- BugFix - nebra collector url remove
between uri path and args
- HotFix - list a single browser agent
- Enhancement - update miner collectors
- HotFix - collection is broken without user agents
- Enhancement - update to send all log counts per event
- Enhancement - update to send warnings per event
- Enhancement - add totals to log counts
- Enhancement - add container log version
- Enhancement - log counts reset to 0 on each run
- Enhancement - add log counts to system metrics
- Enhancement - add option to send hnt logs to elasticsearch
- BugFix - block height missing prometheus gateway
- BugFix - jobs break when supplying multiple prometheus endpoints
- Enhancement - improve warning message output to include hotspot address
- Enhancement - update READEME to include hosted pricing and support
- Enhancement - addresses only update on collector startup
- Enhancement - get collector configs from account index
- Enhancement - get addresses at the master scheduler
- Enhancement - increase collector frequency on rewards and activity
- Enhancement - add account balance to users backend
- Enhancement - move billing index to its own
- Enhancement - limit billing balance minimum to 0 instead of negative
- Enhancement - silence warnings for beacon witness counts
- Enhancement - allow mulitple payment wallets for billing analysis
- BugFix - billing wallet is not properly applying based on cost
- BugFix - miner collectors could die and leave locks forcing container restart
- Enhancement - give inidividual control to activity etl types
- Enhancement - witnesses and witnessed directly from activity
- Enhancement - add miner response time
- Enhancement - allow user controlled account share in production
- Enhancement - update backfill days from 30 to 5
- Enhancement - update elasticsearch queries to be more efficient
- Enhancement - update min threshold on bytes received
- Enhancement - update increased wait time interval for master schedule
- Enhancement - update master schedule is now configurable via env variables
- Enhancement - update bobcat blue dashboard json
- Enhancement - add nginx for api authentication option
- Enhancement - add support for api authentication on metric payload
- Enhancement - add support for elasticsearch data storage
- Enhancement - add support for multiple relayed port verification
- Enhancement - add miner type as a tag for group filtering
- Enhancement - add billing etl job
- Enhancement - add advanced setup readme
- Enhancement - updating test for version output
- BugFix - metrics were broken in multiple vendor miner setup
- Enhancement - update bobcat default dashboard json
- Enhancement - update bobcat blue dashboard json
- Enhancement - update README with latest changes
- Enhancement - add version to initialize line of log output
- Enhancement - add data transfer metrics to activity count
- BugFix - relayed and online status was not properly displayed
- Enhancement - add online status for all miners
- Enhancement - add relayed status for all miners
- Enhancement - add user controls for etl jobs
- Enhancement - support multiple prometheus endpoints to send data
- Enhancement - update dashboads with the shared miner metric names
- Enhancement - consolidate jq queries where possible
- BugFix - activity and reward collections were failing to update failure thresholds
- Enhancement - update metric names to no longer be unique
- Enhancement - add timeout threshold to cursor traversing
- Enhancement - add bobcat blue dashboard json to extras
- Enhancement - add default sensecap dashboard json
- Enhancement - sync status threshold updated to 20 from 50
- Enhancement - update
update command to pull stable release versions - Enhancement - update README
- Enhancement - update gauge help message for relayed status
- Enhancement - report rewards earned 15m, 1h, 1d, 7d, 30d metrics
- Enhancement - collect and report activity metrics
- Enhancement - update to not allow blank values
- Enhancement - update to catch existing values and prompt for action
- Enhancement - update with better wording during setup
- Enhancement - update with the
command - BugFix - sensecap serial numbers variable was incorrect in
- Enhancement - update the script user experience for sensecap
- Enhancement - update the reademe, fixed typos
- Enhancement - script moved to
- BugFix - sensecap api key was not properly added
- BugFix - was upgrade command was not working
- BugFix - was not setting hotspot_monitor to true
- Enhancement - add default dashboard json
- Enhancement - add to automate install and upgrades
- Enhancement - add calculated sync status for all miners
- Enhancement - add calculated height gap for all miners
- Enhancement - add build test cases
- Enhancement - add support for nebra miner
- Enhancement - add support for longap miner
- Enhancement - add docker hub image
- Enhancement - sensecap collection updated to collector and etl separation
- BugFix - witness etl data not pushed to grafana
- BugFix - sensecap serial numbers were not updated from entrypoint
- Enhancement - expand bobcat collection
- Enhancement - fix entrypoint variable replacement
- Enhancement - fix readme variable syntax
- Enhancement - fix initial collection for multiple miners on a single collector
- Enhancement - fix race condition on initial boot to allow collections to complete before the data is processed
- Enhancement - improved modular scripting
- Enhancement - improved logger
- Enhancement - updates to README
- Enhancement - add cleanup job data
- Enhancement - witness collection default moved to 1 hour
- Enhancement - fixed addition message output in logs
- Enhancement - add support for sensecap miner
- Enhancement - add block height collections
- Enhancement - fixed reward collection
- Enhancement - fixed multi address collections
- Enhancement - fixed 15 minute reward data etl
- Enhancement - fixed kulti address etl
- Enhancement - add jenkins build
- Enhancement - backfill 30 days data on initial boot
- Enhancement - move all ETL to their own microscript
- Enhancement - separate collectors from the ETL scripts
- Enhancement - move all collectors to their own microscript
- Enhancement - only query the api for reward data 15 minutes ago
- Enhancement - store data locally for ETL
- Enhancement - adding grafana, prometheus, prometheus pushgateway, and collector as a full docker stack
- Enhancement - updates to README
- HotFix - bobcat miner instance name was hardcoded
- HotFix - bobcat miner project name was hardcoded
- Enhancement - adding codeowners file to .github
- Enhancement - adding support for docker
- Enhancement - update readme with docker instructions
- Enhancement - update readme and grafana png
- Enhancement - update bobcat miner log output
- Enhancement - 1m data moved to 15m data
- Enhancement - improved debug logging for rewards
- Enhancement - improved log output
- Enhancement - api_monitor moved to hotspot_monitor
- Enhancement - moving bobcat monitor configs to hnt_monitor.conf file
- Enhancement - updating READEME
- Enhancement - moving prometheus pgateway address to config
- Enhancement - moving api url to config
- Enhancement - moving project name to config
- Enhancement - adding bobcat_miner script
- Enhancement - adding api_monitor script
- Enhancement - adding test gitignore
- Enhancement - moving addresses to their own list
- Enhancement - adding path awareness to api_monitor script
- Enhancement - reorganizing the structure. adding bin, conf, and lib directories
- Enhancement - increasing 7day and 30day accuracy by verifying the initial data object
- Enhancement - adding debug output
- Enhancement - adding server conf file
- Enhancement - solved missed data for 1 minute values when metric is sent on the 59th minute