code: 204
- duration: 171.78125ms
diff --git a/test/data/recordings/TestAccDataSourceConnectionNonexistentID.yaml b/test/data/recordings/TestAccDataSourceConnectionNonexistentID.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c6cea0f4..000000000
--- a/test/data/recordings/TestAccDataSourceConnectionNonexistentID.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-version: 2
- - id: 0
- request:
- proto: HTTP/1.1
- proto_major: 1
- proto_minor: 1
- content_length: 5
- transfer_encoding: []
- trailer: {}
- host: terraform-provider-auth0-dev.eu.auth0.com
- remote_addr: ""
- request_uri: ""
- body: |
- null
- form: {}
- headers:
- Content-Type:
- - application/json
- User-Agent:
- - Go-Auth0/1.0.0-beta.0
- url: https://terraform-provider-auth0-dev.eu.auth0.com/api/v2/connections/con_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- method: GET
- response:
- proto: HTTP/2.0
- proto_major: 2
- proto_minor: 0
- transfer_encoding: []
- trailer: {}
- content_length: -1
- uncompressed: true
- body: '{"statusCode":404,"error":"Not Found","message":"The connection does not exist","errorCode":"inexistent_connection"}'
- headers:
- Content-Type:
- - application/json; charset=utf-8
- status: 404 Not Found
- code: 404
- duration: 69.484125ms