!!! danger This is WIP. The API will change in future releases.
An algorithm is a procedure that given a model and and input performs some operations and returns an output.
Parameters of an algorithm may contain its child algorithms which used by it. Therefore, the algoirthm tree is formed, in which the root is the algorithm called to solver the model (root algorithm should be an optimization algorithm, see below).
TODO: explain why the parent algorithm must manage the records/storages of child algorithm.
Algorithms are divided into two types : "manager algorithms" and "worker algorithms". Worker algorithms just continue the calculation. They do not store and restore units as they suppose it is done by their master algorithms. Manager algorithms may divide the calculation flow into parts. Therefore, they store and restore units to make sure that their child worker algorithms have units prepared. A worker algorithm cannot have child manager algorithms.
Examples of manager algorithms : TreeSearchAlgorithm (which covers both BCP algorithm and diving algorithm), conquer algorithms, strong branching, branching rule algorithms (which create child nodes). Examples of worker algorithms : column generation, SolveIpForm, SolveLpForm, cut separation, pricing algorithms, etc.
Optimization algorithms return an OptimizationState
- infeasible: infinite bounds, no solution, infeasible termination status.